sr s c the immediate tun to he had from a lark. O F T H R V E L V E T N IC H T Hollywood By The-Sea- The .ourtry D ark n eu fell »wtftly, as Is the habit Club— with It'a lucouciant charm, of Flordl«'» ! will» hl A violet »hrdow beautifully gowned women and the cd cl'tid enveloped the earth—an exotic aimoapher« of OM ¡»pain. M e earth made aareet scented with the faced a patio, the gl*’ s Boor of which waa crystal clear From our littlo thouaam! unnamed odors. table against the wa’I. we watched the "It's going to be wonderful!" I ex­ claimed. "no where else in all t h e . dancers glide smoothly as on ice while world is the sir so soft. It's like colored lights sent aayrld hues again l velvet." I their feet, making a kaleidoscopic "You used that word once before pattern. The plaintiff notes of a violin cams In describing a Florida night and I've from a screen of potted plants. The temsntbered It ever since because it's A M AN. A M AN, ANO T H I LURE so typical of that quality one senses, rather than feels in the air. I've traveled the world over many times." ; he retninlsed. "but always I'm lured t back by memlrlea o f Florida nights * It's that name "softness" though I ; ■ever realised « .b e fo r e * A brief slienes. Then slmultnneoue- ly we both lamented the fa*t of b e . ing indoors on. such a night. . | "Tell yvu w hat!“ Warren F isher' suddenly announced as he regarAM . his w.n«|i "as It is, w, U burst in upon the Ot'inae Jus: after »key's» | had dinner an I so I suggest that we hep off at Hollywood, h a w a h its a t ' ♦he Country Cluh and chase in later— It s Just a pi -asant dr*vw.“ Tentatively. 1 pnt t-vth a few ob­ i - l i e n s but when one ras’ly m ints to do a thing all obstacles can be made mythical and usually end bv taking flight “Tonight's going to be the most gtortnos on« you've even seen." he nvgnd "youll feel c lis e to the stars j and hear the gentle cadence of the ocean and feel the fresh hreei* from the eea." The train WES stuffy naw. com- pared to the pk tar: he drew of the ■ on 'sV e world. If women with vitriohs to n g u es' could know the 'oicnlslve nature of glrltgh hearts; could h" t.-uch-d I their eager lcng'ng for the Joy of tbs Bicg-ent, regardles-i of the P’ ice; if, thty could see ags'n with the eyes o f , V tbth. they would take no ergnltanes o f other viewpoints and would only Dr. S. Ralph Dtppet Dentist. Vitus building. Springfield. Oregon. - 957 Oak St., fchone 1020 don't fall to Include a «ood big of our delicious candlaa. jleesu e of your OUl I Cl» Or. John Simons Our chocolate». bon bona. etc . add OUTBOTATHIC tmmensrly aa Joy makers. PHYSICIAN AND 8VROBON t ’s- der no clrcumataacaa go away ulihout some. Office 404-7 M. & W. Bldg. I’kaelflc Telephone»: Office «18; Re». 2075. EGGIMANN'S Eugene. Oregon Broadcasting CLOTHING - UNDERWEAR NECKWEAR - SHOES HOSIERY - HATS - CAPS SHIRTS AND TROUSERS . . . . Stude: I wl»h I had been boarding here about two week« ago. Boarding House .Mistress: Why. you flatter niy establishment. St tid e Don’t think It! I just thought that maybe this bread would have been In Ita Infancy then.- - Iowa Frivol. International Tailoring Co. Dean: Now young man. I understand you are keeping bud company. Who waa with you In this last disgraceful case of yours? Student on the Carpet: Your daughter sir."— Boston Beanpot. For the Price of a Ready Made You Can Buy One See Our Model 705 The LANGDON MADE TO MEASURE Two button, double breasted, sack, long retched lapel«, three patched pockets, hooked vent in back. Always a popular made-to-measure suit. See Our Model 702 The JUDSON II“ VOUR W E E K EN O H O L ID A Y Klee you'll miss much of the GOING OVER BIG Mike: Why does a fireman wear red sus­ penders? Ike: I dunno. Mike: To hold up his trousers, silly! California Pelican Car owners who have had their tires repaired by us w ill tell you that they have saved mcr- ; . FOR bog Station The Latest Hits in Men’s Unice and Inice are twins. They look so much apart you can’t tell them apiece. Unite has teethens. Inice hasn’t, if you put your fingers in Inice’s mouth and she bites you ♦ • W rW I t ’s Unice.— Michigan Gargoyle. 1925 Methods In 1925 (To be Continued I For Crying Out Loud! Olaf has a friend who married a widow, and whenever the poor fellow offends her she puts on her mourning for her first hus­ band.