The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, May 28, 1925, Page 7, Image 7

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T H I'R S D A Y , MAY I I . IM S
Down From Worldling M r* Oacar
W illiam * an) »mall daughter, and
Mr», Mori Dickey anil daughter wore
In (own Haturiluy from Wendllng.
Spend Friday evening Here Mr.
anti M r* Ib lb o ri McBee epettt Friday
ovotiihK bora from Wendllng.
the ( ’arboltnoum wood
company Monday Io lie treated, while
three care of touted polo* Were sent
t«> Portland the «ame day. A carload
of hop* wu* »ant from the Soul here
I'ncKIc warehouse Io New York to be
■hipped Io England Monday. A car
of Lumber was »«-nt to Wyomln" by
I to Ki-b > Hollow lumber mm; any .he
i . i e day.
Down From Portland F rit* Kuahet
r^^Piirtand arrived In Hprlnaflel'l F ri­
da?. going on (be aunt# evening to hl»
H»v« Píenle Supper Mr a n il M ra
ranch up iho McKonal«, whom ho ¡H a iry Whitney, Mr. und Mrs J, F.
I Komis, Mr und Mra. I*. W. Crites und
»pent ■evnrnl day*.
'daughter Jean, and Mr and Mr». C.
In Town Saturday II- C. Jackenn of
Hendrick. brldgo w a. In town Hatur- i Ison t nJoyed a picnic »upper m a r
■ lie river Sunday.
day to purchase »upplles.
R e tu rn * to W ork A fte r lllnsce <’.
Weok ln d
H e r a -llu b . rt
Morgan «pent the work end at the O. •A. Sutherland, tru ik driver fur Booth-
II. Ke»»ey homo. Mr. Morgan'» home Kelly, returned to work Monday after
la weeka lllne»«.
I* at Halent.
V isiting Here—C.
W. Lyons of
From Camp C r e e k -M 11 (loaolar
wa* In town Saturday from Camp Walton Is spending a few days In
Cedar Flat Men Here—J. Karhan ol
Cedar Flat »pout Saturday In town on
In From W ln b erry- M r*. Harold
Harney and children were In town
from Wlnberry Saturday.
Get* Car of Feed—Morrison and
Cllngnn received a carload of feed
From Nimrod Saturday—C. It. linker
of Nimrod waa In town Friday.
Down From Thurston— Mrs, John
Prlco waa In town »hopping from
Tburaton Saturday.
Schools Want Wood
Bids are now out for 236 cords of
wood for the city school*. They will
la» read Juno 1, at the regular meeting
of the school board. Ninety cord* of
wood will be needed nt the Lincoln
school, eighty at the high school, and
slxty-flve will be used at the new Brat-
tain school. T in t need'd for the L in ­
coln and high achools must be de­
livered on or before Augcst first, but
the wood for the new school will not
be requretid until later, since It would
be In the way of construction.
Oregon A Seed Potato Btvts
Here From Cdrv*llla— W illiam C.
California I* n great market for
Garrett registered al tha Hpong hotel seed potatoes and If the grower* of
Friday from Corvallla.
Oregon wll Hake advantage o ' it and
From MeKenald V a lle y -M r . and will ship California the quality of seed
Mra. Frank Pag* of W altervlll-- woro It w a n t*- the very best quality—there
I* no reason why a market cannot be
Springfield vlettore Saturday.
«eenn-d for hundreds of carloads of
Collections Being Made—Collections seed stock. In fact there Is no reason
of old lelne against property In Spring- why Oregon cannot supply the bulk
field 1» beliw rushed by the city re­ of (he seed for tbnt state. If It will
corder,. R W. Smith
Many of those go after th * business right and ship
lelne are of very long «landing, and by only the very beet seed stock, for
their collection the city plane to help California Is very partial to Oregon
Its indebtedness.
grown Burbank.
Go Up MoKenale— Mr and Mra. M.
Rewey »pent Sunday up the Me-
CALL, AND BSE Dr. N. W. Emerv
»n o H r e on pinto and other work. *>
Recovering From lllnese— Mrs. By­
ron Carney la recovering from an at­
tack of lonallltla.
Visit Taylor* Here— Mr. and Mr«,
te rra in s
Silver« of Eugene
gueata of Mr. and Mr«. W A. Taylor
of Springfield l»»t Thursday evening
In From Hendrick« Bridge— Mr. and
Mrs. Jam»« H a rt of Hendricks bridge
were In town shopping Friday.
