THURSDAY. .MAY 14. 1H25 PA O « F IV » TI US g l’RIMiFlELDMCWK "li* NOTICE OF FINAL HEAHINO First Christian Church | Slashlnga can he burned up to May , Corner 4th and A «treat I N otice le hereby given that Louisa 15 without obtaining a permit, accord- : • y Special b„ E. Ghtldere, Minister B. Baker haa filed In court her final Ing to announcement made at tha u is . u u » i _ account aa administratrix of the os- state fu/uatry doMriagieaL After May Correspondents Blble ochooFmt 9.45. H L- Aioablwr i tatp nf Baker, deceased, and IS It will be neednnftry io obtain per- Sup'. 11 claeee« in our Rlblle school o ,4( thB court bu, set 10 o’clock A. M. ralts from the state U>r»«t«r or hie „ h id , one do you belong Morning of BaHtTday’ June IS, 1926, as the tim e • day Of Uila weak. worship et 11 o’clock, subject "Lesson when at the court house In the city ot Brief Resume of Happenings of agent». Mr». Frail i(u««ell ami daughter! Kucene Or icon , br the time wn*n UPPER WILLAMETTE K. L. Hall c f Eugene, who has the from Paul’s Conversion.’ jg a » . ¿ CM1nt will be taken up by the Week Collected for Maud« motored lo Monmouth laat contract to grade nearly three miles • Evening service et 8 o clock. Hub-, county court tor examination anil Saturday to atu.twl (ba May day exer-j of the Ktfg-ne-Florence highway In the Jcet. "Why the Word Needs a Savior ", and allowance. All persons Interest?» Our Readers. County Agent D 8. Fletcher and '-•»Me and »pent tlm weekend with lllachly section. Is establishing hla Special music at each service. In-(therein may appear at eaid tim e and wife w< ru guest» ul the born» of Mr. Mnrucret H uhiu II who la attending construction camp Just west of Bloch vltatlon to all. i l l ^ ’ d ^ r t e y f^ E a ta t e . The tenth annual convention of the and Mrs It P. Imlid Munday. May 10. Normal there. ly. anti expects to begin grading work Louisa E. Baker. Administratrix. The County Hun lay achol conven­ Oregon Music Teachers’ association this week. Myrna Jean lailrtl, the Utile d»ugh M-14 21-28-J 4-11. FOR 8ALE— Carbon paper In large ter of Mr. and Mra. It n I ph laslrd had tion will be h-DI her« next Saturday was held In Portland. Portland telephone service waa sh eets, 26x29 Inches, suitable for Thn 18th annual convention of the her tonsils and adnolda removed Mon uftrrnoon unit Huday there will be a SPECIAL PRICE on plate work. Dr. paralysed and almost 15,000 tele­ making tracings. The Yfews Office. Oregon Retail Jew elers’ association day. May 4 As she has been quite dinner Huday and all day aervlco. N W. Emery. fl»etlet. Hutton Bid« phones were put out ot commission Perry Price attended the May day convened In Halera Monday. sick the past week and tha doctors aa a result of a fire which broke out can not determine the trouble ahe was ex>rcla«a In Monmouth Saturday. Opening of the Hpokane. Portland In the basement of the Pacific T ele­ The Ladles Ahi met at the church 1 * BBaltta Hallway company’« new Ha taken to the Pacific Christian Hospital phone A Telegraph company’» main la.t Thursday. They made and hung wag cel).brB, ed M Astoria, In Eugene Monday for treatment. exchange. The Pleasant Hill Hunday school sash curtains. Some of the men put | Estacada will hold a special elec Either drowned or killed by the , voted on Hunday, May to, to present up the blinds, they also oiled the floor. tlon May 29 lo decide the question ot shock of falling In the cold water, j Mary Harden with a gift»of *20 In ap­ the annexation of more territory. Lois Shaver. 