* • m THN 8PRINOFIKIJ> NRWS Page T h re e This Week’s Crossword Puzzle / S c ÜligS emptations I “You're Insulting, 1 think Tou are The Inn, like to many ihnt dot the sm aller resorts along the East Coast perfectly revolting! At least 1 thought of Tlortda. srns sfu tlrss and there was you were a gentleman even though a certain wholesom eness about it. you do flltt outrageously. And Dm Not so bad, I thought, as I stood view ­ Having if I have to walk to Miami ing aiyaelt before the mirror of my 1 declared vehemently. “I’ll wake every one in the Inn and tell them dresser. There was a light tap at the door about you being so— horrid."' I sobbed of the room adjoining. I nicved over on the verge of hysterics. "Come, come, do you think anyone toward the sound and asked softly. would believe the old story of an auto “Who'S there r "It's I. Warren, I have a little mobile being out of commission?" He 'night cap" for you and really its de­ threw hack h!a head and his lips HORIZONTAL curled in a sneering manner, “and lirious." 1. Seaweed "But how am 1 to get It” ? I an­ don't think they'd be such boobs as to 5. To encourage wrong doing swered. besides, really. I don't think think you were not In on this little Incurring puulshment party." I'd better.“ Stout and rosy with health io “Nonsense.” he whispered. “I 'Do you mean that the transmission 11. A city of Chaldea brought thte home from Paris. A was not broken and that you »ere IS. A branch small drink o f It will make your stalling?” I demanded, my eyes flash It. European river dreams more lo v ely .’ Ing. Correlative to not 1 hesitated. A little couldn't pos "So Innocent, aren't you?" he ques­ 1«. A trap 18. aibly hurt me. Besides, I was not tioned. "you society gorls oe this A sign of the Zodiac sleepy and 1 would enjoy a few min­ generation amuse me with your in­ i t To have and retain tn one's pos utes of. Warren Fisher's bright con­ jured feelings. Do you think you can . 20. session lead a man on with the open wiles I versation. Change direction • But the key? It Isn't here." I con­ and veiled rrom ists of an adventuress 21. Having the form of a tooth 23. and then pull a baby stare when he ac tended. 24. A Hebrew month That's aU right, it's on this side. cepts the Invitation?" Eagerly expectant All 1 want is your permission, may I?" I remembered the warning of Cur­ 2«. Dull brown; swarthy complexion The door opened slightly. tiss Wright, who had tried to show 29. British National Reserve (abbr.) “Hurry, now." I was nervous. It's me the danger of the headlong speed 30. A small part of the head 33. an unearthly hour for me to be enter­ in which, he said. I was racing. Oh! taining you in such an informal man­ if I had only listened 1 would have 33. I am (contraction). A mass of visible vapor floating ner." I adopted a tone of banter. had his love and protection and 14. through the air at various heights “Rats! these good people have been would have escaped this Issue. Pugilistic knockout In their beds tor hours. Besides. Sallle They will believe me down stairs. 3«. Forbid; exclude 37. I Just had to see you.“ J'll make them?" 1 stamped my foot “Adoree. MY Adores, you wonderful, and momentarily my rage was rising 39 Organic matter of the soil Not quick glorious creature." he put hta arms book at the time,’ he demanded, 41. Spare for occupancy enclosed on about me and attempted to kiss me. pointing to my wrist watch, "almost 41. all sides "Don't please, not Tiere. I hate two o'clock In the morning. Is It VERTICAL anything like this— somehow It seem s likely they'd hear to such a story?" Island possession of Denmark ao sordid, especially under these con­ (To be Continued) Legal note (abbr.) ditions." “But Adoree. If you could know how A fish T hinn ing Ranks I've longed for you. I’ve worshipped A man's name Dugan—"Well I guess I'll go down you every minute since 1 left Pensa­ To border upon and get my hair cut." cola. If you realize how I've remera A vehicle Whalean—"B'goeh It is singular. bored each precious mannerism about Prefix meaning out Pith helmet worn In tropics you, the way you laugh, the bright wit Isn't K T that is as much a part of you as your Species of fungus radiant beauty. Oh! 1 want you for Tract of land on which the game Dr. S. Ralph Dip p el Dentist. Vitus my own. MINE, do you hear me?" Is preserved for shooting building. Springfield. Oregon. He drew me closer. -B u t your wife?” 5 pulled away sharply, “are you mad ?” “Yea, for you. you wonderful per­ son!" I disliked very much the way things were going. “But your wife?" I reiterated, “real­ ly you are not fair to her. Warren, and after all she deserves some con­ sideration.” “Oh. what difference does that make? Besides she's far, far away. She's only my wife, Adoree, while you—you are the light of my life and most of all, you are my sweetheart.” "No.no.