THURSDAY, JUNE 4. W fi other and Community Ne ws THURSTON Mr. and Mr«. I’ . N. Laird r< reive 1 a talogram Monday morning telling o f the marriage of th«lr daughter Freda to Olen Oalllgan at rt'idro Wooley June lat at *:3 0 a. in. Mr» | (¡alligno baa bran teaching the past > two year» In the high achool at Sadro Wooley where Mr. Oalllgan ha* held the pud M r, N, | n(j Donald returned to Hood b all diam ond. A t Scene of M baiwippi River Tragedy ■ y Corr«e»«ndanta %v Ma (Jon a are K(''«',rw’ ,0 Gllu0y> Mildred M. Mornlngxtar. Che« Ihe unknown li-.-lr» of U ivld Duff, de- of the W illamette Meridian In Lan» Noll last Sunday to «oend Ihe day (#r M „ ry Berta H o­ c'ssod- the unknown heir- of Elettor County. Oregon. with their grand »on and wife M r and den. Arthur O. Lindley and Qlady» Duff whose nan,- Is «ompl’mes wr'f- and the whole thereof, as Egalae: th , ten Ellc-inor Th-ff and who« - name deft ndants and each of thtfm. and that M r. Curtis Price They ail took their Q rM e w h M , „ sometimes written K lbnor Uu-'f. and lunches and a picnic dinner w a. »erv.. „ nelghbort who waa sometimes known aa Ella the defendant» have not, nor have either of thtm any right, title or In­ « I wllh several gallons of Ice cream. I A «s l« t« « i uy s e v e r « o . a Duff, deceased; and also all o th-r terest whatsoever In and to the said Tho.« prnoent wer» : Mr end M r. « « / * « £»• • .T ? " persons or rartiea unknown claiming premlaea, or any part thereof, and that Perry Ed.Ul.taU. Mr. and Mr». John her home at Plemt-n, lllll to th e e < any right, title , estate, lien, or Interest the plaintiff« title in and to said prem­ comer» In Ihe dlalrict, on Wednes­ In the rent ealnte described In the ises be forever quieted against the Price Mr. Il M Price. Mr and Mra ¡claim of the defendant» or either of day. May 27 About 25 ladloa partook coainlatnt herein. Curila Price, Mr. and Mra. John Ed Defendants. them and that the plaintiff have such of Mra. Hyde» hospitality and the t To Jnnvs D RRchev. Ssrah E rulaton and children. Maude. Haxel afternoon jaaaed all l°o quickly by Coney end T ” c«ev-ev her hnsband; Ixirhn and James. Mr. and Mr« W II the guest» entering Into guesilng con Z -n» F. E'tnlnlst r and John Doe rret anil «one le n o y a and n o Virgil. v ir a o . Mr m r. — - _______ . . . t fret and sons Teddy and Mra Roy Ed m . and children. « -« -• <* “ » * * “ 1 Fditd*-1 t«r hot h