PAQE SEVEN T IU ! SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1925 >d to a. a. S T A T E OF OREGON FOR T H B Brown, Clerk State Land Boari. Sal­ em, Oregon, and marked "Applica­ CO UN TY OF LANE. In the M atter of the Batata of Jack tion and bid to purchase river-bed lands." Rodman, deceaeed. Sail what yaw want ta tall, buy what yau want ta buy »tors an mans Done at Salem, Oregon, March 20. Citation: ealumna- W rits ar phene TW O To th<« Unknown Heir« of Jack 1325. O Q BROWN, Rodman, and to all other persons un- Clerk of Stale Land Board. House painting paperhanging, cal- known Intereated In the »aid eatate. Plano (nr eala near Hprln8-»-l»23-10 M 7-14-21 2». U R E K T IN U 't: Ilesutltul high grade piano will Ira contlnlng. Ray Koch. Call Springfield i In the name of the State of Oregon. M 21 •olil at very close price and term« 1135J. You are hereby cited and required to appear tn the County Court of the IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT OF T H E 110 monthly to rellabl«r parly. For S TA TE OF OREGON FOR LANE State of Oregon, for the County of t articular« write Clin« Mu«tc Co.. 10 SUMMONS CO UNTY L in e , at the Court Room «hereof, Front BI., Portland, Oregon. IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF T H E « ¿„gena, in the'County of U n e on W. J Llchty and J. T. Rvans, and May 31-20 June«. i'.T.'S URBOON FOR LANK Tueaday, the 9th day of June. 1925 at W illis J. chamberlatn,- --------- plain- CO UNTY. ten o'clock In the forenoon of that day. tiffs. FOR BALK— Carbon paper In large Lillian Gray. Plaintiff, va. L. H. Gray, the«» and there to ahow cause If any Defendant. , you have, why the petition of Elmer Emma Hardings, Mary Locke and------ •herte, 26x3» Inches, suitable for To L. H. Gray. Defendant: Roberta, admlntatrator of aald eatate ---------------- Locke, her husband, Josiah making tracing« The Newe Office. IN T H E NAM E OF T lIK STATE praying for an order licensing him to Shaw and ---------------- Shaw, hla wife. v i j j - . - t — j-LTru-^-ruxi-unr s w . r j - j - j - s- r i r r r r i -------- - - - ‘ OF ORKOON: You are hereby requir­ sell the following described real se­ Lydia Grow and Paschal Grow, her |)r 8. Ralph IMppel, Dentist, Vltue 'd lo appear and answer complaint ta!« of «aid estate, for the purpose of husband. itarah B Shaw and ------------- Died again»! you herein on or before ■«curing necessary fund« for the pay Hhaw. her husband, Hannah Verrlll building. BprlngfHid. Oregon. «1« weeks from date of first publics ment of chargea of administration of and Joseph V errlll, her husband, Isaac IN T H B C IR C U IT COURT OF T U B Hon hereof, or for want thereof the said estate and for payment of datons. r Eastman and ----------------Eastman. ¡his wife, B-nJamln F. Eastman and HTATK O F OllKOON FOR LANK plaintiff will lake Judgment against owing by aald estate. yon and apply to the court for »be Tow lt: I-ot 2 to section 23, In to w n -|---------------- Eastman, hla wife, Polly CO UNTY VERTICAL Portland True! and having» Rank, relief prayed for tn the complaint »hip IS, south of range 4 east of W ll-'gh aw and Shaw, her hue- and for a dr<-r«e of absolute divorce lamette Meridian. In la n e Countv. batnd. Timothy Shaw and ---------------- jj . -png C IR C U IT COURT OF T H E 1. Patch-up a corporation from you and the custody of the two i Oregon, excepting a atrip of land 5 0 1 Hhaw, h i wife. Daniel Bhaw and htate OF OREGON FOR LANE 2. Outside diameter (abbr.) inaln tlff SUMMONS feet wide through said lot conveyed), minor children of the marriage Shaw, hla wife. Ballte M. (XHJNTY va. 3. Dainty --------- -- Bhaw. her hue- * John — John Cochran. Itufue Cochran. Clara Thia summons la publlahed once to Lucky Boy Mining Company; rj«n ,g h aw and M. ' W illiams, 4. A financial organisation found In excepting tract conveyed to Nellie T. band, W illiam Bhaw and Bcarobrough. Charlea Cochran. May each week for slg consecutive «reek* SUMMONS va. most cities (last part abbr.) Rice, Horace Cochran. John M Rod in the Springfield, (Oregon! New«, by Matlock and excepting tract conveyed Shaw, hla wife. Ephrlaro Shaw a n d . Plaintiff Shaw, h l. wife. Samuel N J helr, of Albert T C. Lucky and excepting