THURSDAY. MAY 2H. 1926 TH E SPRINQPIELD NEWS Classified Advertisements PAGE SEVEN IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE and should be addressed to (1. O. Call for Wood Bids for Softool D istrict' NO TIC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T STATE O F OREGON FOR THE Brown. Clerk State Land Board. Sal­ No. f t ( N O TIC E 18 HEREBY G IVEN , tkat em. Oregon, and «narked "Applica­ COUNTY OF I.A N E Notice Is hereby given that school '*’ * understgned, Wm. O. Hughes, A I- In the M ailer of the Estate of Jack tion and bid to purchase river-bed dlstrlct No. 19. l-ane County, Oregon, tnlnistrator of the estate of Christian lands." ItodniMn, decaaed. will receive Hesiod bids for 385 cords H“ o*en. deceased, has rendered and Hone at Salem, Oregon. March 20, <4 old growth fir cord of elub wood, ,,,ed •“ lh« County Court of the State Citation; To th«t Unknown Heirs of Jack IMO. to be delivered on the school ground Oregon for Lane County hie flaal O. G. BROWN, Rodman, and to all other peraooa un on <»r before the first day of August, * ‘ *°u n t of kts administration and that Clerk of Stale Land Board. lla n o for aalo noar Springfield. FOR SALK—One 1814 hodg« Touring known Interested In the «aid estate 1926 Eighty cords at the high school »«turdgy the 27th day of June, 1925, , M 28-A>2-9-16f 23-30 M-7-14-21 29. Lota of «lira s and like nrw. Reason G REETING I: 90 cords at the Lincoln school and 85 a' " onr ° f ten o'clock In the fore- Ilxautlful high grade piano w ill ba In the n»tne of the State of Oregon. <«rda at the Brattaln school. Bid- "OO” ' , l ,b* Coan'7 Court room In the •olil al vary doss pries and term« You are hereby cited and required will be received for the whole amount 1 ountF Court House In the c ity of Eu- Springfield Uaragu. May 21, »10 monthly to reliable party. Fot to appear In the County Court of the or for the amount to be delivered at f*’ne: ^an*> County, Or««on. has been State of Oregon, for the County of SUMMONS particulars write Ulin« Mualc Co., #8 .each school s*parately. The board "7 l~* Court fixed and appointed as COOLIDGE NATIONAL r««reves the right to reject any or at, *?* ' H’r' ,|B ’ and Place for hearing Front St., Portland, Orngou. « » T O . c i K c m r C O . I. T o r t o e ~ , Bt an(j •*’ • * M final CHAIRMAN OF FUND bide. Bids to be In by Juno 2nd. at objections May SI 18 Juno*. BTATK n r OIIBOON NOlt LANE T U« iA ,r. I h , ,ih A,y ol June. 1,1, al 5 o’clock p. m. Bids will be open.d at for ,lle »«Ulement thereof. All ob­ • t o l N I'Y. „ . „ „ ten o'clock In the forenoon of that duy. jections must, be In writing and filed 8 o’clock p. m , June 2nd, 1925. W A N T E D TO TRAD E lo«rgu ear for I ,!IPan Gray, Plaintiff, v*. L. II dray, then and there to show cause If any j with the clerk of said Court on or R. W Smith. Clerk. Dofsadsnt cattle, wood or lota In Springfield, you have, why the petition of Elmer School Diet No. 19. ibffore said day and time. To L. H Gray, Defendant: Roberta, administrator of »aid estate . ... I Dated thia 28th day of May. 1926. ■asm M 2» J 2 IN T D K NAM E O F T H E STATE praying for an order lirenalng him lo IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF T H E WM. G HUGHES. SPECIAL PRICK on plate work. Or OF OREGON: You are hereby requir­ »«-H the following described reel a*, 'S T A T E OF OREGON FOR L A N E ' Administrator. ’ d to appear and answer complaint tate of said estate, for the purpose of (CO UNTY. _____ ___________ Frank A. DePue, attorney for N W Emory. d»ntlat. Sutton Bldg Hied against