S P R IN G F IE L D — THE W E S T E R N T E R M IN A L O F SPRINGFIELD. LANE COUNTY, OREGON, ? 1 S P R IN G F IE L D W IN S T H I R D PETITI0H5 f f l FOB HUM 1ST. LIGHTS |i NATRON ) NEWS O K V O T IO TO IN T K R t * ! OF S P R IN G F IE L D ANO T H I F A R M IN * OF T H I W IL L A M E T T E V A L L IY TW ENTY-SECOND YEAH THE I P IO N E E R Lincoln School P A G E A N T PLACE Portrays Lewis C la rk Period; High School Jaeon Lac Marriage in d THURSDAY, MAY 14,1925 -T h « 1 People's Paper" LIVE NEWSPAPER IN A LIVE TOWN N U M B E R 17 T E N T H S T R E E T W IL L BE i |7W0 INDUSTRIES TO RESUME OPERATIDN IM P R O V E D J T H IS S U M M E R B u rv ty Being Made to Prepare Grade .« J A .Aua»Us.e. of Por Grading and G raveling CUTOFF V Brattaln Street Hurraying of 10th street from Main Weinhard Ice Plant and Fischer Springfield school» received third to O atreet waa started Tuesday, and Sawmill Will Open This Sum­ place and a 925 price tn the pioneer aa soon aa the surveyors report la mer; Both Have Not Run for pageant held In Eugene laat Saturday riled and registered, It la expected that Several Years. morning, with three floata entered. the city council will take action to I receding the floats, 160 Lincoln Two Industries in Springfield which i yea that the atreet is graded and PelMlons tor Its,it« 1» eev«ral part« j school children marched In a human j have so t operated in sevem l years ... ^„ graveled. Thia street will be In of the city were received ami referred flag formation. Thia wae followed b y i" wll be run again this summer. The to the tire and water committee at th l I a large truck carrying the Lincoln jrron‘ «< »«•» Krad" "cho°* building, Welnhard Concrete Ice Plant building regular meeting of the city council school float. An Indian woman »It. j I> la also exp«*• and - - buildings will — . , _____gave Mr. Berry a vote of thanks for noon Mttlnn. «nd who ha» • mania ............. for fires the city had the power to remove the , lU year are being dlscuesed by business considerable repair before operation and burglars. Orval Eaton take« Ihe « .a . . . this service la Maypole dance and a "horse race ' building upon declaring 11 n nuisance , men and school principals of the conn- Is commenced. part o f « Southern darkeyt. ao I the j . .a - i . »«, in the short business meeting after The race waa won my “Dan Patch” bv rcsoluttnn nnd Io a»»e«» the cost ty, although the quowtlon Is not yet • ' _ Mr. Palmer was here this week and hern. John Howard, mn’ qucradta as the program, a motion was passed that with other entries. Black Beauty.” avp.lnet the proaertr Councilman »nd definitely decided. announces lie experts to opeejte a another du»ky gentleman Mrs. Pan! Brattaln. president of the ("Wildfire,” and "Tornado.” towneprople «re ohlecllng to the con­ club, afpolnt a member of the club j A dainty two coarse luncheon was planing mill and dry kiln at the old The niece of the grump,’' old gentle- dition of the nropertv at the M»ln to accom fany her to the convention served after the program. Sweet ** m ini Is represented hy Thelma layr-w>. S E N IO R C L A S P L A Y W IL L traveled corner of the ctly. Sid ew alk ,.o n .lru ctlo „ | . com ing W lsabelh U . l k . r p l.y s Ih»- part B E “ S T O P T H I E F . ” J U N E 8 .of ‘he e ts‘e federation of Womens Peas were used as decorations. The _____ clubs to be held at Marshfield June 1, next meeting will be held tomorrow L U '-" L O LtJtJOL I U A L B A N Y »Ion» raMdlv » c o r d in e to eeeo rt. I f « o f M r. W ycom be . » v e r c f l ou», • * _ aw »«, a * «a a has been chosen b y ,J •> , • 8. a awasB 4. t * evw«4 ai « A N D E N G E N E A T B A S E B A L L at dBase. the Beseawase home eeB of Mrs. D R. t> P. W Mortensen reaching the conpctl The city fin d . »elf »«1"H»« m»«™" Doe,.ne Larimer "Stop Thief,” and who will be hostea« with Mrs. O. H. thal It must hulld som e w slk . na well '• Mrs Bob Grey, the bewildered h . - t - ; mPInberR nt , he Benlor clMB « the Springfield’s high school nine re­ as