FAOB n o H T THURSDAY, MAT »I, 1925 THK SPR1NOFIKÎJ} NKWS LUMBER EMPLOYMENT h»«» curtailed SHOWS FURTHER DECLINE L Of operation. production basis SEATTLE— With the laying off of Portland. Mar 88—-tB prclaii—Fur­ several more logging crews last week ther and sharp decline la the demand Seattle's unemployed was noticeably tor help from nearly all IndustrlM on Increased The eawmlll of the Ihigvl the West Cecut a a« noted at employ­ Souud MUIs a Timber Co,, P o r t, ment center« last week and labor turn Angelea, has I mm n shat down for an over reached the lowest point of the tndlfintte period. Ilulldlng and c o n Rooaon. according to the 4b weekly structlon in Seattle and district are employment service letter published very active but there are more than here today. Reports from the various enough laborers to fill all needs. fir logging districts Indicate that SPOKANE—There is al present a many companies are preparing for a scarcity of skilled pine sawmill he Iff ahutdown in the near future. nod lumber graders, but a surplus of Employment in the pine districts all other kinds of labor. A majority ea«t of the Cascades lies reached seas- of the larger sawmills and planers In d ia l height, the letter states, and the Inland Empire are operating two there will be little new work offered shifts, as is usual at this time of year. there until harvest begins. Condensed Highway crews are well filled. The reports from the various centers, fol­ demand for all kinds of unskiled labor low: during the past week has been even PORTLAND— Due to a large fined to a few replacements. amount of down logs in the woods an-1 BEND—Ixtcal sawmills are operat­ with tho seasonal fire hazard ap­ ing two shifts six days per week. Rest-1 proaching. several falling and buck­ dent workers and loggers are well ing crews have been laid off at the employed. A small amount o f high­ lx>ng Bell camp at Ryderwood. Some way construction Is being done this commercial loggers of the Columbia summer Several Itinerant workers river and adjacent districts are mak­ have drifted Into Bend recently ex­ ing preparations to close camps next pecting to get work on the projected w eek Nearly all Portland sawmil1 railroad lines in Central Oregon. This have returned to the six-day week will not begin for some time. High water in the W illamette river KLAMATH PALLS—Pine sawmills today canned an enforced shutdown of and box factories In this district are the Peninsula Lumber company’s saw ­ busy with the season's rut. A night mill here. Calls fqr mill help are few shift w as put on last week at the Big and «here are few experienced mill- Lake box plant. All of the Pelican men now unempoyed. Highway work Bay camps are running Lumber ship­ Is active and many men who have ments for May will total a good high been laid of fat ramp hired out in road average Resident woodsmen and crews, although there are still many sawmill help are well employed. unemployed loggers in this city. ABERDEEN—Two more large Here To Attend Funeral—M rs., camps have laid off fallers and buck­ ets and by June 1 logging will hare Vance Barber, of Bend, Is in the city , ceased at $5 per rent of the operations to attend the funeral of her grand-1 In this district. Labor turnover dur­ father. George Read. She Is visiting ing the past se e k wss lighter than it at the home of her sister Mrs. Max j Coglll. has been at any time this year. Annual Geranium Sale Two days, Thursday-Friday May 28th and 29th On«» regular 35c potted plant whit «»very $1.00 cash purchase Limit 10 to a Customer THIS STORE WILL CLOSE SATURDAL. MAY 30th DECORATION DAY Shop Early We are ready to serve uuickly. Make out a list of your re­ quirement» ami shop early Friday. Your Money’s Worth Getting It Is a quealion every one Nhould consider when buying food, think of It, 40*;« of the uverage m an’s income These plant* will be splendid for Decoration Day. Window la apent for food at