The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, May 14, 1925, Page 3, Image 3

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    World*» Ey«a N ow Ori* HinJenburg
In From Landes Mrs. il
tnun was |n town Muturduy,
In From W endling
F. New-
Goshen -G
tn From W a lta rv lla -J . W Fountain
was in town from W altervllle Halur
From Camp Crash Saturday— Frank
Crabtree was a buslneao visitor from
['amp Creek Saturday,
H . n NSW Ford » 0 H.nkey h a.
urrhaaod a new Ftr.1.
’ Eugene Business College
A. E. Roberts, President.
Phone 666 ..
Eugene, Oregon
In Confidence
By Flo
jj„ Br Miss Flo:—
, w„ n(Jer )r you w||| help the?
1 am
a chance If she gives It io a niun who ,
may grow tired of her before he Is In
position to marry.
Whether or co a man’s love In-
creaacs or decreases with the knowl­
edge that a girl loves him. depones
entirely on the man. A vain man Is
flattered by the knowledge that a girl
love. „1®
He has such a lot of re­
e fe d and admiration for her supertor
taste and her excellent Judgement that
he marries her.
Other girls have
saved the day with tears when the
man of her choice tried to break away
from her. He sympathised with her
so deeply for losing such a fine man
that It wa» more than he could stand,
so he married her.
a girl twenty-six years old
1 have
been going with a man several years
'older than m ya.lf for two year». He
gave me an engagement ring for
Christmas. Ilowevevr. he seems In no
especial hurry to get married.
«Wd a g .ln rt Tom J"b“ ‘ on b’ J
H rarely speaks of It and has never men
Hulbert Haturday at the cRy hall for lloned any definite plans, although he
merchandse was settled out of court often speaks of the little home we will
have some day. That some day seems
Sunday Dinner Gum ts Mr
and to be f . r 10 the distance, and " I e x
Most men, however, prefer to do the
Mrs Merle Casteel were Sunday din- no longer a young girl. 1 am wonder-
courting. I have agreat deal of fuith
ner guests of Mr and M r. Virgil Ing If I am foolish to be giving so much
In the indifferent treatment. As soon
< •*» < *' «< t * " ' * » • " " W IH .m e tt.\o f my time Io .1,1»
J , , ' " » ' « « the average man finds that he 1.
Ha used II on heights.
992 W illamette St.
Accordian, knife, box and all kinds of fancy pleating.
Here From Raedeport A lim Hoag
W alter Polly and children of Mabel
of Reedsport wav In town Friday on
were in town Saturday.
a business trip to visit friends here.
Thurston F rid a y — Mr. and He left for his home Saturday.
Mrs. C. W. Hansen of Thurston were
Her» Mlar
In town Friday.
M utes Herrick of Portland spent the
weekend here with Mies Alice Mort
Spsnd Week-End In P o rtla n d -M r.
and Mrs N A Rowe spent Haturday ensen
and Hunday In Portland.
i Caas »otilad Out of Court—The suit
Ask about It
The business College will be in Bension thruout the Sum m er
Months. All classes will be conducted the name as during
the regular school year.
Kh'ctlon of Marshal von Hln-
denburg to the presidency of
Germany by an overwhelming
vote, has brought forth varied
i,pim,,us of Its affects fr mb
leaders of all nations. That the
eyes of all nations will watch
closely for months to come, tv
conceded. This new pictuie o f
the aged war leader was taken
two weeks ago. Ha is now ?P.
llotlla <:»
was in town from Prunevtlle Friday. (loahon wua In town Him lay to get
lumber for a garuge he la building
Mere From Portland James Morrl-
son of Portland spent Haturday In
Visit at Destar— Mr «nil Mrs. J. C.
I'urker and daughter Eunice visitati
with Mr and Mr». W K. Holdrldge.
Down From Mareola -Gerald Hnyd-
Mr. Holdrldge la seriously 111.
er of Mareola »pent Saturday
Return to Teaching Mias Edna
Platt, a teacher In the Lincoln school
Drive to Corvallis— Mr and Mrs. |
returned to her work Monday after
W C. M< l.aean and family drove to
an tllni ss ot almost a weak.
Corvallla Hunday.
