c. S P R I N G F I £ 1 D IV O T IO TO I N T I R I I 1 OF IF R IN C F IIL D AND T H I FARM ER » OF THR W IL L A M E T T I V A L L I» oi U. lib ra ry ------ W ESTER N OF THE NATRON THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS T W EN TY-SEC O N D YEAH H S TOBE N E X T ffi KPU1NGKIELD, LANE C O U N T Y , OREGON, "M o rn ing W arden” The «Ighlhenth annual commence- w I) br lh* first of the big graduation events ft>r twenty ntoe seniors who will graduate from Springfield high school thia year. The aervlcea will tab« place Munday evening at tba Meihudlat church. . Following la the .....„ G irl* Ul«e Club EXAMS AT JUNIOR HIGH .BISHOP SHEPARD WILL SPEAK AT M. E. CHURCH member« of the eighth j Bishop Wm. O. Shepard, resident of the Junior high »chool bl» hop of tbe Portland area of the passed the state examination* uncon­ Methodist church, L»r. G students were conditioned, while on* and Dr. 8 A. Danford, superintendent 'flunked entirely. of the Southern Oregon district of the : Those who will receive their <11. church, will speak on Springfield’s I !plomaa are; Maude Bryan. Edith Bu­ Industrial growth at a basket social tton, Itona Frltell, Alma Greenwood, at the Methodist church this even in g.' Kvelyn Jacobnot), Gordon Lee, Evelyn Everyone Interested In bearing these Manley, Bather McPherson, Mildren questions discussed is urged to attend ' ¡McCready, Bora Peterson, Waive Pel- Today, these men are v isitin g ! I erton, Paul Potter. Lawrence Roof, WendUng with the same purpose in I Luclle Richmond, Crystal Smith and mind. It la expected that Dr. Dean ' I Margaret Swart*. will discuss public enterprises, and Friday 1* the last school day for th - comment upon the {oaalbJRtlea of j Junlor high achool. No graduation such enterprise* in 8prlngfleld. R e».! exercises for the eighth grade will b e jj. F. Haas, of the Eugene Methodist; held. church will attend the meeting this evening. I program: llyiunal *t.... ........... .......... Glad Tiding* Invocation ........... Ko». Karl Chllder* 16 PASS EIGHTH GRADE TH U R SD A Y. JUNE 4, 1925 Gaston B. Meant, former Paugh- •rty aid, at ha r»gi»tored In at A t­ lanta prison to tarva a two year aentance for conspiracy. He It al­ to under indictment charger I with forgery in the Oaagherty inves­ tigation. CUTOFF "Th« Paopl«'« Papar“ A LIVE NEWSPAPER IN A LIVE TOWN NUMBER 20 Cham p H itch-H iker No Graduation E u re's«« to be Held; Baskst Social Being Held Tonight In School Ends Friday for Honor of Visiting Church Thio Term. Officials Here Baccalaureate Sermon Sunday, Claes Play Monday, Junior- Senior Banquet Tuesday, Commencement Exercises Wednesday. Vocal Selection T E R M IN A L f OB SCHOOL BOABB Petition Being Circulated for Candidacy to Succeed George Ditto; Smith Up for Re-elec­ tion as Clerk. , V À Nellie Amter, 17, lives in New York City and studies mu«ic at tba Cleveland, (O .). « Music Institute. She ha* funds for study but none fo r travel— so four tim e* now »ho ha* “ hitch-hiked" home for a visit. She gave two rules for girl "hitch­ hikers.” They are, "Don’t get Into a crowded auto; and "Don’t accept rides after d irk ." Petitions bearing the name of W. G. Hughes, president of tbe First Nation­ al bank, for successor to George Ditto as members of the city school board were filed today. Mr. D itto’s term of office runs out this year. R. W. Smith is a candidate for recorder, to succeed himself. The election will be held .June 15. Candidate» names to be printed on the ballot must be filed tomorrow. The Booth-Kelly lumber company was awarder the contract to deliver 235 cord* of wood to the Bprlngfield Scripture l<*»uu Her. Lari Childers