paoe n v i THE H PRINCE» ELD NEWS TIIVRFDAY, JUNE 11, 1925 1»**? "' "J1 T obstrved with a program, principally S p rin g fie ld M e th o d is t C hu rc h sale. JUNE IT, beginning at 2 P m by tbe younger children. lEbbert Memorial/) LOT ABSOLUTELY FREE. By B eacal The church eebool meets at 9:46. Bring pi« fid d le s Correspondants "Christianity Applied to tbe Whole We are seeking to make It a real 36 BBAUTIFUL RESIDENCE LOTS r Korfurlhqy o r r u n n e r Information i cal) at tbe Epworth beagne of Life w|Jl be th« theme a t the paator school of -religion ON SOUTH AOATC STREET, Fair- t a n k Of <’o n « » c erce. Eugene. ft <}. P e le r à ) Auctioneer, “Tbe man at the 11 o’eb gij afervtce Banda? merg­ at 7 P. kU midweek service at 7:30 mount car Ilea, at the ground. Monday, Jane 21’, to alert on« mW ing. In the evening at g o'clock the, Thursday. All at "The Church of tho director to aerva tor a term of 3 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17, BEQINING that aalls them all.’ UPPER WILLAMETTE annual Childrens Hay service will be Cordial Welccme Bank of C o m m e rc e, C le rk . AT 2 P. M. SHARP. ear« and on« clerk to aerva ona year 36 beaut If til lota are over looking * Eight ’atuileut«* will ha graduatod nave bean p o a t.l Alao call« tor blda CHHIANCE NO. the city, very alghtly and will m eet frtim III* Pleaaant lllll High achool tor wll>d tidve been poatad. the approval of any « waalW g M > *k A„ wdlnanre ta t iJ A v e 17th afreet llila year. Hu Hunda? night, June 14 Moat dealrae,e location for a home from Main «treat north to the Brattam at 8 o'clock P r .l Waller L. Myara of or tot an luve«|q»eW The dotation la property In the town of Springfield, the Kttgane Blbln Unlvoralty will de­ THURSTON NOTES Ideal. In tha faatear -growing sectlou, Oregon, by grading and graveling. liver l!ie batcglaurvati aerntun, just outside the city lim its with tue The cuaiiiincanietil eaerclaaa will THE TOWN OF RPRINOFIELU Mr. Herrington V h o haa been work- <-lty conveniences and low (nug-e. a fuw DOER ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ha bekl In in« high »chool gymiiualem Monda? •voiiiiig. Juno IS. al 8 O’clock ng nt Went Kir for several week« to- blocks from the beat residences ot Portion Cue. The Common Council our city. Thia plat haa been plated of tho Town of Springfield does Here­ Hr. 1. (* Hllvara, jaalor of (ho (Irat urned home la.t Saturday. Mrs. Anna Hanson and son Harvey by Bo- beat experienced auhdlvlalon by d*«lare Its Intention to Improv* Clirlatlan church In Eugene will de­ from (ilenadn vlalted friends In Thurs­ men ot our country In such a manner iit .i a»rect ftom Main street north liver III» addreaa. ton over the week-end, hat each lot Is facing a graded ano to the Hrcltaln property in the term Tliv program will ba aa follow« Mtsa Margaret Kuasell who attends raveled drive or street. At present of Springfield by grading and s'iv-1- Thelma Wheeler Normal at Monmonth attended Min* Proceaaleawl Itev W. A Klklna . menegment exercises here Frldav htro are several modern botnet being ‘ | ng the roadway* of said Street be- invocation ouatrurted which we will sell at, thia tween said point« 18 feet tn width, Salutatory ... Mary Harden • ,,ven(ng „ „ j gp, n< the week-end with mle. Some of our beat homo builders grad leg avid street to proper sub Arthur Lindley lhfr Cla.a W atery lave located In thia plat to? their tu t grade, and p'artng upon a IQ foot . Cora John Plano Solo CHILDRENS Hun llentile who la a traveling .re home and are building some beau- atrip through the center of aaid LADIES