th» properly owners In front of ** ’« ,h e »'«“ *“>* happening». R-»' high school as their claas play to be P A R E N T T E A C H E R W IL L .Jarrett. |.r«,r.ertv |t owns. Sidewalk 1» neees- j H»’*» «»king Ihe pari of an Irish prr, rn l^ June „ (hc hlgh Bchot>i 1 Those present at the county clnb ceived a double trouncing this week E L E C T O F F IC E R S F R ID A Y meeting were: Mesdames R. L. Drury, at the hands of the Albany and Eu­ sary In front of the city properly n t , P«t’'cem»n further entangles the ac- , „ , ||tor|um. A part of the cast ha» al R. P. Mortensen. E. E Mav, A. C. gene high schools. Mt't and D streets and also on F ift h ,'’0” Holton and John b*fn oho**n. » ‘‘hough som e of bring the tired bn»|pe»s men who minor parts are as yet unfilled ' Pa'reutTeacher ' a s M'llson. O. H. Jarrett. W. 8. Scott, The Albany game, played on the ond O. Street». wl>11 h).|,i at thp s - R- Dlppel. W. N. Long, Harry Stew- ¡home diamond. Saturday, resulted in Perm’-sInn wns granted 'he post- com« In lain, are Ihe objects of much praettee on Ihe |la v will begin next jw eek. Those who have already h * « ’ e r^ #Ur me, lln g of the P. T. A. art and Carl Fischer. G ufati were a 13-6 victory for the visitors. Many office department to erect letter ra^nbuaa, chosen on the c a t are; >t J;00 Mesdames W. C. Rebhan. W. R. Daw- costly errors made by Springfield, and cenllon boxer In "ihe various parts of the absence of Ray Casteel at third the cllv as requested by Postm aster E X A M IN A T IO N F O R L E T E R I ,.Ioan,P arr B essie S m ith 1 An open «octal meeting of the As- 8On and S n|tth. of Eugene. base, lessened the chances for the F U. Hamlin, C A R R IE R W IL L BE H E L D ¡M r, Can- ElIxahHh Walker soclatlon wll lbe held at the high local team. Glthens, Albany's pitcher C aroline Carr Bernice Jacobson school on the evening of May 20. when C O N C E R T P A R K P R E P A R E D fanned out several Springfield batters, Hosts to Class Iteadabl'’ numerals on 'I h..»is.-s. N|(1| * , w v a nt l-enabelle Harper professor A. R. Sweetser of the de- ( F Q R u g E T H ) g S U M M E R McMullen, ot bhe locals made a three- nnd a mailbox or a »lot In the doer- j w ,||)Bm Carr Bernald Holton iwrtment of botany at the U niversity | ______ bagger, the only long hit made hy Mrs. C. R Wheaton and Mra Maude way mUR, be ready for Inapecllon flf j , m«w Cllmcy. Ihe brldgroom John Cox of Oregon will give an iluetrated | bwmbPr for the new , Und at Springfield »rlngfleld. Bryan were hcalt sat« to members day, before September 1. when Mr J(linlMOI, ........ Kenneth Dillard lecture on wild flowers of Oregon. M#in and , nd gtreetg haB been do. Thg {o„o The following lineup was played in the 1F21 graduating class of th e , ,.„ y tnall delivery 1» sqhoduled to , Wfflou»hby ...... Howard Hughes Band music and community singing nated by the Booth-Kelly lumber com- this this game game: Hastings, pitcher; H. .rlngfleld high school at a tu.nquel at Rtar, ,,r the service will he f««tponed IlpT Mr Mf,rlp MrMll„ en w„, « ^ ey ed at the meting and re Rn(, th# g, gnd w)1] bp flnfl!bed ca tt„ „ ,, Cowart catcher: McMullen first base; the Woodman hall Saturday ev « .lu « . | according to word received by J H , j ^ I)ugHn, tbe tblef...........Nice freshments will be served. The meet- (h|f( weefc „w ording to Mrs Paul Nice aecond base; Hughes third base; C overs were laid for twenty five n ,m lln local postmaster from th e ------------------------ PXperled to foaIer community u ln prps1dpnt , hp c1t1c clnb. Cox gbort; B Cowart> ,eft field . PoI. Poslofflce department. guests spirit, and no charges will be made. Prlcalla Club M u t i which Is sponsoring the erection of i lard center field ; Margoth right Permission to erect mall boxes has I !the stand. field; A. McPherson substituted for been granted by Ihe Pity council, and 800 Club Entertained Needle work and guresing games. L E G IO N S T A R T S O N O P E N A benefit of som e kind H being Hughes. ______ blda to erect them will be let soon