The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, June 04, 1925, Page 3, Image 3

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    THURSDAY, JUNK 4. 1928 .
Injured In Collision
Visit Mother Have— Francla lum ber- j Drive to Dallas— Mr. and Mrs. B. A.
ty ot Portland vlsltud hl« mother Mrs. Washburns and Mr. and Mrs. Nal
N. A Rows Huturilay and Hunlay.
March dross to Dallas Munday.
In From Wlnbsrry- Mr. and Mra*
Improving House Mbs. AA.'aniw'n
llulelgli Makar were litislnsaa visitors ot 1‘orlland, owner of a house on A
In town W<alnc»day from Wlnbsrry
'and dlh sire* Is, Is having the building
ropapervd and Improved.
In From Trent- J II. Gresham of
Return to horns In Portion«
Trent was In town on business Tuts
I Nelin Marsh r< turned Friday to her
'home In Portland, after a visit of
Drive to Portland—. A K Harper NO veral days at the F. II ilum lln home,
nnd Vernou Harper drove to Portland
to spend the week end.
Sent to Hospital— Mrs. Clara Brown
*>f Thurston was admitted to the l*a-
Visits Parents Hero— Anthony Haul elflc Christian hospital for treatment
of l*ortlsnd spent the week end with Monday,
tils parents Mr. anil Mra. A. Haul.
' Co to Portland Dr. Rules« Kester
Janies Mitchell received a bail cut
over b it right eye Saturday when the
Ford Coupe In which he and Dwight
Keaaey were riding collided with an­
other car In Corvallis. Mr. Mltchall
F. II. Seeley, of Chicago and Phlla
w i , thrown against the windshield
caualnK the cut, and blacking bom of dolpbla, the noted truss (Xpert, will
bla eyca. The two men proceeded to periionully he at the Osborn Hotel, and
will remain in Eugene Tuesday ouly,
June k Mr Seeley says: "The Sper
matic Shield will not only retain any
Burned by Electricity
se of rapture perfectly, but con
throwing out an electric tract« the opening In 10 days on the
switch at the Springfield lumber com­ average case, being a vast advance­
pany Saturday morning. Theodore ment over all former methods— ex­
had hla right hand
badly emplifying Instantaneous effects leu-
The current entered
Mr. mediately appreciable and withstand­
Karan'a hand through the fingers, and ing any strain or position no matter
came out near the wrist, causing seri­
ous burns at both placca. He will bi
unable to resume bis work tor several
Repairing Houss -Hale Plownra Is and F. 11. FUnery drove to Portland
Dr. 8 Ralph ISppel, Dentist. Vitus
remodeling his bouse on K slroet and Friday, reluming the same evening
building, SprlntrfMd, Oregon.
building a garage there.
jw tlh Mrs. Kester «bo spent severul
Visiting Sister Hers- George Kills ,U > ' *U H Iu« ,h« «
Is vlalllng bis slater, Mrs. W. I. House
Building Garage at Bridgt— Harm
from Kansas City. Mr. Kills arrived 1 Hayis has comuiunced the building of
garage 4ftxl»8 feet at M cKensla1
In From Harrisburg Mr and Mrs. bridge. He purchased his lumber here
Wnde Hpurlln of Harrisburg were In ***** week,
town Tuesday.
| Purse Found Friday— A purse con-
Drive to Newport— Mr. nnd Mrs. J. talnlng money was found Friday on '
<*. Parker and dBttghter. Miss Eunice the railroad tMM* and tu m id In at)
Parker drove to Newport and back the city hall, where It may be claimed 1
. by the owner.
Ooaa to Portland for Week End— . Qoe, to Albany— W. C. Mrl-agan.
Mrs. Harry Stewart returned Monday
(>f th„
ev.nlng from, Portland where kthe pUm of , he Mountain States Powar
spent the weekend.
company went to Albany Saturday,
Or. John Simons
Office 404-7 M. & W. Bldg.
Pacific Telephones: Office
«13; Res. 2075.
Eugene, Oregon
We pay you cash for your
old furniture
Piano ............. $178.50
Davenport ........... $30.
