TH U R SD AY. MAY 2», 1926 ■» PA G E POUR Lane County Farmers Union News O F F IC IA L P U B L IC A T IO N C O U N T Y U N IT rtO. H LAN« a Reflections From Farmers Union State Convention a • a a a a CRESWELL LOCAL • O F F IC E R S O F L A N « C O U N T Y * F A R M E R 'S U N IO N • Local Reporters * • Canary ....................... J. L Northup • • C r o i r a i ................... Rav Bower • Creswell local mel h t call meeting • Ralph Laird. Crsswell, President. • Th ML Vernon Local met W edne»*.. Cloverdale ..... Mra. L. J. Qetehell • _______ • W ill W heeler, Trent. Vice Pre«) • Tuesday. May 17 for the purpose of ■ ■ I _ liilllatlng and hearing the Hlale Con day evening. May SO. for their usual • Coaat Fork Mrs. Geo Kebelbeek • home of Oregon's Agricultural Col * dent. aoeial time. There waa a good attend- !* Creswell ........... Mra. M. A. Horn • By Mrs. E. H Tinker vt niton reports Mr unit Mrs, G. L. Betty Kappauf, Cottage Grove, * ance and a delicious lunch w as served j * Dorena -------- Mra. Ada Jennings • Aa the formal report of the Slate lege. Gona were Initialed, and Mr and Mrs. • a»«.-Treat. • The spirit of antlsfactlon with our bv the ladle«. * Hec*ta .................. Mr* B- Hakpr * Convention will he sent to all mesa- s i l l II. Cotter and Mlaa Caller of Walk- • N. A. Horn, Cottage Grove, Doer Mr. and Mrs McPherson and daugh-, * Hadleyvlllel _ _ Mrs M. Gillespie • hers In the form of intitules seul out organisation and faith In our officers ♦ I «r Vnlon which haa failed lo function • Keeper was eltcvlon « of Mrs. Grace Jones • |,y , be atat„ secretary the editor who w a. made manifest at the eitcelon -r „ c . ,„ r „m e w .r . voi«! lato Crea, ter. Mrs Lee Davis went to Corvallis * Ja*P*r - M C- W .ltsrvllle, con r ,o th . State meeting of the Farmer* Ì* * « « • - - *«• £ *. attended the Convention as delegatt officer, when all officials were welt lora) * McKensle Mrs Lawrence Millcain * from the Trent local desires to give ■noualy re-elected. lx>ve for ocr State i * duetor. Mr Wm Hollleton gave a very Inter- Vnlon last week. They report a very »- Clemen». Chaplain, Mrs V. A. Reynolds • to the members of the Lane County Secretary Mrs G. B Jones and .P i* eating report of the Convention Mrs. « successful meeting and say L a n e . • Mt Vernon _ Bulah Smith * Farmers Union only a general Idea of preclatlon of her faithful worh In her • Silk Creek Wright lidd how the College enter­ county w as well represented there ... K. B. Tinker • Trent _____ the convention. The moat predomln- position aa secretary wae expressed tained the ladles As Governor I’lerce Mr. and Mrs. Q. H. McCoy and child-j Mrs. W. E. Post • i a ,e fastnre of the three days stay tn by presenting her a beautiful bouquet ren of Rodondo Beach. California, ar-1 • V id a ______ has said he would give ua a talk at TRENT LOCAL « « » « « j Corvallis was the splendid spirit of of pink carnations grown In the con one of our meetings II was decided to rived last Wednesday to spend the t friendship and cooperation among servntory at the college. secure him at an early date. Also to summer with friends and relatives. , Although there were several resolu­ a ' members of the union, and the exten­ Mrs. McCoy was formerly Mlaa Fay , The next meeting of the Trent l-oral Invite the Grange with ua for the CLOVERDALE LOCAL sion department of the O. A. C. and tions of Importance and reports of will be held at the home of Mr. nad event Smith. the ctly of Corvallla. Introductions rom m ille«, adopted the peport which It was derided that we would have a E B Tinker, Wednesday night, Mrs. Maggie Smith had the follow. • ing for Sunday dinner guests: Mr and 1 1 . c ,OVPrdaU lxx.a , me, Frlllay eTen were unnecessary as each deegate la of first Importance to every mem June 3rd, Instead of May 37 Mrs. C only one meeting a month during Ike Mrs. G. H McCoy and children, Mr. jng ^tay » j w((h only # few mpmber8 and visitor was furnished with a ber of Farmers Vnldnrgnts that con­ F Hyde and Mrs K 11 Tinker will a c t 'mnnt*a of July. August and Heptem- and Mrs. B. O. Smith and son, Mr. and . of „ „ u“ ‘"" h~ r cerning organisation work. The need as hostegsrs and every member of per Mlaa |.uctle I-and gave a vocal solo Mrs. John Smith and three children. d, the