18 months old daughter : preciation for h«r services lh» past •uea for Olveree Voters of Cascade Locks voted of Mr and Mrs. Roy Shaver of Plne- several yeara. Miss Harden graduate» unanimously to authorixe a *20000 hurst. near Bend, was found In a ; from the Pleasant Hill high echool thia bora J. Neilson haa filed a com- bond Issue for a high school building. small Irrigation ditch Jear her per- i spring and hopes to go to the Uni­ plaint In circuit court (or divorce from Dates for the sixth annuxl session ents' home. versity of Oregon next winter Ulen 8. N«4i»on The couple were of the Pendleton summer normal Rem ember every W ednesday is Raisin Day. Erl ward E. Brodie of Oregon City, She school Will be from June 22 until Unlte(j g , atea minister to Siam, haa Several ranches have changed married In December. 1919. Try ou r Raisin Bread. hand» at Pleasant Hit In the past few claims the husband kept company ' July 24. abandoned his proposed tour of Eur­ with other women. Alimony of JT5 weeka Mr and Mrs Andy Oleon Eugene's postoffice receipts for ope and will return from hla post at We Specialize in have purchased a portion of (he Man­ a month la »ought In the complaint. April amounted to *10.574.08, an in­ Bankok directly to Seattle, arriving ning ranch. C. E Oorden haa pur­ Picnic Lunches crease of about 15 per cent over June 21, according to a letter receiv­ chased the 10 acre* west of the high "James, aa I passed the s-rvant»’ April, 1924. ed from him. Open Sundays school from Mrs, Amanda Kocfy Mr hall today I saw you klaa one of the The annual session of group 2. Ore- , w )„ j Roberts, principal of the and Mrs Woodward of Washington ! maids.•' gon Bankers' association, hai been , Wegt g((je b|Kh school at Ontario, has visited their ranch last week which i "Yea. madam, when would that set for May 22. afternoon and ev en in g.! bc<,0 „elected by the land settlem ent they receatly purchased from II»-man i have been, madam?" at Woodburn. j committee of the chamber of com- ' Knutson "About four o'evock." , Joseph H. Hill, well known resident I merre to manage sn Oregon b ureau at The homt of Mr. and Mrs. W t. | “O. yea madam, that would ave i , , jinp coutlly «jir-a suddenly at h l i (|rw n River. Wyo.. during the coming Arnold of Trent was burned to the ( be«n Jane, n.udara. < o urob « 0» bomF neBr Eugene, where be waa , tourist season. ground laet week Tuesday Tha | ter. born «5 years ago. , j p urche»e of Llpman. Wolfe & Co., ; neighbors helped in getting most of i Dr. Carl Doney. president of WU- department store of Portland, Main S treet Between 4th and 5th the furniture and personal belonging* terrible death toll resulting lamette university, arrived at Salem was completed when an option held The out. but the house, wood shed and Saturday alter spending a year In the on the property by the National De- I «how» that Ih« Rede at least heve sm oke house were all burned. east recuperating from Illness. partment Stores, Inc., of New York, lost none of Ihelr efficiency. Julia Hwafford, a student at Plea« The deal Involved A two-day state conclave of the De WB„ exercised ant Hill high »chool who was hoarding Molay order convened In Medford 1 about *2,000,000. nt the Arnold home lost al of her Friday with approxim ately’ 200 dele-! An American Legion controversy clothing and personal belong'nc« gates and other members present. ' over a political appointment will hold I Hartnett Slug« Mr »ltd Mr» Walter Matkhnm of Oregon haa on« of the lowest In- , np („definitely the proposal to eatab- A Car th a t isn’t equipped looks like a m an in his B. V. D’s! t leg ter are the parent» of a baby hoy fant death rates In the United States, j | lgh a national guard company in born at Springfield Ealurdav. May 9 according lo Dr. Frederick D. S trick er.' K)Hmath galls. according to word re- Mr» Markham waa formerly Ml»» secretary of the state board of health. 