THURSDAY. JUNE 11, 1925 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE FOUR Lane County Farmers Union News .O F F IC IA L PUB LICA TIO N LANK CO UNTY U N IT «O . 14 - ■ ---------- Sample o f Lesson Given to Junior Farm Union • • • _ Dairymen from this and neighboring • locall'lea met at the Canary Union • hall on Bunday. June V and listened • Io an adire«» by _ ______ _ . M r. . Jam I »on. of '» • A. C. on cow teattng and an addrea, I • by County Agricultural Agent O. S. . Fletcher on the various project, he . h a . or will take «r In this county. a Both gentlemen «poke In a very . able and Interesting manner and a f t e r ! , a genera! of the v a rio u s « Local Reporters * Canary _ ______ „....J. L. Northup • Control ........... ....... Ray Bower • C lo verd ale__ Mrs. L. J. Oetchell • Coaat Fork l i r a Geo. Kebelhech • Creswell ___ Mra M A. Horn • In thia week» paper 1 am publishing D o re n a _____ Mr». Ada J« mflngs • 1« clipping from Junior Farmer Union H e c e ta __________ Mr«. B. Baker • taken from the Iowa Union Farmer. H a d le y v llle l__ Mr«. M. Ollleapie • , Ja. p „ _______ Mrs Grace Jone. • <’tt. »rtgin .to r of the Junior Ix)ranc ........... Mra. C M IM a t.r • ■ * « * P -M U h e. a lesson In each issue McKenale Mr» Lawrence Mlllcaln • ! « * ’ »* k’w* « •* Mt Yuraon.. Mrs. V. A Reynold, • <* Par"” >™ “ P ’ * * ’ “ **• silk Creek aa_____ Bulah Smith «.tlon of the Junior Farmer I nlon In T r e « J _______ .. E. B. Ttpker a fth rtr local, and Instruct theld dele Mr» W E. Post • Itate» aa to their wlahea In th l, matter topics spoken" on some tentative step, • vida ' whether or not they would like th l, were taken that may lead to. the for- j department to be a regular feature of motion of a cow testing organisation »-----!-----* to the picnic ground, either on the «»• L* t”' County Farm er, Union In this end of the county. The ladles of the Union served an beach or some suitable place nearer Mews I hope to bring this mutter be excellent and bountiful lunch to those by. ¡fore the next county convention and present. ' Brother, Potter and Sylvester an ¡» U h to have an expression from each Sister Chas Bester went to Eugene nOunce that the non arrival of their local on the subject. Mr» Tinker. Monday on business. ’ butcher tools delayed the starting o f , CANARY LOCAL 189 • » • » » • • • • OFFICKRK OF LANK COUNTY • * FARMKR*« UNIO N * TRENT LOCAL Trent txwal mel In regular session Ralph Laird, Creswell, Präsident. * W ill Wheeler, Trent. Vlce-Preal • at the home of Mr. and Mrs. K 0. dent. • Tinker Wednesday night, June a Mrs push forward an.1 Upward setting our Ratty Kappauf, Cottage Grove, * Tinker save a report on the «rate con- aim high and (ry to reach the goal aee.Treas. • volition The reports «ml feaoluiloua It la said many a good man hu» quit It was decided to N. A. Horn, Cottag, Orova, Door * were dlscussod. because of opposition and tem poral/ have the ladles of Trent laical and of Keeper * defeat. In this we should learn a to» the Pleasant H ill district meet at (he •on from nature. We have observtd H - C. Jaokaon, W altarvllle, Con • ¡horns of Mrs. F. 11 Tinker Thursday the leafing of n tree that burst forth duetor. • afternoon, June I I lo discuss the s i Its buds and a heavy frost has wither- *-• Clement, Chaplain. • ! vlsahllliy of organising a Trent local >>d and blistered Its efforts. Again * * * * * * -------------------------------------------------—* womans auxiliary Thera are several It puts forth new buds Iq an effort t o B » • • • • • • • • a • a * e • a • newcomers at Pleasant lllll ami II Is preserve life and again the buds HADLEYVILLE LOCAL • hoped the Trent Local roll call Willi freese, wither and die. Still thia tree soon bo Increased. is determined to pul forth Its foliage A discussion for the Oood of lh« and again buret forth with Its beauti­ The Hadleyvllle Loral met Tirara- Order was tndulgefl In and C. F ful