PAGE SEVEN THURSDAY, JUNE 4 , 102ft IN T H » CO U N TY CO URT OF T H K IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF T H E NO TIC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T NO TIC E IS H ER EB Y G IVEN, that S TA TE O F OREGON FOR T H E S T A T E OF OREGON FOR L A N E the underalgneal. Win G. Hughe», A I- COUNTY. CO UNTY O F LANE. mlnlatrator of the estate of Christian In the M etter of the Eatate of Jack John M William», SUMMONS Hansen, deceased, has rendered and PUInUff Hodman, deceased. filed In the County Court of the State M l wtlM yew went «• «•«. * * • * * • “ **•" * ,0 buy ‘ *’ r* * V». Citation: of Oregon for Lane County hie final columns- W rite or phene TW O To thq Unknown Hetrs of Jock The unknown heir» of Albert Funke, Rodman, and to all other persona un known I nt» rented In the »aid eatate. Plano for eale near BprlngfleW. W A N TED —Girl for houeework. Mr». | G R EETIN G '): . at the («Ou»ly Court room In the Jam«» Harpoin, It. F. U. No 1. ' I In (ho name of the State of Oregon. Jxit» 5 and 6, block 4, College HUI- Beautiful hi«h grade piano will be Park, now . part of Eugene. Oregon. House In the City of Eu Springfield, Oregon. ■ J-4. ■ You are hereby riled and required eolil at eery rione price and term» Defendants gene. Lane County. Oregon, ha» been 'to apjieur In the County Court of the To the unknown heir. , he court fixed and appointed a. tto monthly Io reliable parly. For Slate of Oregon, for the County of Funke, sometimes known a t Albert 8 ' (| t|mo and pUce for h^ r)nM particulars write Clin» Munir Co., «# furnished. W ith or without board,, k a „#i at the Court Room thereof, Funk, and all other person» Interested obJectI<>B, to o W ftpa| account and B y A r th u r B riabann at 4th and C street, Springfield. 'at Kugonn, In the County of Latta on Front St., Portland. Oregon. o t i t p « „ ¡ f o r ,he settlement thereof. All ob- June 4-1118. Tuesday, the 9th day of June, 1*25 at May SI-SS June«. ^ AMK T , ’ E flTAT ® ,°,h Jectlon» mast be In writing and filed | . eo non onn (WM) WORD • o'clock In th« fo ren o o n of th a t day. OREGON: You are hereby required to t with o n the . h . clerk of nr «»id m n on WORM. said C Court on or or l I A W A N T E D T o TRAD B—Larga car for then and there to show cause If any appear and answer the complaint filed before said day an1 time. NATURE IN NO HURRY. TEACH ERS E X A M IN A T IO N you ha»», why the petition of Elmer against you In the above entitled suit rattle, wood or lota In Springfield, Dated this 28th day of May. 1*25. The »rml annual teacher» examine Roberta, administrator of aatd eatate within six weeks from the date of ONLY HUMAN BABIES. M 1 IJ I WM 0 HUGHES, llox 3X0 Ilona will be held In the county court praying for an order licensing him to the first publication of thia summon», Administrator. “THE LORD HAVE MERCY.” I.o H T —Collie pup, Í month» old. room In Eugene commencing Wednes­ »•Il the following described real es and If you fall to answer for want Frank A. DePu», attorney for day. June 10. 1025. at * o'clock and tat.- of »aid estate, for the purpose of thereof the plaintiff will take a de­ the Estate. Phone or call News office. J-4. lantlng the balance of the week. securing necessary funds for the pay cree against (you quieting title of May 28. June 4-11-18-25. Mr. Woodbridge, new head of the Teacher» dealring »chedule» »bowing meat of chargee of administration of plaintiff to Iota 6 and 8 of Block 6 Advertising Club» of the World, IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT OF T H E the time when each subject will hi »aid mtlalc and ‘ for payment . of . . rlaWna .... 