you herein on or before »«curing necessary funds for the pay­ the Estate. jjo b n M. Williams, six w>«ks from date of first publica­ ment of charges of administration of May 28. Jane 4-11-18 25 vs. SUMMONS IN T U B C IR C U IT COURT O F T IIB tion hereof, or for warn (hereof the »aid estate and for payment of claims Plaintiff STA TE O F OREGON FOR LANE plaintiff will take Judgment against owing by aald estate. BLONDE BESS OPINES (The unknown heirs of Albert Funke, CO UNTY. , „ . you and apply to the court for the Tow lt! Lot 2 In aecilon 28. In town­ "Dad saya the only reason I want ¡sometimes known as Albert S. Funk, I ’urtland Trual and Saving» Bank, r« lief prayed for In the complaint ship 18, »oiilb of range 4 cast nt WII- ■and all other persons interested In to learn to swim la so I can get out a corporation t and for a decree of absolute divorce, lametta Meridian. In I^ n e Countv (Lots 5 and 6. block 6. College H ill ¡around the buoys." Plaintiff SUMMONS from you und the custody of the two Gn-gon, excepting a atrip of land 50 1 , Park, now a pari of Eugene, Oregon. minor children of the marriage. feet wide through said lot ronveyeo I v». Defendants John Cochran, Itufua Cochran, tia ra This summons la published once I*«» laieky Boy Mining Company: «,8.1 ' To the unknown heirs of Albert Wise Youth Scarohrough, Chari«» Cochran, May each week for six consecut've w-cks j excepting tract conveyed to Nellie T. Funke, sometimes known as Albert S- Rica, llo ra ie Cochran. John M Red In the Springfield. (Oregon) News by I Matlock and excepting tract conveyed Old Doctor— "Underrtard— after veg Funk, and all other persons Interested ford. Jama» K Radford. Ida B Blocks, i.rder of Hon C P. fturnard Judge o f ; lo T C. Lucky and excepting tract i have graduated the real fight 1« only ; In said property. Marvin McRa«* Scarobrougk Dorothy the County Court of l,ane County.■ conveyed to Roy Stlen (or Bteln.) IN T H E NA M E OF T H E S T A T E OF starting. You have to settle down, M. 8« nrobrough. Bt»a la>nlh Hcaro- Oregon made In (he absenev of the) Witness the Hon. C P. Barnard, I ¡OREGON: You are hereby required to bang out your shingle and build up brough, St« Ila Irena McCormick, and Judge of the above C’rcull Court, on J " 1« * of the County Court of State of j ■appear and answer the complaint filed a practice.’’ April 21a! 1825 Dated and first pub-1 Oregon, for Ibe county of Lane un 11 llom vr I I llrrr “W ell— I don’t know—but your face Nottce Is hereby given Hint Jasper appear snd niiswer th» complaint fll»'l I .May 15th 1925, duly made and f l l - l sgalnst you In th» abov» entitled suit their final account In th - »Mat. of W Dial of Marcóla, Dragon, wao on, Associated with President Coolidge of g n c ra ,a l . circulation published at Is npt flushed." within «lx wc’ U-’ fro n tin- «lute o f jM ’-rvin II I ' . ' i r i «1« »•«. - d, with the June 22, 1920, un, homestead < ntry • • aponsora of the Endowment Fund aprlngfielJ In^Lane County, ^Gregon, u i L. - , , j « the nation ___ by wor, order of Honorable G. F. ent|tied Skip- th«- flrsi publication of this autntnoBs.