h S P R IN G F IE L D ' TWENTY-SECOND YEAR 19895751 « STERN TO BPRINQPIBLD, LANE COUNTY. OREGON. Western Union W ork Train Is Comfortable; Differs From Box Cars' THE NATRON THURSDAY. MAY 21, 11126 SPRINGFIELD BEATS GROVE AFTER 12 IN N IN G BA TTLE In the most exciting and closely contested game of the year. Spring-1 field high school triumphed over tbo I CUTOFF "The People’« Paper'*' L IV I NRWSPAPRR IN A LIV E TOW N N U M B ER 18 S. P. MOVE MAKES R. R. GATEWAY Cottage Grove nine 10#, after u Control Over Lines in Eastern ¡twelve Inning battle on the high BABY IS BADLY BURNED C. A . R. a n d A m a ric a n I school diamond Friday afternoon, W IT H BOILING POTATOES Oregon Connect» a Trans­ Plan ExarcioM In Memory of ¡•v*«'“’"*. *»»»• »«• accompaniment o f- i Springfield was ahead 9 6 in the continental Railroad and Departed; Stores to Clo.e b*«" ,,f B^ " ' ry. “•*( The ten months old son of W alter seventh round, when Cottage Grove Shortens Route Over 400 r W1 stern I’nfon workmen who hi«*'» ¡made three runs tlelog the score. Nichols, plumber, who resides at 2nd Day Snturda), May 30. j , w (,|n< p,,;,,« here for »evnrei Mile». and A streets, was badly burned Tues­ From then until the last half of the day» have net only oomforts, but ; twelfth Inning, when the winning day evening when he upset a kettle I'lana for the obaervanra of Me- Important railw ay developments ¡luxurite on ih rir moveable home. point was scored by McMullen, the of boiling potatoes from the stove. inorlal Day are being uiude by the which will place Springfield a t the The right arm of the baby was badly Twenty p»re<.ne are accomun d ated ' i gam»; Itigbtened, and neither team Ainelean laaglon, the Grand Army o f 1 burned, especially between the elbow (portals of a transcontinental railroad lb.. Republic ad other organisations o f !«’" ‘ h- l » ° "» >'• < « * * bl«-b *** ' IgRBde a run. gateway has taken place during the I The scoring was started when Oor- and the wrist, and the right leg was of the city. The punuto will be h e ld !* «•cU’’ n of ° " e “ ° “ 4 " lnU’ “ last week with the Southern Pacific also injured by the boiling water. A foreman« living room, while the |d«n of Cottage Grove made a home Huuday. «Ince It Is kupoealble fo> assuming control of the Strahorn line recreation room and bedroom (111 tbo run. with one man already on base. slight portion of the left foot wan many of the men of the (Irin * squad, I ’ . , . out of Klamath Falle and the Nevada. and in other u nit, to be pre.ent Hulur- H ' Thn r,x,tn hB" ! Cottage Grove made 13 hits to 8 for | also Injured. The boby reached for California and Eastern and the Oregon Springfield, but failed to convert the kettle as It was sitting on the gas and desks, and tray he uaed by the . day. Marching will atart near the * them Into scores, eight errors w ere'»love when no one was looking, spill- California and Easter out of Lakeview. (wan as a general living room. T h a i Laurel K ill cemetery, led by the city Connection of these roads will give a Mlecha Elman, world famous msde by the visitors, to five by the Ing the water over him. men sleep in double deck bunks tang : violinist searched BO yearn fur the band. The (1. A. R . and ladle« of the new route to the east shortening the local team. •si along each Bide of the bed room. I ''Ideal g irl" and ha found her In ( J A R . the Spanish war veterans, the distance over 400 miles. Springfield’s lineup for the game H IG H SCHOOL G IRLS GLEE A locker room, with a large lock.tr for . Helen Katten of San Frandaco. American Legion and the Legion As soon an the interstate commerce Now they are married. was: Hastings and McMullen pitch­ each man pro« Idea place« for their Auxiliary will take part. TO GIVE