Community News • y »asolai Corraaesndanta THURSTON UPPER WILLAMETTE PAGE FIVE THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THBRHDAY, MAY 28,1925 NOTES Harvey Calvert spent the week end at Junction City. Mrs. John Edmlstnn and son James left for Anslo Wednesday morning to ^vlnM bar daugtged Maud« who la teaching there. Frank ileunle wfirt Is n traveling salesman spent the week end with bis parents here. Mr and Mrs Itlce Hayes from Noll visited at A. W. W eavers’ last Friday night. Mr and Mrs Hob-rt Williams from Reedsport visited relatives here last week (van Richard from Wendllng visited In Thurston Sunday • Mr. and Mrs. Carl Carpenter and Niue were l»ptlser. Surge la a graduate of a promin­ Maia Sts., lot to ba cleaned and left ent University in l-Mgland and In In perfect condition, co mm un b ate opening bla Hydro Elec tric Therapy with Lou lea Bettelhelm. Institute In the new Ideation has larg- 3323 Clay St. San Francisco, Cal. Two New Agencies We have agency for Kohler farm lighting system s and Paul Pumping systems. Two or the best labor saving and satisfactory modern equipments th at can be installed to make your country borne as convenient as the city palace. THE KOHLER LIGHTING SYSTEM has no expensive b a t­ teries to deteriorate. You always have light where you want it by Just pressing the button. THE PAUL PRESSURE SYSTEM is self priming and is built for real service. Always a supply of pure cold water, have in the country. Always a supply of pure cold water. I^et us tell you more. Call or write MACK BROS. Electric & Specialty Co. Located in the Elks Bldg., Phone 1493-J 80 West 7th Ave. Eugene, Ore. EVERYBODY’S HAVING SHOES REPAIRED NOW New shoes are »0 high In price that it’s a sensible economy to take advantage of our com­ paratively low prices for repair­ ing and have your old shoes put In order. You can enjoy their I com fort for m onths longer and they will give the best service. Bring us your worn shoes. ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP Main St. Between 3rd & 4th Dr. 8. Ralph Dippel. Dentist, Vltua ‘ building, Springfield, Oregon. BARGAIN WEEK Many Patients Endorse Our Electric Bake Oven For Rheumatism and Kindred Ailments Have you tried the new blood washing treatment for lack of vitality—it’s wonderful STEW ART’S Floor Coverings and Rugs Dr. Richmond Burge Form erly in New Laraw ay Bldg. Phone 1327 491 Eighth Ave. West Glee Club Concert 1. 2. H ungarian Dance No. 5 Brahma ........................ High School O rchestra Simple Aveu, T h o m e ............................................... High School O rchestra Girls Glee Club: 1. Morning Wind, Braseombe 2. Big Brown Bear, Manna Zuca. 3. Blow Soft Winds, Vincent. 4. Ammarylis, Ghya Piano Solo .................................................................................... Winifred Tyson M ountain Stream , Smith Mull Lindy I.ou. Strekland - .............................................. . f By s ,extetJf Violin Solo, Adoration, Barowski .......................................Charles Nadyornlk M arguerete Waltz. Gounod .................................................................. O rchestra La M orsarnia, Morse ............................................................................ 2 f Ch™ r h Indian Scene (in Costume) .................................................................. C,lee club 1. W aters of M innetonka, Lieiurauce 2 From the Land of the Sky Blue W ater, Cadman. & . Vocal Solo, Pale Moan, L o g a n ............................................... Iowa C arlton 4. Moon Drops Low, Cadman. The M anufacturer» of this Floor Covering are dem onstrating the wearing qualities of these goods on the coiner of Gth and Main during the week of Juno 1—6. In connection with this we offer a m at of this name floor covering size 27xf>0 Inches for....................... -.................................... ................ ............. 4 S C R egular price o n 'th is is e$t.00 Wright & Son Paint Furniture Hardware —High School Auditorium J -g> a. FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 29th 1 ’ ’