Eugene'« team won by a 9-4 score followed by a two course lu n ch eon 1 D A N C E P A V IL L IO N P>«nn*d for ‘he band by the Civic The 600 club member» spent an en- Examination» for m sll carrier« will provided entertainment for Priscilla I club, to take place some time in June. Tuesday afternoon at the Eugene din. also to be given In the ne»r future, the Joyable evening at Ihe home of Mr. Club mmebers at the home of Mrs, mond. In this game also, errors made A dance paviUion, 60x120 feet Is ami Mrs. Frank DePue at their r««l- exact date to be announced later. C. A. Swarta last Friday afternoon. Services at Baptist Church by mPraber, of the by the local team helped them lose Supplie» for the ew service are now dcnca on north 6th stre«#. Friday the game, since the Springfield team Those present at the party were: J American Legion on the corner of t " evening After an evening of cards, • enroute here, Mrs. L. E. Bat ford. Mrs. Paul Basforrt Maln aI)d 2nd streets. The lot on j Regular services, both morning and made 11 hits, to 10 by Eugene. Cole­ a lunch»-on waa served. .... Mrs. Riley Rnodgrnes. Mr». W. N. wb|cb tbp floor Is situated was leased evening will be held at the Baptist man of Eugene was high man with Special guests fo«-the evening were Auxlllia.’y to Meet Stearm en Mrs. W illiam Donifidpon. , or tbp aUn,m er from Simon Klordahl. church. It te announced by F. B. Chase. four hlte. Casteel making three. M rs " li M 's t . 'w n 'l nnd m '? a n d ' Mrs Members or lh Au . . I -dor. Mrs. N L. Howard. Mrs. J. W. Seavey. gnd tbp p ^ m io n wH, be only tempor As yet no new m inister has been ap- Springfield’s lineup In this game ? E Swutrts oth ers “ endtng the* Aux,...ary wll, ........ this ev e-ln g at Mr. T V Henderson. Mm. H o w a r d ,^ . | pointed tkr the dhnrch Although was: McMullen pitcher: H. Cowart catcher: H astings first base; N ice M '»»-" homo of Me« »ark Larson. AlU F red and. Mrs. I. D la rlm er. Mrs. i w j t ^ t t ,B |„ charge of the con- several are under consideration. party were: Mr. and Mrs.. M second base; Casteel third base; Cox I’c.-ry Mr and Mrs W If. Adrian. Mr ' mrmhen, »re urged «0 attend Ihe J P Parker. Mr». John Tomroth. and RtrUction. and members of the Legion short: Hughes left field: Pollard cent­ L e aye fo r flo n v e n tlo n nnd Mrs Ronald Roberta, Mr«. Mnude meeting sine’ the comm ittee for th- ,Mrs. L. E Fufonnk. Special guests nre doing the work. The floor will be er field; B. Cowart, right field. T lb van Ml«« crystal Hryan, Mra. poppy sale will h» nnnolnted. were Mm. C. E. Swarta and Ml»» Edna equipped with a check room and re- Mrs. Florence Grimes, Mrs. Mary fe lla Pantr-ll. Mr Fred Cllngnn. Mr I ------------------------ ¡Bwnrt». 'fresh m en booth. It Is planned to have Mrs. Fourteen Pay Traffic Fines I W ill E n te r ta in C 'u b M e m b e r» — j Thenext meeting of the d u b will be the building finished before the end Magill. Mrs. C. F. Eggiman ( ? A. Heavey, ami Mr. W. J Barnes. Members c f the (hnc.flalQ cl ib who ¡with Mre John Tom selh at her home of the month. ¡Flora Stearmer, lira. Ida Swarta, and Fourteen fines for violation of tra- Plans for the erection of a perman-.Mrs, Edith Cox will leave for Grants ware entvrtulnod by Ihe losing aide of sooth of Goshen on May 22, Triplets Doing Nicely ent club house on the lot recently ' Paas th is afternoon to attend th e fle law s were collected by R. W. I the club last month, will entertain ■ by tbe Legion at 7th and state convention of the Women of ¡Smith. City Recorder, at the city hall Mr. and Mrs. B. K. Lee, formerly o il those ladles at a party today. The Visiting at Frege Home— Mrs. Roy purchased B streets hnve been postponed until Woodcraft. Tbe convention begins to -! this week. E. R. Frank pold |6 to the Springfield hut now residing nt Ileeds-1 nature of the entertainment Is being ' Amy Is spending several days at the later In the year. 'morrow ad lasts till Saturday evening, city for speeding, and H. O. Ashman Fred Frees home. Mrs. Amy Is re­ port, are In the city visiting for a few | kept secret. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ------------ They will return to Springfield Sun- paid $2 for parking too close to a fire covering from a major operation. Her They are three months old. — ■ — hydrant Spend WeekvEnd Fishing—John day. days. They nre the grandparents of the visitin g In City- Sylvia Stnrr, cow - home is at Monroe. Iowan Clark, W. A. McGee, C. C. Anderson, Gene Wing and Guy W h ite Lee triplets, whom they report doing in of Mr. ond Mrs. M. M. Male, Is Sherrlek, H azel Nulta, Jake Robins, ley of the Anderson Motor company New Motor Installed— A new elect­ nicely. The trlpl»»ts are named Robert ¡hero front Portland, visiting for sever- Visit Sunday— Mr. nad Mrs. Elmer E. Lee. Bert C. Lee and Virginia Lee. ! a| weeks. r)1tf Finely nnd son and Mrs. Mary Magill Spent the week-end fishing at Lost ric motor was Installed at the Electric C. F. Taurer J. J. Jorgenson. F. W. Shoe Shop this week. , Houk, J. T. Gllfrey, M. B. Huntley spent Sunday nt the Sam Richmond lake. Robert, weighs 8 pounds. Bert 8*4 and and Tom Ryan each paid $2 for park­ Virginia 9Mi pounds. Visit» Jaapeo Miss Grate Farnham home on W illam ette Heights ing without lights, and John Doe paid In From W altervllle—Mr. and Mrs. Goes to Marcola—W alter Gossler of, Eugene spent lust week-end In T. W. Carney of W alterville were In took dinner Sunday with hl« parents, a similar sum for speeding. Have Surprise Banquet—A number Reshlngle House— Smith Mountjoy Jasper In the Interests of missionary town shopping Tuesday. of ladles of the Eastern Star sur­ Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Gossler at Mai has reshlngled his hocse at C and 9th Superlntedent at Plant work. prised members of the Masonic lodge cola. ■dreet». The root was damaged sever­ Go Up McKenzie—Mr. and Mj»- after their m elelng Tuesday evening James Gnrd has been appointed Goes to Newport - Byron Carney al weeks ngo by a fire. C. \ Wyman drove to McKenrle with a banquet served nt the I. O. O. Moves to Eugene— Mrs. Ethel M. superintendent of the Anderson Manu­ left Wednesday for Newport to be bridge Sunday. F. Hall. Curry and family have moved to Eu­ facturing company, taking charge to­ From Spokane—H. B. Melrose of gone for a few dnys. gene. Their new home Is at 1271 day. Mr. O. F. Anderson, who former­ Spokano «pent Saturday tn Spring- Goes to Junction City—Mrs. Jack Leaves for New P setorste—Rev. J. ¡Emerald street. field. ly filled this office, will continue with J>arson spent. Suday at Junction City Returns Home— Mrs. \V. H. Craft Carlton Wetterhnhn, recently of tihe other work at the plant. Mrs. A. C vlsltlg relatives. Baptist church here, left for his new returned to her home in Lenburg Mon­ Baby Boy Born—A baby boy was Probsfleld of Eugent has been em­ V isit* From Marshfield—Walter pdstorate nt Lend, South Dakota Tue» day after visiting for several days In Conrad wns In town Saturday from III at Horn»— W. H. Adrian of Ihe born to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Markham ployed by the company as bookkeeper. Eugene and Springfield. day. « Marshfield. Springfield garage Is ill at his home. at Pleasant Hill Saturday morning. Goes to Sutherlin— A. F. Flowers Will Visit Here- Mrs. Eva Seott Guests at Sorority—Mrs. I. D. To Drain and Back—Terrol Perkin» | Will Live in Eugene— Charles W. left this morning for a short visit at Larimer anil Mrs. J. C. Parker were and Mrs. Mlnnlo Fish of Portland are , O. H. Turner of the Novelty Store w ho went to Drnln Tn’ sdav evening I Mnklnson has moved to 2126, 14th Sutherlin. H e will return this evening dinner guests at. the Kappa Omlcron expected to visit with Mrs. J. F. Ketels will leave Friday for Portland on a or tomorrow. returned to Springfield Wednesday, ¡avenue In Eugene. business trip. over the coming week-end. sorority In Eugene Suday I 1 City to Tak* Action Against Bettleheim Property to Abate n Nnlaanc*: Municipality Must Alto Build Walks. a m aw