THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1B2R THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS IN T H E CO UN TY COURT OF T H E and .ihould be addressed to G. O. H TATE OF OREGON FOR T H E Drown, Clerk Htate Land Boari. Sal­ em. Oregon, and marked "Applica­ CO UNTY OE LANE. Li lh * M atter of (be Eatate of Jack tion and bid to purchase river-bed lande.’* , Rodman, decaaed. » • II w hat yau w ant ta M il, buy w hat you w ant to buy thro .« naaa Done at Baleen, Oregon. March 20. Citation: oolumna. W rlta o r phon* T W O To thg Unknown Heir» of Jack 1926. O. 0 BROWN. Rodman, and to all other persona un­ Clerk of State Land Board. Hotte» painiin», paperhanging. eoi- FOB HALB—Carbon pa par In larga known Interested In the aald eatate. , M 26A»2-9-16 23-30 M 7 14-21 39 ronilnlng Kay Koch Call Hprlngf'eli charts, 28x39 loches, aullabla tor 'G R EETING S: 1U W M il I making tracing*. Tha Naara Ottica. l In the name of (he State of Oregon. : You are hereby cited and required IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF T H E H TA TE OF OREOON FOR LANE to appear In the County Court of the Eighth Grade Exam inations Or 8. lla lth IHppal. Dentist. Vllua CO UNTY Htate of Oregon, for the County of Itulldlug, Mprlngflrld. Or»gun Notice Is hereby given that the ! Lane, nt the Court Room thereof, W. J. Llchty and J. T. Evans, and regular uniform slate Eighth Grade ut Kiigt-n<-. tn th» Coun’ y of fain« on W illis J. Chamberlain.' ■ ■ ■-plain- ; NOTICB OF FtNAL HBARINO Ttieaday, the 9th day of June. 1938 at Notlra I* hereby given that Donalil Examination* will be given In Hchoul trn o'clock In the for-noon of that day, Offs, vs I Young, tb « uilnilulatratnr wlih rtie District* where there are pupil* who lhnt aga'nst ;'i - Shaw an! ---------------- hla wife, Je- ing described real ratal», to-wlt: The south half of tho northweat ministratrix of the estate of Phtlo Wll- ven and apply to the court for the tplnia Eastman and Eastman, rox. derraied; and that ten o'clock In relief nrav~d for In the rom-dalnt h* r husband, Polly Locke and quarter iH li N W U I «'»«> lh* half of the aouthweat quarter (EV4 the forenoon of Saturday, the 18th and for a decree of ahaolute divorce 77 Locke, her husband, Joseph S W iU ot section twelve (12» town- day of May, 1935. at the court room from yon and the custody of the two ,, w, a n d 7 Shaw, his wtN, •hip e'ghteen (18) »outh of raugo thereof In Eugene, Oregon, have been minor children of (he marriage "J ., «.L three west <3W ) of W illam ette Me- bv the Court fixed as the time and Th's summon* I* published on-e lnK' her E - , E- ra"radn \e r n a IV Robberwox Har- cribed lu that rer'nln deed from 1» A. the eetate of ag'd deceased ¡erder of Hon C P Barnard Judge of da « H -tlle M Orrlson ; SARAH C McBER. Waahburne and Mary A. Waahburne. the County Court of T,one County. * “ d ,E J I " ,o n ' hsr »«shanl. also , Admln'atratrlx. ¡Crewen m.4 e le ,h « shsc-.o of the ¿ J ? " P*rBP“ a P»»*«* unknown’ hie wife, to James L Clark, dated October 10th. 1918. and ff ed for re- A. E Wheeler. Attorney Judge of Ibe ubo'« C’rcult Court, on claiming any right, title, eetate. Hen A 18 33 30 May 7 11 cord October 11th. 1918 and < onlaln- ----- • — x -H . 2 W 1 9 » Dated and f a pnh 'n‘,r,7 ‘ . ,he "¡“J dea' ’ ‘ crlh el In the complaint herein, d e-; llrhrd Apr i ??rd 1926 fendants: W H IT T E N SW * FF-»Rn. IN T H E NA M E C F T H S STA TE Attorney for P lalnt'ff O F CP.SGCN you are hereby required Residence and Postoffice adresa. Eu to e.ppcar and answer the Complaint grue. I ’ I eon which hay been f led against you In A23-30. May 711-2! 18 J~1. ntwv„ " „ „ . ^ " .'o n ? . and cause PAGE SEVEN Classified Advertisements ’ b u s in e s s d ir e c t o r y w . F. WALKER Call F U N E R A L D IR E C T O R Full Auta Equip’ .»ent W. O. W. block ce Phone 8» M Rae Phone 82-J DR. N. W. EMERY d e n t is t Utton Bldg. Realdance Phone 153 M Sprlnqflald. Oragnn ______ SHOE REPAIRING Work Promptly and Carefully Done JOHN A. NELSON 509 Main Street ’“The Loop II Your Home When In Springfield 0H N M W IL L IA M S y for Vet. Htate Aid Com., ddlcrs Bonus Loans. L. E. BEAN rn-ay State Land Board, te School Fund Loans. ILLIAMS A BEAN ATTO RNEYS lametta St. Eua«"«- Ora- I to practice In all Courte 8late, and United States. D. W. Roof jew ki . eu Repairing a Specialty Springfield, Oregon R. W. SMITH Justice of the peace and notary public. Insurance City Had Springfield, Oregon < I I N O T IC E EUR P U B LIC A TIO N * " ’J , * f , ek* J " * * , ,h* date °* the R c eh c-g Oregon. Anrll 1. 