SPRING«-',; E LD — TH E W E S T E R N D IV O T ID TO IN T E R E S T OF EF R IN O FIE L O AND T H E F A R M E R * OF TH E W IL L A M E T T E V A L L IT T E R M IN A L O F THE NATRON CUTOFF r ----------------------------------------- "The Psopla’s Paper" .........- 1 L i iE SPRINGFIELD NEWS I TWKNTY-HPX'UNV YEAH 2SS£NIBRSPflEPARE I0 6 R M M M S . A SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY. ORFX5ON, MEMORIAL DAY PLANS CHANGED TO SATURDAY The incntorlal day purade will ba belt! Saturday liiattad of Sunday, ac- coidiug tu n«w plan* maJu by the Am- •rlcau Ltglon and U. A. It. m m bin*. Examinations Taksn This Week lb « S p tli.gd el burnt will loud the and Plans Made for Com* I amu«. which will f»rm Just outside menoement Week Exercises; Ct the Laurel H ill ceuntery. O. A. It. Jiiwlubtrs, hull«« of the U. A. R. and Play to Be June 8. “ Baby Farm ” Head THURSDAY. MAY 28, 1925 L IVE NEW SPAPER IN A LIV E TO W N NUMBER 18 M. A. NEET TO SUCCEED DAVENNPORT AS 4L HEAD LEPLEY BROS. WILL BUILD NEW BANK £ —- - - A. Neet la the new chairman of Loyal Legion o f lxfggera and* umbermen, succeeding George Dav- ienport. The election ol officers was SC H O O L»» Contract for First National at he!d Monday night at a meeting of Lowest Bidder Will Construct Corncjr of Fifth and Main Let; Ue local «rganiaatioa. the Eight Room Stucco Struc­ D. W. Petticord was elected vlce- To Be Two Story Structure ture for >18,331; Henderer to preeldent, and D. W. McKinnon secre- with Offices Upstairs. Do Wiring and Finne Plumb­ ! tary and Edgar Kester, Treasurer, ing and Heating. W J. Lepley and L. J. Lepley have 1 re-elected. R. A. Carlton will be uie Legion win march. Twenty nine eentora at the Spring- ■ lou urd llro w u «ll, E u tsn c attorney, the third member of the conference been given (he contract to erec. the Held blgb school are taking exaiulna- will apeak at the cemetery, and It la committee, the other two membera new First National bank building at Huns today and tomorrow. Next >“*»“ » th“ « » Nr»«« »cuad may be ae- being tbe chairman and vice chairman. the corner of Main and 6th streets. | cured, although arvarnl members of week they will have no cUsaei, a l­ Bids for the contract were opened Ra’r Wchardson will be a new member the equad may be unable to eilend. though practice (or their play will Monday, three bid» from Eugene, two ot the board of tn **teeg- Want Cara fr«mo Springfield and one from Salem i M r Davenport la leaving the lumber continue. Cara to take people to the çemotnry having been turned In. , business. and w ill operate a service Four events remain on the senior unturday morning are requested to I Tbe cost of the new build'.?« «» ! station in Glenwood in the future. In calendar for the year. The Bnccaleau- |„ Be( „« ioggimann'a bakery Every- f given by the officers of tbe bank as thanks for bis work with the local r«ata sermon will be at the Methodist one )a ata0 d by Mr». C. F. Kggl- Helen Geisen-Volk la unrier ar* approximately »17,000 It 1» estimated group, a life membership In tbe orga- rest and N. Y. City authorities are ebureh at 00 on the evening of June uialli president of the lad lea of the G, Investigating the deaths of 23 that the building will be rinlahed in nlzatlon was given him. 7, with Kev. F. L. Moore »peaking. A n i„ pr |Oi (lowers to put on the babies in 17 months at her “baby On the following evening, th . senior gruveil. „ lh „ wealher utca FrWa). about ninety days. The board voted down the recom- farm.** I t is charged babies left piny, "Stop T h i e f will be presented at #f Q A „ >#j| of The new building w ill be a two mendatlon for a 14 hour week recom- there were starved end brutally story concrete building. 