Lane County Farmers Union News O F F IC IA L P U B LIC A TIO N L A N « CO U N TV U N IT WO, H F A R M UNION IN state DORENA LOCAL NO. 190 Loeal Reporters * • C a n a ry ___________ J. U Northup • C e n t r a l __________ Ray Bower • An tin pound girl arrived at the _ Cloverdale ___ Mrs. L. J. Oetchell • • Coast Fork Mrs. Ge». Kebelbet-k • homo o t Mr. and Mrs Bert Williams • (S w sw e ll______ Mrs M. A. Horn • of this place Friday morning Mr. and Mrs Archer arrived here rkrrena ___Mrs. Ada Jtnnlngs • Session Opens with Annual Ad- • H e r e to __________ M rs B. Balter • Friday evening and are heldlng aer »Ices at the church all thia week dress by President Egbert and • H .d leyviliel Mrs. M u ille.p l« • S p « ch by Professor • £ • £ £" iSX'r • Mr. and Mrs. B r o il Kirk attended baugh of O. A. C.; Large At­ McKenaie Mrs Lawrence Mlllcnln • the dance at Cottage Grove Salurda) evening. • Mt Vernon Mrs. V. A. Reynolds • tendance. Mrs. J. B. Mosby and son. Hubert, • Silk C r e e k ................ Bulah Smith • Corvallis, May IS—The Orvgon • T r e n t ______ _____ _ E. B. Tinker • •hopped at Cottage Orove Mondav State Farmers Vntoo Convention met V id a ___________Mr*. \V. E. Post • evening. Mrs John Jennings and children of In the T Hnt on the grounds ot the | » »i----------1-----!-----i---- s---- •---- i Collage Grove visited relative« in Oregon Agricultural College Tuesday | morning. May 1» at IS o ’clock. K. T. SHCRETARY JA RD fNB TO »i Dorena Thursday and Friday. al Mabel Mosby whose ech

l ‘ SPBCT DEPARTMENT F1EI.Ü Reed, president of the Chamber of Mafrei Dtvtde closed Friday Is home again WORK IN WEST Commerce gave an address of srel- (hl Diace corn*. Mr. Richards gave the re­ * The heavy rain which h a . been (nil ponse J. J Q. O Adams, Adams, president president of of the the In order that he may become famll- The hM vy rain wntcn nas neen ra.i famll sponse r . " U » »»»«. t :». « . . . . ... - .• » ...» » « « - « — r~. ~ e COAST FORK LOCAL • • • • • • « » • • • • • • • O FFICERS OF LANS CO UN TY • • FARM SR'S UNIO N * • Mrs. Robert I'owell la oonvaleselng nicely since her return home from the hospital. Mrs Lincoln Taylor receive«! the announcement of the marriage of her nephew Virgil Powell May ». at Myrtle IMint. the home of the brldea parents. Mr. and Mrs Powell will make their home at San Pedro. California Mrs. George Kappaut left for Cor­ vallis Tuesday morning, where she will attend the stale convention of ths F. E. and C. U. of A. The community la sorry to hear Monday afternoon of the death R farm four mllee north of Nprlagneld. Ribbons will he awarded prise winners In all clasaee ami a silver loving cup will he given the hoys and girls Persey 'calf clug scoring th s highest number Trent local mat Thursday, May 1« at the Pleasant lllll high school build ’ Mt* N * Grow eg of Toppntah. Ing. Mrs. K It. Tinker was ch«>sen WaaWsgto«. I . visit I a . at lb . home delegate and Mrs C. F Hyds alternate -- • » to attend the state convention at Cor­ of points. The public Is Invited sa well ns th« Aon ,.1« oo Hw . V a . n Colon w ort 1. t h . OoW. S n , n n r , of AfrtewMor. bat b .a b o . to m —47 'k o i boo < , „ . . . . , , I k . P o o .lt vallis It was voted to meet during Jers«y breeders Everyone coming n Washington Jardin will leave Washington on May iayed the late gardens. , «* (be summer months at the htnuee of | bring lunch basket« The purpose of At noon the ladlea were taken to 17 for a a ll week s Inspection trip , Norval N ewell of Cottage Grove ,■<’«"«. the members. be College Tea room In the Domestic through the west Four fifths of the Sunday with Florence Land | Hebron ath«»oJ d osed w ,b * thia Jubilee Is to "Tell the W orld.' S e ^ X l d S g where they partook 10.000 workers In the department are j Ruth Etl•30 Demonstration on Judging the be campus and the experiment fields thle early visit. At n later time he houaa Ti esd«y but had to quit for Huff and Mrs. Oeorge Kebelbeck dnlry cow. It C. Jones of the O regon lllll district Is making a fine showing were visited ¡expects to go io m e aowvuw«®» f#w j By s on accounei oi m® called on Mrs. Powell last week