CONCERT MAY 29 commission grants the right to con­ er»; II. Cowart, catcher; Nice, flsai Store« of the city will be closed clothca. nect these roads the Southern Pacific base; Cox. second base; Casteel, third A glee club concert, the second an­ announces It w ill rush construction Saturday, with the eaceptkm of «he The cars a-e equipped with gas CHAMBER W ILL DISCUSS base; McMullen and Hastings short nual presentation of thia kind, will be meal market and barber shops which lights, steam heat, and hot auJ cold PUBLIC M A R K ET FOR C ITY stop; B Cowart, left field; Pollard, given by the girls glee cub of the high work. No doubt the Intentions are to w ill be closed Saturday at noon. The running wa'.or. The kitchen. In the complete this new project as soon as center field; Hughes right field. school May 2# at the high school. The the Naton Cutoff is finished. The alores will remain open until tala second car. la complete with . a . 'arge s.. Stating of a public market In thia range. . rink, and a 1er«, wo.k U M e . nd high school orchestra w ill assist with transcontinental route w ill run via Friday evening. .. .....................T h « d,n"*< ,P#" “ B" Ï 7 country people will be dlacmmad at G EN EFIELD CLUB GIVEN the program. Lakeview making that terltory ac­ The Legion firing equad and (ha Mrs. Elisabeth Nelson, of the Uni­ cessible to the rest of the state for FRIED C H IC K EN D IN N ER ' * ' ' the regular meeting of the Chamber of bugle corpe will take part la the r , r t of '*** * * we < • » * .* shower room and a large wash rocm * (;<|mn|. A. R. with members of the (J. A SPR IN G FIELD SLUGGERS are bought In large » . . , napped In cart and taken to their for the »• « field yards as It is likely Southern I Jecl In mind to bring about closer It and the American laglon are re­ quantities. relations of townspeople and farmers destination. Thle was the last meet­ Oregon freight would be brought back Springfield lost the baseball game quested to meet Friday evening at Aft»r thin nimmer. tnoi#** cam win ARBr . . U -- ihAMaafc. ,a «*>*• vicinity and this Is expected to ing of the club until next fall. to Scio Sunday by a score of »-2. The here in order to be sent east over the tba C. F Bgglman residence to make Special guests for the occasion were b* " T T i A ^ th i t tl-ie eleclrls **• lbe OrBl ot B • erieB 01 meeting« to shorter route. Portland freight now game was played a t 8cio. , further plans. I, modernised At hat tl-a - elec.ria Mrs. Sidney W ard and Mrs. E N All the wtnnig scores were made going by other roads would likely „ g b t. w ill be installed to e «he ( of member, „ Thompson. Club members who were lu the first five innings of the game, come this way for the same reason. LEGION A U XILIA R Y W ILL guest« were Mrs. John Ketele Mrs. H. The making of this an eastera gate­ ** " ' , .. inr v. desired Friday night to dlecues the while Woods, of Springfield, was M. Stewart. Mrs. C. E. Fisher, Mrs. T h . ,ra I« ft W M m M » , -e SELL OFFICIAL POPPIES pitching. He allowed ten hits and nine way Is the most Important more since H arry Whitney and Mrs. Carl Oleon. gene, where It w ill be stationed for a run». Woods was replaced by Carter the resumption of work on the Natron then proceed north ® B,‘ Br wUl Bto# be U k ,B Up' Hostesses were Mrs W. C. Rebhan. The women of the American laglon , few days. It will at the sixth, who allowed no hits and cutoff. Mrs Cogswell Campbell. Mrs. Ralph Auxiliary will sell popple« for Memolal toward Portland, stopping at various no runs, but It waa too late to capture C IVIC CLUB W IL L H AVE Dlppel and Mrs. Levi Neet. day on Friday May 3». These popples pointe for the work. the game. M E T H O D IS T CLUBS ENJOY W OMAN LEC TU R ER