PAGE FIV« TUB S P RINGFIELD NEWS____________ T H U H S D A T M A Y 21, 1925 Prem Veneta Tuesday— Mrs. N. Job! Community News e e e e e e e was a Springfield visitor from Veneta Tuteday. Not So Good ■y ««Miai A nsw er a UPPER WILLAMETTE to Lash Waehe WE BUILD Crossword Fugale. TH U R 8T0N NOTES □ siqbs In honor of his »7fch birthday a nuin Mr and Mr» Fr.<| McKinney and bar of friends met at the home of C. t*n'«ona from Washington have been F Hyde Wednesday night. May IS, vlaltln« relative« here for aeveral for a surprise party. Mr. ad Mrs deye, (hey left for their home Tues­ Frank Klhney and two rblldrea, and day and tb*lr aunt Mrs. Ida Gray re Mrs. C. D. » fd e of Kugsne w*re at turned with them, the Hyde home for dinner and the j Miss lla ie l Kdmtaton who has been following neighbors tam e In at eight tearhlng near Cushman returned to o'rlorh In the evening Mr. and Mrs. b«r home Tuesday. W. I, Hrtstow. Mr and Mrs Morton There was a baseball game last tlrlalow and daughter Martan, Mr and Hunday ttelween West Hprlngflehl and Mrs. H. J Kngllsh and daughter Mar-| Thurston on the local diamond. Thure garet. Dr and Mrs. Hahn and Mr. and bin WOn. N est Bunday Thuston will Mrs. C. Il Tinker. The evening was B„ )0 jo p|>y o(. the tie be spent In games until refreshments , b# , eam< were served by Mrs Hyde Clifford Weaver and Mr. Milter from As there has been much trespassing Ashland visited A. W Weaver the first I and petty thieving In the Pleaaant ,,f t„ . w. ek HUI district «be last few months the Mr, ,..rr,, Or, y , u| yyid .y , Bd waa ,akfl|1 ,o lba | school house Immediately after c h u r c h f T » r|- t |an hospital Saturday Bunday, May 17 and organised t h a wkara ^ e underwent an operation Pleasant Hill Prolacllve Association, gka la Improving nicely. K H Tinker wee elected chairman. _ ( jn o E i i Store fixtures, shelving, etc. iences for the home. All kinds o» bullt-ln conven­ Consult us for any work you may have. ANDERSON [3 0 0 0 0 u [d a s filDQ Manufacturing Corp. N N Courtesy '3J ■ — Service r — Quality Phone 7 Cor. G and Third SU. UMBtSSF" Springfield, Oregon Aspirin Tablets It la a "sun mask’’ to prevent .unbum which tha fair bathers along tha Atlantic eoast are trertng to use. T h l. one worni by ftutb Ayres at lx>ng Baaeh, N. Y. last Sunday. Tha purposes of th l. organisation N E W SUMMER BOOKINGS are to protect the homes and ranches AT REX THEATRE LISTED Car«°" of «be farmers from trespassing with- — — Pauline Stark and WlUlam Collier, Jr, , out permit, the stealing of chickens, That local movie patrons may look "Secrete of the Night," with James egg«, food, chlttew bark, grape root, forward to a summer season of big Kirkwood. Madge Bellamy. Rosemary native shrubs and wild flowers, from »>«<»«* •» " ^ .» .'.¿ r ’ Bermlle » '« under the naw Theby. Eatvu Pitta and Tom WItaoa; hunters “• 11" ' hum l'u *lc>r o f 'hl* ideturea at bargain James Cruse's new production. s h - ow ner, or renter., or bum ..A BrMul , from the Ing out of season Kugen.’s favorite theatre, is promised Butterfly ;• "Darwin was Right," with tt | ■i was wee decided uev.»eM to ,w order "No Tree- ¡jn ,h„ feature pictures announced for to be the cleverest comedy screen paeelng" eigne lo be pu« up o u jr tc ,mm#d,a U ln year, many naw Paramount, ranches of those Joining the Assoc la w«n,,nal Universal. Warner tlon A commlttte constating of C . F . | *'>«•> ‘he coming week eice p tlo n .l Kind. eg HOon (o br Hyde C U Wllllame. and W. U Brta pregraw« are due for presentation. Brothers and F p tow were appointed to attend to thia. The Swan," with Adolphe Menjou. released A ccsuiuMee constating of Belters. Itt< hurdo Cortes and Frances Howard everyone of these fine prntoplaj Mornlngstar. Olson. Callleon. BenneM, Is thia w eek s final attraction, tumor .ttractlona will be shown at the new t’arrethers. Lawaou. Kabler and H. C row and Saturday at the Reg. |«,w scale of admission prices now Wheeler wee appointed to see Blwclfi 1 The following week wl" bring such In vogue at the Re«, and each pro Taylor and ask the support of hie of- paramount productions to the Rex as: gram will be presented with the u r n flee, and to make arrangements with Emerson Hough's "North of 3#'' with atmospheric musical accompaniments District Attorney M«lley to give a jack HoH. Lota Wilson, and Ernest with 1-eRoy DeVaney at the console ol talk on the law