coat of green. day evening. June (. with a good llyilv save some valuable suggestions Whatever reverses we meet with, crowd present. The following pro­ along 'hat line. we should be like the tree make n gram was given: Much Interest was taken In the trial until w do succeed. If we are Song .............. .... .... by Local , j | nB County Day at Corvallis. Rome beaten In our fight for right, get up My Big Brother Thelma Powell wh(, had yla|tw, Corvallis on these JUNIOR FARMERS UNION James Christensen and Gertrude their butcher wagon. They hope to and fight ngaln. remember that "truth Abu Ben Adams Knox Boy excursions expressed a desire to go June Lesson Neat were married at Eugene Monday begin operations soon, poslably this thn cruMled to earth shall rise again ' Song Meccacalla Rose. Mrs Hooker.' aga, n but no definite action was taken Vacation June 1, and arrived In Slltcoos Tue»- i eeeek. You must bear In mind that your Mrs. ITaett. Mrs. Reals. I „ commencement and the enthral Now that vacation period I, here learning In school la only a prepain ¿ay, June S. Tuesday evening a large The ranch occupied by Brother True Story of California— Mrs. Guy pi,.*,,,. will keep roaUlenta of Pleasant number of friends gathered at Silt- shotlenberg has been sold and he will where we have an Intermission front Lory course for greater education. Our Knox. m u buay next week. coos hall to welcome them and wish move by December. He la looking fo r,o u r school work, we should not lose rpn, knowledge Is obtained from per- Reading Mr. Pratl nlnr|| nk of the local will them many years of married happl- i another location. i sight of the fact that a great oppor- «(,nal touch with natures teaching« Song. M r Woggle < children be ha|d a, (bo home of C. 8. Jordan, ness. Mr. Christensen responded In a I — - 1 ■ — tunlty la ours for applied knowledge ttnd pacb Individual's own effort and Muelc, violin Midlanlel Boys j une 22 Those who have not b«-eti royal manner with two large freoaert • g frnm lh * rtllnr* of natur* sn\bltlon to do tbe greater thing« In Headtna u s il« Io the Re»rue turning out to meetings lately ora full of ice cream and other treat,. Ho5 wt” you ’ < *nd 5rour ’ • ca,,o" ? thia world Vacation Is not meant to , Ma, urged lo fall In line again and b.» I W ill we be content to Just rest and be Idled away. Every hoy and girl Hage, ,Mwa|Va Courting Experiences. The newlyweds have set up house präsent at the next meeting .................... . .. . - - - - — ¡¿o nothing or will we use It a , an I n - keeping in their handsome new , ,k. I . . , t . . , , * „ n r n a n e r M r a 1 " " -------- " -------------------------------------- ” -------------- . should look toward that Which 1« I , 1 1 ,,,., h 11 Jessie w. McCullough j,. Jordan, secretary of Trent Tinker had p rin te d ‘a copv of a letter r S .H o y n « t c r ; M» h * „ aBd best for them, and It I. bungalow at Slltcoos. McDaniel Boys ,)K.a| (pf, ,„ r Han Francisco where «s Brother Chas Sylvester is rejoicing received from the organiser of a Junior ,,udy " T P " “ ° " w- rd « « e that t h - d . v , thn,ught which yon Union orga, ( <>f , ka o m cp r. over the arrival of a pair of hand­ Her letter w a. Inspiring and ^ “ ' 7 , m ra , °*„ “ pr* p ,re T',U c y ry o n . enjoy. It very much T h . - e j w||, „ „ „ „ j K(>„ „ pr. ,.amp , h. Union some. husky, twin calves in solving the problems that will con for the grant responsibilities that arc w, rp „ r , ra | harp, , h, r. and dto ,,e expects to be gooe about 1 think a good work could be done Owing to the wet weather, work on ’ " • __ _ 7 7” I «• through the days that sre ,o c , me a m,|«, rater In life. I the music was enjoyad by all till » j |w „ WM,ks. Fiddle Creak road ha, n o t.ra rted yet. ¡’ ¿’ .Id b . U k e . up 'em Question» lata hour. I Mrs. R P. lailrd and Mrs. Betty but the contractors supplies are be- . the future. H e should ever remem 1. Whst does vacation