—Whiz Bang. 36 West 8th Eugene Vulcanizing Work« echo of oppiarne had lost «soif aa a down, "you stay hera where It's pleas- whisper in the n gIM, "Now, wo must start,** I avowed, "the time has simply skipp'd past," "lly Jove, yoc'ra righi,“ ha agreed, but then letting his eyas rest upon me, he became lout In thought I roe» from my chair a M CLOTHING MOORE & MOORE are Tailors for those who de­ sire to be correctly groom­ ed in every detail: using the latest styles of the world's foremost designers It has ever been our privi­ lege to serve a distinguish­ ed clientale. Special Notice to the Ladies. Bring us your past season garments and let us show you how they can be remodeled into up-to-date fashions of today. We guarantee the servitJe. Tire repairing has reached the stage with us where it ’s a science. The right time of cure, the right kind of materials, the right density of cement, the right cutting down and building up of the job •—careful attention to these, and to a lot of other things assure you a last­ ing. smooth and econom­ ical repair. We use Goodyear factory methods and ^Goodyear materials. They are up- x>-dat.e. Every one of our jobs Is guaranteed. strain was carried on and on by aa orchestra play I ig with a rhythm that waa dtatractingly happy and light “Ouesa we'd better toddle lio n s lo our Journey's end.“ I suggeetsd „r-tn , the demt-iasse h at completed a per* feet repast "No, the fun's Just begun I'll het you haven't the faintest Idea who's going to dance.“ A flare of lights— th« music begin softly nt If promising much— the e _« quivered and ain t a haunting barbaric melody into the night. No ono t<-av to dance. Then, aa a meteor dart* vividly to­ wards earth, the lalm llab'e Glhla Gray Gashed Into the night. From bar dance and her encore, no one could have lorn thennudves away, whole atmosphere of the piaes was vibrant with color and deligb.t. 1 looked at my watch when the last ade to EASURE Tailors For Men and Women Phone 250 T lIURSDAY, MAY 21, IMS THURSDAY. ATRIL 18, 1925 PACK SIX A very attractive two-button, single breasted sack, notched lapels, round corners, medium box back, made to measure s u it Did You Say STRAW HATS We have them, a nice assortment, and not too Expensive. He Wants a Little Cut-Up “ Boy wanted by butcher for sausage ma­ chine.”— Whiz Bang. THIS IS A LONG ONE "Are you the barber who cut my hair last time?” “ I couldn’t be, sir, I ’ve only been here a year.” — Hamilton Royal Gaboon. SPRINGFIELD DAD KNOWS “ Pa. what does It mean here by diplouiatlc phraseology’ ?” “ My son. If you teH a girl that time stands still while you gaze Into her eyes, that's di­ plomacy. But if you tell her that her face would stop a (/ock, you'ne In for it.” — U. of Washington Columns. $2 Cash For the first Guess on the Solu­ tion o f T. I. Y. 5. Pan— “ I got Japan on my radio set last night.” Skeptic—“ Qultcherklddlng.” Fan—“ No fooling, but I scraped It off and put varnish on instead.” —Whiz Bang. SNAPPY RED BOW TIES. COME AND GET YOURS Look at this as a selection of materials ANY PRICE FROM S25.00 to S 75.00 Worsteds, Cheviots, Cassimeres, Tweeds, Carbadines, Blue, Black, and Brown, Serges, Australian Wools, Imported Worsteds and Silk Mixtures, Come on lets go. REMEMBER OUR SALESMAN IS A PAST MASTER IN THE ART OF MEASURING FOR TAILOR MADE CLOTHES. Ll’ tle Art hie: Gee, Pop, I just swallowed a worm! Anxious Father: Take a drink of water, "otek! quick! and wash it down. ; ?•’«* Aruhle: no, let him walk.— UsAe L*t>a . 1 th Jack o'Lantern. Clara: ITe says I am t ’’ e nicest girl In town. Sarah: Why don’t you go w ith him any more? Clara: I don’t want to dlMpitoInt hint.— Oklahoma Whirlwind. SAY FELLOWS COME IN AND SEE U& GREASE THE BEES KNEES. ‘ CALL THE DOCTOR For Rnl Patent feeding hotties WHIZ BANG VAUDKVILLK “ If Why Did I Kiss That Girl?' is a two- step, nnd ‘Down In Old Virginia’ Is a waltz, what Is ‘Bred In Old Kentucky."' ” 1 don’t know.” “ Ten cents u loaf.” COME ON GUY AND GET THAT RED TIE “ Here’s the bill,’ ’said the doctor: "Wish you would pay me $100 now und $25 a week.” "Sounds like buying an automobile.” ” 1 atn.” —Notre Dante Juggler. , DON’T SHOOT Life is worth living while you can trade at Hall's Cash Store. T. I. Y. S. HALL'S CASH STORE attrisb!-?' for babies with screw tops. Whiz Bang. How about a pair of made-to-measure trousers.