JunIor ,ay , lug hU or her name and the county of more members, of stronger locals Farmara v „ |on Trent local Is urged to was felt to be the greateat nee«l of Hie be I ,, , h„ B waa . reading by little Mrs. Tollman, her mother. Mrs ,h Mr and > or Uxwl from which he cam . Smith, and son. Mr. and Mra. Mason Honl„ on and Mr am! Mra. Ca. i Th* »**- ° «»e farm er, organising stale organisation at the present lime. : Cutting of clover hay began at „putty Oano | The refreshment comm ittee served and three so » , of Junction C lt, came vatneg Qf Creawe|, wer„ yUltor, pr„ «nd pulling together towards those October has been set aside as Loyalty I 1'leaaant HU Ithla week Goose berries and strawberries are ra|,a anr| lemonade for the afternoon. , and *“•*» •*» F*»rtb *h* Month, a fund la to he raised for the Will Reynolds and Ad Inskeep of „ „ R|,ey p , tty ha„ a „ pnde<, Farmer« Educational and Cooperative support of an organiser There will . now being marketed from Ihe Pleas­ be a stale executive meeting railed In, ant Hill dlglrlct. Hardman spent the week end at the s t a , p Convantlon as our local's dele- n on was the undercurrent that FOR SALK -Carbon t»p er In large E I. Reynolds home. They had been gate and gave a very complete and brought the members of farmers union the near future at which time more I Mr and Mrs C. F Hyde ant Mr Sheets, 34x33 luche«, su lu ille for attending the 1. O. O. F. convention at p,easlng repor, Mr Holllston con- closer together than they have been definite plans will he made and fuller and Mrs E B Tinker attended the tusking tracings. The News Office. brought heretofore. The three days Instructions sent out to the locals. . Farmers Vnlon convention si Cor Ashland. gralulated Mra. Petty on her report. . . . . . The next convention will he held In n unilRUa|,y , 1XK, , | me. and fun were an Inspiration to those field visited Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds on Ten, | on ““ “ —“ resolve now lo attend that meeting _ _ _ _ _ _ _ who attended the convention, and Sunday. Mr. Holllston told of the superior everyone present regretted that every EIGHTH GRADE EXAMINATION The next m eeting of the Mt. A er- work accomplished by the larger lo- TEACHERS EXAMINATION non local will be held In the new hall anJ Mld hp ,f rreawpI, in the stM . of O rego. could not The s-m l-aen esl teachers examine- j The Vnlform E'tbth Grade I x itn l In the passing away of Mr. Roland and Cloverdale locals would unite and r***,Ve the tn,p,rat*“n *"d b<‘ *nco“r Hons will be held In the countv court nation will be given In Districts »here room In Eugene commencing W edne. m i’»« * ’ ** Fox. the Mt. Vernon local loet one of form one lar, e more benefit »««* “ > tor the u p t im e of the ____________________________ who J have It. members. We are aorry to loae rould derlved from the rn lo n Industry. The addre^e«. ,h e j . i_*aa s _ extemporaneous speeches, the toasts lasting the balance of the week ,,,,n on »■«rwmy m him from our number, as wel as from believed . hall could be built and con Teachers desiring schedule, showing and 13. 1335 This examination I- our community and our local extends Teniently furnished. Creswell has n(Jld n .|k e congratulate you. for I hear you Pave a thorough Investigation and asked' , . __ . ___. an excellent and accomplished w ife" day of the meeting and again at the W H I N A CAN OF The first and best opportunity to them to have a report ready for our '1 have Indeed.? wa« ih e reply. banquet The need o f concerted ac­ force the growth of pigs is when they neIt meeting. It it desired that as "Why the It perfectly a* home In O UR 1C« C R K A M are three weeks old. At that time many members as possible will at- tion directed by a wisely chosen literature, at home In music, at home they start eating grain. The Oregon tend this meeting, so that this matter J ^ b y ^ J e t o ^ r n o ** waa atre * home In science— | b abort. la opened It will be found firm station recommends that a creep be can be definitely settled, • Pun not lacking. -Joke, were *’ “ * « » • '" r y w h .r s s x c .p t " - and solid aa when first mad*-. constructed In the pea at that time ' The refreshment comm ute was plentlfnl. and the banquet which oc-l •,-«'*Pt »hat. Those who wish an Ideal des­ containing a trough in which grain asked to arrange for a supper and skim milk can be Olaced Bv ■ u H , wa a, . cured In the CoHege Tea R„em In th e' "Exrep' •» boms. - H e .r lh .l o n e sert or a universally appreciated and skim milk can be placed. By Mr. Harry Lower had on display _ ~ . «. „a. and Home. refreshmenl for some social starting this early the pigs will be «wo boxes of Improved Oo.d Doltar h“ 1”1’“* * » • J* function, can give their order eating better at weaning time and strawberries that he had grown on his C maX of 1 * 1 re* da’r" *U5r at * (or any quantity with full confi­ have legs of a set back. , farm. They were beauties and un- dence that the cream will be In --------- usually large, taking only fifteen to perfect condition when It la Top dressings of gypsum on the fill a pound box. time to serve It. meadow at this tim e wilt greatly In- - — -------------------- OSTEOPATHIC kn Broad Rr/hAfl • • • • • • • • • • I crease tfte coming hay crop. PHYSICIAN AND S l’ROBON cast at the rate of 100 pound« per j JASPER LOCAL acre Is the usual application. It ! . • • • • • • • • • • Office 404-7 M. & W. nidg. often advisable to leave a strip nn- --------- treated In order to compare the bene- J. R. Conrad, local secretary sold Pacific Telephones: Office fits of the gypsum application, says his sheep last week. About 80 head 613: Res. 2075. the state college experiment station, ¡changed hands In the deal. Black raspberry culture In Oregon The Sunday School is practicing for Eugene. Oregon Is better understood than formerly, a program on childrens day, the first Free Crank Case Service though many small home growers do Sunday in June. not realize the Importance of t-hfs The Higgins and Carr sawmill shut Auto Beauty Parlors berry. Trelllslng of blackcaps, says down the middle of last week on ac- the experiment station is not neces- count of the rain. M. L. REWEY. Proprietor Will Drury, who 1» working at W est­ sary when the canes are pruned low. MT. VERNON LOCAL aaouHHugu a LH3 □c Or. John Simons Battery Service for All Makes of Cars EGGIMANN’S U. S. L. Batteries WE BUILD Store fixture«, «helving, etc. fir was a week-end visitor at his hame . Iletween Second and Third on here. Main Stret. A ewe may he expected to produce Bert Logan and wife of Fnll Creek tw o lambs a year, but If forced to Springfield wag seen in this vicinity Sunday. raise four she lays down on the Job. An official government V eterinary1 She can profitably raise a Iamb and a , tested the milk cows In this neighbor- wool crop, but If sbe has to raise a ,hood last week. crop of ticks end stomach worms In All herds tested proved to be In fine addition she soon ceases to exist. Dip- 'condition ping Immedla’ -lv after »hearing helps Mr. and Mrs Maurice Hllla spenl to eliminate the ticks. Stomach worms Sunday with Mrs. Hills parents at can be treated with a copper solution, Fall Creek. which has proved succes«ful In get ting rid of these parasites. Write the WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3rd Dr. 8. R&lrh TWppel, Dentist. Vitus state college or see your county agent building. Sprfngf'eld, Oregon. for Instructions. Purebred CALL AND S ’SE Dr. N. W. Emery sale, 350 on pr1- s on plat» and other work, tf I ience« for the home. ANDERSON Manufacturing Corp. Courtesy — Service Cor. G and Third Sts. In Memory and in Honor of Those A hum eroua novel en ter­ tainm ent Departed, this Store will be closed DAINTIES OF 19/Ò ill Coquettish ï -' iiilk and Dance DOCTORS AND NURSES use rubbing alcohol fo r aches, bruises, lameness and dozens o f o th e r p u r­ poses. Purest Rubbing Alcohol Is • necessary in every home fo r (he tre a tm e n t o f tired, aching muscles. Used by a!' leading athletes. Special price for one week LOUIS LONDON C haracter Hong Studie« HERSCHEL MAYALL • 4 • CO. V • * in "Her Midnight Visitors” -------- i— ...— - «»--------- HARVEY, HENEY < GRACE — Quality Phone 7 MIKE, CARMEN & MICKY E R A X 5 CA5M 5CARRX C oiibu H us for any work you may have. Guernsey bull calf, for Morris Hills, Jasper. M-28. Saturday, Memorial Day. All kind« or built-in conven­ P in t hottie 59c FLANERY’S Drug Store Tbv a«« J*»» “Brassies & Brasses” c— Springfield, Oregon W antee Eggs and Poultry Sher Khan 662 Oak Street «h Eugene, Oregon