80x44 feet mende«l by the Springfield legion. fb e high M-bl auditorium at 8.00. gl(>|| aMM,,|—ry Bre m»et at treated. T h e leal .octal event will lake place aU M Mah) and J(|<1 The bank will occupy the corner of The ga(ety council meeting was post- Tuesday evening. June ». when the t<) roaka w r„a|hR j the building, and a store w ill be ponMi untn Wednesday nlgbt. LITTLE GIRL BURNED TO housed in the rest of the downstairs ----------------------- — ----- Juniors entertain the Seniors at a banquet and dance at the Anchorage _ ______ ___ _ DEATH AT OAKRIDGE HOME section. Nine office rooms will be SERVICES FOR In Bugas» Graduation exercises will SPRINGFIELD TOSSERS 1 made on the second floor. GEORGE B. READ FRIDAY TROUNCE GROVE BUNCH I Ella Npwra“n' a»‘,d »< Oakridge,! A »(airway to the second floor will bn al the high school auditorium June 10, Dr. V- 0. Dubach of tbe Oregon ! ------------- died Wednesday at 2:46 as she was M „„ t t e west side of the building A Funeral services for George B. Read Agricultural College giving the ad- ' Springfield took a game from Col ba,n< taken from the train here as a ra a lt room 10x17 feet w ill be con- of 361 North B street who died Mon dress The final program for this event tage Orove Sunday by a score of 6 1 irM U ,l “ f burn» received earlier In the atructed for the bank day morning as a result of injuries has not been finished, but there will on the 6th street diamond. The game d , T- Th« «-1. the ladh s of the Civic club and their Laurel H ill cemetery. Holton, Jennie Holverson. Helen by Springfield. | ^r” m *be W alker chapel thia after- guests. Mr. Read was born |n London. Eng. Howard, Itoeella Hoppe. Howard A hotly contested return game with , noon a l S:S0' R e r- r - L Moore of- Following Mrs. Ernst's talk, a abort and 80 years ago, coming to the U n it­ llughet. Ruby Houk, Bernice Jacob- R<-ln will take place here Sunday ,,r la ,*nF Interrm ent w ill be a t the huslneaa meeting was held by the ed States while yet an In fa n t During son. LBdtle Male. Verna Manning. Belo won from the locals once, and *-“ ure' H ill cemetery. club, under the leadership of Mrs. the Civil w ar he was a private with Merle McMullen. Paul Nice. Vera Root. hBvv shown themselves to be the Students Elect U d a “ a.-Gowen, because of the ab- Company G. 37th Illinois Infantry, and Resale Smith Lola Spencer. Beulah »troncesl opponents thia season. Announcement of the election of the " Bce ° * Mra , ’* “ 1 B » « * « » . Pr*»«dent was a member of the Springfield Thnrman. Elisabeth W alker. M ary, HprlngfleMs lineup was: Delps. poet of the G. A. R. new student body officers of the of the club. W h itn e y , and 1.111» Zarhry. pitcher, flrat five Innings; Carter, Mr. Read Is survived by bis wife, Crimson and white roeee have been pitcher: RtocH catcher. Thompson, Springfield High School was made two stepsons. Lawrence Co.-twrtght of chosen by the claea for the ctaae flow- fm»« bate; Cog, second hate; 'Ding­ Monday morning, following the ballot G lenw oo d V o te s D ow n N e w School Portola, California, and Bennett Cort- er. and ertmeon and white are the Mulligan, third hose; C edi Mulligan, Ing Friday. Frank Lombard was elect­ class colors The motto, "W ith the shortstop; Sankey. right fie ld ; Meats, ed student body president, with Ida The proposed plan to have a new wrtght of Compton, Californio, besides Cox. vice-president. M yrtle Harvey school buildlg In Glenwood was voted a grandson. Wesley Gortweight of Ropes of the Present. We Ring the center field: Ollllaple. left field. w ill serve as secretary and Elisabeth down last Friday evening at an ele c I C o ® *® »- B elle of the Future," has also been ‘ wo granddaughters, 'I Hughes, treasurer. DeEtU " » n r * * : non to decide whether or not to bond Mra Max C * * 1’1 and Wendling and adopt ed. MANY TAKE MARTIAL T O O , ,« ,, r « , .a . • * * * °f Oo41etter neat the d is trict The proposal lost to a Mrs. Vance Barber of Bend. I TROUBLES IN COURT year. Oeorge Perkins was given the con­ tract to build the new Brattain school house at a special meeting of the school board Monday evening. Mr. Perkins' bid was the lowest of five submitted, and was for »18,331. J. Flnnie of Eugene will put In tha plumbing add heating fixtures for >3.600, and tbe wiring for lights w ill be done by John Henderer for »176. Six bids were made for the plumbing and several more tor the lighting com­ mission. Mr. Perkins la now In Yoocolla but It is expected that the work of laying the water mains and making sewer connections w ill be started almost immediately. The new school bulding is to be of wood and stucco construction and w ill have eight rooms The board plana to finish the structure If there 1» money sufficient but if there Is not ihe interior and fluisbtng of one or two rooms w ill be left undone this year. Many bidders submitted ihelr offers on the work but the local bidders were the lowest Bids for construction were as fol­ lows: Hargraves and L in d s a y ___ »18,800.00 George Perkins ___________ »18,331.95 W. O. P u g h ------------------------««JI17 00 L o o m la ------------------- »18.364.00 Bids for the plumbing were: J. F l n n i e ----------------------- ----- »3.600 00 F E. Krats ..... 