The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, June 04, 1925, Page 2, Image 2

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    THURSDAY. JUNE 4. 1826
Published K t cry Thuraday •»
Springfield. Lane County. Oregon. by
B . X MAXKY. Editor
ztered aa aocond rlaaa matter. February 14. IM S at th«
postonica. Sprlngflahl. Oregon
H arry Th*w Is back on iBjTiadway with a
shimmy dancer. Perhaps he feels as If he had
paid the piper and is now entitled to a two step.
The Presbyterians nwnw determ ined to legis­
late the correct way of reaching heaven. Poaaibly
however in case of an error there may be an ap-
E d ito r ia l
Ona Tear tn Advance---- »t.S6
Biz Months _____ ______7&c
C om m ent
Three Months
Single Copy
Rural residents of Oregon are longer lived than their
Icity brothers, according Io the Sears Roebuck Agricultural,
, Foundation. There are fully 29 per cent more deaths per
• hundred thousand population tn the larger cities than lit
Editorial Program
• places having leas than 10.000 people.
Analysts of mortality statistics for Oregon brings
Maks Springfield the Industrial Center of W es­
light som e Interesting facta concerning the health of both I
tern Oregon.
city man and small town resident, says the Foundation , TO GRADUATE AT OREGON
II. Develop a Strong T ra d in g Point: Build a City
There are nearly twice as many deaths from appendicitis 1
University of Oregon Eugene. May
a f Contented Homes.
in the cities than occur tn the rural districts. Tuberculosis
II I . Im prove Living Conditions on the Farm . Pro­
4 -Special!—Two seniors enrolled In
and d lptherl. are, not a . fatal In
tV c n lr e r e lty ' ofO regon from Spring
mote the Raising of Purebred Livestock and
they are In the crowded centers, snd nhlther cancer nor j i field are candidates for degre«es at the
the Growing of F ru it: W o rk fo r B etter M arkets
diabetes are aa deadly In the open spaces as they are to June Commencement. In all. 418 seni­
IV . T e ll the W o rld About Oregon's Scenic W onder-
residents of cities. Deaths from heart disease are much
ors and graduate students have ap-
'm ore common In the cities and bronchitis and pneumonia idled for degrees
While failure to
‘ ¡do not take their toll in the rural districts to the same
complete academic work may reduce
extent as tn the cities.
this number somewhat before Com­
Though American aviation lagged In the w a r'
Heath by suicide It a much more frequent occurrence
mencement Hay. June IS. the IBIS
there is satisfaction in the knowledge that we In the city than In the sm aller places and the same Is “^ ‘,iu#t"ng class w"iil . zceed 400 and
have a t last made a sta rt toward commercial air found to hold true for homicide, the Foundation reports wJ|)
|h<> ,argta, ,n , h„ h,B,„ ry ot
Z— tbs«»
amwael s«»ael«t
service. The National Air Transport. Inc., orga- /“
the nthoe
other k
scarlet fawwe
fever (at
is found (rz
to fair»»
take If«
its the Institution
nlzed in Chicago, gives promise of a development heaviest toll In the more Isolated regions, and Influenza if The Springfield seniors snd the de
th at . will write itself perm anently In the history » i » - greater menace In the country than In the city. .
partmenta from which they will he
„ o f the world S achievements.
The men behind , The lower death rate of the rural sections of the state
nr, j Ban Millican. Normal
the movement are sound Of Judgement. They aa compared to the cities Is no doubt due In a Urge n o * » -’ Arta. Ann„ |„ab»| Qorrla. Education
m ake no call for governm ent subsidy, though ure to the more normal, natural life that the rural residents: com m encem ent week exerelsea be
they plight excusably do SO. Rightfully, they l n ' i [ ead aa compared to the man in the large cities, sta tes' ------------------------------------------------------- •
dicate a wish for a code Of aviation law and regu- ,h„ Foundation. And It Is especially remarkable that only 1
latory m easures at the hands of governm ent, three per cent of the country's rural residents are •stim at-
They bring to the nation not only a new m eans e<1 ,o ohsprve the fundamentals of health in the disposal
Of comm^rcal transportation, but a new code Of of their sew age and the safeguarding of their drinking
business ethics.
water supply. As rural health work Is expanded, a big
Unquestionably great sums of money m ust he change may be looked for In the prevention of premature
Invested before adequate return can be expected. ,jeaih anj human illness as well as promotion of public
Not to consider equipment, real estate values health and economic »„rings
alone will provide a severe tax in the m atter of
term inals. Nor «tan expenditures incident to ex­
It !■ estimated that Americans wilt spend (600,000,000 j
perim ent be overlooked. Also it must be rem em ­ In Europe (his summer. They could get at least (300.000. .
bered th at the new service m ust stand the acid 000 worth of service for that sum at our own tourist re- !
test of unem otional commerce. It will be judged sorts.— Indianapolis Star. *
and approved only as it m easures to accom plish­
m ent. It m ay not look to sentim ent: it will not
Archaeologists are finding many, many sunken cities. |
be bolstered up by patriotism . Business is h e a rt­ Many modern cities, sizing up their outstanding bonds and
less in its dem ands: it m akes no excuse for youth, lamenting their present tax rate, also feel considerably
but m easures every new bidder for its favor by
existing standards. The writing is on the wall sunke0 " S tr o ll Free Pres..
