f 9E Sallie Finds Herself in a New Situation Morning in Miami and a n » ' day of blue anti gold brilliance. Ellie and I eat alone on the open terrace. The «thata had gona.dowu for a swim I tntaad« nt ol tbs stole hospital for tha lion of It) new men under authority of an act of th * last legislature This Insane at Salem. Charles Yandyne's store at Tygh will give the stats a total of *» traffic Valley was entered and the safe was officials, working under the direction blown to pieces. Varis of the safe of the secretary of state. j were thrown through the side of the After a long Illness. Voter D. (Ill Brief Resume of Happenings of building. No clews as to the sus­ bert, former mayor of Albany, who pect* have boon given out by the had been operating a grocery »lore sheriffs office. the Week Collected for In Portland aevernl year, died at Hood Samaritan hospital. Ilia death follow­ Ltureln Antles. who has been sec­ Our Readers. retary of the Bend commercial club 'd a major operation performed re­ Mr. Hilbert served aa mayor for four and a half years, resigned Io cently Klamath Falls postofflco on July 1 accept a similar position with the of Albany from 1010 to tut*. will he given the rating of a first-class Roseburg chamber of commerce. U The surety companies have paid the offlcw. K. Crumb, recently of Klamath Falls state treasury money to cover the Paul Jackson, principal of the high was appointed to succeed Mr Andes shortage caused hy the tlefalcsHuu of school at Olympia. Wash., haa been 1'otltlons for the referendum men* Clarence W. Thompson, former cash­ elected principal of the Klamath Falla ur-i attacking the tobacca tax law «n- ier, who la now serving nine years tn high school for next year. i acted at the Inst session of the leg the stato penitentiary Thompson's da Fire destroyed seven business es- 1 talature were tiled with the secretary faleatlons covered shout *5000 of The petitions contained a which he himself paid back about abllahtnents on a quarter block at 1 of state Heppner. The Heppner public library 1 total of 14,173 signatures, or approxl- *1009. ( mat el v 5000 In excess of the number Richard W. Price has sent to Hov- was among the buildings burned. ' required, ernor Pierce at Salem his resigna­ The Lutheran Brotherhood of Ore­ An ordinance of the city of Portland, tion as a member of the stale game gon is planning the building of an old folks' horns at Kugeno. The first unit re-iutring payment of a license fee end commiaalon, giving as reasons his be­ will cost »100.000 sod will accommo­ a bond by persons soliciting from lief that he "could no Itutger be of place Io place In the city orders (or service” thereon and that he was "un­ date 60 people. 1 future delivery and accepting ¡»art pay able tn agree to Indirection and the A special tax levy of about *345,- mnnt In advance, was held Invalid by injection of extraneous snd political 000. to prorlde an Increase In sal­ the supreme court of the (Jutted matters." aries of school teachers, will be sub­ States. The city of Eugene has filed In the mitted to the voters at the t’ortiaud W ith rite demand that the Pacific office of the »rate engineer applica­ school election In June. highway be built for four miles so as tion to appropriate water from the W. D. Valentine of Altadena. Cal., to Ignore Gold III11 because of a speed McKensle river for the dcvetopnmt of has purchased 2t»00 acres of land on trap maintained there, tho Oregon the outskirts of Sutherlin. Including Slate Motor association apjeartd be the well known Frank W hit« home, fore the state highway highway com paying *50.000 tor the property. mission at Portland. William Ouby W ith the adjusted compensation law chairman of the commission, declared granting bonuses to Oregon veterans chat If the action was demanded mere of the World war a year old. barely ly because of arrests for exceeding more than half of the ex-service men the speed limit he saw no reason fot entitled to a bonus have made applica­ throwing sway a bridge which cost *50.000 and 2% miles of pavement tion. Week-day religions Instruction to which cost *25.000 a mile. For All Makes of Care OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST ^ S o llie s emportions lion me in regard Io the Identity of the man to whom I «»» referring. She waa an Ideal friend. Her attltu ‘e gar» me to understand that if 1 c.hoae anti it I in the daamtittg ocean, while still to tell her— well and got others had strolled off to one of the didn t, It wa; -w eil and good also. secluded nooks of the extensive gar- T hai was Ellie. dens j I refrained from revealing the name "What's up?"