THURSDAY. JUNK 4, 1P2~> THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE FOUR Lane County Farmers Union News O F F IC IA L P U B L IC A T IO N LAN« C O U N T Y U N IT NO . 1d a • CANARY LOCAL 189 • ' Local Reporters J. L. Northup ............. Ray Bower Mrs. L. J Getchell Cloverxlale Coast Fork Mrs. Geo. Kebelbeck Mrs. M A. Horn Creswell Mrs. Ada J linings Dorena —.... Mra. B. Baker Heceta HadleyvUlel ..... Mrs. M. Gillespie Mrs. Grace Jones Jasper Mrs. C. M Foster Foster Lorane ...... . McKensle Mrs l.»wr»>nc«' Mtllvain Mt Vernon Mrs. V. A Reynolds Rulah Smith Silk Cr«ek . E n Tinker Tr»‘trt Mrs. W. E. Post Vida Junior Farm Union Clubs Recommended For Youths o a o a s s e s • O F F IC E R S O F L A N ! C O U ftT Y • • F A R M E R 'S U N IO N * s s e JASPER LOCAL There wore only a few out Io the • Ralph Laird. Creswell, President. • • W ill W heeler, T rent, Vies Prsal • last hostile«, meeting and as there Earl McNutt la 'hipping hla equip- , • dent. * wasnt sny business nr Importance to roeut thia week preparltory to sta rt-, • B etty Keppauf, Cottage Grove, • bring up It was decided pot to hold tng work on the Fiddle Creek road. In the report o f the Home Econ> problems by our people. a meeting. We aru following a line of work • etc.-Trees. The Community Sunday School re- j ¡mica committee at the atato conven- The nest social night will be the mmeil Ha regular sessions last Sun- I ¡tlon last month wc find thia sentence. tayed out two years ago. Our Junior ! • N. A. H o m Cottage Grove. Door • eeeond Wednesday of thia month or m eetings a r/ carried on In c o n n e c ts K ttpsr day with a good attendance. It was I We fuel the juniors need some con- 10 H. C. Jackson. W altsrvllle. Con- •¡Jun voted to meet hereafter at 10 a. m. • s t r u c tiv e work, so that they may be lion with locals or County m eetings. A few front here attended the last In all their work. We conduct our • *ductor. Sister Bester expects her mother • able to take some part In the meat- day program at the Fall Creek school meetings ore In session at the s a m e 's o . L. Clement, Chaplain, for a visit of six weeks. She will ar- j • tags. bouse Thursday of taat week They aa ihc grown upa • • • » ♦ * rive about June 10. * 1 As some of the members of Farmer» nit report having had a fine time The Junior advlaur Instructs them Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester of Portland ‘ Union may not be acquainted with In al their work There will be a abort program at the We conduct our • * who formerly lived here are spending * s the junior work I wtah to reprint a m eetings properly. In the muhner pre FARM REMINDERS church nest Hunday, commoratlng a month or tiro wtth their son and « h iter I received from Miss Mlua S. scribed by Roberta' Rolca of order. childrens day. • • dauKhtetyin-law, brother and plater ) • " Uts of Estherville, Iowa: Arthur Ituthnven and hla alaler Mrs. I The members elect their officers, • • • • • Sylvester. • • • For poisoning the Douglas ground Arlo Jones motored to Corvallis Ratur- appoint com m ittees and conduct all Estherville, Iowa. Brother E. E. Potter reports 100 „ COAST FORK LOCAL y to attend the tournament given business meetings. This plan of self squirrel- the common grey digger— gallons of cream from hla. Jerseys for j April 18. 1925. «ôvërnment develop, their knowledge Uhls I. the best aeasou. a.y experiment ’ o A (, the month of May. * Mrs Eugene B. Tinker: authorities During the month in parltmentary law and business p re station ’ «*'»•”* nuihnrlil«. month. I Strawberry harvest Is on and some ’ Coast Fork Local met In Their new ' Creswell. Oregon, of May and June when the femalea colu re W e take the children from excellent berries are being shipped hall for the first time May 28. with a , Dear Mrs. Tinker: Your letter of and young are above ground they are • SPENCER CREEK LOCAL Neighbors Herrington and Patter very attendance, considering the