Agricultural College. The Pleasant lllll high school Junior 10 00 Boys’ and Girl*' Judging content At 7 SO the membres again met at through the East and South Th^ Cu,p Creek Camp waa close.: A „ . Addleoo. and family of Lor- play will be given ridgy night. May 11 0 0 Judging in open clasees the T Hut and were favored by sever The trip of Secretary Jsrdine will for the day Saturday on account of ane visited at the George Schneider j 21 “YWntnle Tonson's Yob." Is the 11:00 dinner Everybody Is urged to home. al selections by th e Cadet Band, take him to California, with stops In t)aj weather. play will be given Friday night. May Mr. Bnll and Mrs T J Clark bring well filled baskets President Egbert gave his annual ad- Kansas, Utah and Idaho on hls way Miles W icks and Mother, of Star. , |r . — and family | Ylmmle Yonson in Cottage Chester W heeler dess and Prof Brumbaugh of the O. A. west, and In Washington. Oregon. vU,|8d Friday with relatives at Mar a, , h, Carr home In Program as Follows Bussell Harrison Mr Kent Grove Sunder. C. gave the principal speech of the Montana. North Dakota. Nebraska and Mildred Mornlngstar Mrs. Kent 1:10 Addreaa of welcome by L. D. Miss Hasel Fuhuer returned to O evening Of much Interest w as the Iowa on the return. As the tour Is i i Griggs, A C Sunday after spending the week M a ry H a rd e n reading given by little six year old primarily fo field Inspection, the . Belle, thrlr adopted daughter i Response end at the home of her parents Katharine Wright, daughter of Mrs. secretary Is accepting hut a limited . HADLEYVILLE LOCAL Emery Schrenders _ ..Pal. a detective ' Instrumental mnuelr. Mr» George Clyde Wright who Is preeident of the number of speaking engagements. Frank, a cl«»efc Harold Bedell Melslnger of Eugeni- Bible Vnb Marriage Licenses Issued Creswell local which has the dlstinc- j ___ Sylvia, a nice« Julia Swafford verslty. * H. H Smith, delegate wa* unable W I Dulng the pnsi week Couniv Clerk j lion of being the one local which has Peg Irish helper ' Acromptlehments of the Jersey breed Helen l«arimer 'attend the convention at Corvallis on JASPER LOCAL . R B- Bryson hns Issued marriage - Berry Mauney all offices filled by women. Mlcksv. farm .hand especially In Oregon. Ivan Ixrngh- .'a cco u n t of sickness, so W * > licenses to the following: Kenneth P Athough many delegates are pre«-' ....... Kelly, a helper Gertrude Dtlley nry, field representative of the - «rent as a delegate. R em olds and Elsie V. Canterbury. ent many more are expected tomor- ( j American Jersey Cattle Club «« _ ,« . . . . . i Mrs A. Slmonsen and son Charles, b-th of Cottage Grove: Amonde G row. Wednesday. There is a spirit ot j Our program given May^11I w n. « d M Dell, Eugene. Byron B Sutton and Ericson, a student at the Thuslon C. Wo»!»worth of Albany. Matilda Mcllwaln. both o f F u g n e ; high school Is very III at the J. W one long to be remembered. d , Fall creek a„d some from j Mr and xsrs. • Reading Guy Gilmore. Junction City Mrs. Tinker, i Springfield After th . program Corvallis T ueed.y to ..te n d the con Elty Pickard. Marion, and Mrs Nora Burch home ear Thurston ¡Talk. It J Werner. Director of Agri- . s h i i s i n 'c«»urtrt«hL Bn«*«*; «n*1 ,taroM ! ----------------------------- - everybody enjoyed eating Ice cream ventlon. I a u R u ra l E d u c a tio n o f C alifo rn ia. R oe. and children • • • • * • * ’ * * aDd cake Onr next regular business Mr and Mrs Music Dr 8 Ralph Wppel. D entiti. VHns father R C. are visiting Mr Roes’ Eugene SPENCER CREEK LOCAL meeting will be May 27. Awarding of cups and prises bulldln«. Springt ’ Id. Oregon. The Higgins and Can- sawmill load- Roes and sons The Lone Cedar and Omen door <*.» ed out two cars of ties last Saturday ' . q£»ur Spencer Creek Ixtcal met Friday i Grace W allace has finish«! ¡rlets enjoyed an e rvening. May 15. for a socU l good h “ ‘” ^ 7 teach,ng at the «’h a - l - T at «reendoor school. There w ~ a time. A large crowd was present. oerden school and returned home last lee cream and cake was sold during W ednesday. the he evening. , j -j-he The Humphrey brothers have had nati The Good Order C oijm