mean* I No one ever go«» away from the ^ appaUf have been Invited to be at « • by the individual locals and organlia- < A . .. . . I ng shipped to Canary and th . rest of formed by no< her the story of the two g irl, on a ; What lesson do we learn from the Hadleyvllle Local hungry. ^le woman's meeting on Thuraday lo the outfit I , expect any ay. and Qur county meeting, so that , sight seeing trip during their vara- girle on a sight- seeing trip? M r and Mra. M Gllllsple are enter . ,a,|, re been qBju « H„w are you going to spend yocr |»ra tt_ )gr h . H. Smith. M r and M r,. c , j M Oo«j|d. c. O Cummins, showers. 'w ith the change in our son Judson always . , remember . . , . the . nice , thing» we vacation? Norman Hemenway and Children. Alt ^ obu|ned ann8 p o r t i o n bread. J U and afternoon. A basket dinner w ill ca, f ba„ He ,g u W n f kepnej. # the chlrkenpox this week. MT. VERNON LOCAL • DORENA LOCAL NO. 190 Th« lx>ne Cedar Sunday school w ill, • be served at noon. Yon are cordially M e re s t In his pure bred calf than he tve a Children's Day program »un ' e Invited to attend. TIME AND PLACE OF • give I did In the grade calf hla father gave I Miss Louts» Covllle of Medford Is h)_ . _ . . .. . . . , , . day. June 1(. Everyone Invited. • LOCAL MEETINGS • .... . ,. . .. “ lm • few *<°- I* prouil of The j(t. Vernon Local met last Wed The regular business meeting w as| 8ayara, , he Hsdleyvlllel ladle, • Canary— First Bunday and Third • visiting at the home of her aunt, slater th_ tll. , h ,_ „ tne f,c t t" at ca“ came from the | nesday evening with a very good at held June 8. with twelve member, , ra maka dre„ forrall ,n • Saturday, Farmer» Union Hall. * Snollenberg. herd of Benter and Son. A herd that tendance. present, and Hugh Doolittle acting as |he npar futur„ Monday morning brother Chaa won „lgh, r)bbong , t th<} • Clot enisle-Second and Boiirth • After the bustnesa session the Presi­ chairman. I ______________ • Fridays. < loverdnle Bchool Heuae. • Bulvester received a harry ap call terna,|ona, u , t fall One cow win- The question of raising money fur from Slltcooa that hla gasoline launch n|Bg the c,agg fo(. , ypa >n milk with (522.21 lbs. butter fat With * The secretary gave a report on the help defray the expense, of the cele a calf from a berd I)ke thl„ th„ bor or In the day quilting. During the noon convention at Corvallis and the meet­ plete and pleasing report of the con­ • Hadleyvllle — First and Third • bratlon netted over 818. vention. j girl feel they have a future before hour the I“»“ « * » « served a bountiful ing was brought to a'clone. * Thuraday«. Hadleyvllle School. • Mrs. Fox and Miss Laura Judge Miller received the reports , hem wlth a chance for „ dinner. Rev. E. V. O'Hara, of Eugene, was • Heceta—First Suaday of each The weed Inspector. O. W. McFar Tryon were the Invited guests. from the May eighth grade examina- blue ribbon for themselves, land of Cottage Grove was In the present and save an Interesting talk . n,„Blbi Heceta School House, The club will meet w|th Mra. C. I. community Wednesday looking about on "The Early History of Am erican-* j aapar_-Hecond and Fourth Wed- • tlons In Slltcoos school last week. > , believe In teaching the children W ith a single exception all pupils ! 'tbe best Is none too good." Let them Gorrle- 8r.. next month, Farming " « nesdays. W O. W. Hall. Jasper. • the Canadian thistle.. taking the examination recelrad a expect it. let them demand It. and Mra H w B’r,er visiting friends Burlap drapes for the window, of . Loran«^-Second and Fourth • The revival meetings held by Rev. passing grade in all subjects written iOme day tbey wave thelr hand near Yuba City. California, for a few ... ............ " ' fh„ community hnll were pre»ented to I • w ,«tne»t*v« l n n s* i i . ii • Archer closed Sunday evening after- . . . . „ . .. ,, , , wetines.isjs. I., o. o. f . Hall. „ j , , . < „ 't h e local by Mr and Mrs. C trl Olmpl. . M,.K. n. | o .