Goa. to g a la m -D r. W. C. Rebhnn' W aak .«u -
" A
•pent Monday aft.rn o n In tralem on O llfrry w a . a houa. g u .at at the John
i Wlnaenreld home over the week end.
a business trig.
I Her home la In Creawell.
Another one of these pumps
I Installing Pumps- A new Wayne day.
[ visible gasoline pump was Installed at will replace the other old pump within
the Hprlngfleld service station Mon- a few days.
Summer School
E. <’ Ntcbolaon
P run avllle— W
Hare From Portland Jack I ’,,kulak
nt Portland registered nt tli* ripou»
hotel Sunday.
From Hoilyn, Washington tl.'irg i
of Wendling agent Ha,u,day In town
kAlputrlt k ut llealyII, Wufl.lligtou, |
III at Homs -John Wtnai-nhcid Is 111 spent Haturday lu town.
at hla homo on 1th and A attente.
Hara From Cottage Grove Frank !
Ill With Influansa- Mrs. Anna (»Ison HnnilKraaa of Col age tlrove »topped at |
la III at her homo with Influents.
the Kpmi* hotel Saturday
think a man's be,n« P0'-"“*4 ' ratber th ,(" P“ ” “1" *
rural mall route for the first lime
r From Alb.
n y - M Mis.
h » r« 'to„
|ovo increases
|ncrpBBP» or
or decreases
decreases when
when he
He be J0“ ' In le re « • It requ res a grea
_ Mrs Ralph n
. k ^ c — of
-e l" ” "
d « . l « of f t tact
a c t tn
h a n d le the
t h e sex
a e x that
h ! Tempi,
ton and
, , ,oveB h|m
| k„ ow deal
to handle
is h .. Up
Up M
o K en
.o .1
.- Dr.
Hvrln(rflpl(1 •
never lost the hunter Instinct. If
M cK
Wppel wen. flablng up th . McK.ngte
who „ , oU.g to school
motller and „ „ 1 «he 1. wise the girl will not ask when
rh u r’ d ^ '
,H -e . wen, home with them for the ^ ' “ ‘„ e r .
o f POU„ P. , admire him b” '« « ’ * " / l "
er *< “ D’ “ Bhe
i hare
wants to keep his Interest.
Sparwl Bunday at Ooehen Ml»» week-end.
.for hla loyalty, but It really Isn’t nec-
O f course, the role of Indifference
pearl Nelson spent Hunday In Ooahan .
Orouods R.palrad— New
for b,m to • upporl
should not be carried too far. It inuat
not be obvious or played blatantly, be­
cause there Is a lot of competition
about these days.
Hunday tn Portland at a matting of P*D»d •»
M ethod,., church recrea
As your young man doesn’t seem In
he .ta te managers of Skaggs store, tton grounds this week
any particular hurry about naming a
E a st—Mral ~"7"
Ralph , D -
believe that anything
la quite »redding date. 1 should think the best
Play la »uocaae— A full house al l Laavea
V ,« « » .. foe ------------------
i I w
h i »
--------. _
ceded the presentation Of "Kentucky Dunlap and Miss Bella Dunlap left , , o wearlng OB B man and woman as th'ng for you to do Is to try the In­
te lle " by members of the ChrUtlan Sunday for Iowa. Mrs Dunlaps home. , , ,ong engagement. It Is wearing be- difference role, and along with It, try
■indeavor society at the Thurston hall Miss Dunlap will go ,o har home to
u , , n t natural. and It gets going out with other boy». I f It la -i
.Pennsylvania after a short visit In lipon che nerves of both. It Is the Inst question aa to whether or not he could
■Tlday evening
'little love-killer I know. You haven’t support a wife, and he were really
Ji-»»le tbe privileges of a husband and wife, anxious to get married, be would Insist
Qoee Home After Vial, Mrs. A H
Undergo»« Operation— Mrs
” ” nor Hie liberty of the s’ngle man and that his sisters find positions and sup­
tiieman of Blue River left Tuesday
of Eugene underwent a
port themselves. I f he really cares
or her home after visiting at the C.
j woman.
major operation at the Pacific < hrlst I
for you. and wants to marry you, he
Gorrte home alnce Ha,unlay.