itte« Is plan- aeTen goats killed by coyotes In the . g . to obtain _n.A_«_________F___ . lin speakers for the esasto« next laM f(?w ^ayg regular meeting. June 5. Rev. Masters who tiaa been preach­ ing here for nearly a year has gone to S P R IN G FIELD M E TH O D IS T Creswell where he will preach for the (Ebbert Memorial ___________________ summer. Hls place here will he filed At the fireetde hour of S:M In the by Mr. Gordon of the E B. U. evening Miss Ellxabeth Lemley will Mr. Swender, the State field secr«- preeent something of the w histling tary of the Chlrstlan church, gave a xrt during the song service. Thia talk here last Sunday. «rill be followed by the pastors review of Dean Browns “Why I Believe.” TIRED AFTER EATING? The Church School m eets at i:4 5 . TRY THIS SIMPLE MIXTURE with Mrs. Ma Gantx as superintend­ ent. The Men's Bible Class meet* in If you feel , tired after eating. the study and le growing. They have -- e —— - W - " • ■ » “ “X d * ,^ e d m i J e i V y o u e « „ m a .h leadership. __ bowels Simple buckthorn The Older Toung People, with Pro- o r D ow etn. o myi m e u iu e r « v . bark, magnesium sulph c p., fessor Bain as president, and the p rln p m ,xw l ,n A d. round table plan also in n^ r‘ ''nn sr ' ¿ k a helps any case gas on increasing in rum ber, and have a RtOTnaf>h u n leB „ d u e t o d e e p - social evening once a month In one of causes. The QUICK n ’Z -? ° v P* w .rH ed People’s c la w la ' a c t lo n w111 8 u r P ri« e you. Adlerl- The Tonng Married P eo p les Claw la wonderful for constipation po;ular movement, and they to (n Qne h o u r tath*r In some home monthly for a and never gripes. (octal time. Flanery’s Drug Store. The morning worship at 11:00 »’clock, with a Scripture Exposition on FOR SALE—Carbon paper In large ‘Life's Enrichment.” All at "The sh eets. 2«x39 Inches, suitable for ;hurch of the cordial welcome." F. L. making tracings. The News Office. Moore. Minister. Subscribe For the Farmers Union News New members and other Farmers Union Members who are not subscribers to the Farm Union News are requested to cut this blank and mail it to the Springfield News, Springfield, Oregon. May Shaffers took first prise In the sew ing club. Juanita Ollllepte second. — Everett Runk oo p Calf calf Club. club. Thelma Powell and Herold Hooker took the prixe In the sheep and p ig : clubs. Everyone enjoyed the program given by the club children ot both district*. Purebred sale, |50 Battery Service for All Makes of Cars U. S. L. Batteries Free WEDNESDAY. MAY 27th 2 Shows at 7 and 9 P. M. Crank Case Service at Auto Beauty Parlors THE FLORENIS European Poseurs and Equilibrists CLAYMO Comic and Artistic Clay Modeler Revue Comique With Ergolsky A Sabbot A Co. in “CABARET PASTIMES’’ M. L. REWEY. Proprietor Between Second and Third on Main Stret. Springfield FISKE A FALLON offer Words and Music ARMSTRONG A SMITH in "On the Highway’’ One regular 36c potted plant with every 11.00 cash purchase Limit 10 to a customer These plants will be splendid for Decoration Day, Window Boxes etc. Every year we have had to place a larger order—so come eariy and get your pick. the fresh, dean vegetables here. « t • i , « This year in addition to Geraniums we will have other flowering plants and possibly some ferns. Ketels Drug Store Springfield You’ll Like Oregon W anted We take special care to Quality straight thru Is our motto and it applies to everything we carry. Its better to buy goods of known quality, especially when the price is the Date. Annual Geranium Sale Two days, Thursday-Friday May 28th and 29th Guernsey hull calf, for Morris Hill*. Jasper. M2«. select only the best. THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS (Fanners Union Subscription) Eggs and Poultry same as the ordinary kinds. . Name .......... P. O. Address ... Sher Khan Feeds, Crain, Flour, Shingles Union Local .... From larg<* attendance .. .192 Mexclxtr F . B . C. U. Of A . For aervicto rendered by the Farmer* Union sod I ----------- ---- h -U»le rwcaipt entitles the holder to subscription to the Springfield New* Morrison & Clingan 662 Oak Street •i Comer 3rd and Main Eugene, Oregon