43-066.00 W illiam s A C o .____________ >3 827.00 Chase and L e s lie __________ »4.114.8« Seattle Equip. Co. _________ «3,787.00 Bidders on wiring were: Henderer Electric Supply.... .....«175.00 Sigwart Electric ____________ »222.00 Bailey E le c t r i c ____________ »217 600 Mr. Perkins offered to complete the building with the exception of two room for »500 lees or with four rooms unfinished for »1000 less. Con­ tractor Pugh offered to make a dis­ count of >900 for each two roonji. large majority, although It was voted Thelma I^tyaon was elected to be on several weeks ago to build a new REV. LILLIAN GRAY TO A half dosen divorces were granted ghTs athletic manager, and (Hugh GO TO ANOTHER CHURCH school building. anil four complaints for divorce were Cowart will manage tbe boys’ ath­ A potato club, the only one to he filed Tuesday In circuit court. Dora letic I name. Mrs. Lillian Gray, pastor of the Eu­ W ill Entertain Lodge Membe organised In I-ane Jjouty, Is functlno- J. Neilson was given a decree from gene-Springfield Free Meihodlst REV. BLOM ACCEPTS NEW Ing at Trent with Chester Wheeler. Glenn 8. Neilson and »76 a month Builds Soard W alk—Virgil Cacteel Royal Neighbors w ill entertain mem­ church In Glenwood, preaches 4>er BAPTIST PASTORATE HERE as leader, and nine members. Mr. alimony. has completed a board walk on R bers of the Modern Woodmen and farewell sermon Sunday. Mrs. Gray Wheeler himself was formerly a club Orla. waa , rMl(J from |Ia rry c street between south 2nd and 3rd their families June 17 at Tbe Wood- here ,>8t Ju,y (n>m MemM on rPnun,)R of de. The Paramount», onq of seven roll work, “and I would like to thank the announced, c. R. L aM arr filled the evening from Portland to vlelt over sewing rlub. Is giving a demonstration Rfirl|On -phey were married Septem- the week-ed with Mrs. Suusser's par­ rooms at the high school, won both public for all it has done for us here." pulpit last Sunday. Junt 1 Roth clubs have been doing Since coming here Mrs. Gray has ents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry M. Stew art '.he attendance ad scholarship pen­ good work. ( John Winslow was given a divorce nants for the past six weeks. These built up the Sunday school aud church To Have Sale for Mission from U llla n Winslow on grounds of are awarded every six attendance, nearly »300 worth of re­ Returns to W ork After Illness— C. pennants An Ice cream social for the benefli Band Gives F lra t Concert desertion. They were married In A. Sutherland!! truck driver for Booth- weeks to the roll rooms having the pair work has been done to the church of the mission at M u rm i w ill bi K illy returned In hie work Monday best grade average and attendance and parsonage, and the church roll I sponsored by the young married peo The first city band concert to h e : . i *» .. . . . .u Mra. Clara I-on lac Martinson was after a weeks Ulnesa. record during that period. ¡has been increased. pies class of the Baptist church ti given from the new stand at the corn-• d'vorred from W B. M ar’ lnson on the near future. er of 2nd nnd Main streets was given ... . ___ grnuds of cruel and Inhuman trest- No definite date has been set foi Frlday evening with a good crowd at - ment. They were married at Newport the event, although It w ill be decide«! tending. | Snsday at a meeting of the class. A The bandstand 1» not yet completed. . « ,... n B***» committee in charge of the affair is: »Ince new « benches w >n ill w. be built i later .. . . . . * ' nlt ,n p,r' . „ , , -i _ . „ „ v. r r l t court for divorce from Francis Mrs. Fred Frese. Mrs. A. J. Cowart JVjtts for th e audience are also being In • ___________ - -<■> • - - ...... The RO’” d* WPrp Mrs. D. W. McKinnon and Mra. G riffin planned These concerts will be given R,ro Julv 1920. She alleges he divorced every Frldsv evening during the sum­ her M E T H O D IS T CHURCH mer according to present plans. Clifford McGee lies fle d sn't In Memorial Scnday circuit court for divorce from Rather The Ebbert Memorial Church will Look Over Interests- J. B Male, of They were married I.o ’ s McGee, Portland, motored to this city Satur­ Lyle H a s tin g s ..... 