PAGE T IIR t® THE BPRINOFTOU) NEWS THURSDAY, MAY 81, 1 9 » ,he McKenMe. Here for Few Days— Ed Perkins of meat to be held here Decoration Day, f Play Practice Started—Practice for , "Stop Thief," the Springfield high' -------------------------- Itoseburg arrived bora Friday to spend May 30. the week-asd hero. The m ilitary depart of the college 1« senior clues play woe started Monday J Go«» to Aabland— R. W. Smith, City sparing no effort to make thia the larg. evening. The cast wilt practice al recorder, la in Ashland attending the Down From W altarvllle- Kd Mye*a O. O. F. convention this week. He i»f W altarvllle was In town Friday. j eat and moat Interesting tournament I most every evening until the dal« of will return Friday ever held here, though previous onea presentation. June I. W ill Live In Roaaburg— Mr. and have raaked aa major events In the Go Flaking Tuesday— Frank McBee( C A LL AMD SEE D r N. W. Emery Mra. George Marsters left Friday for college year. The night sham battle llneeburg. where they will make their j lias been displaced this year by an and O rville Mulligan spent Tuesday nn t r i ' i » on plate and other work, »t home. Mr Marsters waa aenneclndj afternoon program of spectacular con with th« Skaggs grocery «tore, an I , teats and demonstrations In one of will be employed at the Hkaggu store which Mr Halsey has entered. M ilitary training for the students In Rossburg. closes for the year with the tourna Ask about It nient. hence thia annual event take« Springfield Cadet In Exhibition The business College will be In session thruout the Summer Oregon Agricultural College, Cor­ on the nature of a celebration as well Months. All classes will be conducted the same aa during as a m ilitary exhibition. Mr. Halsey vallis, MMy 21,— W illiam Hulsey, ot the regular school year. Springfield la one of the entrant« in has trained a year In the Infantry. TOWN AND VICINITY Repainting Houaa- Herbert Cog la III at Mama M r. Il W Haltw»« at repainting hla house ut 343 5th street. Duuglaa ta III ut liar hum«. Down From Mareóla— Mrs Bert In From Natron -G ran t Itoborls was Gates of Afanóla waa In town Munday In town Maturtlay (rum Natrou. Fishes Sunday Clayton Barber of In From Thuratoe—C. W. Curonoo ol Thu tot on waa In town Halurday lik e Booth.Kelly office «pent Sunday , Halting on the Long Turn. Down From Portland J. L ltli:h Hara Mcnday Frlm Mahawk— Mr arila «»r Purl land ruglalarod at lb« 'and Mrs. Fred Flsner and family wore Mpong hotel Friday. In town Munday from Marcóla. Oiamlaaad From Hoapltal —Mr« W. () Visita Hara Sunday Itusael Olson llallvy of Mubin waa dlainlaaed (ruin the 1‘atlflc Christian hoapltal Huntley. visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Oleun from Bridal Veil. Down From Wandllng Itobt. Ilayaa Ooaa Flatting Friday Jack Ihn d ar- and family of Wandllng war« In tuwu or spent Friday fishing up the Me «hopping Halurday. Ktnale. From Natron Saturday Mr. and Down From Portland-—C. Weslran Mrs II O. Hinlth war« In town from of Portland was a business visitor In Jaapor Saturday. Springfield Friday. Down From Maroola It A, Duuxh erty Ilyin« at Maroola. waa a bu»l n«aa vlaitor In town Saturday. Summer School ihe Infantry exhibition d rill whloh ! will be one of the 15 competitive fen- SPECIAL PRICE on plate work Dr N W Emery. deotlat Sutton Bldg j ! ture« of the annual m ilitary inuma- 1 ' Hara From Thuroton-George Blatt of Thurston was In tuwn Friday fur auf/plles. I Visit at Brownawllle - D r W ( ’ Hub- I License Picked Up - LlcendO nuoitwr ban and family «pant Sunday visiting 24.353, with a Kugena lighted sign was In Brownville with relatives. l picked up by th« city police Thursday It was evidently dropped | Go to Plaaaant Hill Mr and Mra. evening. from a passing car. The own< r may , J C. Parker «pent Hunduy repairing the graven of relatives ut the Fiona- claim It at the city hall. ant HUI cemetery. Leveling Yard and Parking- D. W .! McKinnon Is levollng the yard and parking of h it properly on south 3rd afreet between K. und F. streets. Aa Mion aa this work la finished, he plans ' visits Brother Hara—Gua Parker visited hla brother J C. Ihirker ami fam ily Saturday and Sunday from Wandllng. Picnic Time is Picture Time Eugene Business College A. E. Roberts, President. Phone 666 .. Portiers, Drajies, Carp**a, Rugs—in fact everything pos­ sible in Cleaning and Dying. aker-Button M A R X ’S 7 West 7th, Eugene Oregon Eugene, Oregon , Eugene Dyeing and Clean­ ing Worke Plant and office 245 E. Ninth. Phone 122 Main office 829 Willamette Phone 75 to (taut a lawn there. H a t Major Operation— Mra. 1». J. Sells Sutherlin Prope-ty txrutaa Crow of Wendtlng underwent a mnjor operation nt the fhutlftc (Itrlatlan Anderson has purchased a 16 acre j tract of land |n Sutherlin from Ella hoapltal Monday ninrnlng. ; Kenney. The deal war made through Ooaa to gnoumpment—Oswald Olaoa 'the Flowers Realty company. left Sunday for Ashland Io attend the state I (>. O. F encampment tielng held there thia week During hla absence, Frederick W Dorfler o. Eugene ta taking hta place at the Southern Pacific depot. Moving Bench at M ill—The oiler« bench 1« being moved from It» old location In the lower part of the Booth-Kelly mil Ito a new poattlon to make room for a door way In the south wall near the corner of the belt room. Robe and Pump Stolen— While he waa witnessing the high achol play. "The Tim e of Hla Life" Friday even Ing. aomeone Mole a pump and a robe from the car of Ben MuasM. The thief el«n turned off the tights on the car, causing It to be tagged, but no fin * waa aaaeaaed by Jcatlce of the I’aat-e It. W Smith. Haa Major Operation Mlaa Joee- pliln« llucklps a resident of Douglas ¡Gardens underwent a major operation nt the Pacific Chrlatlan hospital Sntur- i lay morning Attends Orand Lodge— W. F. Walk ! or left Munday for Ashland to attend j the Grand loxtge of the I. O. O. F. , held there Monday. Tuesday. Wednea- j day and today. Mr. W alker Is past ¡Grand Master of the Lodge. Stop Hara on Way to Medford— Mr. and Mra. Harry Scott «pent Friday night with Mr. and Mrs W. H. Adraln I proceeding Saturday morning to Med­ ford. Their home ta In Salem. Mr ScoU la a brother of Mr«. Adraln. Visit Hara From Roseburg-M r and Mr«. Frank Boot of Roseburg visit*« I at the W A. Taylor home last Thura- | day evening, returning to their home Porcupine Displayed The p*t puree- Friday morning. Mra Root and Mrs pine of Al lluden. who lives ut 5th Taylor are «later«. and 1» tareHS. was rtl*flav*