PACK THURSDAY, MAY 14. TH E 8PRINGFIRLD NEWS F in ir - ed* you'll never be hanged, and vice versa," some will say swim as hard as you like, the water will get Forty-Five M eab a Day to Feed Thia Family you." The Turks and millions of other Orientals, deenly reiig’-nia and ew- paratltL-us will assure yew tbi ' day of your death was lions of years before yea born. God knows exactly will die and how. rherefere. the hour and manner M U S T have keen fixed from all eternity, llb m w k e God could not know. And to doult that he knows all things a h ea d la impious. • i Unde Jahn W ith so many things to »mile about, it's downright « rie n t sin to frown; here comes the keenest of all— it ’s clean up week , town. Get out yer pail and eerubbin- brush ami tighten up yer cinch — Our battle with the other trash is comin* to a einch. It might be well to plug yer nose in scientific terms— It takes discretion when you tackle wool)-whiskered germs! There's mebbe several popcorn bags and old tomatter cans, reposin' front of your abode — which civic virtue bans. Might even stir a polecat or a reeklin' fun­ ny-side, which shows how any smelly thing can damage civic pride. Don’t take no bombs or hand grenaders to slam the garbage dump— put on yer army gas­ mask and deport it in a lump. I f you enjoy a payin' job, re­ linquish it today, and jine the city's clean-up squad — you'll find it better pay! Stab any feller in his tracks that regis­ ters a frown,— pull off yer coal an’ swet by jack»—i t ’» clean­ up week in town! By Arthur Briab— BUILD A GOOD NAME OUR LOSS BT RUST. DID “FATE” GET HIM? * HONOR THE AUTOMOBILE. What is the value of a good name? Financiers that bought ths Dodge automobile company from ths naira of ths two able brothers that established it have re-sold ths company to ths public (keeping a lot of stock for themselves) a t a vain- n in which ths name Dodge re; - »80.000.000. Ths public eagvny purchases the stock and tonds at that valuation. Sim ilarly, when H art Schaffner & Mar Iliads a company of thw r busir. ths name which they had established, bv business ability and SO UND A D V E R T IS IN G , soid for five times as mush as ths actual a.-sets. And that 'x m s was prob- .*>!>- worth T W E N T Y times as much as ths assets. Build up a name by houesty. in­ telligence, wise advertising, and you have something that ftrt, earthquake or tornado eonnot de­ stroy. UNIVERSITY REGENTS CUT EXPENSES IN OPERATING Rust costs this couctn’ »300,000.- 000 a year and scientists wonder how they can save that money. One way is to use copper or brass instead of iron, for water pipes, gutters, etc. You are told that rust is caused by electricity generated by water and air combining. A way may be found to make iron rust-proof. Meanwhile, wherever air and water mix, use copper or brass and forget your troubles fo r a hundred years. Cold common sens», says that I ’alinqulat would been drowned, had hg not e ------------ Into the pond, and would have been drowned, when the Titantie tank, had he not been a strong swimmer. This world would be too dull if everything were fixed for us In ad­ vance. And if, as the Turks be­ lieve. all is settled in advance, and Allah and ' Mohammed, between them, know everything, each man's fate and destination after death, must be settle.! in advance, in that ease, why struggle to reacn Mohammed's Paradise? Strug­ gling would not do any good, if you're sentenced before you’re bom. On motoring toura. throughout the United States, seeing America first, and seeing A m -rica in the most comfortable, satisfactory way, Americans will spend this year »2.500.000,000. This gigantic sum will be divid­ ed among the various cemmuh’- tiee along the popular motor row of the country. And prosper w ill increase greatly in the wa of the two and a half billions o. cash left behind. Respect the automobile, the men that make them, perfect and cheap. And I f you have no automobile, go and get one. To bo W IT H O U T it is extravagance. Daniel Haney, father of twenty University of Oregon. Eugene. May sons and .laughters, drank a little 14— (Special »—Def.nlte economies in too much in honor of his oldest the University of Oregon were made son's approaching marriage, and at the la»< meeting of the Board of was arrested. “Go free,” said the Magistrate; Regente. according to an announce­ “the father of twenty is entitled ment made today by the administrat­ to a little eelsbration." ive com n -ifee That’s judicial wisdom. You ob­ Oscar Palmquist went down with The administrative committee eetl the Titantie. But he came back to serve that it is usually the father mated severs months ago that if the the surface, swam for hours in the of twenty, not the mother, who celebrates in that particular way. lev waters, and lived until March University were to meet the emands Any obstetrician will convince you 23rd, last. His body was found in made upon it for increased staff to n shallow pond in Connecticut. He that the mother of twenty really care for the expected increase in the might celebrate with a good ex­ had wandered into the pond, and cuse. But the mother of twenty student body n xt year and also to drowned. or more, or fewer, is content to m eet heavy paving costs, np’Toxt- That w ill cause solemn moral»»* celebrate by setting a good ex­ m utely Î8O.OO0 must be sayed in the ample. *'if .