1st base observe Memorial Sunday In a general April t. 1917 way, but w ill also call the day to look after property Internal» Samuel MeKernghan haa filed an't Merle McMullen P itcher roll of the members of our families here and vlalt his brother, M. M. Male. I In circuit court for divorce from F-mlly Paul N ic e ............... 2nd base who have departed during the year, MeKernghan. They were married In with the presentation of simple floral Vlalt In Glenwood— Mr. and Mra. i 1909. Rae Casteel ......... 3rd base tributes. The children are especially Chester Pool and daughter Alllston to bring a simple bouquet or a and Mra. Louise Barr or San Lula John C o x ..... Short (Mgr.) Invited Prlacllla Club Met single flower. The pastor. F. L Obispo, California were week-end Byron C o w a rt.... Out field Moore will speak briefly from the guests of Rev. Lillian Gray In W est The Prlacllla club met with Mrs. thought, “Lest We Forget." Springfield. John Tomaeth last Friday afternoon Howard Hughes . Out field School meeete at 9:46. with Mra for an afternoon of sewing and cards. Dlatrlct Eldar Vielte— Ber. and Mrs. F rank Lewis ..... * Out field Ida Gantz as superintendent. A light luncheon was »erred late In Epworth League at 7 P. M. W. R. Goode of Macdoel, California the afternoon. Lotice Cole ....... Out field There w ill be a special feature foi risile«! In Springfield and Glenwood a Member» of the club attending the the Flreeslde hour at 8 P. M.. of inter few days this week with friends. Rey. Gilbert M arguth..... Catchei gathering were: Mre. A. J. McKy and sst to the children and young people, Goode la district elder of the Free Mra. John Seavey of Eugene. Mra. I-e- followed by a short sermon. MelWbdlat church. land Eubank, Mra. Riley Snodgrasa, On the evening of June 4th, Blshoj Mra. W illiam Donaldson, Mrs. Roy W illiam Shepard, of Portland, togeth Vlalt Frlenda Here— Mr. and Mrs. Stearmor. Mrs. Jack Tjirson, Mra. er with Dr. Dean, the western field J. C. Hafner and children of Oregon Trubert Henderson, Mrs. I. D. Tjirl- representative of the Home Board wll City arrived Sunday evening to vlalt mer. Mra. L . E. Basfonl, M th . Howard day. Good steady plavlng won the which brought In one man earlier in spend the evening with the Spring frlenda here. They are former real SPRINGFIELD HIGH BEATS Freeland and Ihe hoateaa. game for the loc.G team by a score the Inning, which helped the locals field Church. denta here. EUGENE SCHOOL 7 TO 6 of 7-6 In the la rt half o* the last to overcome a two point lead. Inning. The lineup for this game was: Mc­ Qoea to California— 1. C. Nelaon. Dance Hall Being Built— An octagon Return From Trip Saturday— W . 0. Taking tholr first game from the Throughout the entire game, Eu- Mullen, pitcher; Cowart, catcher; shaped dance hall 90 feet wide In all Mcl.agan, auperlntendent of the local who haa been with the First National Gasteel, directions. Is being costructed at the Mountain States Power plant returned Bank for Ihree year» haa loft for Red Fugone High £- bool team proved a gcc was ahead, out f final score made Nice, first; Cox, second; by John Cox Io l* e last half ot the third; Hastings, short; B. Cowart, Hanso auto camp in West Springfield. Saturday from a trip to North Bend .Buff, California, to take a position difficult nnd thrilling lim e for the ninth won the game. Ray Casteel left Held; Pollard, center field; Workmen say it w ill be finished In and Marshfield. He left here last 'as bookkeeper for a fru it growers 'Thursday. ' . I firm. Springfield high schaol nine last Fri­ made a sensational three-base hit Hughes and Lewis right field. about two weeks. if’ J f CLUBS WILL HAVE DAYS TO SHOW ACHIEVEMENTS BEAT EUGENE/