- Ellie demanded. "A il of W arren Fisher— not because 1 I've heard is a whisper about your I thought he deserved any consideration brecxlng in at some time in the early, but I Instinctively shrank from drag pearly dawning. Mrs. IXvine was g;ng ¡„ another person on whom to about as communicative as a pound shove the blame for something that of cheese when I asked at breakfast had been the result of my own tn- about cur fair Sallie.” discretion. in spite of ail that had happened. I • • • was forced to smile at E llies amus- Th» maid appeared and said that tag phraseology. Mrs. Divine would like to speak with "Oh, the less said, the better. I sup- Miss Mitchell. I sat basking in the pose." I answered, wishing to forget sunlight. It soothed my nerves and all about the episode with Warren gave me a feeling of complete relax»- Fisher. I would not hare to see him tton, again for I was sure he would not , in just a few minutes. Ellie re- follow out his intentions of attending turned Her face was data and toe- the house party while I was on tt. bidding. "Oh, 1 beg your pardon," she ex- “Why. Ellie, what Is It?" I start'd claimed la a most exaggerated man- up from the swing in which we ha 1 ner. “can you really beat it—me in the been sitting role of the prying scandalmonger? ‘ “Damn her narrow little mind and Really. Sport. I ’m sorry. It was not sole. idle curiosity that prompted me to I knew then that the Interview had pester you with abominable questions, been frightfully unpleasant. I like- Never you mind whatever It ts— or wise knew that the thing that upset whatever you did. It's all right with Ellie ha-’ to do with my being at the me and I'm for you ” villa We are all more psychic than She came over and gave me an af- we realize and as a rule we never go feclionate pat on the shoulder. . wrong on these first telepathic Im "Oh. Edie, you're so fine and loyal, presslons. I don't know what I'd do withcut you "Now Ellie, you might as well be X w o n 't that 1 did not want to tell perfectly frank about it. You cant you everything. It s Just so Joy-killing hurt my feelings. W hat did Mrs. DI that I hate to btow_rejur candle out vine say to you about me that left even for a few minutes ' you in such a fury— whv.Ellie, old girl. " I may be wrong but I had an idea Ilo o k -y o u 're trembling all over" «»Pl»«*« 111 h ,T * to ‘ eH y0Q >'d under this permanent wave of mine I want you to ungler slmlllar condi that friends were useful for Just such tlons.” a purpose.” “Of course yon would. You're a per "W ell. I'll tell vcu. it's really very ¡feet brick. Come and sit here,” and simple after it's all over but I went j taking her hand. 1 drew her forward. through the devil's own time with a “No. slree—-not In this honse. Not mar. last night. He thought I was— in any swing or chair owned by that well— ” —heartless piece of alabaster.” “A little prairie flower?” prompted , "Care fall. Ellie, you're talking about Ellie. our hostess.” I warned. After all. we "Vh-hum," 1 nodded, and only after a strenuous argument which ended in had broken bread with Mrs. Divine and like the Mohammedans, that rite me taking to my heels, could I con­ alone should keep us loyal. vince him that I was not." (To be Continued) “Never mind, kid. it’s all over now and it happens in the best families. Who Said T h a t It's part o? a girl's education.” Ellis was cynical. I forgot my own forrtes Conatable Perkins stopped the show momentarily and asked for the reason, at the opera house Thursday night. "Oh. Just a disappointment. I got'charging an indecent performance. He Iteferendum petttlona attacklng tha ao-cslled tllhlng l-lll wore ftled, a hara Ien mlnutea before the lasi possltila minut». The pet Itiönä bore »350 c-rtlfle-l naniea. barely sufftrlent to rarry. Th» blll provliles Ihat to per cent of the fee» reeelved from aelf. snpporttng ilepartm-nts and commta- slona b» tnrne-l Into the general fun-l Dr 8, Ralph IXppet. D-nttst, Vilua hulldlng. Sprlnrfbld. Oregon. B A T T E R IE S pupils of the third and fourth grades tn the McMinnrille schools has been pronounced successful. Seven church­ es have participated in the instruc­ tion. A demand has been served on the navy department for the restoration of the battleship Oregon's famous all ver service, presented to the ship by the people of Oregon at a cost of »25.000. A total of about 2300 pupils wilt be graduated this year from Portland's high and grammar schools. About 1200 of these will be graduated from the high schools and’ 2100 from the grade schools. No more married women will be employed as school teachers tn ths Eugene city schools, according to an nouncement by the school board The resolution adopted by the board star ed. however, that the policy waa not retroactive. A teacher now under con tract will not be affected. Request of the Portland carpenters' unions for an Increase from *S to J!t a day. effective September 1. was turned down by (he building division of the Associated General Contractors, association. The request for double time Instead of time and a half for overtime was also refused. The state squad of traffic police en­ The poetofftce department has an gaged In patrolling the public high­ nonneed that the postutftce at Mitchell ways ts to be augmented by the addl- &ad Shedd. wU1 advanced from fourth class to presidential grade on July 1. the salary of the postmaster In each