1926 f‘7 ‘ P»”» “ ««’» “ >!• Summon#. D E P A R TM E N T OF T H E IN T E R IO R L >OU, f?l’ ^ ,o • ?P”V SUTTON TRANSFER I i n.ted S'ales Land Office iJ-ZSil M r th * ii” ? aPPb' to the Forest Exchange« ¡to u rt for th? relief prayed for 'n said Phone 57 , Notice Is hereby given that on N o-' : ,that ' h# P1“ 1®” ««- Ivember 13. 1921. Ellsworth Prlndel o f , , L I? cbtr. and J. T. Evans, be de ¡Paris. Oregon, filed aopllcatlon .\„ cl“ r*d *o be the °wn?r» ln fe« «Imple 1018829 under the Act of March 20. 'be following described real pro- 1922. (12 Slav. 168) (o exchange the p' " V' ,, S W 'i. Sec.. 8,' feet east of the Northwest corner of Surety Bonds,. Phone 917 Tp 21 9 . Range 3 East. W. M with­ said Lot Eleven (11), thence east My b utlnera Is ^to protoot your along the north line of Lot EPven in the Cascade National Forest business The purpose of this notice Is to «1- U l ) Ninety (90) feet, thence South ! (MO W illa m e tte 8t. Eugene Oregon low all persons cla'mtng 'he lands parall.-l wRh the west line of Lots selected, or having bona fide objec­ Eleven (11) and Twelve (12). Seventy- (75) feet, thence west parallel tions tn such application, an oppor flv tunHy to file Iholr protests with the w'th the North line of Let Eleven NEW RAZOR Register and R. cetver of the United (11) Ninety (90) feet, thence Nprth Slates I.?nd Office at Roaeburc, Ore- parallel with the West line of Lot* For Sale jgon. >ny «ueh protests or objections Eleven (11) and Twelve (12) S venty- Guaranteed. Price $2. . mbat be filed in this office w itk’n five feet to llie place of fcegnning. thirty days from th» dale of first puh- being a part of Lots Eleven (11) and A. A. ANDERSON ■ Hcstlon of this notice, which first Twelve (12), Pntteracn's Addition, all publication Is April 23, 1928. In Eugen , Lane county. Oregon. BARBER SHOP H A M IL L A. CANADAY, And that the plaintiff. W illis J. Register. Chambtrlaln, be declared to be the Non-Coal A. 23-30, M. 7-11. owner in fee simple of the following described real property, to-wlt: NOTICE Beg nn’ng at a point on Ibe North DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL NO TIC E Is hereby given that tho line of Ix>t Eleven (11), Patterson’s One ' State Land Board of the State of Ore- Addition to Eugene, Oregon. DENTIST i gon will receive seal ,) l> da at Its Hundred Forty (110) feet East of the ¡office In the Capitol Building In Sal- Northwest corner of said Lot Eleven Phone 43 ! cm-, Oregon, up to 11: Oo o’clock A. M.. (11), thence east along said North Vitus Bldg., Springfield, Ore. 1 June 2, 1925 for all the State's Intereat line of lx>t Eleven, Five (5) feet, In the river-bed lands hereinafter de- thence South Forty-nine degrees (19 I scribed, giving however to the ownei deg.), East Slxty-nlne (69) feet more j or owners of any hinds abutting or or less, <0 a point two and two-tenths fronting thereon, the preference right (2.2) feet North of the South­ tn purchase said lands at tho hlghost east corner of said Lot Khven (11), WM. G. HUGHES ’ price offered, provided such offer Is Ihenco South Twenty-seven and Two- FIRE AND AUTO INSURANCE made In good faith and fia t the board tenths (27.2) feet more or lee* to the ' reserves the right to reject any and i«outhcast corner of th’ North ono N O T A R Y P U B L IC all bids: ¡half of Lot Twelve (12), said addition , Office at Said lands are s'tunted In Lane thence weat parallel to the North County, (Oregon, and Mesnrlbed as l ’ne of said Lot Twelve (12». sixty FIRST NATIONAL BANK follows: to-wlt: Springfield, Oregon (60) feet more or l$ss to a point One Beginning at a point ',n the IT. 8. I (iov«rn’ivn meander Bn« of the rlvht Hundred Forty (110) feet ea"' of the west line of said Lot T w e l-e (12), 1 hnnR of the McKcnile Fork of th» W illamette River. 