Orval Gulley Heading FRIDAY o he one such other ie ptrvement work aa may ....... Kay Olson year. CtSM Will be necessary to a proper and complete >f the beat streets of our city. Just (Hana Wheeler Valedictory .............. Maude Edmtatun wont to Medford walking distance of the Roosevelt Improvement o’ said street, in a*- In .tru n u nial Muste Thelma Wheeler Monday. * * * tehool and the University. With the cordance with the plana and apeclflca- MENS Hr. E V. Stiver« Addreaa Mr and Mrs James Calvert from tlona therefor, to be prepared by the FRIDAY Preaentatlon of Diplomas -----II. C - ) Junr(lon c h y v|«|ted relatives here b I kb) X^tMfe of E jg m e as a Ftalron! cen ter,, with shops, factories, anil In. town engineer and filed with the Town and SATURDAY W hieler. Chairman of High school iTnM(Jllv Recorder. board. | T(i, h|gh , choot closed la-« Friday lustrles that build great cities, with Hection Two. The costa of said Im­ Benediction Ree. W. A. Klklna # very , urceaaful term. They the state University and tbe b id of provement shall be aaafssed to and On account of the he< < alaureate i ,i>(| # p|cn |c dinner at the ball dla crade achool«. And we also have a be borne by the abutting property Phoce 563-Y sermon being given at the C hristine' .nonrt nf ,rr which the high school very bright future for oil. There 1» 646 WTL. benefited thereby; and there shall be no question |n our minds hut that thia church Sunday night the Christian En baseball team flayed the other team* Included as a part of said Improve­ deavor will meet at 6:30 Instead of of the neighborhood The Commence­ auction sale of Ihtse beoutlful nome ment. engineers charges Incurnd sights to the highest bidder Is one of 7:80 ment cxerclaee were bold at the hall In therein, not exceeding five percent of The committee« for the Pleasant the evening. which wua attended by a 'to greatest oppo*'untty that you the contract price. will ever have to own your own home lllll annual picnic are busy preparing targe crowd and enjoyed by all. APPROVED BY THE MAYOR, this for the event that wilt he held thia Mr and Mrs A. Weaver motored at your price on terms. Be sure and 11,1, au.tlon Every one wel- 8,h d«’r o f j u n e . 1626 year on Saturday. June 20 at th»! Crow 8und, y O. O. BUSHMAN. Mayor. come. A chance of your llfte Pme. Woodman Orove The picnic Is apou-f PASSED BY THE COMMON COUN­ sored by the Sunday achool this year. FREE CIL thia 8th day of June. 1926. The program for the day will be­ A BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE LOT R. W. SMITH, City Recorder. gin at 10 a m. Somr of the number« All we ask la for you Io ahend this --------------------------------------- ----- ---------- on the | rogram are a . follow«; Song, Wheeler hfoa. c|U«rtette and one by the highschool quartette; guitar mu«l * by (fleeter Wheeler and Wavne El­ liott; Mualc by the Pleasant lllll choir and audience; reading hv M l«« I x i l ’ l" lien lahadlnr; Playlet ’’Uncle Dlclf* Mistake.” with Cora John, niadyaj Wheeler. Emery Schrendera. Bov John and Douglas Kahler In the cast. In the afternoon there will be a baseball game between the high school Presents of Junction City and Pleaaant Hill. Races with prtaes'wlll be a drawing card for tbe afternoon. Th apeak»« for the morning aer- vlcee haa not been definitely decided By Booth Tarkington upon as yet. . 