THURSDAY. MAY 21. 1825 THE 8PRJNGKIKLD NEWS paob m o H j tors, submitted the lowest bid tor the general construction of the new home In Salem for the Young Men's Chris­ tina association to be erected this year. The bid was IM.SJ0. OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST The Salem Amusement company, with headquarters in Portland, has been Incorporated bv A B. Holt. W. the Week Collected for T. I'aagle and J. C Helllg The cor­ poration has for Its purpose the opera­ Our Readers. tion of a theater In Salem. Frank L. Chambers. Eugene banker, Fred Woavcr of Coos rlvvr wit* k ill­ has presented to the University of ed by light at ng Oregon a strip of land about 1000 feet Roeaburg*« «Mwai strawberry r»m t- loog and varying in width, along the val will be held Thursday, Friday and south bank of the mill rare, where the annual canoe fete is held. Saturday. Brief Resume of Happenings of Otto Meyers. 14 year-old »on of Mr», ; Protest against what Is regarded as Nellie Moyers of Forest Grove, was a duplication by the Oregon Agricul­ drowned while swUutuing in Gale» tural college of courses offered at the University of Oregon, has bee» made creek. by regents of the university to the Wheat crop conditions aw good In state board of higher curricula. Oregou. Spring grain Is thriving, ac­ Cleverly hidden In a cove on the cording to the weekly summary of hanks of the W illam ette river about the weather bureau. six miles east of Newberg. oae of the The fifth annual state convention largest moonshine plants ever uncov­ of the disabled American veterans of ered In Oregon was found by federal the World war convened In Corvallis and state officers and destroyed. with close to 100 delegates present. Several hundred pounds of fiber Automobiles will not be able to i cross the McKentie puss for a num­ ber of weeks yet. unless the snow is taken oat by machinery. It la reported. Fire losses In Oregon, exclusive of Portland, for the month of April sg- gregated 3134.811 4». according to a report issued by W ill Moore, state fire marshal. the sa »lags depoallurs. sheriff In tbu last ttv» years. For the third time this spring an Featured by registration of dele­ gates. automobile trips to areale Irrigation canal of lha Klamath Ir r i­ points of Interest almut The lialles gation district broke through Its hanks and an address td welcome by Mayor •m l inundated The l•elleed!•lllornta Htadelman. IDS delegates and toen» highway end surrounding country, ac- hers of Neighbors of wooderdft held cording to reports received at Klamath Falla, when D canal. 3W mlloa weal their stale convention In The Halles. of Malin, broke Its banks. Fire, thnuuhl to hsve been cauo-ul Ittaht of way for the purposed Mo- by a spark Iront a locomotive swept Troutdale, 16 miles east of P wtlaud. Kcnsle water pipe line from Itayd«« and before It was extinguished, burned hrt-lge to Eugene le now being ob­ Four paving plant« will be opernt-1 lu Salem starling Tuesday, July 14. Ihe principal part of the business a»’«’- tained by agents of thy water board, ed in Marlon county thia sea*--u. ac­ according to announcement made by lion of the town, as well ns noverai and it te expected that the contract cording to members of the county Arthur 8. Bauson. clerk of the state residence*. The property loss wan es­ for the ennstru-Hon or the line will court. A total of 111 miles of rond ia supreme court. The testa will be con­ timated at *76.000 he let In Ihe near luiur». Bonds lor to be paved. The plants will be locat­ ducted by representatives of the statu this project were voted April I I . Frank C. Bramwell, superintendent ed at Salem. Stayton. Bcollard a n d , board of ber examiners. Timber »ales by the government on of banks, has announced that the final Silverton. national forests of Oregon and Wash dividend will be paid to the depositors An art passed at the, recent session The first plee from Oregon for low I of the state legislature will create the of the Nehalem Valley hank of Wheel­ Ington during 1934 totaled 7o4.3S4.m«> er freight rates on agricultural prod , office of county auditor for Clackamas er, which closed aevural years ago. board feet and brought 11.44».«»* 4». nets under the powers grunted It by ' according to statlalloa made public county May «3, nnd It It expected that Eight per cent Is being patti the c o m the Hoch-Smith resolution reached Ihe an appointee w ill be named by tho mereiai ceposltnra anti 17 per cent Io hv U »t Granger, district forester. interstate commerce commission from county court so that he «rill be able " ' i the Umi-qua Broccoli exchange of to take up hla duties June 1. Roseburg At a special meeting of the Oregon For a consideration of about Ills .