The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, June 11, 1925, Page 3, Image 3

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Prom Albany J H. Allen of Albany
In Prom Camp Creek— Mr. and Mrs.
T. 0 Edwards, were in town from registered at the Spong Hotel Friday,
('am p Creek Huturdug.
Visit Rowe Hom e M rs Hadle L am ­
M areola Man In - Frert W rig h t of
b ert » p in t Sunduy at the N, A llow e
M a rin is »l»H»<l In town Monday.
borne, returning the »atne even. ng to
M srcola Man In - C h a r i» » Hpeer of her home In Corvallis.
M arcolu was in town Monday.
D o w n Prom M arcola- M r and Mrs.
■—C o al to Qlandala— M is* M argaret J. W. McDowell of M urcola were In
Mott,'ii«<>11 wont 1» Ulondiilo Huuday to I town Munday.
visit frlm d a .
Camp Creek Men Here Bob Steph.
Stop« at Spong Hotel T . I). Allen | vnu of Camp C r e ik wue In town Tuu»>
o f Albany registered a t th« rtpontt
|,la y for supplies.
Qoei to Portland to V lelt Ml»» Drive to Salem Mr. tin,I Mrs. 4ml
Alton .Mortens, n left Tur»day to vlnlt la» M u rjh y and M r and Mr». II. T .
M lti h< II drove to Salem Sunday.
frlr iid * In Portland for tw o weeks
Return to W o rk A fte r Illness II. J
Down prom W I b erry Mr, and Mr«,
H u ,vid I It, r nny of W ln b e rry spent C o x returned to his work at the Booth-
K elly o ffice Monduy morning a fte r
Monduy In town.
Ian lllne»» of several day».
Return to Home In Glendale— M r.
and Mr» Itnlph Hun,las returned Sun­
V lg it at Salem Mr. and M r- MP. A.
day to I b ' l r homo In Glendale a fte r I T n y lo r drove to Salem Sunday to
visiting w ilt) Hr and Mr« Mortensen visit M r« T ay lo r's parent*. M r. uml
Mrs. P. Harrison.
Visits M other From A sto r,*— Mrs
W a ll m u Grove» and small «on are
Inspector Hera Monday— S A. lia r-
visiting Mr» G ro ts » ' tool her. Mr». L. 1 rl». Inspector for the N ic o la i Ik ,o r
* ' K lllot from Aatorla. They arrived t M anufacturing company of Portland,
born Monday.
vl»ltcd nt the Booth K elly m ill Men
Road W o rk Begins I ' 8 D'Spain,
superintendent of tbn bureau of public
road» was In Springfield F riday to get
mil pH,,« for h l* gang »r workman who
w ill «Inrt surfacing the M, Kenxle pu»»
tbl» week.
V isits at Cottaoa Orov»—-M r nad
M r» J W. Shaw »pent Sunday vl»lt.
log Mr», ShnWa parent». M r. and M rs.
I I ('. M itc h ell In Pottage Grove. M r,
Shaw 1« telegraph operator »1 the
depot here.
Roof Pam tad— W o rk m i n are busy
tbl» week painting the roof of the
Southern I'n r If I, depot a bright green
T h e roof waa recently repaired, and
portion» o f It reabtngled.
Lum ber
Sent to New
School— A
(ruck load o f new lum ber was sent
up from (he Booth-Kelly m ill Tueaday
for use on the new W endllng M urcola
h|gh school.
V isit at P arksr Home
Ml»» H oles
Shop Has N tw Case A new glass
Goa* to C alifo rn ia— M r. and Mrs.
showcase hag been received by the Vernon Grim e» und two children le ft
Hwnrtia uml Wutihburne m arket, and I Friday by auto tor C'alfornla, where
was InHtalled the firs t of the week. ' they w ill m ake th eir home
It has been equipped with re frig e ra t­
Baby boy Born— M r. and Mrs. Geo.
ing equipment, w ith a showcase for
the H u n lly delicatessen «hop In the 'Jacob» are the parents of a 10-pound
A new
wrapping huby boy horn Saturday m orning a t
table w ill bu Installed a t the meat th e ir home on M ill and A s treet*.
m arket soon.
In Prom M srcola— S. Adam» and
' Ivan Saunders of M arcóla were In
Come* for Graduation— M is* Eileen
i town from M arcola Frjday.
Norton arrived In Springfield Tuesday
from her home In S u therlin to attend
Ml»» Gorrie to Graduate
the graduation exercises of the high
school. Ml»« Norton 1» visiting with
U n iversity of Oregon, Eugene, June
her rousl.n Ml»s M ary W hitney, a 11,— (Special) Anne G orrie of Sprlng-
mem ber of the graduating class.
