PAGE SEVEN TH E SPRINGFIELD NEW’S THURSDAY. MAY 14. lt>26 FIR LOGGING CAMPS IN T H E CO U N TY COURT OF T H E .a n d ahould be addreeaed to 0 . O. STATE OF OREGON FOR T H E Brown, Clerk State Land Boar 1, Hal CLOSE; PINE IS BUSY CO UN TY OF LANE. *"»• Oregon, and marked "Appllca- In the M etter of Hie Relate ot Jack tlon and bid to purchase river-bed M ia Summen« Rodman, deceased. ¡lands. Portland. May, 1»*— (Special— Flf Bell what you want «• M il, buy what you want to buy thro »• *»••• Citation: Done at Salem, Or g-,n. March logging on the west coast underwent In the column». W rite or phono TWO To tin» U nknow n H eir» of Ju ck: t>24. further eurtaltm -ut last weak when O (1. BROWN, It oilman. and to all other p>sr»ons un­ Cl rk ot »tut« I on i I < 1 s«r- ral large C2,ng3 wort» entirely liima,- palming, paperhanging. cab PER SO N A L--A gentleman church known Interested In the auhl «»tale. A/2-9-16F23 3O M 7 14-212 closed and fullers and buckera laid off G REETING I: • ir of pl«a»ln« api*ar»n arl»W iT. for *3 nd If a! Eugene, In the County of Im ’io on I yy j and tion la at present more marked In the Evi dity and J. T 111 apHî r to tl • M 14. Tuesday, the 9th day of June, 1026 at! w ill! Chamberlain.- Puget Sound and Gray» Harbor dis­ NO TIC E OF F IN A L HEARING ime#' -4 io sa mu ........................................ — - ten o'clock In the forenoon of tha: d ay,, t ’ffa, Notice )*• hereby given (hoi Donald t, ipla tricts than It 1» elsewhere. Yuiiiifc, Ui« ailiuliiUtruior with liiu lug 1X0 acrul nior or leaaa, together then end there to »how cause If a n y : ■olnt divorce from the hood» of avitrl Logging and sawmlllirg In the pine W ill annex’d , of the «¿tato of Henry with the tent ienia her-dltnmruta and you have, why th.?. petition of Eliner £ ,nn]! H rdlngx, Mary Locke and ■ ■ mony now subsisting between plain- Locke, hey hn»band, Josiah tif ' and defendant and for coats of districts of Eastern Washington, Ore­ I 'h r i r , ,|.’i««»r11 the following described real « *-;|,y d iÄ Orow and Paschal Grow, her ilny of May, 1925. at the hour of ten This summon» Is published pursu­ the reports ebow. and practically all tala of aald «state, for the purpose o f ’ hueband, Sarah U Shaw and o'clock In the forenoon of said day, In .be applied at follow» ant . V Ä l r < L \ " R '» » b e r operation, t h e « are busy. First: The ««penar» of »aid »nie accurlng necessary funds for the pay-,Shw» her hu«band. Hannah V errlll Jud the County Court Room at ihe Court men! of charges of administration o f 'an< j Joseph Verrlll. her husband. Isaac ¡ ¿ T l s - m connty 'dated and filed M » Condensed reports from the various ilouae 111 Eugene. Lane County. Ore and the Plaintiff'» coat» and dlshur«* said estate and for payment of claim . H Eastman and ----------------Eastman. ___ , „ s and ct(n<, that annimong cke and NO TIC E TO CONTRACTORS cutting again thia week under nev said door at the aouthweat door of the Oregon, for the county of M n a and ---------------- Locke, her husband, Joseph N O TIC E O F SH E R IF F 'S SALE ON County Court house In the City of »he Seal of aald Court hereto affixed.! ghaw and Shaw, hla wife, j Grade School Building, Springfield, management. Street paving and other fo rbcuo surb Eugene. Is n e Cocnty Oregon, offer *hl * nt I?25 . , Henrietta Fleming, her Fleming husband. and E. E. Shaw and j Sealed proposals’ will be received m" n*‘ , Pal w° rk ha> b^ n ln’ municipal NO TIC E 18 HEREBY 01VEN. That for sale. In on» parcel, for cash In A T T E S T: It 8 Hrvson, Clerk, By Era L. Pea«*, deputy.»----------------Sbaw, hl« wife, Dtha B elle’ »t the office of John Hanzicker. 605- CTeased. Call» for farm aad dairy by vlrtura of an execution and order hand and »ell to the highest and best (SEAL) of sale Issued out of the Circuit Court bidder, all the right, title. Interest, M 8 16 22 20-J4. . Robber«on. Verna R. Robberaon. Har Miner Building. Eugene. Oregon, help lead all demand for labor. of the State of Oregon for the County rtalm and estate of the sa'd defend­ ----------------------- da H. Robber»on, Hattie M Orrlaon. u“ tn fiv* P m Monday. May 25th ‘ A berdeen— FalPng ant' bucking of louie on the 15th day of April. 