H ER E are purchased direct from the Veter Cox of Scio started the scoring LECTURE BY PROFESSOR New Club Mete an*e hoepllal at, Portland and the H IG H SCHOOL TO ELEC T with a Ahree-basd hit, which wae> Mrs. Rudolph Ernst. Instructor In money goes to the disabled veterans The II D Club, organised of young N E X T YEAR’S O FFICERS duplicated by Black o f Springfield. Meeting jointly with ladies of the for things not furnished them by the people of the city, met nt the home «he University of Oregon English de- The fielding of both teams was good. Methodist church the Methodist Bro­ Governemnl. The Auxiliary has taken ‘ of Mrs A B Van Vslseh Monday parlment will lecture on the g r o w i n g ______ Student body officers for the Beginning next Sunday with a game therhood enjoyed a lecture by Pro­ be elected a large order of the poppies this year, evening for a social time The meet- fraternity of women Tuesday evening ' Sprln^ , eW hljfh' „ . ho<„ with Cottage Grove, the locals will fessor Ralph Hoeber of the University Bd enioolI Prank Ixtmbard. lows and the members hope that the people Ing hed been planned In the form of •« «he Chamber of t omxnerce rooms. play five games on the home diamond. of Oregon faculty, Monday evening. meeting Is sponsored by the Carlton and George Moon are candi­ of Springfield w ill consider the cause a picnic but bad weather made thle The Springfield's lineup for the Scio A banquet preceded the talk, the Impossible Refreshments were served lad les Civic club, hot everyone Is for which these popple« are being dates for the presidency, while Ida game was: Woods, pitcher, replaced topic of which was the progress made being sold and buy “Their Poppy” so U t> In the evening “ f« « 1 lo b’ »r ,b l" • ubJect Cox, Shirley Hemenway. and Lucille by Carter; Black catcher; Thompson through the satisfaction of human that the money and no! popples may* Attending the (party were: Miss The lecture Is free and everyone In Stewarts are running for the office of flrgt b ^ . D Mulll- w ants be returned to the boys who are lu Nina Bocsen MI m Edna Platt, Miss welcome vice-president. gan. third base; C. Mulligan, short A picnic w ill be the last meeting of the hospital. Huy only the popples Pearl McMullen. Mrs. A. Ü. Van Val- , Myrtle Harvey, Emma Rogers and stop; Delps, left field; Meats center the Brotherhood for the summer, and Needlecraft Meeting Today with the l-eglon stickers on th< ^ « e d vice-president. Id . Cox. er mills at Silverton w ill be installed at the Springfled M ill and Oratn com­ More than 300 a.tenled .he sesslone. M. y M Mr. and Mrs. Goodwin snd olRon Robert ' ta ^ ^ U r y - t r e .s u r e r , Shirley Hem-' pany next week. This cleaner wip coming from all parts of the county.1 ^,r an,) Mrs. Wegner wIR leave Sat nnway social chairman, and DeEtta have five times the capacity of the . . . _ Drury. Carl Fischer. Alex McKeuxle. . Mrs. Ray Baugh, of Thurston, was u rd .y momlnx for Seattle and from w R r r | t ^ w H jter. ___________________ Duryee, reporter. one now In use at the m ill, and w ill elected Secretary and Mrs. V. C. Ivlo there they willI leave for Vancouver^R. Q ,, The new officers w ill take up their also do better work, it Is said by Injured in Accident of Junction City, manager of the C. adn hentfeeeaa 8 H J H T .U S t ill duties at the next meeting of the members of the firm. A truck left and R. P. Mortensen Guests were Bible conference. Mr«. George W II C. and then on rail and water over the Ronald Wycoff received a cut on hl» 1 organisation next Tuesday afternoon,» here Tuesday to bring the machine . _ t « .u Mesrames O. W. Hobson. Jess' Lorah. llama waa chosen ssslatant. The next Canadian lines to New York and other Cl>rk WT,egton