Ian hospital Friday. She 1» a former j Any man who knows that he ,a not w*ll very quickly decide what be 1»
V is it H ara From B row nville— M r. r,sklent of Wendllng and has many )n B position to marry for years to going to do when he thinks be la going
1 come should not take up a girl s time.
nd Mrs. W illiam Beattie and Mrs. acquaintances here.
to lose you. You have already given
If he la honorable, he w ill explain the
»nice fltrown of Brownville ep<«n,
Form er
Resident Has
Bsby— M r situation to the gtrt. and If she 1» hi® two years of your life, and If he
the Frank »harman home.
and Mrs. Hugo lla llln of Eugei»*. and
Bh(> w,„ n0, ,et herself be drawn doesn’t Intend to get married, now is
the time to break.
Ships Lumbar—A carload of lumber former residents of Springfield, a r e i | nto keeplng company with
man she
as shipped cast by the Hprlngfled ,he parent» of an 8 H pound boy born knf)wg
o tio n to marry her
knows lg
Is no,
not (n
In p
. _ .1 _ » a . k,
. . . ww_ _ • WI ilLal.tlsn kt >»■ nil u I «»It rl V
Ships Flour and Feed— A carload of
,umber Company Friday, and another at the Pacific Christian hospital early
ut least not for years to come. A
Two more carloads were Friday morning.
girl’» ttme for making a good marriage flour and feed was sent to Siltcooe
ent out Monday, and a car of lumber
Is while her youth and beautv shine, Friday by the Springfield M ill and
Word From Errol Parker—In a
vas received by the company on the
end she should make the best of it. Grain Company, and another was sent
letter recently received by his father
That period Is short and »he takes Monday to Coquille.
amo day.
Errol Parker, ln charge of the dyno-
Return Home After Visit Mr. and moe on the dreadnaugh, Arlxona. dsu-
dra. E. H. Turner, who visited several ertbed som e of the naval maneuvers
lays last week with their daughter. of the Hawaiian Islands Mr. Parker
Era. Elmer Maxey, left on their way will leave the navy after a four-year
o thelr home In Seattle last Thursday. anllstment tn October.
They drove around the Columbia high­
way and through eastern and southern
Washington on thelr return trip.___
M A R X ’S
Eugene Dyeing and Clean­
ing Worke
P lan t and office 245 E.
Ninth. Phone 122
Main office 829 Willamette
Phone 75
It A lw ays Pays
T o T rade at G ray’s
If you are looking for a place to trade where you can be
assured of right prices, quality goods and courteous tre a t­
m ent Grays is the palce.
You are save in trading here and you can be assured of
right prices.
We have th e P eter Pan line of bakery goods fresh every
m orning, and its m aking a real hit.
Our line of groceries, fresh vegetables, feed and flour is
Come in and get acquainted and see w hat we have to offer
2 Show», 7 and 9 P. M.
Prevost and Goulet
“A Vaudeville Melange”
The Great Ventriloquist
Dave Rafael A Co.
“On the Corner ”
A whirlwind of song and
Maxwell Field A Co.
'■ Melody and R hythm ’’
Those dusky boys from the
Sunny South.
Austin and Delaney
“The Synocopated Hotel"
Maxfield and Stone
_ T w o boy» and a piano....
A Duty-
Protecting your
Teeth from Dis­
ease and Decay
A (dean tooth 1 b practically
Indestruotable. It 1 b germ s
th at cause decay------and
germ s cannot thrive when
the teeth and m outh are
properly cleansed.
Very often a detlfrice Is se­
lected a t random , without
any thought of Its ti||th-
preserving properties.
Theater Renamed
In Honor of A. H.
McDonald at the
Request of Lieu*.
Lowell Smith.
Apply Ny-denta with one of
our 25 cent tooth brushes.
The W onder Dog in a Thrilling
story of the Frozen North.
G reatest Novel
Ny-Denta Tooth Paste
contains Ingredients th a t
will destroy all germ s th at
cause ferm entation or de­
EVENINGS ......................... 30c
M A T IN E E S ............................. 20c
CHILDREN ......................... 10c
A Show and a Theatre Worth Going
A Long, Long Way to See!