«County Cl ,a - s Rang«, I W< nt, W illamette ED PURDY’S PHILOS In industry, labor, the professions, court, and the dat? of the first publi- thereof the plaintiff will take a dc iln a n i for Lane County, oegop. has Mcr'dlan has filed rtnUcs of Intention H e’s a high-towered 9 cylinder man « reo against Anu quieting t i l l * of «by his order fixed June 20lh, 1825 at to make there o u r nrnnf to . »lablish arta and sciences, including Hon. John ¡cation thereof, is May 21, 1925 — eight in bis new car— and tine in JO HN H. W IL L IA M » , plaintiff to th« Roitthwest quarter o f'th e chambers of said Court In the I,’ane claim to the land above d -scribed, be W. Cavia, candidate for president on Attorney fir Plaintiff. his own head." the ,\iuih«’asl quarter of eudton 120) (County C urt Houae, l*i Eugene, Lsn« U>rc E. G..lm 'tiel, U. 8 Commlaslonei Eugene. Oregon In Township (2oi South, Range ,5» ¡County Oregon, amt at ten o'clock at Eugene, Oregon, on the 20th day of the Democratic ticket last year; the May 21-28-June 4-11-18-25 July 2. West «if the W illam ette Meridian In .A M of said day as the tlm - and J”»' 1925 cabinet members, aerators, heads of A Sad Story Lane County. Oregon. j place of h’-nrlug objections, if any Cla.maot names as w'tiesvc«; the army, navy and marine cerps, E-ena Meena Minali Mo— » lh«re b,., (he said final account and , A'h*>' Gush. Nelson Bush. Normar IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF T H E Thl ■ unitnnna I» I uhHsh-’d > once . . »- _ I a a 8w . w»s s 9 — »•_»»» »«> t Y ^**ra«*lr & a* Thad sf *<• — **ll ' p( i Cardinal O'Connell, B'shop Charles H. Wor T. th— Parker. STA TE OF OREGON F.0R L A N E . Earewedl to my radio week for slx successivo we- k In th è ,' • »he Hettloiueut therrof. r gon Brent, Julius H. Tames, John Barton CO UNTY Sprtngflcl'l Ne«», a wecklv newspapcrl No"« « la th«r»fore lierebv gtven Marcóla, Wife says one of us- must go Il C X t n \ Y. IM M IL L A «,f a.n etu l clr'-ulntlon pnhllrh-d a ti'h a t any obj. eli ti» io Ilio allowanc. Payne, chairman of the Ped Cross, ^ela F. Geiger, Plaintiff Register. vs. Allas Summons The sun w ill shine for ni» no i o ’. Rprlngftcld In Laue County, f »regon.. »«<1 » « t l l l t ment of said final acro mi « Nnn-Coa! and fifty otners. M-14-21-38 J 4 11. ! Lee Geiger. Defendant h y*«rd er of Honoraid G F K k ip ,» lil le hwsrd at Ih. lime and plutei i To Lee Geifier. defendant:- In the| w-^gili Judg- <>f Ih’’ tb-vo «' l'»l .1 | b 'r' lnl"-f.ii«■ menllone! Ycu Know What He Means Fred H Peters. ¡Name of the State of Oregon. court, anil the date of the first publl N i T I t ’E FOR PUB LICA TIO N "D'd you get those knocks out of You are hereby required to appear I Lee W Peters, cation thereof Is May 21. 1976 Administrators agiate of 'and an«-wer the complaint fle d against yonr car? Department of the Interior W lliL lA M R *, BEAN. Mervin D. Peters, deceased. ¡you in the above entitled suit on of c S Land Office at Roseburg, Ore- Attorneys fur the plaintiff. Yep, all but the one In the back Fred F Smith, i gen. May 11, 1925 «before the 20th day o( June, 1925 said L —«-« E’lgi’ti«*. Oregon. Attorney for Administrators 'date being more than six w?eks from i Notice is hereby glvt-n I bat Richard May 2128 June 4 11 IS 2f,.July 2. the date of the order fn said suit pro ! May 21 28 June 4-11-18. >L!nd*ay. of Mphawk, Oregon, who on vidtng for publication of summons here] May 14. 1920. m ate homsstend entry How the Fight Started Thia community it expected to glv» ,n. and If ycu fail to a n a w r. for want! No 012S13. for N’ s N W ’ i . SEki Sts:— "W hat are you writing?" Sec 27. Twp I« R range 2 wo«i *1» »bare to the national American thereof plaintiff w ill apply to the other court for the relief demanded in aa'd Brother:— "Some Jokes." W illamette M«ridimi has filed notice ! Legion Endowment Fund. iof intention to make three year proof. • communities throughout the United complaint, towlt for a deerre of ab- Sis:—"W ell—give my regards to