tract 6. Latin Infinitive of the verb “to ford, Ja m *. K Redford, Ida B Stock», order of Hon C. P. Barnard Judge of | Shaw and Marvin McRae Bcarobrough Dorothy the County Court of le n s County,' ’’"hyeyrd to Roy Btlen (or Stein.) be" Knew, nis wire, j Bametjme, known as Albert S. Funk. East- M Hcarutorough. KJba la»u|h Bcaro­ Oregon, made In the absence of the' Witness the Hon. C. P. Barnard. Jemima Eastman and 4. Ponoun man. her husband Polly Lock, a id a“d f , “ f t ^ X ^ H U I Judge of the above Circuit Court, on ¿ud«« <* ,h* C,,ur‘ ot State <* brough. Stella Irene McCormick, and 7. Plant having a single trunk « and * April t U t . 1325 Dated and first pub- tor 'he county of Lane and ---------------- Locke, her, Jo.-ph llooier D Redford. ’ * the Seal of said Court hereto affixed, 8 h a * .„ a ---------------- Shaw, hie wife. | Park- “° w a 9. Violet ray (abbr.) IlSbed April 23rd. 1325 Defendant« d 11 Defendants this 6th day of May, 1325. Henrietta Fleming To John Cochran. Itufue Cochran. Clara 19. Take “A ” out of rap and yon W HITT»»N SW AFFORD. ~ To the unknown heirs heir« ot Albert ATTEST: R 8. Brvaon. Clerk. Fleming, her husband. E. E Shaw and Hcarabrougb, Charlea Cochran, May Attorney for Plaintiff. A llo r n P y U T I la iililll. Q t," a f have it known “ , A,lbert, ¿ By Eva. L. Pease, deputy. ----------------8ha'w.*,hl»'> wífe."*EXhá"Belle ' £ “ “ !*«• Rice, Horace Cochran. John M Rad­ Residence and Postoffice ádrese, Eu ,f,K A L» Robberson Verna K Robberaon, H ar -, f unh- and • « ° lher 9er*on* ‘“ ^■’sated 14. Malignant woman M 8-15-22 2» J4. ford, Jamee K. Redford, Ida 1* S lo ck s, gene. Oregon da H. Ilobberson, Hattie M. Orrlson. n OF T H E state OF 18. Notice of danger Marvin McRae Bcarobrough Dorothy A23-30, May 7-14-21 28. J 4 formerly Hattie M McCroskey. and . ' . 17. Poet tense of run H Bcarobrough. Kba la>uto Bcaro­ N O TIC E FOR PUB LICA TIO N W . E Orrlson, her husband, also the OREGON: You are hereby required to Prevailing sickness during war brough. Btdla Irene McCormick, and Notice of Hearing Department of the Interior unknown h eir, of any of said defend a“ d a“ ’ 7 h® Homer D Redford Notice Is hereby given that the ■ 17. 8. Land Office at Roseburg. Ore- a n t. who may be deceased, also all \ou In the above entitled suit 19 Same as 24 horizontal IN T H E NAM E O F T H E S TA TE OF undersigned admlnlatratora have on gon. May 9. 1926 other person, or parties unknown. w lthl® » e«*« from the date of 21. To lengthen OHKGON: You are hereby required to May 15th 1926, duly made and flle-l Notice la hereby given that Jaaper clalm'ng anv right, title, estate. Hen * weeks, tn the Spring when at the court house In the city ot To LeRoy Cornwell, defendant, IN W ... ______ ________ 980 Wlllarastt« »y Eugen« Orsgon Springfield, Oiwfen T H E NA M E O F T H E S TA TE OF clared to be the owners in fee simple field f,e>d News, News^ a a_ newspaper printed and Eugene. Oregon, as the time when OREGON: of the following described real pro- published in Springfield, Lane County, eaid account will be taken up by Oregon. the county court tor examination and You are hereby required to appear p*rty, to-wlt: FR ED E SM ITH . and allowance. All persons Interested and answer complaint filed against | Beginning at a point on the North NEW RAZOR Attorney for Plaintiff. therein may appear at said tim e and ; you herein on or before alx weeks Une of Lot Eleven (11). Patterson'x SHOE REPAIRING 445-6 Miner Bldg.. Eugene. Oregon. be heard in reference thereto. For Sale from the date of flrat publication here- 'Addition to Eugene. Oregon, fifty (50) Work Promptly and Date of 'firs t publication hereof is S. D. Allen, Atoraey for Estate. i of, or for want thereof the plaintiff feet wast of the Northwest corner of Guaranteed. Price $2. Carefully Dona Louisa E. Baker. Administratrix. I will take Judgement against you and said Lot Eleven (11), thence e a s t, May 7tn- 1925 . .. . .. M-14-21-28-J-4-11. ’ apply to the court for the relief prayed along the north line of Lot Eleven) M-7-14-Z1-Z8,J 4-11-18. A. A. ANDERSON JOHN A. NELSON J for In the complaint and for decree of (11) Ninety (90) feet, thence South ------------ — —----------------------------------------------------------------------- — — — ------- ------ absolute divorce from you and custody parallel with the west line of Lots, jjq the C IR C U IT COURT OF T H E ¿.TATE OF OREGON FOR L A N E 509 Main Straat BARBER SHOP ¡of the two minor chtdren ot the mar. .Eleven (11) and Twelve (12), Seventy-, CO UNTY irlage. , Uve (75) feet, thence west parallel j BAKER, Plaintiff, This summons H published once )w-'th the North line of Lot Eleven | vs. VS. > Summons for Publication in Foreclosure each week for nix consecutive weeks. (11) Ninety (SO) feet, thence North SAM U EL Me MURDO, Defendant S of Tax Lien. In the Springfb ld (Oregon) News, b y : parallel with the West line of Lots DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL To Samuel McMurdo the above named defendant. order of the above Court made May 12, ¡Eleven (11) and Twelve (12) Seventy- 11925 Datel and first published M a y ' five feet to the place of beg nning. DENTIST ( being a part of Lots Eleven (11) and - •" the Name of the State of Oregon: Your Hom« When In 14. 1926. ¡Twelve (12). Patterson’s 'o u are hereby notified that J. W T w elve (12) P atterson ’s Addition, all You W. . Baker, the holder of Certificate of De­ Phone 43 W H IT T E N SW AFFORD, Springfield in Kugen-, Lane County, Oregon. ' ilnquency numbered 1917 Issued on the 16th day of November, 1920 by the Attorney for Plaintiff. Vitus Bldg., Springfield, Ore. And that the plaintiff. W illis J. i Tax Collector of the County of Lane. State of Oregon, for the amount of 311.52 Residence and Post Office Address Chamberlain, be declared' to be the th« same being the amount then due and delinquent for taxes for the Eugene, Oregon. 'owner In fee simple of the following | ye«r 1917 together with penalty, interest and costs thereon upon the real described real property, to-wit: ¡property assessed to you. of which you are the owner as appears of record, JOHN M W IL L IA M S NO TIC E Beg nning nt a point on the North situated in said county and atate. and particularly bounded and deocribed as Attorney for Vet. State Aid Com . N O TIC E is hereby given that the line of Lot Eleven (11). Patterson’s i follows to-wlt: The East 63 1-3 feet of lots 1, 2 a n l S, Block 24, Gross’ Addition WM. C. HUGHES Soldiers Bonus I-oane. 1 to Eugene, Lane County, Oregon. FIR E AND AUTO INSURANCE ' S tate Land Hoard of the State of Ore­ Addition to Eugene, Oregon. You are further notified that eald J. W. Baker has paid taxes on said L. E. BEAN gon will r-celve seal d baft at Its NO TARY PUBLIC ■ premises for prior or subsequent years, with the rate of Interest on -said Attorn.'y State Land Board, |nmount9 as follows-: , Office at 8tate School Fund Loans. June 2, 1926 for all the State'H interest line of Lot Eleven, Five (5) feet, FIRST NATIONAL BANK Amount Rate ot Date Paid Tax Receipt No. 'In the river-bfd lands hereinafter de- thence South Forty-nine deg"»es (49 Year's Tax WILLIAMS & BEAN Springfield, Orsgon ! scribed, glv'ng however to the ownet ¡deg.). East Sixty-nine (69) feet more Interest ATTORNEYS ¡or owners of uny lands abutting oclOr less, 4o a point two and two-tenths 12% 11.52 „ i ¡fronting thereon, the preference rig h t. (2.2) feet North of the South- ¡1918 860 W llllem stte St. Eugene, Or«. 9 93 12% 24176 Nov. 16. 1920 to purchnRe said lands at the highest east corner of said Lot El°ven (11), ¡ 1, sixty 11922-1-H 17936 6.48 12% make a specialty of crushed Sep. 27. 19Î3 1922 2-H follows: to-wlt: .u n o ,eet more or less to a point One 11923-1-H 6320 6.47 Apr. 4. 1924 12% u \? ; l « « n d>-®d G«0> ° f <»« rock and rock'sand. Bunk­ 12% JEWKI.KU 6.47 11923 2-H Oct. 1, 1924 18947 ers at foot of Main on Mill 12% 5011 14 54 Apr. 4, 1925 1924 *IN THB COUNTY COURT OF THB ¡and should ba eddr Classified Advertisements r iU S I N E S S This W eek’s Crossword Puzzle D IR E C T O R Y “The Loop” SPRIN6FIELD 6RAVEL CO. (, D. W. Roof Repairing a Specialty Springfield. Oregon R. W. SMITH Justice of the peace and notary public, Insurance City Hall Springfield, Oregon Contracting and Building OEO. W. PERKINS Comor 5th and D Strsst« 8prlngiWd, Opsoon Plana and Estimato« Pure Pros- W ill Help You Finança Tour Bulldln». , ■ 1" ■ 1 ” 1 " » <7V