Cari a , rar(j an(j w . j*» r with broken glass when the c * r ;|B order that they may become ac- down from Silverton, and the Instal­ year’« convention w llj be held at Co­ eastern points, being gone two p g WROn j in which he was riding with Robert quainted with the work before next lation w ill begin next week. burg. » - Woods and Sam Muskop turned over year. Outgoing officers for the league mont*'«. Mrs. Wagner will visit h e r , sialers In Milwaukee. Chicago and i on its side on a turn Just west of are: Helen Howard, president; Anna Receives Treatment—Henry Laud­ W. C . T. U. to Meet Five Fords »old Thurston Sunday afternoon. The Dillard, secretary-treasurer; M yrtle New York enroute. They wlp return erà of the Fischer m ill at Marcola The W . C. T . U. w ill hold the regu car. which was a Ford rented from Five cars were sold by the Ander­ by the same route. Mrs. A. C. Pease j u Hawton social chairman; pnd M ar­ received treatment here Monday for son Motor company this week. Btanlev r f Rnrlngfleld may decide to take the > « meeting Tuesday. May 2«. at 2:30 Frank McBee of the Springfield taxi, garet Oderkirk, reporter. an injured wrist, hurt when a bit of P. Schrader of Tillamook, and the trip with them, visiting at the old •»'«'<** <" ‘ I * « »• Church. The sub- had one wheel smashed, and the top lumber flew from a saw, striking hie home in Chicago. > ct for "A »tM ian Black Butte Lumber company of Cot torn by the barbed wire. Many at Play arai. The wrist was not fractured, ____________ colics and the county Preeident Is tsge Grove purrliasrd truck«, while The boys say they were going at A full house attended the high school according to the physician. expected to be present. There w ill George (Bound of G,enbrook. Ralph a moderate speed, but that the light HI-Y Elect Officers also be a silver tea In connection car skidded In the loose gravel which play, “The Time of His Life,” pre­ Rycsrd of Springfield and J. II Baker Newly elected officers for the H I Y wUh (he progrgm Baptists to Meet Regularly sented at the auditorium Friday even­ of Corvallis bought coupes. recently had been spread on the road­ | for next year are Frank Lom bard,, ____________ As on last Sunday, regular services ing. Paul Nice, as the dyspeptic and way. pessemlstlc old man seemed to be a w ill be held at the Baptist church, ¡praldent: Carl McKInnls, vlce-pres.- v|# (t 8 From C a n a d a -M r. Man's Arm Cut W ith Saw dent; Kran Hughes, secretary and #||d p M Fpr((ter of Calgary favorite of the evening, while the rest both morning and evening. Several W alter Easton, employed |n the Mlnlete ia Called treasurer; V. D. Bain was chosen as ( ,ansdn SprlngfleM T„ ltoril to. of the cast ably portrayed their pastors have been considered by the woods for the Chase lumber company, Rev. Blom, of the Baptist church of humorous roles. congregation, but as yet no new minis­ advisor of the group at the meeting day They may buy here, and move up the Mohawk valley, had his right Ontario, Oregon, has been called to _________________ Tuesday evening, at which time It W hile the returns have not been ter has been chosen. to Springfield this fall, they say. arm severely cut Tuesday afternoon pulpit of the local church. No aaa-’ j^ jjy estimated, approximately 260 was also decided to have a party for by a «aw. wer has yet bee -heard from Mr. Blom. ' was cleared by the production Down From Donna— W. W. Baker the graduating raombers of the club. Mr. Eacton had been sawing on a Return From California— Mr. and although It is expected that It will of Donna was in town on business This wll lbe held Tuesday evening at tree, and had stopped (o clear away v. v .1.