PAQK Spnngfisid Mvtboditt Church iKbbert Memorial) 8 P. M. The PlreaMe hour a sat ot beautiful slides will be throws on the screen. Thia will be followed by a •b o n asraoa. being the fourth In a s r le s on "The Book of Revelation." In the worsts«: Mothers Day will hs observed and Mbs Young of Korea w ill speak The church school meets at • : 15, with Mr-« Ida Gantt as Superlnt-'nd« ent. I.»*! Sunday we were hut three below our high mark of utt«v>daoca. The Spworth l.engno will ntert i t 9 P. M.. "The Church of a Cordl.d Welcome" Invites you. F L. M.w»re, Minister. preme. special souvenir program* and I the first presentation beginning »harp- floor*, balconla*. gardens and massive ¡alas of (ba crowds ot lbs lataaaaa of many other apecialtla. Jly a t 7 o'clock. Those who arrive be- paintings wll Khrlll the eyas of all lha hour a complete show Is assured That the immense Ibrouge that w lllf o r e (he start of the program will be who behold lh«m. , after every patron hag baen comfort- undoubtedly fill (ha huge auditorium privileged to Inspect the many fea- A notable feature of this opening ably seated. The second ebow Will Bible school at 8:48. 8. 11 Mnshlsr. may be comfortably accommodated.!lures of the new theatre. The foyer proaeataitnn la the annouacemmt ot start ai 11:18. and will be coinpl* le In Superintendent. Claims« for all ages. the doors » Ilk opt a at 8:8« tonight, rattpways, rest rooms, messlntne the matuypemnl that regard I-ss of the every detail. Morning «. clock, subject "Chsrac-1 ter HulldluxA FIR S T C H R IS T IA N CHURCH Corner « h and A street 8. K. Childers. IMstor Christian h ear both o f them. vltod. « C m J« •THE TIME. OF HIS LIFE” IS D R AM ATIC CLUB PLAY ! THEATRE EUGENE Elizabeth W alker! ; Peter Wycombe, a 'pessemlst' with « • ( d ig estio n ______ __ __ — Paul Nice j M E T H O D IS T C H U R C H West Springfield Rev J. J Place, evangelist and Dorothy Landon, secretly engaged I singer, will be at the church F rid a y ' Tom G artrr ----- Thelma Laysor evening at 7:30 and Saturday at 5:30 Mr. James Landon, Sr . Dorolhy's Father; of a peppery disposition - and 7:30 and for three services on John Cox i Sundav There will also he special numbers by local singers nd Cantata r n c l* Tora' an o,<’ buH* T rrom | Strickland of th - Salvation armv. tih> •*mth OrT* 1 E,,on KvWvaodv is invited «* ,h * »WttMv-aeeund ___________________ police station .................................. ........ Ed Bates ; R e tu rn A fte r V is it H e re — M rs 0 C-. Ivayor at 7- P. M. M rs. Peter Wycombe, a -personage'' ------------------------------ I M M hcr's Ba.' p rrs ra m wO he g iv e n , st the Bible Se!iool-t< nr. A ll ars-tis-T F IR S T B A P T IS T C H U R C H "T h e T im e of 11.» Life a (hr«» act J Carlton Wetterhahn. Pastor c’‘w * ‘ -v- wiU. P resent^ by the Bible School 10 00 drnmi“ tc hluh e i **»•» high school nt Morning S g rvL t ..............11 .W tb i ««’» ’ nrium Mhy 18. A m.tmev M orni-g M,-s.,,-e. The Influence T< Tformanc- will be given during the of a Mother " ';j afternoon for\ ««too! children, b tides B Y P. O. Intermediate and Senior the *’T’ " lnK Wredjlvm « . j . jo '¡the play Is in charge of Miss Virginia Frenlng Service ..... ___________ 7:8« Ton»lin!”” ' Rvening Message. "Reaffirming W hat The cast of the play Is as follows: W e Believe." ¡Bob Grey B« ’ he Lowell. Thursday Night Doors Open 6:30: Show at 7 Eugene’s greatest con- O f ^ I 'E b i A i IN T E R E S T ,ribullon ,o ,he G