-A»»’*® horn to be dro.rn- budget for 1925 and 1925. This original estim ate of the smoflnt necessary to be- saved, as it thus enabling University officials to About 1000 cltlxena of Lincoln coun too high, as some cut »10,000 from their original estl- ty assembled In the streets at Toledo later proved. o f the paving projects on Eugene City mate of paving expenses In a mass meeting to oppose the im street» within or bordering the cam-j !n , he Exterstcn Division budget a pertation of Japanese labor (or oper pus will not be undertaken for the gavtng o f »10.000 a year was made by atlon of the Pacific Spruce corpora­ present. and it was found possible to reducing the budget below former a! tion's sawmill. deeresse by half the amount estimated but p .rmittlng the Exten Dr. Maurice Butler, dentist with of­ »or etafk salaries which originally . B|on o jTis ior> at the slm e time to raise fices In Independence, suffered tbg appeared ceces-arv. student fete and thus increase earn- loss cf his right eye and a fractured Two paving projects that were ,ngg By abolishing the position of skull when an automobile In which ordered by the City of Eugene how- ¡V n|rerlsly neld worker, carried in ’he he was riding skidded otf the Salem- ever, will cost the I niv'-rsltv ap- Extension Division budget, a salary Dallas highway. prcx’ma’ey »15.000 This sum had ,tem ye, r;y wa> An analysis of the stomach and to be taken care of In the University vital organa of Mrs. R. L. Glinlln. who budeet. The projects are the paring “Now I’ve had my re verge.” said died suddenly at Coquille about a of eighteenth avenue from Univeraity one assistant In the boot shop to hts month ago, and whose body was ex- etre=t to agate and of Aga’e street I humed for examination recently, show­ colleague a » a customer left the shop. between Fifteenth ned Eighteenth ed only negative results. “Revenge? How’ " avenues, at citv streets within or Establishment ot a game res rve to “W ell, the girl who Just went out bordering the eamrae take In the land on which the Ore­ ft was exnected. when theoriginal, *3 » telephone operator. I gave her gon caves. In Josephine county, are wrong num le.f ”— Pittsburg estim ate of a received »80 000 saving the located. Is advocated by Governor Chronicle-Telegraph. w as made, that »95,000 world have to Pierce, members of the state game be anproorated from the University commission and forestry officials. You are Invded funds for caving Projects however, A marriage li n»e was l»»m d at to pave Kincaid street from Thirteen­ Mobile, Ala., to Jonathan L. Bourne, th to Fourteenth avenues, and of Fif­ to sew the new hats for ladies a* the ' ex-United States senator from Ore­ teenth from University to Agate, and Turner Noveitv Store. New hats are gon, to wed Mias Frances Baker Turn Tniversitv from Thirteenth to Fif­ fceree now and they are op-to-th er. The ex-Oregon senator gare his teenth. were -oetpored by the city. minute. age as 7U and the bridge-to-be as 29. M-14. • / 11 V i i I i 'u L \ 3 ! iN O U R i ■ \ / aw M o p ’, e -iu s » LVHP. 3 I N C Î > 0 0 i STARTER, D R E S W N ’ CO N O T H IN ' . t J T 6UY C l OT hs S.Z;., VYATTA YEQ. T H IN K I’M I r< A D E OF T U ’ U .S .M IN T Mr, anti Mrs. Maurice Noonan o f Law- rance. Maaa., don't mind at all In feeding thirteen mouths three times a day,—th e « fam ily of ten girls and three boys, — m»r has« they a v r foundI U a hardship. » A s S lU W an,! earth approximately »1« inches In Kiln. Nay»: None. ORDINANCK NO, 493 I A p n ro « e *i h v the Mayor this llth AN ORDINANCK to Improve KKL depth, and doing such olhrr improve­ day ot May. 1925 l.Y BOULEVARD fr o « "D" street to ment work as may be neeweanry to at U U llushman. Mayor “K" street In the Town of Springfield, I proper and complete Improvement of 1 Passed b y the'Uonuuou Council this said street. In accordance with the Oregon. b> grading and graveling ¡llth day of May. 1925 THE TOWN OF 8PR IN O nH L D plana and specifications (heritor, to It W Kmlth. Town Recorder. be prepared by the Town Engineer 'DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: I. It W Smith Recorder, hereby ami filed with the Town Recordar. SECTION 1. The U iw m on C ouncil’ certify that the above Is a true and I of the Town of Springfield does here-' SECTION I. The costs of said Im­ correct copy of Ordinance No. 492. as , by declare Its intuition to Improve provement shall be assessed to and passed by the Common Council May n elly Boulevard from "D“ street t i I he borne by the abutlln« property tllh . 1925 It W. Smith. “K" street in the Town of Springfield benefited thereby, and there shall he Recordar. by grading and graveling the roadway Included as a part of said Improve­ May 14. cf said art rests between points I » * 1 ment. engineer's charges Incurred feet tn width, grading said streets therein, not exceeding the sum of five to proper subgrade, and (daring ) per cent of the contract price. Dr 8 Ralph IMppel. Dentist, Vitus Passed by the Council bv the tollow. upon a ten font »trip through building. Sprlngflsld. Oregon. Yens M o M .-h i-r M the renter of said grade, crushed rock i Ina rot; I “The time of His Life” To be produced by Springfield High School Friday Evening May 15th. x at High School Auditorium A comedy In three acts of a modern "Problem of IMgeetlon." ns Inter­ pret«*«! by Peter Wycombe, "T he IT ltu e of Peaalmlets." ADMISSION— CHILDREN 25c; ADULTS 35c Reserved Sonts ’ j O c On snle ut Eggim aiin's Candy Kitchen :o-c:x-:o-c:o-c:a»Q:o-c:o-c:o^::o-o:>-Q:£>-os<; PRINTERS' INK Makes People T h in k — V ' l W O N 'T H A .,- M O N SV L E FT T o RAV F E 3 THEbta C w O tn E b I &OT LA*vT W E c K IF SnE s t o p DPE n D i n ’ money D o n t and the M erchant w ho keeps His Store in the mind of the people the m ost of the tim e has an advantage. Printers ink makes them think. :gcg-g:g" g:o-g:g-g:o-g& -go-e-