1916 ants, Jamea L. Clark. Ethel M Clark formerly Hattie M McCroekey, and 1*25 for all labor and materia« neces orWxr at|nn- have been «tonwd at ser- I W E. OrrUon. her husband, also the aaT for the erection and completion °PeMtiona « «•» upon a Judgement and decree rendered and the United States National bank Call for School W arrants ...w ,__ . __ ____________ ____ . —------ - .unknown heir» of any of said defend- <*f » Grade Scvbool Building at Spring- erera! mire camps In Gray» Harbor In said court on the 14th day of April. of Salem. Oregon and all per­ 1926, In a suit wheraln Melville O. sona «Aslmlng by through or under School District No 19 Lane county wbo “ aT b« deceased, also all ««Id, Oregon, for 8chool District 18. district. There has been no change In Evans* the Plaintiff recovered a Judge­ them tnem or or any any of or them m em since »in ce (he m e 4th s.n n ,‘ _ ‘ „.inn at 1other P’ raona or Paf le a unknown, according to the plana and specifics tjme of l o c i sawmills. County and right, title, eatale. lien ^ • P r e p a r e d by John Hunxickcr. C|ty , treet and ro#d work haa afcaorb. ment agaJn»l the defendants. Jam *. day of May 1920 In and to the . . I d Or” ° “ L Clark and Ethel M Clark, hie wife lands and premia« nrartlcallv all the arrolu« « fr o m . premise and every part ">/ office In City Hall. Springfield. or murea« In the real property dee- Architect. Eugene. Oregon. and tha United States National Bank thereof. Oregon warrant» No. 438 to 530 Inscribed In the complaint herein» ■ — Contractor» desiring to submit a of Salem, Oregon, for the sun» of TEiv elusive. Interest ceases after May defendants. proposal for the above work may ob- won labor tbat waa b™” «bt ab 'ut two FRANK E TAYLOR. TH O U SA N D DOLLARS together with SUMMONS • * * * '" “ , tain . plana and specifications ______ ________ by __ ap- t weeks ____t ago when five large logging _ .Sheriff of Lane County, Oregon 15th. 1925. Interest thereon from the let day of To Emma Harding«. Mary Locke, and plying to the Architect and depositing camps ceased operations. Unemployed A-18-23 80 M-714 W. Smith, Dlst. Clerk. November, 1923. at the rate of seven Locke, her husband. Josiah a check for »10 which check will be experienced loggers ape*ar to hare per rent per annum u n til'p aid , and Shaw and Shaw, his wife, returned upon the safe and prompt M-7-14. Estate of Philo Wilcox. Deceased left Oravs Harbor In search of work 345 insurance, tog, ther with Interest NOTICE OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Lydia Grow and Paschal Orow, her return of the plans th’Veon from March IXth. 1925. at a ¡husband. Sarah B. Shaw and ------------ 1 Separate bids will be received on elsewhere and there are very few Notice 1» hereby given that Sarah C. SUMMONS per rent per annum, and the further McBee has filed In the County Court Shaw, her husband. Hannah Verrlll the general contract, plumbing and men out of work either In Hoquiam or sum of »500 00 a» Plaintiff's attorney of the State of Oregon. In and for I IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF T H E ¡and Joseph V errilli, her husband, heating and electric wiring contracts. fees herein and for the sum of »17.00 l^ n a County, her fin«, report as Ad­ -----East. The bidii for the different co n tract;: _ , STA TE OF OREGON FOR LANE Isaac R. Eastman and ¡man, hla wlf“ . Benjamin F. Eastman are to be accompanied by a certified Tacoma— Labor turnover in c” nps costa and disbursements, which Judge ministratrix of the relate of Philo W il­ CO U N TY. m-nt was enrolled and docketed In the cox, deceased; and that ten o'clock In LTII'an Qrav. Plaintiff, vs. L. H Oray, and ------------ Eastman, hla wife, Polly .check tor 6 per cent of the total and sawmills of thts «’ tatrict ’ast week C'erk'e offk-o of aald Court on the the forenoon of Saturday, the 18th , -Shaw and ---------------- Shaw, her hua- amount of the bid. made payable to showed a h e a w increase. Nesriy all Defendant. band. . Timothy -------------- R W^ Smith. Clerk. School District nf the , mln, are continuing the 14th day of April. 