April 8th received some time ago. We the age of 8 to 18 years. We offer six prises a year. three Io-readily exterminated. The squirrels ton are making extensive Improve- weather. '»re «'»d to know that you are Inter- those under ten years and three to are kUIrd m otl effectively by means m ents on their new property. Chairman of the cow testing com- ' Mted In our Junior movement, ten years This gives of poison grain. The grain la scalier- Spencer Creek local will meal at Messrs Hill and Snodgrass of Cush mittee reported that there world b e 1 About three years ago I conceived j those over them som ething lo work for. We al wl along the squirrel trails ami about Frank tienta. Friday evening. June man cannery were in Berrydale last atx)Ut 4(w to be tested as n« •» the Idea of organising a Junior Farm low them credits for all work done the holes. Properly scattered poison 6 (Or (he> transaction of hustneea week on cannery business. as possible to tell now. it would be > ora Union, and communicated with We use the Junior lesson In the Union does not endanger livestock, as the Every member of thn Spencer Mr. and Mrs. Safford and children 1 abou, g or 9 lour national president at that time. purer appoint a different leader from animals do not pick up enough to Creek local Is urged lo be present of Idaho are visiting at the Kimball Next In order was plans for raising ann in co ipera-' you wish nbont our Junior » n «-nat between rains, according to A. (1 loss of father, husban-l and grand­ land. Pauline a n l Camille Schneider are tion WOrk If we are going to make , will be glad to furnish you with » m Bouquet. professor of v gotable gsrd father. There will be childrens day exer- ¡«telling at Lorane with friends and organisation good as farmers. ¡All we need Is push al our a • enlng at the college It should nut be I Mary E Read will applied, h o. ver. when III» plants nr»», conventions and It It CourtrlgM else» and a picnic dinner at the Farm- relatives I started out to make the Junior; National if t t wet. ers Union Hall on Jure 14 There Mr and Mrs. M. Jepson leave Wed- organisation purely educational, give have a national movement We m mu wat Superphosphate may be mixed L. W. Courtrlght w ill be an all day meeting. Ton are resday for San Jose. California where ;onr young folks the right kind of trail start and educate our chi! I t . n now with n,lrate „» soils t„ make it Mrs Luella t'ogal cordially invited to attend. ¡they will make their home. Jng. Teach them the true principles: 1 would be glad to hear from you > eaaler app|y. The rate of applies- Mrs. V ane. Barber Gladys Groves who has been stop- Mrs. George Kebelbeck went to Eu- o, rooptrstlon, snd the needs of rural sny time shout Union work. tlon Is 200 pounds of each an acre, W n Courtrlght ping at the Carl Bergman home In ^ Be Saturday to aUend the funeral , lWe. ! Yours for «K* ■ -------- Paulina Courtrlght Florence attending high school Is of an aunt, whose death occured in - - - «"'» «■ »»>*><•» to solve ourl (Mias) Mina - I Is home for summer vacation. Portland May 28 TIME AND PLACE OF • I of this place. W eather conditions permitting th e' Mrs. Huff and daughters Hasel and i Florence I.and visited Monday and LOCAL MEETINGS • Siltcoos school wjll rtcn lc at th e Helen Spent Sunday with Mrs Huffs DORENA LOCAL NO| 19« Canary -F irst Hunday and Third • ¡Tuesduy with Jeanette Rpahr of Star beach on June 21. leaving Siltcoos slg(er Mrs Ellis Robinson, • • • • • • < • Saturday. Farmers Union Hall. * Mra. Ruth England, Mr». Emit from 8 to 9. If boats are not a v a il-' Mrs. George Kappauf and children, Cloverdale—Recond and Fourth • Mr. and Mr. ^ T e e t e r . ¡ r e c e i v e d I Kirk and father C H. Jennings Jennlng shop- i able we will picnic at some available Mrs. George Kebelbeck and children Fridays. ( loverdale School House. • Td Tuesday from VancoJrer that P -' 8‘ Cottage Grove Monday •pot on the Siltcoos. You are