T l Il’RSDAY. MAY 14. H»?f» SPRINGFIELD SINGERS IN ONTARIO TO BE MAY 15-16 Three residents of Springfield a r e ! among the ITS members of the Kug> ne | tra to rlo Society that will m a k e Its n p ta tio a s íhl. V vident b And »0 the morning came when I should M1ow rll'e down the coast. The papers announced that I was leaving and r a v e clippings of the elaborate parties being riven for the D ivines guests. A box of IlUies of the Walley Hke the one» that had come each dav while Paddy was sick, ar­ rived and although th “re was no note. I felt that they were from Curtiss W right. Then, he still cared and Bob had said by the time I returned from the house oartv. he would be tired of Anne. Mv he«"t heat high with hope. With his »towers on my beautiful now coat and so " » n r niece» of lug- gave that j must have looked like a prlma-dnma o" » t"«ns-contlnental tcur I went with Paddy to the train alone A H th « c ro w d w »< th e re to »ee tne «»» a « I s t o o d o n ’he steps or*oara- t'rv to e n in g 'nsfde Warren Fisher Ju-r-ed »hs„ra ’ h*s th e hest ’ r " tr f„ »♦ t h e to n SJ. Printer'« measure SAVE YOUR SO L E S ¡.12 A kkra * |ià fo r court. ¡34, All ete rn ity. 37 .1'»' d f»r rowing .1» An Eastern Slate. ' to. A direction. Answer to laet wash's pussle. s B w I r I e naarain tiranna 41. Pertaining to punishment. 43. Male voice. « VERTICAL 1. A vessel. 3 A sllpnot. 3 A kind of bed. 4. Abbreviation for our Sarlor. 8 An exclamation, 7. The whole. 8. Separate partleulare. 9 Putrefy. 13. Company, (abbr.) 14 Beverage. 1ft. Preposition. 17. Hue. — 00a a a sa a □ a a a •ana eia raaaaa aa a Bsmusma a IslNloM sBLluicjj ra Contracting and Building GEO. W. PERKINS Corner 5th and D Street» Spnngflield, Oregon Plana and Estim ates Furniehed Free. W ill H elp You Finance V our Building WE BUILD Store fixtures, shelving, etc. iences for the home. All kinds of built-in conven­ Consult us for sny work you may have. ANDERSON Manufacturing Corp. Courtesy Bring us your films or mail them to us and be sure of the results you want. Baker-Button We renew your shoes so you get twice the wear. The cost Is only a little. ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP Main St. Between 3rd & 4th — Service — Quality Phone 7 Cor. G and Third Sta. Springfield. Oregon 7 West 7th, Eugene Oregon EVERYTHING FOTOGRAPHIC Eugene. Oregon Y om Cannot Buy GREATER VALUE The 1925 Star Car w ith the M illion Dollar M otor i> the car for you- The car with a hundred and one advanced features. Features which competition may have tomorrow. th « "I'm also one r>* th e hoi,«« n e rtv r i i - « '« '* and with th« anronneement. he stood by my »Ide "Bride «-id r-nom*" Pant Wright S t th e t - t n - r « « ) ¡Ik. A black man. Picnic Time is Picture Time w er’d." sje excls'-ned y e tte d ■y------- 3 — ! dial church In Kugeue, Friday and Sat­ urday May IS and Ik In “The Crea- I tSou.'' Four Sprlugflel.l rtaidenta have ! also b< n ael cted as among the pat I rona and patronesses for the affair Mr. and Mrs, 0 . It Ke*-*ey and Mr ! and Mrs W A. Hughes are among I the »tensors for the avrnt. Springfield »Inger« who are In the ra«t of "The Creation" are Kunl. » Parker, Catherine Duncan, and Doro­ thy Dean Ditto, The society organ lied earlv In the year under the presl dency of George H. MiMorran has been holding regular rehsrsals for th» past three months under the direction of John Stark Evans of the I'nlvrralty H O R IZ O N T A L of Oregon school of innate. I. A relative. Three vocal artist« from other cities ft. Piece of furniture. bare been engage,! for the aolo role» 10. Crucifix. for the presentation. Jane Burns 11. The loweat fem ale voire. Albert of Portland, soprano, William 13. Word of Negation Pilcher of Loa Angeles, tenor and 13. A domeatlc anim al Gage Christoph,r of Los Angeles, 1«. Permit. hast, are the trio selected from among IT. Punctuation mark. a large number of prominent profes- 19. A brave tntut. tlonal singers of the Pacific coast and 31. Otherwise the east. 33. A tree In calling attention to the Initial 34. Pastery, oresentatlon of the oratorio society 35. Decorated lower part of waT. Mr KcMorran points out that many 38. Squad. parts of the county are represented 30. Extend to. in the membership and that it la not a 33 A monkey, Eugene or V nlrerslty affair exclualve- Sft. Piece of roars • fih r’c. ly hut a eomunlty project of Lane 38 Self. county and that It la hoped to enlist 38. Spill. the intereet of all outside communities 40. Girl's name. In the activities of the society. rushing Aune beenua.» hr waa expected home from acnool. They n e d s a «hoc K att'sK?! . ad 004 u ly w a tc h d th e prove* ,i- fce