Visits Here From Portland— Ml»»
Oall Orey of Portland 1« visiting a«
the Jack Larson home thl» week.
Return From ConventlotP—Oswald
Olson, W. F. W alker. Oliver W ilder
nnd II W. Smith returned to Spring-
field last Thuradny evening after at­
tending the I O. O. F convention In
Ashland last week Mr. W ilder also
visited hl« mother In tiranl« Ta»» for
a short time. ‘
In From Wendllng— Mr. and Mr«
Charles Chandler and daughter Delva
of Wendllng were in town Friday.
From Tburaton Friday— Mr«. John
Kdmtnston of Thur«ton wasc a Spring-
field visitor Friday.
bile and seek happiness together In
the haunts of nature.
Judge Ashey has old-fashioned Ideas
about marriage He thinks that when
the matrimonial wires of husband and
wife become tangled, they should be
vtralghtened out, not cut. He does
"Cars and Kiddies the Way to not believe In divorce, except as a
Untangle Crossed Matrimonial last resort. Patching up thene little
Wires, ' Says Famous Jurist differ neee between misunderstanding
couples, therefore, has become quite
Who Has Applied Remedy.
By K irk De Young
a specially with bkn.
As a result, divorce Is a rare pheno­
‘’Cars und Kiddles," says Judge menon Is his Jurisdiction. His auto­
M artin O. Ashley, of Woodbridge, N mobile philosophy has undoubtedly
J , Is the remedy for divorce. The worked well.
auto |e for ulritig nnd the children (or
Tim s to Investigate Is Before
common interest.
M arriage
"idle the family In an automobile
This Judge 1» aho authorised to
and hike them over the country, where marry people. Although he does not
they can get a whiff of nature and the have a rush of business with Cupid’s
cause of martial wrangling 1* ru­ victim««, he does some splicing oc-
vlctlms. he does some splicing oc­
mored, thia elderly Judge asserts.
He Is very particular
•The stuffy air of apartment bouaes. casionally.
the unevenlfulne»» of bel i l penned two people, also. In other words those
In the home with nothing hu*. the who come before him to be ’’hooked-
four walsl of a house to look at. make up” are obliged to show a clean bill
people Irritable und quarrelsome. Na of health first in the way of previous
He adheree to
ture never nu-ant tbut man ibould live marriage alliances.
that way. O»‘ the family back to the principle that marlage Is s very
nature and family troubles will dis­ solemn thing, and that two people so
Joined together should not be lightly
That |s what Judge Ashley preaches rent agunder.
When the marriage yoke beg’na to
in his 67th year, practicing wbal he
rub the fur the wrong way. It Is fre­
p it ache« as nearly ns he can
quently caused by bad a!r nnd the
Has Handed Down 15,000 Declelont
monotony of the four walls In the
In Ibe fifteen years that M artin O
average home, says the Judge, and
Ashley has held down the Job of
that Is when be prescribes the auto­
Judge at Woodbridge he h at handed
mobile cure.
down more than 16.000 Judicial decis­
ions, many of them regarding martial
difficulties, au’l in all that tint- nut
Corner 4th and A streets
one of bis dictums has ever been re­
8. E. Childers, Min.
versed l*y u l-.gher court.
Bible »chool at 9:45 each Lords
The Judge is a bachelor. Yet he
Day. 3. O. Moahler. Bupt. Classes
has the dlfficu t role of s e t t llif hural
with competent teachers for all ages.
reds of dlspu’es betw, en h'lsbanda
Chrl«tian Endeavor at 7 P m.
and wives and between pare»*» and
worship at 11 o’clock.
Wayward boys, who go
Subject “Lessons from the Life of
wrong simply because of their pent np
lives In circumscribed home su: round­
Evening at 8 o’clock, subject “The
ings, out more for a lark than for In-
Restoration Movement.”
lenptonal wrong-doing, come befor»
Special music at each service.
him daily. He always says they caulil Orchestra In evening. Horn quartette
be corrected better by climbing into at Bible school.
(he automobile with thetr parents and
A cordial welcome to all.
getting adventure In th country than
by stern rebukes from a Judge.
A large number of people go before
Dibble— I see some college professor
Judge Ashley every year, expecting ha« perfected a machine that will
hrm to alart the ball rolling for a register the beat of a maiden's blush.”