cor- were shopping in Eugene Thursday, word family Creswell—First and Third Tuee • elr daughter. Mm Molli* Volga- *>h" *nd dially invited to attend. There will Mr9 Albert Woodard of Camp B their Again we sniff the vernal i ncle C .! days, Cr«ww»yi. M. W. of A Hall. • ___ k . ' . . visited at the home of his L be a basket dinner. visited with her mother at Falls City more was dead, and the b»niy< Is being frisk be­ breeses; again Coast Fork—Second snd Fourth • Jennings here Sunday evening. H. neath the blue; again forsake sent here. Mrs. Volgamore w ith her 'last week. Thursdays. Hebron Church House • our raucus sneezes— again for­ husband and children left here ub<»ut "Eat Vegetable« for Vltam lnes.” get we had the “ flu.* Again Danebo—First Tu«^day, Daneba • W ill Organiza Cow Tasting Is the slogan on the attractive package three weeks or a month ago to reside we don our kiddo breeches; I ■ School House. * at Vancouver and the new* of her labels recently issued by the Market TRENT LOCAL again we eaek the velvet sward; I Dorona—Second and Foulh Tuee- • A cow testing association for west­ again the rural tom -tit Breaches; death was a great shock to;her par Grower’s Journal, national v eg eta b le! • • • • • • • • • • day«. Ikirena Churoh. * ern I^ n e county will be discussed and again the sprtng-eotig thrills the publication. The labels are In colors, Trent Ix>cal will meet at the home ents and many friends of this place Hadleyvllle — First and Third • bard. Again we haunt the blue­ plans made for organisation at two with a baaket of vegetables In the of Mr and Mrs. E. B. Tinker Wednes where she has lived since s i e was a grass medder and waddle forth Thursdays, Hsdleyvllla School, * little girl. Our hearts go out In sym­ m eetings to be hold by O. S. Fletcher, center, and space for the grower's day night, June 3. on pleasure bent; we try to do a lle c e ts—First Sunday of each • county agent, and N. C. Jamison, eg- j double-header and rustle where namp and advertisement. They are' The r«cent rains although good for pathy to her parents and rrfmy rela­ month, lfecela Srhool House, x * tension dairy sp»flail'll of O. A. C . the pellet w en t four by five inches in site and gum- truck gardening has been detrimental tives and to her husband and three Again the offlee-gloom repels Jasper»-8e»'ond and Fourth Wed- • Sunday at Canary and Monday at the med for sticking to packages. The to the strawberry growers. Some little ones. us; again stem duty seems a nnsdays, W, O. W. Hall, Jasper. * North Fork grange hall. Tbe revival meetings held by Rev Market Grower's Journal offers them clover hay was cut junf bef«»re the bore; again our innard natur* Both the Canary and North Fork • I .ora ne—Second and Fourth • and Mrs Archer at this plafce closed tells us to get outside an* lock at the rate of (8.50 a 1000 and will be rain and It is feared It Is spoiled. districts are dairy sections and there • WcduesJays. I. O. O, F. Hall. • the door. When suckers, chan­ Sunday night but opened uqain Tues­ glad to snbmit sam ples to any v e g e -! ------------------------------- nel-eats an* croppies monopo­ seem s to be a demand for a cow test­ • M» Kenzte local, second and * table grower who desires them to • • • • • • • • • • day evening and will continue until lize a feller’s dreams, old Flan­ • fourth Wednesday, 8 p. m. I. O. O. • over Sunday and everyone la Invilpd ing aesoclatlon. Some work has been advertise bis products. • CENTRAL LOCAL ders Field with all Its poppies done along this line In other yars In • F. hall. W sllervllle • to come and bring their lun<4> Sunday can't keep us from our flutin’ • • • • • • • • * * • Mt Vernon First and Third • W estern 1-ane. streams. O, hand me down my and hear the three serm ons.’ A few hogs will go a long way to­ Tbe next regular meetir.« of the bow and quiver — my trusty I • U . Iiu i'liiy Itr.o tl« l Sher Khan QUUi 662 Gak Street Eugene, Oregon I