really wanits Is ani el* , mgs. but had heard every word that tor and he’ll find It out from had passed. rw.nove your bright pre» My eyes enughl the steady gaxe of hi» li f e ” Curtiss Wright. He raised hla hat "But Anne':, pretty and »ugg. »ted. hoping 0» would dear both. and looked disapprovingly at Wgrren "Yea." he was »»1ft to reply. "she Fisher, who he must have recognise*, has a certain sort of prettines» and at oaee. (To be continued) • naivete' of manner which she a. forts, but»” he spoke slowly, "«he Baseball Game Postponed could never feel the glory of a »un­ set or hold your hand at the perfect 'The base ball game with Harrisburg moment during 'Aida' or 'Madame which the local nine was to play th«re waa cancelled because of rain. The Butterfly.' “ , "Ooh Bob," I clapped my hands. "1 next game for the Sprlngfltld team Just love you for that. I eren feel will be played Sunday agalnat Scio like I could be Induced to drtTe Into there. Another game with Harrisburg that wide gate marked 'Robinwood' will be played later In the aeaaon. and have a cup of tea to refresh my Cars Collide Injured heart.'* “There, that's bitter.'' he remarked The fenders of a car driven by W and waa about to turn into the road­ A. McBee were slightly bent Friday way of soft brown pine needle« when evening about 8:30 when It waa struck h e changed his course and headed by the Charles Spores car. Mr. Me- I Bee was Just Waving h is parking hack towards town. "Speaking of being temperamen­ space when Mr. Spore« hit his car. tal !** I laughingly accused. "I thought for your sake, ’we'd New Place O pined better not go in " he explained. “I saw The Luncheonette, operated by a bunch of car« out front and I knew Ralph Sweeney and Fred Cline, re­ (he cats on there would begin to opened for business Sunday, after ex­ scratch." p en sive Improvements. The Inside of “Not you and I Bob!" I was In­ the shop was repapered with blue dignant at the thought. CALL AND SEE Dr N. W Emer» paper, and the wood work painted "Bet your life. They'd love It." he cream. Booths In Francfe gray are on d H ' w nr "1st. snd other work «T eaid “Now If you were not ao easy along the wall, and counters for foun­ to look at. you could ret away with tain and light lunch orders are on FOR SALE—Carbon paper In large setirder, but vou've got something the other side. The shop was repaint­ she: ta. 38x39 Inches, suitable for they haven't. Sallle. and It hurts." tonkine tracing». The New» Office. ed on the outside also. “That's rather ambiguous, don't you think r “Chi you know what I mean. It's >1 that Indefinable tparkle that makes «pen wcrsfc‘vfnl and woman green with envy.” he explained 83. Meadow, j iß A fru it I f . lib a i of sheep. , firs t public appearance at the M etho Bob’s Cheerful Summary Cheers Salìie md This W eek’s Crossword Puzzle 18. Whinny 2u A color. The Car for the Millions with the MILLION DOLLAR M OTOR High-cLas», economical features which •ct the 1925 Star Car in a claaa by itaclf. o * p la v o te « . T no ticed a c o tjrje e t a f * ’ ’’ - se ver«, tra c k s fo » « - • n e o tr ln r tr » 'n . w a l’ ln e f t w as A nn e PEDIGREED POLICE PUPS .... Sired by Double Champion, son of an International Cham ­ pion. Strongheart Strain, splen­ did condition. Get a pup now to train for I w atch dog, cattle dog, or pet for the family. Prices exceed­ ingly reasonable considering stock. M. P. FLETCHER, Box 263 Eueene. 50-Pound Capacity—Side Iceing “HERRICK” Refrigerators Extra $36.75 Special $1 Keep Weeds on the run G ardens will soon be boom ­ ing. So will the weeds If you let them start. A hand cultivator will enable you to keep them on the ru n with less work th an anv o th er tool. We carry the high wheel type, the Planet Jr., and the Iron Age. Quackenbush’s 160 N inth Ave. East Eugene, Oregon Deliver» Yours This Week! Then $1 Week—No Interest! A good refrigerator is necessary from now on—when foods m ust be (kept fresh despite w arm w eather. These re" frigerators offered are of convenient size, with generous com partm ents tor ice and food— and so well constructed th at you will save m oney on ice besides. We have m arked them a t a very special one-w eek price. They are made of oak—very heavily insulated with m ineral wool and spruce lined. They are odor and taint-proof—and of 50- pound ice capacity. The “ H errick” is a high-grade re­ frigerator and Is sold exclusively by W etherbee-Powers in Eugene. FREE With Every Refrigerator Sold This Week A Crystal Glass Refrigerator Set— Consisting of 3 Nested Bowls and Cover ^ /E T H E R B E E - PO W ER S £A S7 M l N TH A N D OAK IkJP Springfield Garage ~S he greatest value buy in the w orld