school at the rate of *3.50 a cord, at Intiodurtlon of rlaaa ...... ............. i the regular m eeting of the school SENIOR PLAY “STOP T H IE F ” V D Haiti. Principal board Tuesday evening. S' rmon, “Tba High way -Whence. PRESENTED MONDAY EVE. MARK BROOM NOTORIOUS Names of both Mr. Hughes and Mr. Whither" ___ Rev. F. L. Jdoore Smith petitions are tbe same. They AS BOOTLEGGER,ARRESTED METHODIST CALL ROLL "Stop Thief,” a fast moving three- Hymnal are as follows: O. C. Thurman, Henry SCIO SLUGGERS WALLOP act comedy, will be presented by Pio Mark Broom, notoriously charged Benediction Re». Earl Childers Close, A. A. Gibson, Eli Jones. F. A. OF M ISSING MEM BERS S P R I N G F IE L D T O S S E R S senior* of the high school at the high with having been king of the boot On Monday evtnlng, the das* pre- Cllngan, A. F. Flowers, Y. A. Flowers, , , ¡school audltorlcm at 8 Monday even- Icggtra who ha» been a fugitive from Roll call for members of the church, W. A. Hall, Harry Whitney. C. E. sent« It* play, “Stop Thief." at the in a closely contested and Interest- ,BJf , .„nab<., Harp, r „nd N|ce justice for the last three years, wa their relatives, or friends of the Wheaton. George Perkins, W. H. high school auditorium, and on the . in« gam . played Sunday on the 6th „ «(Rky-flngered captured by Sheriff Frank Taylor and jchcrch, who have died during the past following evening the Junior» enter Adrian, C. P. Clover. C. A. Swarts, B. , street diamond. Scio won Ito second ,„a |d and a thief. deputies Monday night In an apart- was held at the Springfield Me- A. Washburne, C. E. Swarts, Mrs. lain the Senior, at . banquet and wm<, fr(,m Sl>rtn|lg Th„ lnall WBr„ bo. t venlng at 8:00. Thin program while KpHagf,»!,! , e. m „ lh , James cluny, an Englishman, engaged In hla opaseasion. Bloom, who It Is 8chantol, Mrs. George Perkins, Emery F. Walker. to Madge ............. ..... John C ox'alleged operated the big still captured Metcalf. Mrs. Ida Eddy. William Leo- not entirely complete yet. la mi fol- Hpong r,„ lallrl>nt Sunday the Rev. Spelvaln ...... _... Merle M cM ullen'two years ago near Hendricks bridge, |nard. Beryl Caviness, Mary Baker. Mr Needlecraft Meets will b r«'«sln«rtSs"m|f r 1 ori' he«* ** Wl,,ou* hby ........ Howard Hughes Is said to be operating stills In three 1 Rebhan. Mrs Chase. Juanita Parks, March A "What’s Wrong with This Pic­ will ba against tnscada reaort here j . ck nugan. a thief ............... Paul Nice counties Morrison Millier, Mr. Gray, Mrs ture” luncheon was served at the Invocation Sunday. 1 Mr. Carr ........ ...... — Bernald Holton Woods Rev. Francis H. Calder, Muri home of Mrs. Walter Scott last Thurs­ Binging. "America" _____ __ Audience , The Springfield lineup for the game Mr. Jamieson Kenneth Dillard I Attend-District Convention Lucile Bishop, Mrs. Godman, Mrs. day at 1:00 to members of the Needle- Presentation of Class V. D. Bain, l’rtn was: Di-lps and Carter, pitchers; Police „ .. Sergeant - O e o r g e Moon Herbert j. Cog and H. E Maxey at- Thomas ------- - Riley. Thomas Riley, John craft club, with Mr«. Scott and Mrs. Violin Solo .... .Charles Nadvornlk Black, catcher; Thompson, first hate; Mallory, a policeman ......... Bob Gibson tended the district Lions convention We*’eV Conaway. Address, "What Next" ................ John Ketels Joint hostesses. Various Cox. second base; “Ding" Mulligan, iN ellie, a maid .. Lenabel Harper j D Jxmgvtew. Washington. Friday. — ------ ----------- Dr. U. G. Dubach discrepancies in tbe household and third base; Cecil Mulligan, abort atop; 'Mrs. C a r r __ Elizabeth Walker g a(urday ant| gunday of ia,t week, as Leave for Canada Presentallon of diplomas _____ _ silver arangement formed a source of H. Cowart, left field.; Meats, center C arolin e Carr Helen ^Howard j delegate« from the Springfield den. George Ditto, Chairman of 8cbool Mr. and Mrs. Dan Crites left Wed­ amusement. field; Glllleepie. right field. Madge Carr ------------Bernice Jacobson Delegates from Oregon. Washington Board. nesday morning for Ottowa, Canada, After the luncheon, gam es and Joan Carr ____ ________ Bessie Smith and British Columbia were present Benedlqjlon. where they will spend the summer on needlework took up the afternoon. KILL KARE ENTERTAINS at the meeting held at the hotel Mon- the lakee. Those attending the meeting were: HUSBANDS W ITH PARTY UNIVERSITY HIGH BEATS tecello. The Oregon convention will Before returning to Springfield to Mrs. Floyd W esterfield and Mrs. FREE HEALTH CLINIC TO SPRINGFIELD PLAYERS be held next yeai In Corvallis. F ran k , October, they Intend to visit Ntew William-Dawson, new members of the BE HELD HERE JUNE 12 Husbands of members of (he Kill Nehr. of Salem, was re-elected the York. Washington. D C., New Orleans club. Mrs. O. H. Jarrett. Mrs. Harry 'Kara Klub were entertained at dinner Springfield high school dropped ’he district governor for Oregon. and In California. Mr. Crites has Stewart, Mrs. Carl Fieher. Mrs. W. IV A free health clinic for children and card, , he M M Peery bome last game of the year to the Univer­ obtained a leave of absence from the Nelson, Mrs. E. E. May, Mrs. H. E. under the direction of the Mercy hos- Tueai!ay evening Mrs. Maude Bryan sity high school last Monday by a Epw orth Meets F riday Evening Booth-Kelly mill where he >e head Wilson, Mrs. R. P. Mortensen, Mrs. pliai staff and associated nurses will . .i . - i. ...» <• w,,n b,gh • cor*‘ for ,h0 ,B<1,eB "<,ore of 1 M ° n ,he u - « • 8 «Hamond saw-filer. Alec McKenzie. Mrs. R. L Drury, Mrs. Epworth League members of the be given In Springfield June 12. Par- tbo «venlng, with Mrs. Peery taking | B Rugenc. Carl Olson, Mrs. W. N. Long. Mrs. ents of all children of grammar school low score. For the men. Bert V ln-| The g Bmp WB, ragged »„d rather Methodist church will meet Friday Legion May Incorporate Ketels and Mrs. ScotL evening at the church, having as spec­ age In town or out are urged to send hl_h D(.in, winn»r and i their children for examination. ‘ P R,ow' wHh mBny errorB mBde by The laet meeting ot the club until ial guests members of the Baptist Plans for incorporating Springfield .George Blair took low acure. ¡teams. Libby of Eugene made a s e n -! Young Peoples Union, for a social post No. 40, American Legion, will October 1 will be this afternoon at Children are asked to report dur I Special guests for the evening were one. h, nded catch, as did Me- evening Games will be the chief ib e taken up at the next meeting Fri- th e, home of Mrs. Long, with Mrs. ing the morning The girls will go Ml». Crystal Bryan Miss Joan (o x . Mul|pn Sprlngf|e,d. R iding. a»d form of mnusement. and refreshments day evening. The Legion Is taking \\ ¡Ison and Mrs. Long Joint h ostesses. to the office» of Hr. W. C. Rebhan, Mr nnd Mr». Herbert (lark and Mr. ■ u h b v o f Eugene and MeMuIlen of will be served. this step In order to transact business S»here Dr. O. S. Beardsley, childrens Welby Stevens. Others who attended ,h e locals each made a two-bagger, Report Progress on Cutoff on the new property at Seventh and specialist, and Dr Rebhan wll. offlcl- were: Mr. and Mrs. George Blair, Mr. , Hempey of the U. H . 8. squad was Woodcraft Meeting Postponed B. Rapid progress Is reported to grade ate assisted by tholr nurse«, Mlee ■"