In the days to come there will perhaps a ris e ' Illinois spiritualists are holdlg their annual conf« rente
m onum ents to those courageous souls who have and one ot th e n predicts that radio will presently take the
had the vision to see and the pluck to dare for place of the medium as a means of communicating with
com m ercial air service in America.
the departed. We are going to work rlgtie away to con­
struct a supernaturalJyne receiving set.—Chicago Fo»t.
A visit to Longview, W ashington, will open
th e most skeptical eyes as to what can be done
If the summer girl's costume is weighed In the balance
In a short time in the way of building a city. A there won’t be much wear and tear on the balance.—Dt-
substantial city of concrete and brick has been
erected and at the sam e tim e business created to •roit Free Press.
• • •
Justify the millions expended. This has all been
If the people of the Balkans would ever try sleeping
done in a brief period of two years on a spot f all night and working al, day for a month, maybe th«
which was formerly a swamp.
peace movement would prosper more.—Houston Poet-Dis­
Silk C repe D resses
A t TRia Excellent Price!
Embroidery sod lac« B a h
t b e a e Dreaeea autobto let
“party” frock«-— aad they are
mads so simple th a t they I N
also appropriate for a ft
frocks as w rit. Tbs mat
all belong to the Silk Crepe
family— which Is tma of tlw
First Families in the Btyls
world I
In tlw Sreaoon’s
Popular Styles
Tbs styles are thoee which
ars most in demand for Spring
and Summer wear.
Aad the
colors a rt simply ravishing. W e
won't forget ths splendid prica.
cither I
provide perfect protection
from fire and theft for his
papers when
cost is even less than a
Dr. Geo. A. Simon
cent a day.
T hat is the small amount
it will cpst you to keep
your valuables in a Safety
Doposit box here at the
Modern Ellctric Equipment, Yenrs of experience, Acute
First National.
and Chronic Diseases.
of women.
41 Years
of Helpful Service
Special attention given to diseases
High Blood Pressure. Stom ach and Bowel
Troubles, Rheum atism , Back A dies Etc., Yield to ouY
The success and growth of Electric Chiropractic m erits
T he First
National Bank
your investigation.
Over Penny's Store
Phone 366J
Five aeroplanes soar in the clouds watching a
m otor speed boat beat the New York C entral’s
fam ous train The Century Limited in a race from I butcher’s —Detroit News
Albany to New York. Eagles watching the funny
Law Is quite like medicine
haste of ants.
We don’t have to wait for someone or some
corporation to build a city for us. We can do it
ourselves and to suit ourselves.
Th dove of peace seems to be about as popular
In tho Balkans as a safety razor in a barber shop.
in one parlicnlar A certain
amount of it Is beneficial. Too much of It Is som etim es
worse than none at all.—Memphis Commercial Appeal.
It's no fair kidding Arizona because a skull half an
inch thick has been dug up there. Plenty of 'em can be
.found In other states without digging.—Warrensburg Star-
Springfield Property
Tomorrow, Friday, June 5, 2 p m
At the Place. A beautiful little home, consisting of ono acre with 6-rootn
house, 2 garages, barn, woodshed, chicken house and park fruit trees,
Berries and garden, only 6 blocks east, ot pavement and car line, lot 20
Stew arts Addition, l«th Street. This must sell. Possession given at once.
Will be sold on term s. No doubt this will lie a real buy und If you are
looking for a real home or an Investment don’t miss this sale. Remember
the date, JUNE 6th, at 2 P. M.
Eugene Phone 684-R
W. L. Coppernoll, Owneir
* 1
No one should hesitate to
« « *
For the traveler, says a writer, the Balkans offer few
accommodations. The Balkans, however, do provide ex­
cellent facilities for anyone looking fon an argument.—
Detroit News.
• • •
It is to be understood that the pound which Is reported
to be gaining rapidly Is the British pound, not the
It Costs too Little
to Hesitate
With one building underway, contracts for two
m ore let and plans being made for another It
looks like the delayed building move in Spring-
field had gotten underw ay so fa r as the larger
structures are concerned. This sum m er should
see more real development than in m any years.
gin Thursday. June 11. with the Fall­ June 1«. The Rev. Mr Mathews Is an
ing and Reehinan orations The an­ Oregon alumnus, class of IH95 Com
nual flowsr and fern procession or the m enu meni exercises wttl be held on
senior gtrle Is set for the following the fallowing day, June IB. In the
day. Alumni Hay la scheduled for Woman* building on the campus, wHh
Saturday, June IS, and the following 'l»«an Joel II Hildebrand of the Uni-
classes will hold reunion«: IIMM. ‘14, 1 verelty of California aa the speaher.
•SR. '» « , IIIIIO, 'OS. ‘03. 'Of, '06. ISIS. 'll.
Ob What a Pal
‘SI, ' l l . '34.
"Tete Johnson ami hla wife are such
Rev Frank It Matthews, pastor of
the Unlverslt* Baptist church, Beattie, loving couple.
•‘Yes lnd«ed. They now shave each
will deliver the llaccalaurealo eennoii
In the First Methodist church. Bunday. other's nech '•
--------- — -----
ll ■
R. C. Peters, Auctioneer