Dabble—Tbat'U do to
tell— but
divorce, but, with the wisdom of
Solomon, he generally patches up where In this day and age w ill they
these misunderstandings and advises find any blushes to try It on?*’
the quarreling pair Io get an automo
N ew Jersey Judge
Uses Auto Cure
For Divorce
Summer School
Phone 666 ..
We pny you cash for your
old furniture
Plano ............. $178.50
not getting good results with your Kodak-----
Take it to the Kodak Specialists-----
We will be glad to explain the the proper operations to you.
7 West 7th, Eugene Oregon
Eugene, Oregon
Pleating and Hat work
Portiere, Drapes, Carp»*», Rugs—in fact everything pos­
sible in Cleaning and Dying.
Eugene Dyeing and Clean­
ing Worke
Plant and office 245 E.
Ninth. Phone 122
Main office 829 Willamette
Phone 75
T O M O R R O W ’S
A. E. Roberts, President.
992 Willamette St. ..
Eugene, Oregon
The New 1925
Models All Moderately Priced
«e» ---
Power Achievements
ompetitors may
€[ The new Million Dollar M otor swept
J the Coast w ith its astounding power
adopt these high-
class features in the performance. *• Toughest hills melted
future~the 1925 Star
before its powerful drive — P R O O F !
Car has them note—
that’s w hy w e says
Climbed to Lake A rrow head over the
'T om orrow ’s C ar
W aterm an S w itch b ack [San Bernardino,
T o d a y.”
also Camp Baldy [Pomona, Calif ], Old
Ferry Hill [Seattle, Wash.} Hall Street Hill
[Portland, Ore.]— marvelous power achieve­
ments w hich emphatically prove all the
claims made for the Million Dollar Motor.
Million Dollar Motor
Four-Wheel Brakes
Force Feed Lubrication
Tubular Backbone
Fedders Radiator
Fisk Full Balloon Tires
Dry Disc Clutch
Alemite Lubrication
Hac Manor Operation Mr». C. Nv-
atrom of Wendllng underwent a major
operation at the Mercy hospital F ri­
day morning
Furniture Store
858 Pearl Street
If You are
Eugene Business College
Baby Boy Born— Mr. and Mr». Jo­
seph B. Cooley, of Springfield route 1,
ure Ibe parent» of nn 8-pound boy
born last Thursday evening.
Much Shipping First of W e e k -
Three cars of poles were received by
M arriag e Licenses Issued
ton and Violet Pettmaa, botk of Eu­
The county clerk Issued during the gene; Glenn W illiam Richards, Le­
last week marriage licensee to the banon and Elinor Rntb, Eugene.
following: W illiam Jones, Wendllng,
and Laura Basset of Springfield; Solo­
Smart Bam Says—
mon H. W orm and Margaret Young,
" If all the second band automobiles
both of Cottage Grove; W illiam N.
advertised for sale in the U. 3. were
Duckworth and Eva L. Pease, both of ' placed end to 'end they would make
Eugene; Jack Petit and Daisy Neet, i rattle enough to supply the baby crop
both of Fall Creek; Harvo W. Hosel- for the next billion years.'*
Ahk about it
The business College will be in ttesalon thruout the Summer
Months. All classes will be conducted the Banie as during
the regular school year.
Visits From Cottage Grove— M. C
Bressler, former owner of the Wright
and Boca hardware atore here, and
now In that Itu-lne«« In Cottage Orove.
wa« a Springfield visitor Friday.
Baby Born Thursday— An 8 pound
baby boy was born to Mr. and Me«.
Robert Kiser. who live at the corner
of 3rd and O afreet» last Thuradny.
This store offere the largest and best selection of baby
carriages shown for many seasons. And the values given
below are positive proof that prices here are unusually
Fibre reed carriage with full corduroy lining, glass win­
dows In hood. A regular $33.75 value for ...
Fibre reed stroller in Ivory or gray, made with selected
fibre reed. The regular price of this carriage is $39.50.
Special at ................... ......................................... $31.60
Reed sulkeys from
$13.75° $25.00
One dollnr delivers the carriage of your choice, easy terms
on the balance.
(¡[Tw enty per cent more
power.** Fast,
J peppy pickup—5 to 15 miles an hour
in 4 ^ seconds. *• Your nearest dealer has
the Powerful Star.** To prove all claims
o f its Million Dollar M otor—Drive i t !
Springfield Garage
~5 he greatest value buy in THE WORLD
B -2 4 -2 5