case being *1100. s telegram a minute ago from— oh well, from the suitor I told you was going to Join the party.” a pause, then, "busin ss has called him to other places.” WILL HELP SPRINGFIELD Marshfield business men are oppoa- "But to get back to your ca’ e- Sallie ------------- tng the suggestion of a Fourth of Jtt’y are yott going to let that silly experi­ "I hated cooking because all i celebration, according to question ence damper your usual dashing j a tg {u rn e d 8OU/ a n d T o r n ie t i nalre8 »ent The celebratloo at spirit?” Myrtle Plont, 26 miles south, ts one gas. *0.14» thnoretlcal boraepower and for the approprtatlon of « a l» r fr» « the aame atream for a municlpal supply The reet of the prepoaed developnieut was estlmsled at *376.000. U. S . L. Members of the Salem lodge. Wood­ men of the World, have launched a drive to purchase a 2',0-acre tract now owned by Captain A. J. Spong for a recreation park. The price of the land has been fixed at *24.000. Horace Grcely Wilson, prominent citizen of Roseburg, snd exsupertn arrested both the ventriloquist and tendent of the Klamath Indian reser- his dummy.— Salem. Mass., Oozette. j vstlon. was sentenced to IS months j -------------------------- I at McNeil islar.'J on-n a charge of WOMAN'S STATEMENT having violated the Mann art. I drank hot water and yet how I feel about , o ]|ve ojj by the ga l|on> Nothing reason why the merchants oppose a celebration. it. aom'hnw. I'm sick of the whole helped until I look Adlerika. business. This thing has sorter taken j Unless due to deep-seated That insanity dne to the use of al­ the starch ont of me. Ellie. Of course causes, Adlerika helps any ease cohol. which reached Its low level dur­ I've mad- a few such silly mistakes g as o n th e stoniach in a sur- ing the war period, is again on the b fore, bnt this ore was worse— the prisingly QUICK time. It is a lncr*'a»e. ,s Indicated by figures cota- tnan was much older and, and there wondeTful remedy to use for P^ed by Dr. R. E. Lee Steiner, super- was a sort of deliberateness about it constipation—it often works in ---------------------------------------- that was grossly common." lone hour and never gripes. It never occured to E llie to ques-1 Flanery’s Drug Store "I don't kno THURSDAY, JUNK 4. 192B THK SPRINOFIESJ) NEWS Page Three Tailors For Men and Women MOORE & MOORE are Tailors for those who de­ bit-' to be correctly groom­ ed In every detail; using the latest styles of tao world's foremost designers It has*ever been our privl lege to serve a distinguish­ ed clientale. Special Notice to the Ladies. BHng us yovr nest season garments', and let us show you how they can be remodeied into up-to-date fashions of today. We guarantee the service. UNION GASOLINE VAUDEVILLE Varnias Kentucky Ramblers Featuring R. P. Varnadore and his rnmbUttg mualciana Bob & Peggy Valentine In their comedy classic "On a Moonlight Night” HELEN STAPLES 'The Prima Donna Petite" Oils — Crease — Service AUTO BEAUTY PARLOR WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10 1 THREE SALTOS An Acrobatic Importation M. L. REWEY. Proprietor Between Second and Third on Main Stret. Springfield HARRY GARLAND Sottga and Wit C o somewhere this summer. Plan to make it the happiest vacation you ever had. Low R o u n d trip Fares arc in effect throughout the sum­ m er season. It's amazing w h.n they will enable you to sccan JJo . So go—this vacation. Know Oregon. Visit Tillamook Readies, N ew p o rt Beaches, Coos B a y Benches. Mountain Resorts, Crutcr Lake, Oregon Coves. And rely upon our agents for full travel information. Ask for o u r illustrated booklet "Oregon Outdoors." Southern Pacific _^.?^RL OLSON. Agent Phone 250 West 8 th -V -with Tire Prices Are I Going Up ! Two Raises Since April and We are Expecting More of Them. Buy Now—we have a few left at the old price! EVERYTHING FOR YOUR MOTOR: Strömberg Car- ouretors, Bosch and Delco Ignition Systems, Gahriel Snub­ We have ju st received another shipment DRUGSTORE For graduation presents, for engagement showers and wed­ ding presents choose Stationery We have a linen-finished sta­ tionery of ideal weight and wonderful writing qualities. I^st word in paper making— first choice in letter writing. The girl graduate and the June bride will both apprecate such a practical gift. White and tints. Plain edge and bevelled gold edge. A Wide Variety 75c to $3.00 bers, Etc. Young Men’s Suits In these suits you will find the same authentic style and workmanship that you get In suits that cost more. The materials and fabrics In powder blue, grey, small checks, serge and pencil stripes are much In demand. P t I ccb are $16.50, $19.50 and $24.50. LADIES SHOES MENS SHOES Pumps and Oxfords, two-tone, tan, black and patent leather, $3.95 to $4.95 Others at $2.85—$3.45 Men’s mule skin shoes leather soles, ....$1.85 Men’s blcyhle toe, out­ ing shoeB $2.25—$2.85 FLANERY’S Springfield Garage Drug Store 73k« in St. We Fix ’Em Phone 11 Dent J/ort C. J. Breier Co. 6th and Willamette Street