! field, w ill receive a degree from the
¡U n iv e rs ity In Botony this m onth. She
4 L O fficer V is it*—H. E
Vanes», 1» a ffilia te d w ith the Alpha X I Delta
field o fficer for the Ixtyal Jxtglon of sorority and entered the U n iversity
L ogger* and Lum berm en visited for a from the Oregon N orm al school an a
short tlfiie at the local Booth-Kelly o f­ i Junior
fice Monduy.
H e ulso visited the
local at W endllng the same day. M r.
Vanes» w ill broadriiMt o v ir K. G. W .
the Oregonian raldo e latio n. Saturday
Newspaper Man H e ra - M r. and Mrs
H a rvey M allo tt spent the week-end at
the J. C. P arker home, d rivin g home
Sunday afternoon. M r. M allo tt le ad­
vertising m anager on the Portland
'T e leg ra m , and M r» M allo tt is a niece
of M r. P arker.
Returns From T illa m o o k — W . C. Me-
l.nguri. m anager of the local Mountain
Stale» Power plant returned Tuesday
evening front a trip to T illam oo k, lie
went down Sunday.
Return to Portland A fte r V isit Mr».
I I ( ’. Dye, who ha» been vlaltlng
Moves H srs Prom Eugene— M r. and
friend» here and In Pottage Grove M rs. W m . Lyons have moved from
thl« week, returned to h er home In Eugene to S pringfield, w here M r.
Portland Monday.
Lyons w ilt be employed In the con-
V isits M other Near Thurston— Mr. ntrucllon o f the new B ratta in school.
and Mr». G arland Mi-Poy o f Los An Mra. Lyon« health dem and* fresh air.
geles are visiting at the boms of Mr«. »o they w ll live In a tent house near
MvPoya m other, Mra. G. W . Sm ith the school bouse during the ecminer
near Thurston. T hey may make th e ir months.
home here.
V isiting
M othar
H a ra — M r.
Mr». Charles M atlock and two ch ild ­
ren Eldon and Josephine are vlaltlng
a t the home of Mra. M atlock's parenla
M r. and Mr». 8. T. T y le r from th eir
home In G arfield. W ashington.
W lnzenrcld'a Have Q u a rt*— M r. and
Mr«. Joa tx>nion« »pent the w eeken d
at the John W lnsenheld home, going
on to Seattle and Vancouver. B. C.
T hey w ill retu rn the h itte r part o f the
week on th e ir way home to «M rahfleld.
Mr». Lemon» 1« a daughter of M r and
M r». W tnsenreld.
T a y lo r Shop Move» -J. F. N advornlk j
U. S. L.
For All Make* of Care
There is only one secret to
saving money, and that is
to make a start.
von've once made a start,
you'll find tiiat your sav­
ings account will grow with
almost no effort on your
part. We have a plan that
will make It easy for you
to start now. Open a sav-
Qngs account^ with a de­
posit of only one dollar or
tiKire, and we’ll lend you n
little hook coin bank to
take home. It will collect,
the strny nlcjtles and dimes
that usually slip through
your fingers, nnd you'll
have a real balance In the
hank before you know it.
41 Years
of Helpful Service
T h e First
National Bank
Telephones: O ffice 613 Res. 2075
Nothing of the "store cream”
about It—It tastes and la like
the good old fashioned creamy
kind you love.
Summer School
Ahk about it
The business College will be in session thruout the Summer
Months. All classes will be conducted the same as during
the regular school year.
Eugene Business College
A. E. Roberts, President.
Phone 666 ..
992 Willamette St.
Osteopathic Physician and Sur­
O ffice 404 M. &. W . Bldg..
Eugene, Oregon
Osteopathy stands for the tru th
fa scien tifically
Should Have Prompt At­
tention !
Eugene, Oregon
Dr. John Simons
because of Its velvety
softness and richness of flavor.
Kodak Shop
Owners of horses, cattle,
hogs and other animals
should make every effort
to conserve their health.
We are special agents for
7 West 7th, Eugene Oregon
Eugene, Oregon
Korinek Stock Remedies
Tailors For Men
and Women
Tailors for those who de-
Bire to be correctly groom­
ed In every detail; using
the latest styles of the
world's foremost designers
It has ever been our prtvi
lege to serve a distinguish­
ed cllentale.
Special Notice to the
Ladies. Bring us your past
season garments and let us
show you how they can be
remodeled Into up-to-date
fashions of today.
We guarantee the servioe.