192&. and that an day of May, 1826 at the court room To L. H Gray. Defendant: ---------- . - Shaw - and — execution was duly Issued to me there­ thereof In Eugene. Oregon, have been IN T H E NAM E OF T H E STA TE »haw. hto -wife. Daniel Shaw and No. 19. five-day week. There are almost no on directing and commanding me In by the Court fixed as the time and O F OREGON- You are hereby requlr-1---------------- Shaw, his wife. Sallle M. The owner and architect reserve the skilled workers out of em -lorm eitt th« name of the State of Oregon. In place for hearing objections to aald 'd to appear ar»e "5lma Jf, . . ------- Eastman. . NO TIC E FOR P U B LIC A TIO N quarter (8% NW 14) and the east the the Slalna. Carsborg. Cavarto and r lief prayed for In (he complaint ber husband. Polly I» c k e and A-K-23 30 May-7-14 Department of the Interior ____ _ . t ber husband. Joseph -Locke. half of the aouthweat quarter ( K n and for a decree of absolute divorce U. 8. Land Office at Roseburg. Ore- P“ * * 8o,,n<, M,1,a 4 Tim ber compa- Shaw, bis wife. H W ‘4 ) of aectlon twelve (12) town­ from yon snd the custody of the two Shaw and nle»' camp» were closed down. Fellers Henrietta Fleming and------------- Flem­ gon. May 9, 1925. ship eighteen (18) «outh of range- minor children of the marriage. Notice is hereby given that Jasper a„d buckera have been laid off at the CLEANING. PRESSING three woat (3W .) of W illamette Me-' ing. her husband. E. E. Shaw and . TAI a I _ __ TTiU summons la published once Shaw. l. »IIP, wife. ZLlua Etha DI Belle Y k f O . 'Ä k Ä i a J « trv eam-> Saw- . x • _____at_W.T, V» “ ........... ■” ’DUa W, h U1V IIY! radian In l-ane County. Orogon to-, AND SEWING r ,C.a W r . ¿X M X « o n N . « h ! Robhemon Verna R Robberaon. Har No. 012949. for N E U S E U . Sec. 19. getber with all the right, of way dew ° t ' »»« <* b«*b’ a’ a tbH — " Forest Exchange • ’ Phone 57 / T Complaint, to-wlt: that the plaintiff«, 0 . W. block Notice Is hereby given that on Ko W. J. Lichty. and J. T. Evans, he de­ U. S. Lard Office at Roseburg, Ore- > ear. Practically all sawm ita are yember 18. 1984. Ellsworth Prindel. of clared to be the owners In fee simple gon, May 11, 1925. now running. Men. more than la usual o ffic e P hone 8Î-J &••- P bon# Parle. Oregon, filed application No. of the following described real pro­ Notice Is hereby given that Richard gre h)rjB< direct on the Job and they 016829 under the Act of March 20. perty, to-wlt Lindsay, of Mohawk. Oregon, who. on .tead'lv. Labor 1922. (42 Slat.. 4X5) to exchange the Beginning at a point on the North May 14. 1920. made homestead entry a - - « r t e « is very OEO.. N, McLBAN N W l« S E U . ft N E ’A S W U . Sec. 38. l'ne ot Ixit Eleven (11). Patterson's No. 011618. for N H N W U . SE% turnover In most Industries is very OR. N. W. EMERY Tp 16 8. Range 9 West. W M with­ Automobile, Flra and Life Addition to Eugene. Oregon, fifty (50) NW’ H Sec 27. Twp. 1« 8. range 2 wett light. in the Shislaw National Forest, for tha IN S U R A N C E d en tist feet east of the Northwest corner of W illam ette Meridian haa tiled notice. -------------------------- timber on tho NB'.« S W I*. See., 5. Surety Bonds. Phone 8J7 said Lot Eleven (11), thence east Of intention to wake three year proof, j Button ERU- 104 Rents House Here Tp. 81 S , Range 3 East. W. M. with­ along the north line of Lot E le v e n 't0 establish claim to the land above, __ My buslnacs 'le^to pretaet yewr in the Cascade National Forest Re«l