1 cefved from George A. White, adju- Mav Blood. In an effort to lesson the number ot ’ tant-general of Oregon. The Plea»anl Hill public echool won deaths by drowning each summer, the April brought four fatalities as the second prig« in the relic display held Klamath Falls American Legion post result of automobile accidents, four In the Armory May 9, Mr. Haya voted to purchase a pulmotor for the deaths In a fire, two suicides, one Finest two bar, spring back type, full nickel, with curved worked steadily for aev«*al wveks city. murder, one drowning and one death ends, (can’t hook) bum pers or half re a r bum pers if pre­ gathering together the relic« and pos After haring been shut down »Ince from Blcohollsm, according to the ferred. Factory list price(f31.00 pair. Our price $29.50 pair »esalnna of the earlleirt settler In December 19 as the result of a fire, | ,nonth| y rwpovt of Dr. Earl Smith, installed—and Lane county. Ellxnh Bristow, together the plant of the Portland Vegetable Mullnomah county coroner. with books and other treasures gotten Oil Mills company has resumed opera- FREE!!! FREE!! FREE! The state printing board haa fixed from other early aettlera. _ . . . . the price of the 1925 session laws at Pleasant HUI public school cloeea A guaranteed car-life Autom atic Windshield C leaner or a Oregon Trunk enrveyor. who wiU Betegaary Tuesday, M»y 19, with a school picnic. set of glass side wings installed with every order of tw enty lay ont two proposed lin e, from Bend . pubHcatlon , o any part of Goshen public school closed lest 10 Klamath F a ll, arrived In Bend hat- contain „ „ dollars or more. Friday. May 9. unlay and left Immediately lor the In-, 5o than ,awg {Qr Community New» OREGON NEWS ITEMS i OF SPECIAL INTEREST Clubhouse Salad! A Saturday Special HUNTL Y DELICA TESSEN ED SEZ: ATTENTION! Ford, Star* and Chevrolet Owners ,er,or 1 rs23 session of the legislature. F. H. McGowan. 65. picked up from wU[ be made clogIng the highway by a stage near THURSTON NOTES ‘ er Salt creek. Fall creek and Wlnberry Inland, where he was found apparently creek districts in the Cascade national 111, died shortly alter being taken to forest to camping after June 1, ac­ Rainier. Mrs Mary Campbell who has spent cording to Nelsen F. Macduff, super­ lh.- past five weeks In Springfield Work has again been started on viser of the forest. The sam e ruling returned 10 her home here Saturday the Cohen mine near Gold HUI. In was made last year on account of fire the ’70s this mine was a large gold hnxnrris. evening _. , — -f producer, ¿ut has been Inactive for Jack Herbert and Melvin Buell left Thun&s Tvreet. civil war veteran | last Monday for .Merdith where they some years. and Bend pioneer, has been named e s expect to be employed. Work on the 17.3 mile stretch of a member of President Coolidge's hon- i There waa no preaching service last The Dalles California highway from entry bodyguird in coutteetloo with , Huday as Rev. Lou Milk ha t nn nWto- Solid «art I: north, which Is being built (h0 onll(V( r3ary of the first Norwc "Gabby" Harthett of the Chicago BcajBn,ent In Amertep. whifcb will ’ J moblle accident after h - left Eugene by C Nyberg, w ill be completed by Cubs hit a home-run a day for the Sept' mber 1. and »»< unable to gel here. tie observed at Minneapolis the first ( £ first six days of tlie aeeson—and The grade echo! clo.'vd lari FVIday Is pillow up a lead In circuit | Bankers from the eight northwert- weeli In Juno. Jj but the teacher. Ml« Vida Gray I, clouts which will be hard for the 1 ern counties of Oregon gntiiei -d in Six million feet ot pine timber cn 1 j. reviewing 6 land 8 grade« this weak mighty Ruth to overcome when he I A»tor a Friday for the annual spring 640 acres of land wit«' by tbs y ar; : m w ting of group 1 of the Oregon say Land X- Catth o&Si any w*s "old 1 ‘ preparing them for the Slate exam» gets buck into the game. i Pankers' assoclatlf.n. which will b<- held Thu »day and Frt Kian; :k lc.g.