« Mrs. N. A. Rowe returned to Spring- come before the end of th wk. Wednesday. Mavln Spores, also of Pageant on School Lawn the high school and will be In the form some brush, banging his saw on a limb . . . . ___. Held Wednesday afternoon after a Donna, was m Tuesday. of a feed, ad geneal social evening. ; “The Grief of the Fairies," produced above him. It was acldentally dis­ _ , ... . , .... ... motor trip to Marysvlllle California. Junior high school boys w ill be / • Visit Here From Coast— Mr. and by Lincoln school children last month lodged and fell on his arm, making a guests If the club Salud.y at a hike up r*P<>rt that they had a fine trip. Game Postponed Because of Rain— Mrs. H a rry Hunt and Vernon Harper at the high school, w ill be re presented deep cut, which was closed by a local the McKeuxle. The boy. w ill meet w,th n° *"<’ g0Od WeB,her' The high school baseball game, which of Bandon arrived Sunday from Ban­ Thursday evening, M ay 28 at 6:00 on prysldan with several stitches. was to have been played against Eu­ at the high school at 11:00. —— . _ don to visit with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. the Lincoln high school lawn. _______________ Father III at Salem— AJ Perkins gene high yesterday afternoon was No charge will be made to see this W ill Visit— Miss Florence Aronson i leaves this afternoon for Salem, where Harper for an Indefinite time postponed because the field was too musical festival, which w ill Include Wishes to Communleata Here— Mrs. he hag been cane(, by (be Illness of of Westport Is expected lo arrive to­ Visits Daughter Here— Mrs. E. V. more children than the former pro­ wet. The game Is scheduled for this morrow to visit with her mother, Mrs. 0. F. Bgglman Is In receipt of a letter hla fa ther. Rev. J. W. Perkins, form- afternoon, at the Eugene diamond, If Lilley of Corvallis spent the week-end duction. from Mrs. B. M Shannon, formerly ot erjy of Springfield. M. Aronson. the weather permits. here with her daughter, Mrs. F. B. Springfield, who Is now at thp Ma-1 ..... ... ..................... Frorn W altervllle Tuesday—Mrs. Flannery. Vielt Relatives Here— Mr. and Mra. sonic home at Forest G ro ve., Mrs. ! Has Major Operation—Mrs. L. J, Ladles Aid Meet«—Baptist Ladles E W. Poteh are visiting at the J. M Shannon wishes to hear from her ora H artley of W altervllle was in Crowe of Wendling 1« reported to ba Aid members met In the basement of Get Marriage License—Jack Petit Swensen home for a few days from former acquaintances of the G. A. R. town Tuesday. recovering from a major operation the church for a quilting party Wed­ and Miss Dalsey Neet of Fall Creek and the Baptist church. I — Hollywood California. performed at the Pacific Christian nesday afternoon. - - 1 ......................- , Visiting at Freue Home— Mrs. Jake look out a marriage license at the hospital Monday. Leave for California— Mrs. P, Returns Home After Visit— Mr. and Schlewe arrived here this morning county clerk's office today. Catch Fish Sunday— Noman Ander­ Schlewe, and Miss Lillian Schlewe, Mrs. E. E. Lee, who have been visit- to visit with her slster-ln-law, Mrs. Macola Woman Seriously III— Mrs. son, Clifford Bryan snd Glen Ander­ Visit Daughter Here— W. C. A. Pohl who have been visiting with Mrs. F. Ing here with their daughter, Mrs. F. o. Frese. Mrs. Schlewe has been son caught several trout and salmon O. Frese for some time, leave today 1!. f | Ferguson, returned to their on a vacation In California, and la re- of Oregon City spent the week visiting Frank Mosteller of Marcola Is serious up the McKenxIe Sunday. 'with his daughter, Mrs. M B. Huntly. ly 111 nt her home. for Lodi, California. home at Reedsport Wednesday. turning to her home In Seattle Differing entirely from the uiu«l Legion'conception