PAGK TH U R SD AY, MAY H . LUT» T H E S P R IN G F IE LD NEW S FOUR Lane County Farmers Union News OFFICIAL PUBLICATION LANK COUNTV UNIT «O . 1« • o s a s ¡¡a too ch eap If we are If earneat. If • • • a a e e a • OFFICERS OF LANK COUNTV • , wo want help. and renili* as l‘r«aldn»l 'cèdili!«» s»M. “The Farmer Muai Help • FARMER'S UNION Ih m s I f would we nnl willingly give $8 In the future where we have been • Ralph Lalrtf, Crxswoll, Prxaltfxnt. * «Ivin« »1 In ih» past, to fu i'her our • W ill W h selsr. TranL V ia. Preti • • , own caia**. cause, I»1 Io tre«»” create » a »•«•»«• fund «•» lo send . dent. *"*' , „ a . . • BHagat*. io national and district con I* K W « - » . ’ C o tta ,. Orava. . fe r e n c e We can not expect May 8 a lar» Mrs. L. J. Oetehell • {_ Cloverdale for m the e . r e iw io w h • u>r p u f iik iw b . «* Geo, Kebelbeek Coast Fi-rk Mrs. . Mrs. Mrs M. M A. *ur" "f **r O,#o" A. Horn Horn » l a r g e crowd was pr< sent. VUttlng “* h**r ,h ' ______ C r e sw e ll__ Mrs. , r Ada J nning. • „ c u b a r . were Myron and Fred W . "* « “ — J *»' ,ho 7 * * k,ri ’ tU M w is s t t s s * . ^ I l l * r i l l ’s ’ ! » ** “ • « .W 1 V IM « BBBBM r » ’ SI owes . • Dorena ...... unnrar the the officers ..fflcers of of tho the local ’ afo.-Tr»»». 1 1 H . ... .. Mrs B Baker and - Jim of — Jasper, and . »«I «Pinar Call on Senator M agladry and . Ha<.ala N. A Hern Cottage O w e . Door • l-art of the whole If • « 4« *«*<> ------------------- . . . ..... ......... Auberry — —- , — r ia ,. ' . m e la s a w lz x tta a and s a t ir i realised P a s jn lld a t i became anxious It would Mrs. M. Gillespie • Floyd Lord from the Cloverdale local Representative Fisk to Make • HadleyviUel K ttp sr • up our part be up lo them to entertain the eroani Mrs. Grace Jones • Known T h e ir Reasons fo r • jasper Visitors are alwaya welcome ao Mr*. Tlvey was asked Io i lay t h e , H C. Jackson. W altervllle. Con- • _ _ . . . • Mrs C. M. Foster • come again and bring some one else ixrra n o ___ V o tin g fo r Measure. ductor. » * organ and two famllar aongs wore ___ _ j • McKeaale Mrs Lawrence Mlllcaln • DORENA LOCAL NO. 190 O. L. Clement, Chaplain. * Central Fanners Union local No }• Mt Vernon Mr*. V. A Reynolds • ( Several of our Mt. Vernon members sang by all wishing to take part An went to Cloverdale Izwal Friday even altampl was made to get Mr Olaon on Bulah Smith Smith • -------------------------------- «nem m »»» »<■«< >«■ «- 1S5 went on record at Its last meeting • Silk Creek Bulah E B Tinker • *"* wh*r* * ’* enjoyed an Impromptu , bp phry ,n(, rr« t |na program arrie. Jr. ‘an Impromtti speech anjt and a story or | In regard to the meeting of the N A TIO N A L C O M M ITTEE Is the resolution: The work provided for the club waa two called for volunteer apaeehe». Mr tlonal Board and the state presidents , , U|th | hM,(|u |e acted as chairman * Whereas. There la to be a constitu­ ON TOPICS M AKES RECOM­ piecing quilt blocks, hemming towel* Stickler responded with * talk on hlapield at Kansas City. April IB. IB. IT. , h„ ,asary buaWten« wn» trans­ voted which '• M on at the next ta « m election e and Inherit- We recommend that the d elegate. The h o ste « served a del.c.oua din h«r“ *»"»• ,*nd ,h ’ b,U’' ' “ lo" wr" ’ ‘' Tr<’” acted. the delegate to the convention, would Inherit rould abolish an Income In c o m e and -a .I ln h .r it states , , , n(M «„ ninIrlw,r. «ram, pasture. Mr Hoi. .ton spoke on . farmer.' standpoint this . . . one o t <(.1 larenee (< Peterson was elected nee tax from the S u te of Oregon for - for dlacttartm by .e v e r .I visitor.. The next m eeting “ »• Present campaign for the ester- , h„ Im p T l.n t meetings of h a, i „ Randwichea and doughnuts were fteeu y ea rs r ' | on. during the coming year. | wil, be with