If You are
for the dessert your only trouble
will bn In the serving, and that's
no trouble at all. You can be
confident the cream will be de­
licious. You can feel that no
home prepared dessert could be
better. So save bother and have
the best by using our Ice cream.
not getting good results with your Kodak-----
We will be glad to explain the the proper operations to you.
7 West 7th, Eugene Oregon
without Commision or
Brokerage Charges
Spend Week-End Here— Mr. and
Mrs. W. A. Km>ry of Porlland spent
the week-end In Springfield and Eu­
gene visiting with N. W. Emery and
R. W. Smith.
Mr. Smith la Mra.
Kmery'e father.
Unlimited funds to loan on good city property on monthly
payments of $14.66 per $1,000.
Improving From Serious Illness—
W. A. UresHman. attorney of Spring-
field who has been seriously III for
several months, la reported to be Im­
proving rapidly. Mr. Grossman la now
able to walk about, although It will
probably bo sometime before he re­
turns to his office.
Old or run down buildings not considered.
37-9th Ave. W.
Phone 667
Eugene, Ore.
Two New Agencies
An unusual project has been set
In motion in New York. A busi­
ness building, taller than the Wool-
worth, is to rise on Broadway —
and dedicated to Christianity. I t
is to bo known ns Broadway
Temple, containing, a church,
auditorium, schools, hotel, stores
nnd business offices. "Help God
open an office on Broadway1' is the
bond slogan.
Dr. Christian F.
Iteisner, a Methodist minister from
Kansas, is the leader in the n. ve-
Go to Motorcycle Races Mr. and
Mrs. J W Shaw attended the motor­
cycle races at Cottage Grove Sunday
Drive to Portland Mr. and Mrs. It
R. Ilarbert and two children motored
to Portlund Saturday, returning Sun
731 Willamette St.
A. E. Roberts, President.
892 Willamette St.
Eugene, Oregon
Go to Medford— Mrs. W. II. Pollard
and Miss Kila Ilnesen left Monday tor
Medford, where Miss iloosen will be
a nurse at the Medford hospital. Mra
Pollard returned to Springfield Tues­
For I*lano and Violin Instruc­
tion consult the Pacific Conser­
Cencertos, the recognlxed great­
est compositions written for
piano and violin, taught to be­
ginners during their first year
of Instruction.
Spohr's famous Violin method
written for beginners contains
He was one of the greatest
Violin Virtuosos the world has
ever known.
Eugene Business College
4God on Broadway"
Bsby Olrt Bom— Mr. and Mre. T. D,
Robinette of Trent are tbs parents of
a »pound baby girl born Mbnday
Ellsworth Crocker
Ask about It
The buHiness College will be in session thruout the Summer
Months. All classes will be conducted the same as during
the regular school year.
Phone 666 ..
rle of Portland spent the weekend
here with bla parents. Mr. and Mrs. C.
I. Gorrle, Mr.
V lrtt Here From Roseburg - Mrs.
Fred Jest nnd Mra. Frank Root visited
nt the home of Mr. and Mra. W. A.
Tnylor Saturday nnd Sunday, driving
hack to their homes In Roseburg Sun­
day evening.
Summer School
Furniture Store
858 Pearl Street
Il II Murray of the Booth-Kelly lum­
Gate New
Shipment of Qoods-
ber company spent Sunday up the Me- Wrlght and Sons, hardware d**alera. •
received a new «hlpment of daven '
Spends Week-End Hers— T. C. Gor­ porta and chairs Monday.
Go on Picnic— Mr. and Mra. W. G.
Hughes and family. M r and Mra. 8. 8.
Potter anil family, Mr. and Mrs. IT. G
McBIhaney and Dr and Mra. W. H.
Pollard and family, Mias Margaret
llalaey and W aiter Fenwick picnicked
nt the C W. Hansen place near Gosh­
en Saturday.