all In establish claim to th" c n l ¡’bnve I States are doing. The Income from olute divorce from the bonds cf matri- of them.’’ described, brfore E O. Iirm el. U. 8(1' this Endowment Fund Is to be used to moB7 now sub«l»ting between plain w . F. WALKER j CommlsHloner, at Eugene. Ortgon, on aastat and cur« disabled former and defendant and for cost» of Call ,,b * ‘ **?,a a f y ^ m “ e's \* “ - t n r a . e . : “ «•> “ ^ ‘0 Provide home, for HU£ h|, BIlnimon8 „ pnbIlghM porju. Sounds Logical FUNER AL 0IR EC 7O R ctaljriint H. iU m iu itu Jacob Nicholson. lb8 orl'hao,, aud d«P«“ d‘=“ t i b ,dr“ ’ « »>■ order of C. P. Barnard. 1 J ttle Child— "Daddy! Why do they SUTTON TRANSFER i Victor Full Auto Equiptosnt aud ,he Fund, itself. Judge of the County Court of Oregon call the English language "The Mother ’ Frank Ppores, W illiam Senv.y all of oi * ar Mohawk, • nragpn * ta to b» perpetual. A trust agreement Tor Lane county, dated and filed May tongue?” Phono 57 W. O. W block provides that when death has wiped G’h. 1925. and directing that summon? H A M IL L A. CANADAY, Wise Dad:— "Because father never Office Phone 82-J Rsa. Phons 82-J out the membership of the present herein he published for a period of, Noncoal Regis’ er. American Legion, the Income from not ’« *’ 'ban six weeks. In the Spring * ets a c°ance to use It. May 14 21 28 June 4 11 the Endowment Fund shall be used n ‘ i d * newspaper printed and, for purposes most nearly identical to ” Sptingfield. Lane County. GEOv. N, McLEAN NO TIC E OF F IN A L HEA R IN G DR. N. W. EMERY SUMMONS those for which it la needed today. Automobile, Fire and Life FRED E. S M IT H . Notice is hereby given that Louisa IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF TH E The person then president of the OENYIBT Attorney for Plaintiff. IN 8 U R A N C B E. Baker has filed In court her final STA TE OF OREGON FOR !. W E United States will name a board to 445-6 Miner Bl lg.. Eugene, Oregon. I account as administratrix of the es- Surety Bonds.. Phone «17 Sutton Bldg. Phons N-J I CO U N TY determine the use of the iucome. Date of first publication hereof is late of David M. Baker, deceased and My buslnece le^to protect your Residence Phone IBS M Nellie Cornwell, plaintiff 1 L. f i l l Every person, regardless of creed. May 7th, 1925. that the court has set 10 o'clock A. M. business OOtnweU, defendant.— Is concerned In the welfare of those M -7-14-21-28;J 4-11-18. :ot Saturday. June 13, 1925, as th? time Springfield, Oregon S83 W illamette 8t. Eugene Qrsgon To LeRoy Cornwell, defendant. IN ¡ who gave their all in the world war. Kriss—So yo u "felt uncan^ 7 "w h ile * hT"m>1 Or- g o T h° ’" 'P ‘ he CltT ° ‘ T H E NAM E O F T H E STA TE OF as the time when — ting The litGe widow? OREGON. ■ eaki account will be taken up by You are hereby required to anpenr wllh Choae thousands of war veterans .and enew«Y com ria l nt filed” .'nTn.'t ” bo are alch and helpless, but who. K f°» » ^ Y o « he»! she k-,p- the ashes the county court for examination and LADIES! Try that expert (you herein on or b fore six w .e!:- ■ because Justice can never be made | oi her ,a,e buaband right 00 tne piano. a” d allowance. All persona interested SHOE REPAIRING hair cutter at Anderson's ¡from the date of first publication here 1 automatic, are unable to obtain gov- i Kriaa— O, that isn't so terrible. Work Promptly and L at t,tle and Barber shop. Carefully Done inf er for whnl thereof the platatlff eminent aid. , Kdeea— Maybe not. I didn't like th« n ce - ere S. D. Alien. Atornev for 0 Estate. t will takr Judgement against you and Thousands of Sick Aided j looks of the extra urn,—Legion Week- A. A. ANDERSON Louisa E. Baker, Admin vtra rix. JOHN A, NELSON apply t.i the «ourt for the relief ( ray I , Those Those who who are are familiar familiar at at all al. with ----- ly. M-14 21 28-J-4-11. ! 