Mrs. Tryon the flr.t mlMUon of gtwy tflg^ra. , I do not think that .hat . a m or. Im- t more brought I* JO Into the Farm- And Whereas, We believe this L«*» in June * Nina MelVck gave a readln«. songs pt,r, port an ant meeting has ever he n held, (^r< fn lo n treasury. lece of legislation to be vlcloua In We recommend that the I n on • _ w ew „ „ „ bJf rmyd u>rd « 177« We bore everybody en>-«V»d Ihe he extreme, absolutely uncalled for. Octal publication in each slate print Mr. and Mr, Frank Davis of Salem M(>1 Beaver, Miss Florence Oetrbell. At this Kansas (Tty merlin«, or meeting and wsni vou to rem e aretn nd done only to place the ever grow- from time to time the succeeding top- visited nt the Lee Davis home for a W(HUw ani| , h„ i rathe* at this get-together m ee’lng lbs Mr* Miles Wicks wa* III last week ig burden of taxation more heavily lea for debate: week. composed of Mrs. Lord. Mrs. Tlvey. Inti teat of Ihe agriculture fcf Ibis na With tonallltla and unsble to len.-li. the shoulders of the land owners -Should — the organ liat ion of - Juven ----------------- Mr, and Mrs. Griffin have moved Mr Geichell and Mr Roberta With Pen waa I'raftel and adopt ■» As in but was able to begin her school work ind the home owner who are now clubs simlllar to those In Kentucky their home on the McKenale this entertainment and a few more r nny other notable Instal l ea this agoln Mondav >earing more than their Just share of an,| 1 Colorado highway Mr Sweeny the V o i u r a u » be u » undertaken* nignway to a farm i s r n i on o n Camp v a m p Creek, » rw w » . xtorlm H iiir ia m related r e i s i r v i by oy .-nr n w n ny in c ( ( - i il iP - r Of l‘«rl Glenn Jennings sold a •!« weeks old Shall xroman a auxiliary work he We are sorry to lose them from our e Tt(, |(J UM| j S„ of th„ o( Or, gon Fartu-is Union should voting and working for this so stores.” night school was postponed beenus- of rainy on haw, for , he (|r l| paym0n, T h . rorrecl at our state convention? Are aled Dennis bill. Charlie Peterson went to Cottage "Is a law compelling all citizens to weather until a date to be announced 4raw int of larK„ an ,-nouoi from the members of Oregon Farmer* Un . L O. Storey. Crovo Tuesday to work for Will Oar* vote at a primary and general elections latag. ib>> (reMUry was objected to. The ton In earnest In their union work” Ray Bower. or pay a fine desirable?” Brother Bert W ilkins is at Eugr«» motion was presented to as follows: Are they looking forward _ to "agrlcul H(,d _ , wnoee , , b wbW M> school F. D. PetsoM. .......... „ — ----------- ---------------------- _ — Ml«» lloorpejn arnvei« w was "Shall the Fanners Union conafl- this week. " . . has . been made . that . . . ------ ._ . ----- s— s~ it » Committee on Resolutions. The motion our tnral rmunclpatlon In America, (#||| r r ,,,ay baa ba<, her term et - so they can't alt back and hold aloft af1cr |ba a( ” brln< ,B ‘w*»’F Bna » SUMMONS LOCAL M EETIN G S • ing raeraber« o n ly . > « « «nab. rt.r; < « r««»u ragua th - I-.rifle Northwant «..mid Perry Van.cbolaek home Satur lay •Shall co n rr« » hare ‘he power to crww of men ,n abcu’ tw° We* aa i \ THE CIRCrtT COURT OF THE Canary—First Sunday and Third • \N E have been rr$ A-eenled. ihe problem, evening In honor of Mies Sarah Riley, of the 9 . p r « e C*rl TOR Saturday. Farmers Union Hall. • veto a d e c is io n of Ihe far wrat are not (Xai lly those Florence l.and «pent Saturday and ¡land with his Fordson tractor. ( n , NTY Cloverdale—Second and Fourth * r<”” ’t ,, _ . 1 Ellen Riiollenberg attem tted to r e -: N ellie Cornwell, p lain " « »« L. t in of the middle we»t and Oregon Sunday with Jneanetle Spahr of Star. Fridays. Cloverdale School House. • "Should Henry Ford or any other ------ r ,,r n * .................. » » r o u g h ' . ....... I len t Eghcr. »hould C ..