PAGE TW O T H E THURSDAY. MAY 14. 192B T U R SPRING F IE L D N F W « n n n ik ir 'P in r \ S P R IN G r lL L D Published ev ery Thuredoy at T IM E FDR J l'lX IE S TO LEAR N III E I K PL.V E T he a u to cra tic procedure o f Judge Roaalaky who In one o f th-> highest courts of the stare ol Springfield. Lana County. Oregon. b , New York recently rebuked two juries for bringing ’ M C H /C IN L .W O w u L n M B T T t PRESS THi w il l a m b t t e Religious organisations, con­ vince.! thut public schools should include religious training in the daily routine, demand that the Ten Commandment« be read to the children at least once it week. Wouldn’t “The Sermon on the This W in venllcts o f a cq u itta l has properly aroused re- „em inent at the h ands of the press. It should in PRESS H K MAXEY. Editor F. C. WKSTEHHEl.D Manager « indignation in the breast o f every man and wom an in the co u n try. The very detcrntlned ic'd Baten-,t OS oecond ciao» matter. February J4, 1903 at the obvious e ffo rts of m any o f o u r judges to establish pestoni,.-». SprtngfleW, Oregon ithem selves as the su p e rio r, ot th e ir lel.ow ,-ul e *s MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATE and to assume the position of d icta to rs provides Three Months ___ 80c cause fo r real alarm in this country. Ona Year tn Advance.. ft Í8 Single Copy Be BIX Month» ---- -- . Jurors are sw orn to a duty, q uite as s.i red as th a t o f the Judge. Judges alone do not emprise THURSDAY. MAY 14, 1325 o u r courts o f law. Judges are no more im port tit, THE AND THE in QUI o u r IVlUll legal pn»cedure ............... than are Juries. In U14B. REGENTS UlAU - •» i K» .».»» a . . — . PRESS P------- !>»• Some o f the press o f the state and p a rticu la rly they are not th e ir equnl in importune« th e Oregonian h a w made m uch to do out o f th e j Am erican co n stitu tio n has surrounded action o f the regents o f the U niversity o f Oregon An)cr|l,an c |,|ie n s w ith certain rig h ts and safe In dism issing tw o o r three In stru cto rs ami con* Ruanja t he most im p o rta n t o f w hich Is tria l by solidating several departm ents. We w onder if j „ r y ,f Wc w iah tbit* rig h t to he stripped from us th is interest is a genuine fear th a t the u n iversity . . lH>t t y dictators, if we want to p erm it o u r Juries w ill be crippled o r a little chastising o f the re- (bout system thus far discovered for the settlem ent of disputes of all kinds, from those be > • • • tweeen two persons to those among nations, but Is a A Philadelphia cigar m a n u fa ctu re r tells us the deC|aratlon ot the rights of persons to determine their ir is are w earing one ulece b a th in g ftu lts in own lntlmate affairs without the use o f ccmpnHion by out ■alestine. " I was shocked.’ ’he said “ but was *rd seems to reserve for him­ self certain problems. Harvard will spend 112.000.000 to Improve the study of agricul­ ture. That's sensible. English-speaking nations study I .atm and Greek. The Komens studied Greek. The Greek philoso­ phers studied the Egyptian lan­ guage and hleroglypnlcs. Millions are »pert teaching many kinds of knowladua littls used after the student leaves school. A man. Just dead, was at one time a clergymen in the Protes­ tant Episcopal Church. luster he belonged to the Greek Orthodox Church, and when ha died he was one of the Gray Friars in a Roman Catholic monastery. You admire such earnest seek Ing after truth and wondar what this man of three religions learned about religion when he passed over to the other world. Did he find that only ona religion is officially recognised above, or Is one better than the others, or does «« all depend on how you act to­ ward your fallow man, the Creator of the Universe not being so much interested in what you think about Him ? Definite answers would ha interesting. President Coolldga says the State« »hould help the national Government to enforce tha dry law. So they should, out of re­ aped for Constitution and law. But while the neOSssery seventy- ftve per cent of the States retifled the Constitutional Amendment, nearly one hundred per tent violate it, and their Juries sympathise with the violators. . —-w ’ . ' ' J investigation of campaign fu n is has been rep o r te d - adver- Pittsburg Oasette and Times _ a a • . . . x New York woman who ha» Just returned from n n v ed so v elt Russia says It took her over three year, to get out P< consider» the time well sp en t—New York Com, We don’t seem to be any closer to « tra n c e to our tow n th a n we were this tim e last rear' .