-;(Pg t to Trent ice Puck* The H« wm ! Riv. r Apple Growers' ns. I contractor, for ap '«SMI: ly »19 fid i • IN T1IE CIRCUIT COURT OK THE ST. E OE ORECON ÇOR LANE 1 scHi'ut'.on was notified that an average The timber Is loc I» V a a ti’? ClH'NTY ' of *4 2 : a box hail been received for ‘ couniry between J. W BAKER. Phiintlt.. 1 a carload o! fancy Newtown apples Wlllier.ison rivers for Puh m u o n Is Fore* loaur. VS. Jt-hinimoi s'dd in New York city at auction. SAM! El. Mi.Mt'IUX). I t f.-ml 1 ! S e 1 ■» L.ea. ' Artfci."jT of it erfory flou c* t h e , R. H. Gref >, St proehnt employed on Canby" Canal con p..ny »«.r filed fi» j re Panu- 11«' To Hiituu« I MeM'.irdo the the W enatchee nntkmul for. at in ' the county clavIFs c ftF e ai V jy ’tB In th e Name of the State of Oregon: Wnshlng"'ti. b ic bc«n* assigned to the ' City with capital sto k ci » D f i.& t y u h o b t'r qf C I i D You ate hereby notified thfit J \V Bah r. I W i f »c ..0 Cascade nutionhl ferret as super n- \ is the lr-cntion o I? llnqueii' y nuinbricd 191,7 l u s u t d o n the 18ihjtiy of 01 N ovem btr. 1920 by 1(1« lendcnt of road and trail w a in- t»hit Ti' e the land ly 'r j between a for tit am ount of *11.5. Tux Coltecier of the Coujity bi I. .me. State ot Oy< g- n ' -nllca east of Canby tie.4 jby enot* 1 the sain« I- tug the amount thn. out and delln u nt -for tux ;• fop :At tlon. thereon u|»cneft''*|, b w - hern grfiut r'.bed a:; altnatud In »ahi county and «tate, imi jwRjvnlarly beitud'td util d hands tiet.r H Isc y when a China by the pension office as fellows A. .Addition follows, 'o-wit ■ The East 52 1 it ffi> t of lota 1. 2 an 3. Week 24. Gn phcasc.nt fl ,'\v Into the windshield of 1 Lee Mjveluck, Portland, *la: Horomsc to tagen " . I umio County, fp s g o ti.. ' . You are further notified that raid J. M Bnk-r he» mW taxes on »ei ' Mr. OflchrlsUs ear with such forte as .1. Gotf, Portland, »30; Liorlc ItsAiriH premises tor prior or subséquent years, with Iho rate of Interré: en said lo shatter the glass.'" ” The D fllcs. W fi WIlBam E Jt»ed, amounts a« follo»»: Walter Ford. 9, La Grande sibooi Roccbnfiy. »IS! Susan Driscoll. Row Amount Rate ot hoy, was dangerously Injured a« the burg, *12; Levi Knurr, TurrubMtMh j Tax Reijuipt No. Date Patii Year’s Tnx Intorfsi suit of boja playing with a pistol. »15-. Willirfii fi'A.. fn. iiiib c r ’.’.a, 'S i- belters complimenting the officers 12'-; Ho wa« shot through the neck and 11.52 9.93 lost much blood before medical at­ of the state and showiug the relative 2417« Nov 16. 1929 1918 127, tention was obtained. 10.30 23321 Nov. Hi. 1920 standings of the counties in oonnee- 1911) , 1264 5.97 4794 Mar. 28, 1921 1920 I H State highway officials of Oregon ! tlon with prohibition law enforcement 127 5 96 1«732 Sep. 23. 1921 1920 2-11 12*7« will meet with thoea of 10 other west­ prosecutions and the counlies' pre 6 34 6179 Apr. 4. 1922 1921- 1 II 12'• ern states at Ran E ra n elso Friday to portion of flues collected (tom Jan 6.90 26459 Jun 30. 