, tbs also or location. Largs or dif­ from the United States Government,
ficult cases. or taclaaloual rupture« Washington, D. C., for Inspection. He
| (following operations) specially so ‘ will be glad to demonstrate without
licit*«!. This Instrument received the charge or fit them If desired. Busi­
j'-aly award in England and In Spain, ness demands pr-vent stopping at any
! producing results without surgery, In­ other place In thia section.
jections, medical treatments or prs « P. 3 — Every statement in this no­
scrlptlona. Warning— All cases should tice has been verified before the Fed­
bs esutinoed against the usa of any eral and Stats Court«.— F. H. Mealey.
elastic or web truss with understrips, Home Office 117 N. Dearborn 8t.
as earns rest where the lump is and Chicago.
not where the opening is, producing
cov-pllcatione necessitating surgical SPECIAL PRICE on plate work. Dr.
operations. Mr. Seeley ha« documents i N W. Emery, dentist 8utU>n Bid*.
Take it to the Kodak Specialists-----
Buys New Car— L. A. Smith, an em­ rt-turnliig to Hprlugfleld Sunday.
ployee at the Mountain tha'es Power
Gore to Brownsville Dr and Mrs.
company haa purchased a new Max­ W. C- Ilebhan and family «pent Sun­
well coupe.
day vlalllng relative« and friends at
Qo Fishing Sunday—I'. F lla rh e r and Brownsville.
Visits Hers From Portland Miss
Gretchen H errlrk of porlland visited
Miss Alice Mortensen over the week
Kodak Albums
Fountain Pens
Toilet Sets
See our window and In­
terior display during this
We have agency for Kohler farm lighting systems and
Paul Pumping systems. Two of the best labor saving and
satisfactory modern equipments that can be installed to
make your country home as convenient as the city palace.
THE KOHLER LIGHTING SYSTEM has no expensive bat­
teries to deteriorate. You always have light where you
want It by just pressing the button.
THE PAUL PRESSURE SYSTEM is self priming and is
built for real service. Always a supply (¿1 pure cold water,
have in the country. Always a supply of pure cold water.
Let us tell you more. Call or write
Un-superstitious pedestrians often do thi
—Proving that a post can divide two people
without splitting their friendship. In the same
w ay experienced motorists have proved to their
complete satisfaction that Zerolene, a western
oil, win lubricate the modem automobile engine
as well or a little better than any oil they can buy,
although it costs less than eastern lubricants.
The anti-Western oil superstition
succumbs to experience
Zerolene is successfully lubricating more cars
in the Pacific Coast states than any other oil
m a d e— low and high priced cars alike. The
most advanced refining process is this Com­
pany’s patented high-vacuum process, during
the use of which Zerolene is submitted to 15
positive checks for quality. Zerolene's special
filtration through 40 tons of Florida Fuller’s
Earth gives you an oil o f absolute purity—a
better oil even if it does cost lessl
Less carbon—better fuel mileage
Zerolene will increase the power and gaso­
line mileage o f y o u r car, reduce carbon ac­
cumulation in the cylinders and lengthen the
working life o f the engine.
Electric <& Specialty Co.
Located In the Elks Bldg., Phone 1493-J
80 West 7th Ave.
Eugene, Ore.
W hy pay tribute to a superstition? I n s is t
o n Z e ro len e —ask for it by nam e.
We prepare everything for the table—no more worries
when an emergency arises. Just get in contact with our
expert knowledge and our electric kitchen is at your service
for the asking. We will roast your meats or prepare any­
thing you want on shortest possible time. Your favorite
cake receipt will get the same attention as in your own
kitchen and it will cost you less.
JUST TRY IT, no order too large or too small.
Meat Pies
Cream Puffs
Salads at order
Chill con Carne
Clam Chowder
Surprise Special
French Pastery .
For Saturday
Hot Roasts
Cakes, Pies
Pie, Cake,
Cold Meats
Itfc Cream and Soda
Main Street Between 4th and 5th
‘Open Sundays
Get the Factsl
A series o f independent and impartial reports
showing the experience o f large users with
Zerolene has been collected in our booklet,
"W hy Pay Tribute to a Superstition?” Ask any
Standard Oil Company representative or Zero­
lene dealer for a copy.
Insili on
even i f i t does