„ j • on- ’ and greet you from the top of the we**ts. the all day services enjoyed by a l l .. .. . . . , k n* Kepzte local, second snd Examinations will be h ell again ladder. In spite of the falny weather work present the da,n,y r’,,r<,',h * fourth Wednesday. 8 p. m. I. O. O. • June 11 and 12 for those who « era ments were served and the remainder • » ,,.n on our new hall Is progressing rapid­ Mrs. L. J G’ tchell T h . funeral of Mrs. Mollie Volga (>f , hp pvpntnil w#, |octaj . ha»v ^ ' ”yy' ‘ conditioned; wish to raise their grade ly. more at Cottage Grove last Thursday S danr(n_ ' rnon "*r|ri,t and Third or failed to take It in June. Mr. and Mrs. J W. Dyer and son. of Notice to All Odd Fellows was attended by most of het many Our next social meeting will be held ' ’ W, dnMday «rnsflehl Store, Brother Les Aust»n made a trip to Mayville. Oregon are visiting at the Silk CreM A fsete First and Third • All members of Springfield Lodg. hom„ of M r, nyp„ . g|gfpr „ „ , R frienûs from Row river. Florence Sunday lor a sick neighbor the 19th of June. The young ladles - • Thursday at Cedar School House • 70. I O. O. F. are requested to McPherson. on Fiddle Creek. .Mr. and M r,. Bob Coomb, ol Eu-' of the local will have charge of this • Spencer Creek—Third Friday, • attend our annual memorial service • Bof> >n(J , ep nay(3 fT f dlg gene visit.«1 Sunday with her >rothe- meeting We are all looking forward Remember June 15 Is annual schoo' • f|ne |o( . trawberr|pa Jolui Teeters and parents. M--. and to one of the brat and liveliest meet­ • Pine Orove School House. meeting day. We hope that every at I. O. O. F. hall on Wednesday even- • Trent— Second and Fourth Wed, • Ing, June 17th. 1925. thegft day, lira. Chas. Teeters of this pla'-e citizen In every district may take an ings of the year. • nesdays. Pleasant H ill High • A cordial Invitation 1« extended to | __________________ _ active part In this important meetlrg Carl Volguinorc If ft Monda/ for • School Bldg. • Let us all plan on attending the Sllt­ the members of the Rebekah Lo«ig»‘ Vanconver to attend to business there. H a t Finger Crushed—Charles Irish, • Vida—Second and Fourth Satur- • and all visiting Rebekahs, as well as FOR SALE— Carbon paper In large coos school picnic. It will be held Mr. and Mrs. Emit Kirk al.ended of the Fischer mill at Marcóla had one • days at Mlnney Hall. • sheets, 20x39 Inches, suitable for June 21, If weather conditions are a'l visiting Odd Ft-I.ows. Service bo the dance at Cottage Grove Saturday of hla fingers crushed Wednesday • Secretaries will please send In • making tracings. The News Office. gins at 8:30 P. M. favorable. Meet at Christensens dock while loading rails at the mill. evening. • time and place of meeting and • Oswald M. Olson, Secretary. from 8 to 9 and ws will go from there • changes of date as they siay oo- • Perfection bread fill« every need of SPECIAL PRICE on plate work. Dr • You will find what you are looking • cur. N W Emery. d“ntlst Sutton Bldg the human system. J-11. for at the Novelty Store. • • • • • • • ! * ! * * * r T • The Junior Union Subscribe For the Farmers Union News New members and other Farmers Union Members who are not subscribers to the Farm Union News are requested to cut this blank and mall it to the Springfield News, Springfield, Oregon. In planning your next dinner, think of the t THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS (Farmers Union Subscription) Date. Name ........ P. O. Address Union Local .. From .........192..... to ..... ;...... .192 Member F. E. C. U. of A. Meat Co. I ; U j Eggs and Poultry Sher Khan You will be assured of clean meat« of the highest Quality, Properly chilled’ For services rendered by the Farmers Union aod 3................... . this receipt entitles the holder to subscription to the Springfield News W anted Corner 4th and Main 662 Oak Street Eugene, Oregon à