'college H ill Park, now a part of Eu SUMMONS says newspapers are the “pre-emi­ owing by said eatate S T A T E GF OREGON FOR I-ANE given can have same by applying to gene, Lana County, Oregon. nent advertising medium for sell­ IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF T H E Tow lt: Lot 2 In section 23. In town­ E J. MOORE This «unimon« 1» published once a. CO V N T Y ing merchandise quickly.” « 7 ? ™ , o k ° r e o o n fo r l a n e County School Superintendent. ship 18, south of range 4 east of W il­ we'ek’ f ^ i i r ; ; « ; ; . . " ; « ’w;<"k Portland Trust and Savlnga Bank, To the real business man it i»; May 28 June 4. lamette Meridian, In le n d Countv. B p rl.g fl.ld News, a ^ e e k l^ newspaper I ^ C O U ÏC rY ^ r Oray> a corporation b i - m m iin s more than that. It is the ONLY Oregon, excepting a «trip of land 50 j “ £ t «,n«.ral circulation published at Plaintiff 81 MMONB NO TICE TO CREDITORS advertising force that can BUILD Defendant. C....W la hereby ............- V*. Nevica given that ........ llaael wide through said lot conveyen • Bpr|ngfiH d In Lane County, Oregon. UP A NAME. Repetition la Repu­ John Cochran. Hufu» Cochran. Clara Tryon has been by the County Court l* ° ?oy M,n,n« f-otnpany : alto by order of Honorable O. F Sklp- To L. H Gray. Defendant: tation. IN T H E N A M E OF T H E STATE Scarohrough, Charlea Corhr an. May of the B ate of Oregon in and (or M n - '7 ct co“ ,**r *51 *" 'S<‘ “„ Z , 1 worth. Judge of «he above entitled And only newspapers can give a Rice Horace Cochran, John M Red- County, appointed administratrix o f ; Matlock and excepting tract conv«red ronrt ant, the date of the first publl OF OREGON: You are hereby requlr | »d to appear and answer complaint j REPUTATION the REPETITION ford.'James E Redford, Ha U• J*****"1 cation thereof la May 21, 1925. ................................. ' .............. fle d against you herein on or before ' that creates value. Dollars put in­ Marvin McRae Scarohrough Dorothy JOHN H. W IL L IA M » . to brick, , mortar, steel and glass six weeks from date of first publica- -- ---------- ---------- ------- M Bcarotorough. Kha l-ouA ^ c ,ro . Attorney fir Plaintiff. : : s . i h s s tlon hereof, or for want thereof the ■ WR1 tear down. Money invested in brough. Stella Irene McCormick, and Eugene, Oregon plaintiff will take Judgment aga'nst advertising, building up » at the law office of A R. Wheeler In Oregon, for the county of Lane and May 21-28-June 4-ll-18-26July 2. Hutner D. Iledford. WORTHY ’to be advertised, will you and apply to the court for the Defendants Eugene. Oregon, within six months the Seal of said Court hereto affixed, this 5th. day of May, 1926. outlast all your factories. To John Cochran, Rufua Cochran, t lara from this 4th day of June. 1*26 IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF T H E relief prayed for In the com plaint; A TTEST: It 8 Bryaon, Clerk. and for a decree of absolute divorce ■ Ford's factories perhaps are Scar»brough, Charlea C'ochran. May H A ZEL TRYON. STA TE OF OREGON FOR LA N E (S E A L ) By Eva. L. Peaae. deputy from you and the custody of the two j worth fifty millions. The one Administratrix. Rice Horace Cochran. John M CO UNTY M 8-15-22 28 J4. minor children of the marriage. word “FORD” is worth at least ford,’ James K. Radford. I la 11 A. E Wheeler, Attorney Lelu F. Geiger. Plaintiff This summons Is published once I TWO THOUSAND MILLIONS. M arvin McRae Scarohrough Dorothy June 4 «118 *6 '« ’ ’ I vs. Alias Summons D E P A R T M E N T OF T H E IN T E R IO R each week for six coneecut've w ^eks! M Scarohrough. Kba le»ule Scaro- United States (.and Office. Roseburg, Lee Geiger. Defendant Notice of Hearing brough. Stella Irene McCormick, and South Africa, land that produce» To