This line is very com­
plete and contains a special
remedy for every ailment
to which animal» are sub­
ject. Don’t wait until you
are forced to buy such
remedies, but keep an as­
sortment of them on hand
ready for immediate use.
[ ? .r ,/» i4
R ezz
F m io o l. J m
if -to ]
Roundtrip Excursion Fares
Korinek Fly Spray
every day throughout the summer
season. Stopover wherever and as long
as you please within final return limit
•—October 31st.
Now plan your vacation journeys to
the east. Let our agents assist in fixing
your itinerary. And include
will conserve the health and
energy of animals by pro­
tecting them from flies and
other annoying insects.
We make a specialty of
filling veternariaos’ pre­
either going or returning,or both ways,
if you choose. See it’s manifold won­
der at little, if any, additional expense.
Ask any Agent
Oils — Crease — Service
M. L. REWEY. Proprietor
hag moved hia tailo r shop to the w . J J iletween Second and
Barnes re a lty office while the old [ M a l i ) S t r e t .
building nl 4th nnd M ain which the
shop fo rm e rly occupied la being re­
modeled. W hen this work Is finished
the shop w ill he located In the new
part of the building, facing the post
You Can Start
That Savings
Account Now
Everybody like» a dish of oar
Brother Vlelte H e re —Lytnan W ard
brother of 8. N. W ard of the H a rry
Down Prom W sltsrvllle— M r. and
S te w a rt fuel company, stopped here
M onilav afternoon to sen his brother M r*. T. H. Carney of W a lte rv lllle
for a short tim e before proceeding to shopped In Springfield Friday.
his home In Goldendule, W ashington.
V ¡*lts Mra. Nelson— Mrs. H. Casper
M r W ard was returnin g north from
sop was a guest a t the home of Mra.
I'. Nelson F riday from Eugene.
Klhlun and Ml«» M argaret Kreesman,
student» at the U n iversity » p in t Sun­
duy evening w ith Mias Eunice Purker,
a sorority slater.
Return Prom Bandon Hr. and Mr».
Italph lllp p i I and daughter P a lly re
turned Sunday by car from Bandon.
Mr». Hlpel and Patty »pent a week
there, and Hr. Hlppel w ant down W ed ­
Leave on T rip — M r. and M rs. Ivan
M ale le ft F riday on a m otor trip
through California.
Phone 250
36 West 8th
Third on
Real Estate
Springfield Acreage
Friday, June 12, at 2 I’. M. nt
the place, 1 mile west of the
City on the river road, 2 acres
of the best bottom laud in the
Chase Garden district, with a
6 room modern bungalow, elec­
tric pumping plant, garage and
Be sure and attend this sale,
a chance of your life time to
buy a little home at your own
price, in the most ¡productive
part of Lane County, located on
a good graveled highway.
No doubt tliiH will sell at n
bargain, (our I ohs I s your gain),
will he sold on terms, posses­
sion given at once, remember
the date, June 12, at 2 P. M.
Open for inspection. For further
information phone 73J, Spring-
It. C. Peters, Aurttloneer.
The man that sells them all
Southern Pacific
without Commission or
Brokerage Charges
Unlimited funds to loan on good city property on monthly
payments of $14.66 per $1,000.
Old or run-down buildings not considered.
37-9th Ave. W.
Phone 667
Eugene, Ore.
and more than that - -"
Those specially prepared Spanish beans, hot or cold will
meet witli the popular approval of the most particular. Yes,
linked beans too. Remember... Whenever you want some
special delicatessen dish that we are prepared to make it
lor you. There are many kinds of food always available,
roasts, salads, cottage cheese, ham, and a wide variety of
linked goods. Frencri pustries are going fine. We take
a real pride in them and have won the praise of many.
Our lunch department is a real treat to those who have
been wanting real good foods. Try us once, any meal, and
you will come again.
Main Street Between 4th and 5th
Open Sundays
A Good Oil Cookstove
bMakes Cooking a Perfect “Snap"
f / 7H Y be a slave to your
)) /'/-'k itc h e n ? Your dealer will
be glad to demonstrate how the
modernized oil cookstove with
its high-speed burner, heat re­
taining ovens, broilers, etc., makes
rural cooking a perfect “ snap”—noise­
And to keep your kitchen air clean
and pure—use only the highest grade
kerosene—Pearl Oil. That's the clean-
burning kerosene that is refined and
re-refined by the Standard Oil Com­
pany for use in the oil cookstove and
heater. Its clear, intense flame bums
with positively no odor or sm oke.,
See your dealer today, and remem­
ber, when ordering your cookstove
also order Pearl Oil—by name/
(CO M »)