S P R IN G F IE L D — THE W E S T E R N D K V O T ID TO I N T I M S T OP SPR IN G FIELD T H E FARMERS OP ‘ (J. W IL L A M E T T E V A L I TWENTY-SECOND YEAH x llL T E R M IN A L O F THE NATRON SPRINGFIELD NEWS SPHINOEIELI), LANE COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 11. 1925 Seniors Given PROPOSE EUGENE ¡R a ilr o a d B r id g e t o 17TH STflEET 18 8E 1 28 Diplomas at H.S. BOi ST.SHOPSITE B e B u i l t in A u g u s t Or U. 0. Dubach Makes Gradua­ tion Address and Rev. Childsrg Benediction Council Order» Improvement on Ask Citizens to Raise $175,000 Petition; Extension of Sewer to Purchase Site West of Eu­ Tw !(.';*-eight h> stroma extended {and their pictures are published on I in making Its plea to the people to ■ and Second street several Inches to ¡thwart the group of Eugene through the new Hratlaln school I support a bond iasue the Eugene ¡page M of this Issue. accommodate the lower bridge has ‘ men in their attempt at persu­ {Chamber of Commerce committee ground». Whether Ihe »ewer wna la Pink rusts decorated the Anchorage been sought from the city council. ading the Southern Pacific to extend to Eleventh »(reel or Ju»t to ! states It Is vitally Important to that ' in Eugene Tuesday evening when the jcRjt to have the shops Instead of hav Engineer Putman, of the Southern abandon the Springfield site Li the eiwl »Id« of the achool building wa» Junior class of the high school enter- : Pacific, .met members of the city 'lug the railroad locate them at Spring- left to the fire and water conraiittee 1 lalned the seniors at a banquet and ¡council last Friday evening and secur­ favor of one to be purchased by field. W. W. Calkins, chairman ef and the school hoard, (trading and ¡dance. Beside» members of the two ed their consent to make the lower the municipality, were laid at a the committee says In his report. "It graveling of Tenth street in froni of ¡classes, all members of the faculty grade. A slgnlflcent fact la that the special meeting of the chamber Eugene Is to remain a Junction point the achool and C. I), and (eleventh ' were present. bridge will be single track Instead of of commerce last night. The og ih / main line of the Southern Pa j atreet around Ihe school wa» referred The senior girls and women faculty SPROULE NOT ADVISED doubled as heretofore rumored. elftc railroad and not a lesser line as { to the »tree! committee and Ihe achool railroad history of thia section , members were given corsage», and the result of the establlshmeiP. of Iho) The new bridge will be the first was reviewed and committees board. The school board ha» petition­ { lltlla place cards having photos of the irtnler of the company's opem'len al Telegrams from President railroad work in Springfield with ed for the Improvement The streets appointed to carry on the cam­ guests markel the pldces. Charles Hprinafleld and the routing of the ■ Sproule received by Mayor C. Q. tbe exception of the replacing of the aronml the tchuol were ordered open : Nadvornlk played a violin aolo. and main line trains down the cast side, «ails between Springfield and Natron paign. Bushman and others today say s-J by the council. Myrlle Harvey sang. A Hpanlsh dance vlgerous «cllo must be take«. I' the I that he has no knowledge of the | which was undertaken several weeks Move Unheard of Sidewalk Improvement la reported by Hate) Parmonter was u feature of »Imp« an