THURSDAY. MAY »8. IMS THE 8PR1NOFIBL.D NEW8 FÀGrç TWO Fruit Outlook Bad Karl.v prospects for an abundant no oue need to accept It as a fact. Some of the fruit crop In Oregon, and In particular Published Bvery Thursday at be» known scientist» say they can reconolle the the W illamette Valley, have changed Spriogfleld. Lasa County. Oregon. by i Bible teachings and th at small portion of the and Indication« now point to a Inw THE WILLAMETTE PRESS ‘theory of evolution dealing with man and mon­ yield In all variation of cherries, apple« B- ■- MAXEY, Bdltor T. C. W K 3T K R F IE L D Managar key. and prune«. Pear« In some localities will be almost uo crop, while In othera a a a ■stared aa second class matter February 24. 1903 at t h a »action« they are reported aa fair Judging from he activity along the Florida goatoVtca. Springflehl. Oraron coast Ponce He Leon was right at least In spirit. yield. Various causes ate given foi M A IL SUBSCRIPTION RATE The fountain of youth may not have been dis­ Ute partial failure this year, but (he O sa Tear m Advance .. »1 I t Three Months ........ Me covered in that section but the bottle of boor ' severe cold weather of last winter la Six Months ___________ "5c Slnrle Copy*------ te the generally accepted cause. Killing make» ’em feel that wav. frevaea In the middle west states with THURSDAY, MAY 28. 1925 We often wonder w hether the contractor who, I the partial failure« In the coast states ’>'111? 1 H L CDDIM PE?VC*V n O r I x I lM v ir H-.L.LJ N ir u /Q w h y 8hou,d *ny«n« Object to the teaching of i l L W O the theory of evolution. So long as It is s theory Editorial Program I. Make Springfield tha Industrial Center of Wea- trrn Oregon. II. Develop a Strong Trading Point; Build a City of Contented Homes. IIL Improve Living Conditions on the Farm. Pro­ mote tha Raising of Purebred Livestock and the Growing of Fruit; Work for Better Markets IV. Tell the World About Oregon's Scenic Wonder­ land. 3»ullt the leaning tow er of Pisa made it that way " ouW warran‘ ’"M"1 prll"‘a "* o r purpose o r was It a governm ent Job. Ankle le Fractured • e a # Old maids and maidens who didn’t read the Chetwond. employed In the lumber corn- ’ ads last week missed something. A man stiver- wrtoda (or the Flachcr p Hat'd for a girl friend. pany M,rro,s. had hl« right ankle I fractured Friday when a wire cable . Austria Is glad Uncle Sam is not in the league h‘ro' ,,a waa hr"u*hl . *of nations. The league has just refused Austria M,,ld f,,r me," cal *,' ’‘n' l,’n' a loan. la'*r •*”“ *° ,he .hospital In Kugrne. E d ito r ia l C om m ent • • e AND DO YOU KNOW ....... • • t'hrtatlan ponskwf DEPARTMENT STORES This New Solar Sennit Has Style— Proportion— Low Price Just the »Ight dimensions and proportions for this •enson. It looks well and it comfort-fitting. Some hat at a very low price. Made with the genu­ ine Bon-Ton Ivy cush­ ioned • fitting leather j fancy silk hand; extra quality satin lining. — ROAD PROGRAM IN DANGKH CUT OUT THE “ NIXIES” Former Governor Ferguson of Texas, urge« a halt on ; ’’Nixies’’ cost Uncle Sam 82,000,000 a year. A •’Nixie” is a piece of mail SO carelessly addressed rnaJ* bond« and favors building road« only aa they can li and (xxtrly wrapped th at it can neither be deliver- r*, n d »;■ T h at Unalp Sam collects $92.000 a year in postage p rn x im a te ty a n o th e r m il.- of highway of th ty - that hn for the return of mail sent to the dead-letter proved satisfactory in the state in question office? Forcing . x r h lla m cost« In highway construction will T h at it costs Uncle Sant $1.740.000 yearly to look brlrg the downfall hi our n«’ionai yo»»i r ea ls proyrs up addresses on misdirected mail? which Is now underway —Industrial News. T h a t 200,000.000 letters are given this service and T h at it costs in one citv alone $500 daily? I » S»rtnr »b 571 • “• Intend to go out and wake up the country," cried th e young college graduate^ T hat this vast sum could be saved and the dead- ? 7 . h* ’ i"b <" <> ’ letter office abolished if each piece of mail rur,u York Telegraph carried a return address, and if each parcel were FARMER ANO SOCIALISM wrapped in stout paper and tied with a strong If there be one class of Americans who have s ’-owti di« cord? MORAL: Every man knows his own address it trust for socialism in any form it It the farmers ot Our country. not that of his correspondent. The Progressive Third Party In the presidential eit June 1 to 7 has been designed as “B etter Mail- Ing W eek” when a nation wide campaign will be p““ n of 1924 put up * Ter5r at,rac,lTe »ortali.Hc Be««' >' undertaken to reduce the apalling loss occasioned p at orm No political organization, even with the endorsem» nt of by carelessness in addressing mail m atter. Do active farm bloc groupa of politicians, was ever ao,co.n- your p art—“ Cut out the Nixies.” Ws'vc gone th* lim it In producing this h” * hat t<. n l! st the rcmarkaMy low price, quality a«4 value coeiiilsrsd. of—- A Bank For All Drop in here at the First National today or atty S at­ urday and you will »ee in the long line of depositors people of all ages. It will show you Just how well the First National is serving the entire com­ m unity. From people of advanced years flown to youngsters hardly large enough to push their pen­ nies acros the window. Ail of them are mnking their thrift headquarters here. Are you included am ong them ? 41 Year® of Helpful Service SINCE 1833 $1.98 to $3.98 Dr. Geo. A. Simon E lectro-C hiropractor Modern ElLtric Equipment, Years of experience, Acute and Chronic Diseases. of women. Special attention given to