s covelng such pro- Torrence; Poll Negri's latest "Eset of the big Rex Wurlltser orgsn. Com lectlve measures. Rue«;" Robert W. Bervtc's "The edy films, news reels and novelty A com m ute constating o f H B. Roughneck." with Oeorge O'Brien [short subjects are additional features Tinker, Jesse IVtelps end Earnest and Hilly Dove; Btrongheart, the won-1 of each Rax pograiw, giving local Bc-brenk was appointed to draw up a der dog. In "The Ixive Master;“ “The patrons one of the highest class, pop constitution and by laws The com- Narrow Btreel,” with Matt Moore and ular priced theaters on the coast, sec rail tee sppolnter are to report to the Dorothy Devore; Johnnv Hlne'e latest 'ond to none In accommodation, service chairmen end another meeting of the whirlwind. "The Speed Spook;’’ "The and quality of program a.soclaOon to be held as soon as poe- ...................." slble Everyone wlshlng lo Joln Ibis ' assnctatlon wlll be weleomed. Mre C. F Hyde and Mre. E B Tlnker left Tueaday lo epend three rtaye In Corvallla attendine tbe aiate convention of Fermerà Union Saturday relieves pain, colds, headaches and neu­ ralgia pains promptly. They are made from TRUE Aspirin, disin­ tegrate quickly and therefore, give almost immediate benefit. Buy them in this big economical bottle of 100—and save money Men’s New and Up-to-date Special This Week Suits 100 TABLETS $15 to $25 49c FLANERY’S Drug Store PHONE 593-Y The HUB 646 WILLAMETTE EUGENE. OREGON Specials BAKERY DEPARTMENT------ •tope Here on Way Heme— Mre. Harley Harms of Cottage Drove stop- ‘ ped Wednesday In Springfield on her , way home after visiting her m iihsr, M rs P. M. Ooeeter. In Marcóla. . . In From T r e n t- J otin Ferguson w as In town from Trent Wedne.dny. S A V E YOUR Oatmeal Cookies and Strawberry Short Cake. We wlll also make to order short cake, hot or cold DELICATESSEN DEPARTMENT------ We featue a Health Salad--something exceptionally fine. LUNCH DEPARTMENT------ Cóme here for a real meal of cream chicken. You’ll come back for more. HUNTLY DELICA TESSEN Open Sundays Main Street Between 4th and 5th H CORRECTION We renew your shoes bo you get twice the wear. The cost 1» only a little. ED SEZ: ■LBCTRIC SHOE SHOP A Car that isn’t equmped looks like a man in his B. V. D's! Main 8t. Between 3rd & 4th ATTENTION! A New Heart In Your Kitchen Ford, Star and Chevrolet Owners Finest two bar, spring back type, full nickel, with curved ends, (can’t hook) bumpers or half rear bumpers if pre­ ferred. Factory list price $31.00 pair. Our Price $25.90 pair Installed—and FREE! Pressure Cooker Will cook a whole meal over one burner—Saving time and fuel. Ideal for cold pack canning Eliminates the long tedious houra over a hot stove, price—17 qt. slxe—»22.00 Qoackenbush’s 160 Ninth Ave. East Eugene, Oregon FREE!! When you don’t let us equip your car you loose real money. Seeing Is bqllevtng. Come in and see for yourself. The finest cars In Lane county were equipped by STEW ARTS ■ . Smooth, level top hot all over, easy ing is done. *■ ’ to clean. Oven H eat .»«, Control and , Stardard Cooking C hart. Conte in and see the New Smoothtop cooking advantages shown above. The greatest improvement ever made in a domestic gas range. See how one burner keeps four ves­ sels steaming—see the new cooking delights made possible by top heat oontrol—see the oven heating regulator—see how three full meals can be prepared in less time than now required to cook two. Then compare the new Smoothtop’s cooking advantages with any other range you know about and you will quickly see why It’s to your advan­ tage to install this remarkable new range In in your kitchen now. SOLD ON EASY TERM S—ALLOWANCE MADE FOR YOUR OLD RANGE | AUTOMOBILE EQUIPMENT SPECIALISTS 948 - -Oak Street« 9 48 > , Faster cooking, sim m ering and w arm ing tem peratures alw ays available. whole dinner hot. Top Heat Control where 80 per cent of the cook­ FREE!!! A guaranteed car-life Automatic Windshield Cleaner or a set ol glass side wlugB Installed with every order of twenty dollar.! or more. OUR BUMPERS fit your particular car. They don’t rattle or dome loose. They don’t rust with very little attention» Insurance agents will give you 12H% discount per pair. V - One burner cooks several vessels or keeps the £ OPEN EVENINGS No place can you get the quality and price of Trunk Rack we give you1. Mountain States Power Co.