tiffs. Doxes, etc. White Front Grocery Every year we have had to place a larger order early and get you pick. no come A dollar is 100 cents and a pound Is 111 ounces. only right T h at's Its due you. We have lovely atraw berrlea fresh dally, with right price. This year in aditlon to Geranium s we will have other Home grown peas, lettuce, and other fresh vegetables In flowering plants and possibly some ferns. season. Buy u pound of our bulk coffee. One cup m eans another. A lw a y s Fresh Ketels Drug Store Springfield Oregon PHONE PHONE 9 • WHITE FRONT GROCER! • 9 — TACOMA—Labor turnover has been Motor To Brownsville— Mr. and extremely light and except for short Jobs within the city there was little Mrs. Iran Male will motor to Browns­ new work offered last week. Tacoma ville Friday evening to spend the camps and mills quite generally con- week-end with Mrs Male's parents. M I L E A G E H E A D Q^ u A K T E R S ’-* at the red, white and blue pump T ' urn in to t h e “ RED CROWN” PUMP FOR GASOLINE CROWDED WITH MILEAGE, All the years of the Standard Oil Company’s gasoline-making experience have gone into making “ Red Crown” the best for summer driving . . . Here you find not only quick starting, speed and power, but the very maximum At Cash Prices On Ci edit Terms That Makes It Eaty to Pay AT LARAW AVS Of course you want to give the June bride and the gradu­ ate the best gift within your mean» We are ready now to help you give the finest gifts by extending you all the credit you need on tha pur< hn«e of any gift large or small Extraordinary gift specials have been nrrang«d to encourage you to buy now. o f—MILEAGE! Thtte Dealer j Sell •‘Red Crown” M IL E S S’ v ..... ......... Corner 8th and Pearl. Eugene Brooks & Corbett .........Corner 6th and Blair, Eugene n " * 6“ ® Vulcanizing Works ----- 957 Oak St.. Eugene , F. Goodpasture-------Corner 7th and Olive, Eugene Johnson Motor Co.. _ Corner 9th and Pearl, Eugene P tV .d? and C‘ rry .............. - ...... ™> Eugene Z X S s r « .z— st • 15/ c nP° rt 8erv k e Sta,,on i f c = J. O. S c K in n e r ............. .......... .................... Jackfon and Addison v pe.® on ------------ ----- - ......- ..... - ” E. Clayton — ......... 7 ^ 7 ---------- Creswell C r e s w e ll r ï , .'; « î S o r t ' s , ” « » - - .........- b ÎT h ^ H guaranteed Waltham movement In choice of while-gold or green gold cases, all engrgved most beactlful- ly. Get him a good watch for gra- w - miski Z ......... CresweH r r ......... Creswell Garage __ ______Z Z J. E Woodson Mtr Co________ _________ S:ones Service Station .......... w J 'J Springfield .......... pearls Pay 81.00 Weekly at LARAWAVS : For Bride or Graduate l/r a m . Oakridge w 88.50 Give Pearls — s h e ll ■ Ike these. Every stra n d perfectly graduated. 8 o U <| white-gold s a f e ty clasp Guaranteed tndestruii. ible. Rectangular Vld“ McKenzie Bridge P»V »1 Weekly What could be finer than to give her a de­ pendable wrist watch? This 18 Jewel rectangu­ lar |s one of the finest we hare. The move­ ments are guaranteed and the white-gold cases are most exquis­ itely engraved. Pay 81 W eekly at Lgra- z .:z .~ :.iïu e " W E Hines ................................ Blu« «'»er L Quinby .......................... „„...............R | w fcloan & Kuhn ..................... ............... McKenzie Bridge «T * Son ........................................ _ ..... ....Coburg ways GUARANTEED SILVERWARE W ith U tility Serving T re y « ^S O L^ _ buy miles ‘"tfo fast in foafc-liymSes ST A N D A R D O i l COMPANY (ta iO rU l) t ' PEN AND Largo selection of guaranteed silver­ ware for June Brides. Beautiful patterns. Conies In a ma- liogany finish utility serving tray as rhown. There is nothing that makes a better gift 81. PER W E E K A T L A R A W A Y 8 We G uarantee Everything We Sell Seth Laraway P E N C IL SE TS $8 00 UP For the graduate. Gold pencil and pun. Comes in satin box. P«y »1 Weekly Open Every Saturday Evening