-T C e . e —ye r a a « - •» , _ .n « ? l Politicians aren't actually read out of party tb .v are, " a n d I merely kicked out from under the plum tr e e -D e tr o it ’ P to a p e rity is on the way. y h a t * Siting fo r her to Borne along ana, >eople are wf five them a free ride.« « * ^ ^ T ’nwttv fair cleanup the city has Just » r . •? "“ * p‘ " ’ t up' e , • « s » e , •**!” * ' A man w'th an automobile «ifl refu«ed admission to , the poor house In Kansas unles« he should give up his . automlblle. Such a policy, tom plalned an Arkansas paper Is equivalent to refusing k man admission to a hospital Hair Tonic as u gi«rmi<«idul. stira u la tlu g tonic w hich w ill give the h a ir renewed life and I umii . "N in e ty -th re e ” ‘ la not aticky or utusay. Il Is easy to ap­ ply and does not leavu the h air lily o r b rittle .Special l*rlce, H ox. B o ttle 79c FLANERY’S Drug Store ^ lon alZ Dmg Mote 77W Or. John Simons OBTKOI’ATHIC PHYSICIAN AND Hl'KUHUN O ffice 404-7 M. A W. Bldg. P acific Telephones: O ffice 618: Kes. 2075. Eugene. Oregon OUTING CLOTHES. LEATHER LEGGINS BLANKETS. SHOES ETC. Battery Service for All Makes of Cars OUTING SUITS > z « \ e e e v o v e r t h e ir fcustness men w ho w ish to a!T lo c k u n til the next season do tt»t ft^ed 10 adver ise them . ~ “ 2. - _ _ j .minanti °93 M _____ ised I did not need t? ,n° k . ’ E vidently they r __. -f f - — 4 e s s tepping out In Palestine. - w w a - j—sa-Mmwww i Arpereotlv Oerm«6y not thoroughly dem ocrstli*d EB’- - I We can H onestly He Why not leave religion to relig­ ious teachers, and public schogl education to public school teachers, and keep the two separata, which ha- hven the American plan thus • N ow Germ anv Is sending to US a new substitute j r alcohol, said to be non-Dolsonous and w ith a onderful w ick. T hia kind o f German invasion i l l be welcomed by the soaks. DRUGSTORE should understand. By A rth u r Brishnnw S12.S0 »»<* S 15.00 'M * ” The HUB PHONE 693-Y I 640 — —— U. S. L. Batteries <•« - WILLAMETTE EUGENE. ÔRM Û0N Free Crank Caae Service at Auto Beauty Parlor« M. L. R E W E Y . Prop rieto r Between Second and T h ird on : M ain S tret. S pringfield A SLICE OF OUR Ico r r .-ttn i la an always wel­ come refreshment. Dainty In appearance, delicious In flavor. It appeals to both eye and pal­ ate. The flavors are so skill­ fully combined there Is nothing else like It. Try s box s n l learn for yourself bow good Ice cream can he, EGGIMANN’S CHIROPRACTOR Moves to New Location Checks Will Not Do > T ra ve lin g o r m o to rin g through tow ns w here you are not know n It Is prac­ tic a lly Impossible to cash yo u r personal checks. But A. It. A. Travelers ra n supply you at very Checqueit are recognlnsed everywhere the same as rash. The F irs t N ational little cost. I have leased part o f the old Eugene H ospital over the J. C. 41 Years Penny store and am In a b e tte r position to serve you than of Helpful Service ever before. SINCE C H IR O PR AC TIC is the science that b- restoring health to thousands who su ffe r fro m stomach trouble, to n silitis, n e r vousness, sleeplessness, headadhes, enlarged prostrate glands, high blood pressure etc., by scie n tifica lly co-ordi­ n a tin g the principles o f C hiropractic and Electro-Therapy. The results are Safe, Sane and Sure. Dr. Geo. A. Simon EUGENE, OREGON 1883 The First National Bank OF EUGENE Sine. 1883