Lee Geiger, defendant:- In the In the Springfield, (Oregon) News, b y 1 I Oregon. May 28, 1*26. order of Hon. C. P. Barnard Judge of Notice Is hereby given that th e , jqoTIC E FOR PUB LICA TIO N -old, returns to the gold standard, Name of the State of Oregon, " t \ T H E NAM E OF T H E STA TE OF undersigned the County Court of Lane C ounty,, admlnlatrators have on Forest EachauBBB ------------------------ mitating old Mother England. You are hereby ------------------------ required to appear Notice le hereby given that on April and answer the complaint filed against Oregon, made In the absenc? of the i pown there, below the equator. OREGON: You are hereby r'',<“ ' r" " .May 15th. 1*25. duly made and filed Judge of the above Circuit Court, on appear and answer the complaint filed their final account In the eatate of I , #2& o c Sra,th Oregonian Hldg. ¡you In the above entitled salt on ot under the hot sun, tens of thou­ against you In the above entlllrd »ult Mervln D Petere deceased, with the ,.OIt,nnd Orea„ n ft|ed application No beforo the 20th day of June. 1*25. said April 21st, 1925 Dated and first pub- , sands rush to a new gold field. within e ll weeks from the dale of County Clerk of I-ane county. Oregon , 0160l5 un<)(,r ,hB Ac< of March 20, date being more than six weeks from listed April 23rd. 1925. About t-n times as many blacks, W H1TTO N SW AFFORD. S(a( eMr|lange the the date of the order In said suit pro- lh« first publication of this summons, and that the Judge of the County Court > as whites are in the rush. But, Attorney for Plaintiff. In and for Lano County. Oegon, has w u N E '^ and B t* NW % Sec 2* Tp vldlngfor publication of summons here and If you fall »« L01- w" n needless to say, when the dust thereof the plaintiff will take a de­ by his order fixed June 20th. 1926 at , 6 Range 10 West. W M. within ¡In. and if you fall to answer, for want Residence and Postoffice adress. Eu­ !es the whites will have the ere- - a - ........... Jrou — ------------ . w National Forest for th e'th e reo f plaintiff will apply to the gene, Oregon. cree again»! quieting »me of , the chambers of aald Court tn the Lane )b< geld dust. plaintiff to the Southwest quarter of ('„„niy Court House. In Eugene. Lane . , |n:ber „„ lh„ Sac. 5 Tp. |court for the relief demanded In said A23-30. May 7-14-2128 J. 4.1 What would happen to the gold the Northeast quarter of section <101 e „ Unty Orn per, on„ c|ai ming the lands “ "d defendant and for costs of Lane County. Oregon ' undersigned has been appointed b y , twenty the world's gold supply: I selected, or having bone fide objec Thia summons 1» published once a Io the settlement thereof. That, however, will surely not Notice Is therefore hereby given tlona to such apflleatlon, an oppor-: This summons Is published pursu- ’ he probate court of Lane County, Ore week for alx successive week In tn« happen. their protests with ih e i, n * ,o an order of C. P. R a -n --1 .! 8on- txecutor of the last w ill and test- Hprlngfleld News, a weekly P * ^ * * * * y that any objections to the allowance . , UI^ty All through the ages, while men B nd r ,„ elver of th" t ' r _ Judge of the County Court of Oregon ament of M attie J. Inman, deceased: of general circulation, published at and aeltlement of said final account have cut each other’s throats to FprlngfieKI In t-»»« ‘ ’ou" ! y- >Or’ V!" will be heard at the time and Place ; Sl(l. (is | nh<| B id ,. » R . . . O e.R ». ,, Ret ween 6th and 6th County School Superintendent. Opportunity." Fret. W ill Halp You Fittane» Mny 28 June 4. Your Building. Classified Advertisements [This Week] i 'B U S I N E S S D IR E C T O R Y J “The Loop SPRIN6FIELD GRAVEL CO. D. W. Roof Ç