1 con,P ^ nt an all bids: 1921-1 H Apr. 4. 1922 6170 crete or road work. We j Said lands are situated In Lane 6.34 Good Home for Every Child 12% Jan. 30, 1923 26459 6.90 12% The Legion Is determined that every 1921 2 H make a specialty of crushed | C’duttty, (Oregon, and Meftirlbed as May 31, 1923 15684 6.35 12% child of a war veteran shall have as 1P22-1-H rock and rock sand. Bunk­ ¡follows: to-wlt: 1922-2H Sep. 27, 1923 17936 6.48 12% JEW ELER i Beginning at a point on tho V. 8 good a home, snd a real mother's love, 1923-1-H ers at foot of Main on Mill Apr. 4. 1924 6320 6.47 12% G overnm int m eander line of the right as that child would have had If his street, RcpniriiiK a Specialty 1923-2-11 Oct. 1, 1924 18947 6.47 12% I bank of the McKenxie Fork of the father had not died for his country. 1924 Apr. 4, 1925 5011 Sprtngtleld, Oregon 14.54 12% HENRV W. CHASE, Prop. ¡W illam ette River. 17.50 chains north The United States Veterans' Bureau and 6.50 chains* east of quarter section Said Samuel McMurdo as the owner of the legal title of the above des­ estimates there are 6,000 orphans of (corner on west line of Section 30», T. cribe«! property as the same appears of record, and each of the other persons 117 8. R. 1 W. of W. M and running veterans In tho United States today above named are hereby further notified that J. W. Baker w ill apply to tho ¡»hence along nifander line down who need some degree of care. The R. W. SMITH FRANK A. DE PUE stream. 8. 46 deg W. 3 50 chnlns 8. Legion is maintaining one children’s Circuit Court of the County and State aforesaid for a decree foreclosing tha 10 deg. E. 11.00 chains; 8. 45 deg E billet, now filled to capacity, where Hen against the property above described, and mentioned In said certificate. ATTORNEY AT LAW Juatlce of the peace and 17.20 chains; 8. 13 deg. W. 5.10 chains such dependent children are given And you are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after the first notary public, Inaurane« to left bank of a large slough: thence good home» Other billets are being publication of this summons, exclusive of the day of said first publication, and NOTARY PUBLIC crossing the old channel. N. 70 deg. E established snd will be In operation defend this action or pay the amount due as above showd. together with costs Sutton Springfield and accrued Interest, and in case of your failure to do so. a decree will be 6 00 chains; thence along U. 8. Me­ City Hall Springfield, Oregon ■uidllng Brago«. ander line on left bank np stream. aa soon as possible. In addition to rendered foreclosing the lien of said taxes and coats against the land and N. 10H deg W. 1.70 chains: N. 29 thia, Tha I-egioa cooperates with premises above named. This summons Is published by order of the Honorable O. F. Sktpworth, deg. W. 2 50 chains; N. 87U deg W other child welfare organizations, re­ 10.16 chain«; N. 64 deg W. 8.76 chains. alising that every sincere effort to aid Judge of th« Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Lab«, N. 88 deg. W chains; N. IBW deg chfldren la of value, and that tha Held • nd said order was made and dated this 12th day of May. 1926 and the date of Contracting and Building CLEANING, PRESSING the firet publication of this summons is the 14