0- The Pleaaant Hill picnic la a con- tin sel Ion of the diatom of the early settlers of Ijine Counlv Io meet once a year to renew acquaintance« and welcome new comer« It hna become a pioneer and family gathering, people A n exclusive photo of fbe fam­ at the coming from every pari of the coun­ ous Wni. Muldoon, whs trained ty to faintly reunion«. Although msnv John L. Sullivan. Ha claims he *Early berry and fruit crops come and go "alm ost over­ bring well filled baskets the ladles hi proved that physical fitness Is of the Sunday Schoct will have a cat"'- ? great aaaeL He *aa eighty last night” for the housewife unprepared for canning days. tar la booth where lunch and hot coffee v . j k , We can supply you with every needed canning article,— can he secured. There will also he an Ire cream booth and a m iscellane­ JARS—TOPS— RUBBERS— SUGAR—etc., etc CALL AND SSE Dr N. W. Emery Admission -, Adults 40c. Children 25c ous booth, where randy, aoda pop and ' on pH; .*« on flat* and other wort, ’t Right now straw berries are coming on. Be prepared nick narks can be purchased. for low prices by the crate. This week they are a t their Mlaa Efftc Otbaon of Eugene, who Perfection bread builds sturdy was an InalructoHat the Pleasant Hill health. Fresh dally. J-1L best. .... . . .. - - high achool three year« ago vlalted | PHONE - 1 - ' ' — -------------- PHONE at the II. C. Wheeler home the past Wh**n down town drop in and «ec week-end. the new things at the Novelty Store. Ml«« Irma Laird, daughter of Mr and Mie. P. N. l-alrd. of Edenvale returned from Cedar W’ooley. W ash­ ington where she has been teaching In the high school. ■ ■— ■■ ■ - --- ------ ag-s Mr«. T. F. Kahler and daughter.) Community News AUCTION SHOE WGAINS F o r T m e F a m il y $3.9 5 $ 4 .5 0 $ 2 .5 0 $4.50 £3 50 THE HUB Get Ready For E arly C anning Junior Class of the Uuiversity High School “SEVENTEEN Thursday Evening, June 11th at 8 BELL THEATRE 8 ■ WHITE F I » ERBCERT -3 .Mary Catherine have returned to. Pleasant Hill from Blue River where I Mrs. Kahler haa been teaching In the | high school the paat few months. ’ Mtsa Alta Manning, formerly o f, Pleasant HUI graduates from Normal Wednesday night. Miss Verna Ma :• nlng. her «later graduates from the Springfield high school the same even­ ing. Notice« for the annual meeting of the Pleasant Hill nnbHc school for t Amundsen y « Friday and Saturday Features Sugar— 14 Pounds for .............. $ 1 .0 0 Amaízo Salad Oil—Pint size...................... 23c for 45C Swifts Cottage Rolls or Bacon Backs— lb...... 28c New Spuds— 10 11)8. .................... ........ •'••••• 5Oc Shilling Coffoe— I lb. .................................. .......... 50c (One M easuring Spoon with each 1 lb. Tin) Wo Make Four Deliveries Daily, (City Delivery) Il I 5 ' *•" P-» / x,t a. -.LL'' - - 'V- ■ 'W •?T -’ ’ j z * Orders of $5.00 or over free of charge You may think you’re getting your Automobile Equipment and Supplies for Less Money— But Are You? Yesterday a m an Came to Our Store And Borrowed our screw driver To put on a very small spotlight He had paid $3.45 for. We have always sold tl "* T h a t Size Spotlight fo r $1.25. We sell the big 51nch spot light------ The Same Make F or $1.95. And We Install Everything We Sell All our other prices are At the sam e ratio. I thank you! Orders Less than $5.00 only 10c Delivery Charge Captain Roald Amundsen, vet. r- an Norwegian axplorgr, thrilled the world May 81, when he ' hopped- off" In an airplane from Kiriffg Bay, Spltibergon, for the Noith pole—e d lit ante of 700 mile« ot 8 hour« fljdmt W"1«- Two Planes were In the expedition. Stewart’s SKAGS UNITED STORES PHONE 75 jfcdr. G and Third Sts. No. 213 i I 321 MAIN ST. Auto Equpm ent of Quality 948—Oak S treet—948 *IR. • • - e. 4T. ' Open Evenings ♦» < \