THURSDAY. JUNK II. 1926 T t lË S P R IN G F IE LD NEWS PAOS TWO « E d ito r ia l C o m m en t POOLING O URSELVES The am ount o f llq ito r sm uggled Into thin conn- T » « n ty flv« per «ant of indaatriM reporting to N ational once there was a S pringfield m erchant who tr y and that w ith d ra w n fro m bonded warehouses I'ubitshed Every T h u r« U j k t had a q u a n tity of shoes, that were a little out o f le g itim ately Is about 1 per cent o f the l»r«-»»r Manufacturer« A aaoelatloa bava already niutle plana to ’ . h date. He displayed them In Ills show window and consum ption, ex|W|rt,s announce. Now «for th Increaaa num ber of employe« thia aununer. and only 11 Springfield. Lan» county. Orecoa. by offered them fo r sale at $1.96. Nobody would figures on what the m oonshiners make and we per re n t are anticipai lag any dacr*a»a In thrlr wr<>»ind ria»« m atter February .4, 1» and sold them out at $3.50. Many o f to this co u n try fro m Argentine. We supposed t h e ___ __ an appreciation of the need for autom atic a p rln h b r pro. RoatoWlea, SrringfleM. Oregon • g e • . J, j * Sol,’ . ,e ,Kn:e t<) ra b b l,„ had a c o m e r on the t «»lored eggs business, j a n d n I. no .u rp rl.r to learn th .t _ _ _ _ _ —. THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS fool themselves to be satisfic'd. * I . • • • 1|h>, grMII, i. not w atting for the Baat to tak e • • • I Suggest w e send a flo ck o f Installm ent house [|b,, innintivo in thu» «afeguardiitg the rising «»»«ration — collectors to Europe. If they don't get the back The M anufacturer. Btx M o n t h « -------------------- f5c Single Copy ... BIG D AILIES V A N ISH IN G • • • payments, then o u r debtors are Insolvent. I There sectns to be a race on between M r M un­ THURSDAY, JU N E 11. 1925 "YES. H E HAVE NO—'" sey o f New York, and Mr. C urtis of Philadelphia, Italy I« In cr'k alag hcr a ir furcaa; Poland ha« placed Now is the tim e fo r a ll gootl men to come to to s e e who can buy the largest num ber of metro* n 12.000.000 order for w ar itiatortal tn the I'n ltad S iate»; polltan dailies. It m ay he th a t in a few years fo u r the aid of the hom o team. E ditorial Program • • • and peace linver» over .the earth a Jong long way off.— o r five men w ill own am i co n tro l all the large The Culled Stntes refuses io recognlge Russia Philadelphia Lodger. L Make Sprra were talking at ' the villa»., »tore anil one of th e m , , ’ O nly a few m onths ago the leader o f this ing capacly.” • • • a.-ked: "l)o you thin« It pay» to keep clique to buy a shoo site In Eugene and give it to the railroad made public announcem ent th a t t h a t 1 Pullm an designed hls cars a fte r seeing hunks. p o u ltry ’" c ity did not have a chance to secure them and But whoever designed his sheets m ust have been "W ell, no. t can 't «ay that I d o ," 1 A new show ing o f mens and young nit ih sum m er suits advocated lending support to S pringfield. T h is seeing handkerchiefs, w as the answ er, "but I ’m »ure It pay» In all the new shades. Tans. Greys. Brow ns, ut n price my «on Jim " statem ent was generally accepted as the tru th • • • you can a ffo rd to pay. here and hailed as a new “ frie n d ly s p irit" th a t A fte r Holding up a logging camp and getting "llow '» th a t? " asked an o th er man. was springing up between the tw o tow ns. B ut it aw ay w ith the cash n W ashington robber asked "W ell, you are. I bought him tb> was o n ly cam ouflage w hile this bunch o f schem- the s h e riff fo r a ride. He got it. fowl«; I hav. to furnlah th eir f o o d ;’ ers perfected th e ir plans fo r a poisonous gas a t • • • I huy the e « » from him and he e a t« ' ta c k .. U nder cover o f th is smoke screen options School is out and anothe r vacation Is all ahead (hem. Farm Life. on land were being taken and representations be- o f the boys and girls. Wow. In g made to the ra ilro a d company. • • • . . . The Presbyterians seems determ ined to legis- The danger in this a tta c k on the part o f the ,a(p (he correct w av the d ry law to enable them . Eugene men lies not so m uch in the possibility o f to digpenge prescriptions as thev wish. If th e y ; Eugene g etting the shops Instead o ' S pringfield w in thev jOBe ThP profession w ould soon be over-1 b u t is w hether the ra ilroad w ill build them at all crow(j e(j on th is side o f the m ountains. The controversy a a • and ill feeling th a t these Eugene men have in - p o r tbe sake o f peace In the co u n try we hope jected in to the issue w ill have a bad effect on the th a t clarence D arrow and W. J. Bryan don't get ra ilro a d officials. It m ay mean th a t they w ill ¡nto an arg Ument about th is monkey-business, h o t become involved in the mess and sidetrack • • • both tow ns as shop sites. j f an tbe bables are going to be bom In hos- However, we are loath to believe the good pen- pitals from now on ''jh a f is the co u n try going to pie o f Eugene w ill have a n yth in g to do w ith this ‘to to r log cabin presidents. * WOMENS SHOES------ MENS SUITS------- vile sm elling scheme to steal the shops. They w ill n o t have an yth in g so rotten as th a t fostered We are fo rtu n a te again to have the airplane Patent leather pumps w ith tan com blnalion, In these suits you w ill find the same authen- on them . Instead of le t t in g the people to vote a Patrol fo r o u r forests d u rin g the fire season. finest o f w orkm anship. These shoes com ­ tc styles and w orkm anship th a t you get In $175,000 bond issue to purchase the land, chances pare fa vo ra b ly w ith most $6.60 to $8.00 stills that cost more. The m aterials and are 10 to 1 the nefarious scheme w ill be turned Eugene's last card is now on the table— It is Shoes. O ur price only fabrics in powder blue, gray and sm all down and the plotters w ill be in the hole the about tim e fo r S pringfield to put on the Joker checks, serge anti pencil strips are m uch in $4.95 am o u n t of a $30.000 option. and rake in the pot. demand. You w ill always find a big saving here. O ur price Tan pumps w ith ties, very stylish and ser- vit&bie $16.50 $19.50 By A B CHAPIN BREAKING INTO THE BIG LEAGUE $3.95 $24.50 Patent leather anil tan pumps and oxfords, MENS TROUSERS— low and medium heel. We aim to give the A wide range o f m aterials and cplors In best q u a lty at lowest price mens and young mens dress trousers. en s Suits $19.75 $24.75 $29.75 C. J. Breier Co. June Specials $2.85 ' $3.95 $3.50 A wide range o f fabrics in B roadcloth and silks. Stripes and plain colors. $3.45 to $9.50 98c «> $3.85 MENS HATS— Z---------------------------------- House aprons and dresses In percale and gingham s We specialize in hats o f q u a lity a t lowest prices. All newest sha|s>8 and shades. $.85 to $1.25 $1.98 > $4.50 DRY GOODS------ Mens khaki p a n t ... m edium and heavy w eight. Note these low prices. Only 36 (Inch L. L j , tMuslJn, good q u a lity, per J* 15c 36-lnch to il du nords, gilbrae and Roberdel ginghams, now only per yd ..... 24c 36-ln. striped B roadcloth, per yd only 30-ln. Jap Crepe, plain colors, per yd. 23C A good assortm ent o f Craetonne, per vd 20c 36 ln. striped Charmeuse, a wide range o f colors, per yd ....... ......................... 39c 36-ln. Voils, assorted colors, per y d ........... 35c 'o 45c T- Gilbrae draw n d o th , assorted colors, ........................... $5.95 MENS DRESS S H IR TS You w ill alw ays find better shirts fo r less m oney a t the C. J. B reier Co., w ith neck band o r collar attached. WOMENS DRESSES------ $1.85 - $1.98 and B reler’s for l e t t e r work shirts? only good w ell made shirts We ca rry 69c to 89c MENS SHOES------ ----------------------- Brow n Mule skin shoes, solid leather, nil sizes > $1.85 per 55c Mens heavy w eight w aist and bib overalls $1.49 - $1.65 Elk o u tin g shoes, bicycle toe. Just the shoe fo r long wear and hot w eather $2.25 t<» $2.85 . $1.35 We ca rry a good line o f Mens dress shoes In all kinds of leather $2.95 to $4.95 Corner 6th and Willamette Streets-Eugene, Oregon