*e„,-e l - t e r .o n and fath er w -re .a . ! « « « * ------------------------------ bn‘ forcM w" h r ,; : 7 ; V v : " ^ w e T . defendant. ,N Creswell—First and Third Tues- • ctttaei| (p, limited by law - ' draw again and be taken to the doctor T , , K S'AME GE THE STATE OF have had a voice at thnt eonfereho« Uotage Grove vlaltore from ««re days. Creswell. M. W. of A. Hall. • amount of wealth owned?” as an afterreault of scarlet fever. ¡OREGON All who have heard Pres Egbert talk Tcr««lay. Coast i o a » i Fork—Second p o m — oecou u and «uo Fourth • •«,, commodity m-!*keting on a con-¡ _ Vou are hereby reqnlr««d to appear know how clearly a n l enlhusla«tlcall> Mr. nnd Mrs Elmer Doolittle went Thursdays, Hebron Church House. • tract preferable to the pr«sent e rpTi'ru ran« < and answ -r com tlalnt filed against brings a ms*«age to a me ting and *o Portland a few days and brongh _ . . . . __ _. but In bringing the grass on splendid _ Dnnebo—First , ~ Tueeday, ___• hut 1« brlnslng tho gras« »n splendid- Danebe you herein fore »I« w-ek« know 1 system of marketing?” ¡from thiTdate on of or fttnt b JnWIimlfon^wNb what It would m a.« In » . all If their m» Albert up from the hoapRal. "Shall the common schools teach ’y - School House. * I f’P ' ° rrsumo the regular r' enter of H r above Court made May 1?. Lorane— Second and Fourth • ISSE Date) and first published May W ednesdays. I. O. O. F. Hall. • be merged into a national pape’ ' • In n tt-n d a -e e 'or th e ’r - 1«. 1925 "In what way cun the membership 1 Mc-Kenxic local, second and • WHITTEN SWAFFoRD. ' fourth W ednesday. 8 p. m. 1. O. O. • best demonstrate it» -välty to Its tr- ganization?” > F. hall. Waltervllle. Mt. Vernon—First and Third • íri- here. We take ají oclnl ear«- lo clean vegeta ' W ednesday. Brasfield Store • _ im . Editorial ‘ l r tx ** x ■” - •*' You’ll Like ’ S ilk Creek M eets F ir st and Third * Thursday st "edar School House Spencer Cr »ek—Third Friday, Pine Grove S bool House, Trent—9c co- i nd Fourth Wed- nesdays ’•!, ,-unt Hill Higk Schoo! B ld r Vida—S -ccr.d and Fourth Satur- day« at M'ancy Hall. 8ecrutaries will please- send In time and place of meeting and changes of date as they may oc- cur. H A D L F Y V Ilt E LOCAL ;al mi n F Morri Hadleyvl county agvni • several othe Th- U"lc- • the Hadley» * • , day evening *1 H. H. 9 w ‘ , attend th • „tur I i-UCR l o i Dr. R hiiHdîn? UH tll< I »li w1f 571 department stores «•Pl eclal’y when H it prit ts the -rdhiary kiiitís. G rain, Flour, Shingle b : e ,l -/net-rpt/nifeif »hoit I m o u r m o tto h« I -•n- -r i<» buy yt Utili; we carry, L' o» L n o w n tja illt.' Ir' school D u a lity btralghi ih m -lact «> y the be Morrison & Ciingan C orner 3rd and Main Our Noted House Frocks! Subscribe For the Farmers Union News Another Feature Offering N ew members and o th e r Farm ers Union Members who are n o t subscribers to the F arm U nion News are requested to c u t th is b lank and m ail it to the S pringfield News, S prin g fie ld , Oregon. T H E SPR IN G FIELD NEWS ^Fanners U nion S ubscription) And in all slsea— in­ cluding extra large. An attractive variety of ■tylei and p retty eol- ers. Appealing price» I N am e ........ P. O. Address U n io n L ocal .. ............................. 192 Our N e w Y o rk buyer« effected an­ other feature pur- c h a i e of H o u s e F rocks! For all our Stores they bought 180,000 of t h e s e splendid A p r o n s I In Amoakeag and Security Gingham, Date. F ro m to .............. RVgrw(M W anted Eggs and Poultry Sher Khan .192. Member F. E. C. U. of A. 662 Oak Street For xervlcex rendered by the Farmers Union and | ........................ this receipt e n title , the holder to subscription to the Springfield New» Eugene, Oregon