17.60 ,-halt j north R ®"CPf ^ o t T w I n « ' V l’> and 6.80 Chains east of quarter ¿ ' ' e *?2‘ ' S -’ *? ,Z ', quarter section' ‘ * -ect more or less, to place of begin- corner on west line of Seci'on 30, T. ning. |17 8. R. 1 W. of W M and running' "' 7 . , v ., , , . ° f ‘ V def* " daBt* b av« All kinds of gravel for con­ ¡thence along meander line down ' '" * * strenm. 8. 16 deg. W. 3.80 chains S. ,? y r*ght' J 1 . 1 *0' or ,nte,'<>a¡th e re in or crete or rond work. We 10 deg E. 11.00 chains; S. 16 deg E thpreto whatsoever, and that the de. make a specialty of crushed chains; S. 13 deg. W. 8 10 chains fendants, and each of them, be forever rock and rock sand. Bunk­ | 17.10 to left bank of a large slough: thonce barred and enjoined from asserting ers nt foot of Main on Mill ) crossing the old channel. N. 70 dec E. any clam thereto. This summons Is served on yon by 6 00 chains; thence along U. 8. Me­ street. ander line on left hank up stream. the publication thereof in th? Spring- HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. N. 10H deg. W. 1.70 chains: N. 20 field News, In accordance with an deg W. 2 50 chains; N. 37>4 deg. W Order made by the Hon. O. F. Skip- 10.16 chains; N. 61 deg. W. 3.76 chains, worth, Judge of the Hbove entitled N. 28 deg. W. 8.10 chains; N. 18H deg. Court, on the 3rd day of April, 1926; IE. 3.93 chains; N. 20 deg. E 2.30 chains, (Iat», of Brat publication, April 9th, FRANK A. DEPUE to left bank of the tail-race of Eugene 1925, I City Power Plant: N. 75 deg. E. 2.30 D O N A L D YO U N G , A TTO R N EY A T LAW Attornev for Plaintiffs. I chains; N. 80 deg. W. 6.00 chains to NOTARY PUBLIC P. O. Address, 860 W il­ ; place of beginning, containing 13.66 lamette St., Eugene, Ore­ Sutton Springfield 1 acres. gon. Application should be accompanied Buidllng Oregon. A 9-16-23-30-M-7.11-21. by check or draft of the amount of bid Summer School Afek about It The butilneBH College will be ln »esslon thruout the Sum m er Months. AU clattseH will be conducted the Mine as during the regular school year. Eugene Business College Phone 666 .. A. E. Roberts, President. Eugene, Oregon 992 Willamette St. ['T tfllo n J g a it F tllittil, J u it I J - iO ] Summer Excursion Fares May 22nd, — opening sale date O n sale daily to and including Sep­ tember 15th. Return lim it—October 31st. Liberal stopovers. Plan to include California’s varied wonders on your trip east. Go that way; return same way or some other route if you prefer. So plan your itinerary carefully. Let o u r agents help you. They are skillful, courteous and fully informed on all travel matters. Ask fur out "Vacation Journeji" Pamphlet. Southern Pacific j I n s if t o n ZEROLENE a m i f it does LESS ^ J O h ere a r e u a SUPERSTITIONS OF YESTERYEAR? Superstitions don’t last long,especially when it costs money to believe in them. For e ra m p le, the majority of western motor­ ists have long since stopped paying tribute to the superstition that there is something mys­ teriously “better” about “eastern” motor oils merely because they cost more and are made in the East. Zerolene is First Choice o f estern Motorists Zerolene lubricates more motor cars in the Pacific Coast states—high and low priced cars alike—than any other oil m a d e . Six out o f the seven trophies in the 1924 Yosemite Economy Run were won by Zerolene-lubricated cars. The “anti-western” oil bogie simply doesn’t hold up. Zerolene increases gasoline mileage, reduces upkeep costs and lengthens engine life, in high priced cars and motor trucks alike. Why pay tribute to a superstition? In s ist o n Zerolene even i f i t does c o st less. Get the Facts! A series of independent and impartial reports showing the experience of large users with Zerolene has been collet ’ in our booklet, "Why Pay Tribute to £ rstition?’.’ Ask any Standard Oil CorriT presentative or Zerolene dealer for l uepy. ’ STANDARD GiL COMPANY (C A L IF O R N IA ) SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. ZEROLENE