1923 1S21 2-H 6 35 lie ; designate the Interstate roads In those uary 1 to April 9, 1925, were sent by 15684 Mav 31 1923 1922- 1 H 12'if 6.43 1793« William R. Levens, state prohibition Sep 27, 1923 1922- 2 II 12^ stntos to be uniformly marked as Uni­ 6.47 «320 Apr. 4. 1924 1923- 1-H director. ted State* highways. 6 47 127, 19947 Oct. 1. 1934 1923-2-11 Application for water righ’s on the 14.54 Ton were killed In traffic accidents 5011 Apr. 4. 1925 1924 In Portland during the first four North Santlam river filed by Robert Saiil Siiniuol MeMurdo as the owner of the legal 4M1« of the tbtive de- Simpson of Salem will bo protested by erlbed i rotHTt» a« the ».mu' appears of record, anti each of the other psreoos months ot 1925, an increase of thre* ahoi ' i Z Z l 1 4 h er% 7furiher notified that J. W Baker win apply to the over the corresponding period In 1924, Salem authorities. The city officers circuit Court of tha County and State aforesaid fur a decree form losing th> aocording to an announcement made charge that the filings made by Mr. Stmpson, If approved by the state en­ H*n against the property above described, and mentioned In said eertiflcate at police headquarters. a ,..1 »-mi 1,re hereby summoned lo appear within sixty days after the flral gineer, would Interfere with water A total of 34,112 applications for publication of this summon«, exclusive of the day of »aid first publication, and defend this action or pay the amount due as above ’ ho* rt’ cash bonus and loans hav« been re­ rights previously acquired by the ceived since the creation of the sol­ municipality. By reason of the proximity of diers’ relief act In 1921, according to announcement made at Salem by Brownsville to the Sweet Home dis­ trict, now under quarantine by reason Georg" A. White, adjutant gcnoral. The old house In which Homer of rabies among dogs and other ani­ “d ’aM order was made and dat'd this 12th day of the first publication of th’ »'tn 10 V Is the 14th duy of May. 10.5 and tit Davenport, famous cartoonist, lived In mals, school district No. 52-74 at ““ V i X T s ’i Sn“ ’. ? » % ’ CP T a t u n g may he served upon the under- Silverton for many yuars Is to be torn Brownsville, along with four other down or moved to some other location nearby districts, was placed under . I g u ^ ' S n g wiih.n the Stale « ' O, - to provide grtxlnd space for a uew quarantine by P. T. Tweed, count, state armory to be erected this year. veterinarian. Rcom 10 United S tab * National Bank Address Bank Bldg.. Eugene. Oregon. M14.21.28j . 4.11. i 8. , 5 Ju.,.9 jg. OUR BUMPERS fit your particular car. They don’t rattle o r dome loose. They don’t rust with very little attention« Insurance agents will give you 12H% discount per pair. W hen vou don’t let us equip ycur car you loose real money. Seeing is believing. Come in and see for yourself. The linest cars in Lane county were equipped by STEWART'S AUTOMOBILE EQUIPMENT SPECIALISTS 543------ Oak S treet------543 ' OPEN EVENINGS n No place car. you get the quality and price of T runk Ra k we give you. Hc-w do yous* floors n jF Are they bright and clean and new-looking? Are they sanitary and easy to keep clean? If not, one or two coats of Acme Quality Floor Paint will quickly put them in to th e ir b est condition. Acme Quality beautifies and protects. It prevents scuff- and it removes the look of shabbiness and neglect which, old Boors take on if they arc not well p ro te c te d by paint or varnish. Come in and see the different shades and let us tell you juat how easily, quickly and cheaply you can beautify and p ro te c t your '”r:d .'X XX£4?554ZZ7r AZ'JJi mg wood floors— F L O O R P A IN T ity. Wright & Son Paint Furniture Hardware —