“ I shuddered, as I began Don’t take the chance of a break down or steady loss to realize the situation. .u high priced grain thie seas«-n. Harvest iliis years < r o j "What' you won't be tuv sweet- with a brand new McCormick or Deering grain binder h a r t ? ” he asked in amazement, "It Is a much better arrangement for matrimony is death to romance” and he held me closer, "don't you care for me a little ’" His eyes were all eager. “Go to your room, immediately or I'll call down stairs” was my answer. 73 West 9th Street Eugene Oh, now you weren't so offish when Good Equipment makes a good Farmer better I made love to you on the pier In Pensacola that evening.” He changed his tactics. ». S. O. S. Implement & Hard- ware Co. We have ju st received another shipment Young Men’s Suits In these suits you will find the same authentic style and workmanship that you get In suits that cost more. The materials and fabrics in powder blue, grey, small checks, serge and pencil stripes are much in demand. Prices are $16.50, $19.50 and $24.50. LADIES SHOES MENS SHOES Pumps and Oxfords, two-tone, tan, black and patent leather, $3.95 to $4.95 Men’s mule skin shoes leather soles, Others at $2.85—$3.45 ing shoes $2.25— $2.85 14. > 1?. ■ 19. 131. 33. 34. ' 25. 37. ANNUAL CAMP MEETING TO BE IN COTTAGE GROVE MethodDts will again meet for tbelr Portland, May »8— (S p eciali- Log annual camp meeting at Cottage Iglng operations in west coast tir disi ¡Orova, from July 83 to August 3 this riels from southern Oregon to the year. It 1» »nnouaeed by Rav. S A. Canadian border, last year logged ¡ttanfoad. The new tabernaahl« will more than seven and one half billion ’ lie finished In tin e fur the meetings, feet, woods scale, according to figures ’ and nddltlonal groundg have besu )u»t complied by the Four 1. Bullltan, ) purchased on the east side of the old official publication of the Loyal Jot. . . ... Rev. Ira Hargett, pastor of the Legion of Loggers and Lumbermen. The totals for the various logging Grand Avenue Methodist church In centers are given as follows; North Kansas City will be present for sever I’uget Sound, 897.071.000 feet; Central a| sermons again this year Rev. J. I. Ihiget Sound. 1.327.356.171 feef : South Miller of Nashville, general evengellst Fuget Sound. 1.134.480.166 feet; of the socthern Methodist church, who Grays Harbor and district. 998.585.093 het been preaching In Roseburg end Offspring of a Spaniard or Creole feet Willapa Harbor, t89.588.894 feet, Medford, and other southern Oregon anti an American Indian. Centralia Chetiall* district. 488.448.975 towns will also be present. The song A fortification feel; Columbia River. Washington side. aervlcea will be led hr Fred Cannady, A stratum 883,848 890 feet; Columbia River. Ore and Mrs Denford will have charge of By gon side, 846011.958 feet; Tillamook By the route of Line and North Oregon Coast. 195,- (he young peoples meetings. A mine entrance The Methodist League Institute will 783,998 feel; W llamette Valley. 861.- French novelist 713.218 feet; Coos Bay and South Ore­ be held there following the ramp Nntwlstvd rope, used for caulking gon coast 433.484.913 feet. meeting, from August 3 to August 9. Truck loggers on Puget Sound were the seam s of a ships planks Strong, thick kind of silk To blossom German territory occupied b y . Allies after World war uaciLfiafit 28. 30. 31. Tailors For Men and Women MOORE & MOORE ate Tailors for those who de­ sire to be correctly groom­ ed In every detail; using the latest styles of the world's foremost designers It has ever been our privi lege to serve a distinguish­ ed cllentale. Special Notice to the Ladies. Bring us your past season garments and let us show you how they can be remodeled Into up-to-date fashions of today. We guarantee the nervine. J [T e rf/« a 4 K ut F n iin i, J tu li-1 0 ) Roundtrip Excursion Fares every day throughout the summer season.Stopover wherever and as long as you please within final return limit •—October list. Now plan your vacation journeys to the east. Let our agents assist in fixing your itinerary. And include C A L IF O R N IA either goingor returning,or both ways, if you choose. Sec it’s manifold won­ der at little, if any. additional expense. Ask any Agent Southern Pacific Phone 250 36 West 8th CARL OLSON. Agent CAR SALE ANNOUNCEMENT Some extra good used cars that have been reconditioned and put in A1 shape. Come in early, get the advantage of a full summer of travel by automobile. Yes we will make convenient terms Also some used cars as is $1.85 Men’s bicyble toe, out­ C. J. Breier Co. 6th and Willamette Street 34. Note of the dove 3&t A song In two parte 38. Buslneat League (abbr.) 10. A state LOGGING SURVEY SHOWS 7' a BILLION FEET CUT The Outcome of a Harmless Flirtation t l AVN AVOBM Ksponslble for 150.000.000 feet of logs during the year. Importa of logs from British Columbia totaled 107,881,000. feet. Anderson-Wing Motor Co. Springfield Oregon