- City city commlssloa Chris Schuebel. 000 the Mealey brothers, timber and sawmill owners near Foster. In east­ city attorney was Instructed to start suit against Clackamas county for the ern Linn county, hare told their tlm collection i.‘ SS3.tSS.43. rilegcd due es her holdings of 3104 M acres Io Louis the result of taxes collected by the W. Hill, head of the Northern Pa­ flax seed to be tried out on bane coun­ cific railway system. ty farms were received by O. 8 Appeal from the ballot title proper Fletcher, county agent, and will ho ed by the attorney-general for the distributed among the farmers who referendum measure attacking the ao- have agreed to experiment with It. callnil tobacco tax law enacted at the The three survey crows now at work laal session of the legislature woe fll between Bend and Klamath Falls on ed lh Ihe circuit court in Salem by the proposed Oregon Trunk railroad j C. U. Chapman, editor of the Oregon will be Joined shortly by a fo u rth ; Voter. and W. S. U*R«n. both u( J'urt crew, according to Guy V. 1 turner. land. Chief engineer of the Oregon Trunk. I State bar examinations will be held White Front Grocery Quality Store Two Important Announcements j Glee Club Concert Bids for the construction of 40 miles of road and several bridges will be considered at a meeting of the state I highway commission to be held In Portland May IS. After 17 years of active service as adjutant-general of the G. A. R.. do- , part ment of Oregon. C. A. Williams has asked that he be relieved on ac­ count of his health. Craws of the state highway depart­ ment have oiled the macadam surface of the Mount Hood loop highway from ■ Hood River to the bounds of the Mount Hood national forest. Workmen have been pat on the Job at bonding foundations for the new 110.000 bridge over the Cstapooia river nt Albany. The new bridge will re­ place an ancient and unsafe struc­ ture now being used. The warm weather is making record for ripening red raspberries in the Irrigon district. Small pickings have already been made. This Indicates the season is about two weeks ahead of the past several years. Wechter A Hughes. Salem cootrac-1 1st The White Front Grocery will be dosed Saturday, May 30, Memorial Day. High School Auditorium 2nd Friday Evening, May 29, at 8 Dont take the trouble of coining down town for thin Just call us up and tell us your needs, and the foods will be promptly sent to your kitchen door. By S. H. S. Orchestra We will continue to give you the lx*st we have In prompt and courteous treatment. quality merchandise and fair price, a combination that will always win in the long run. Special music and numbers by members of the Glee Club under the direc­ We carry the Lily Picnic Package, as well as the picniq goods. Get your supply Yront ua for your neat picnic. tion of Mrs. Nelson of the University of Oregon. Children 15c Yours For SERVICE Adults 25c FMONI PHONI 9 - WHITE FRONT GROCERY - 9 —at T h e R E X of Course! in Eugene! • a U iv a t . UUP jp u n a u Better Pictures at Bargain Prices” " V W tR E The BEST at The REX P tk lC S S AGE By contracting for all our summer pictures this early in the season. The REX has been able to secure a group of the best pictures from the biggest film producers. ANY N IG H T Matinee Children 20c 10c THESE GREAT FILM ATTRACTION WILL ALL BE SHOWN AT THE NEW PERMAN­ ENT SCALE OF PRICES NOW IN EFFECT AT THE REX— REGARDLESS OF THE BIG NESS OF THE PICTURE. THESE PRICES WILL NEVER BE RAISED. WEDNESDAY THURSDAY MONDAY TUESDAY P L A Y IN G F R ID A Y SATURDAY ( ( SWAN” A Paramount picturization of That Tremendous Stage Success With— Coming Attractions P0LA NEGRI EMERSON HOUGH'S epic of the West in “North of 36” East of Suez with A GLOWING LOVE DRA­ JACK HOLT "THE ROUGHNECK” With George O’Brien “THE DEVIL’S CARGO” With Wallace Berry Pauline Stark "SECRETS OF THE NIGHT" ERNEST TORRENCE ENCHANTMENT IN and THE LAND OF Johnny Hines In “THE SPEED SPOOK" of Paramont Stars EXTRA! EXTRA! Motion Pictures of the COUNTY SCHOOL PAGEANT of May 9th. KIPLING. BETTER First Time at Rex Prices A Startling Comedy Drama of A Beautiful Girl who me tried to Fight the Fairies of Love— and Found them dynamite. “THE NARROW STREET” “ DARWIN WAS RIGHT" the great cast Adolph Menjou Frances Howard Richard Cortez Robert W. Service's MA OF ROMANCE AND LOIS WILSON The Pola’s Newest Picture FEATURES GOOD COMEDIES SPLENDID MUSIC BARGAIN PRICES Always: LeRoy Devaney in Musical Settings on the R.ex Wurlitzer