THURSDAY, A P Itll. e AGIS 8LX FIR CAMPS SLOW LOG PRODUCTION Iti THURSDAY. MAY 7, 1 V2f> ! THIS HOME HAS INDIVIDUALITY Portland. Jdpy *— (Speapal) -Co»- tlnued short-week operation of a large number of fir mills and the resultant accumulation of logs In man» districts, last «reek brought shout a furihtr curtailment of logging operations, ac­ cording to reports from 41. emplov- Ellie’s Reck’«** Philosophy Shock's Salile ment service offices In various north western cities received at 41. h«sd You're a perfect lamb. Kllle. to with a bitter HtGo laugh. Again 1 asked her, “What are you quarters here today. Fallers and buck (want to get me out of this end a f- era have been laid off at several t«b Father has been •home a few goto to do about It "Why should 1 worry IF she de­ cam pa la the Willapa Harbor. Grays days. Doctor Gray w fl probably be "With Mother and Dad Harbor and l*uget Sound districts, and (tad to hare me Ware as he still manded chasing all over the world. I have other camps have been entirely closed. thinks I need a vhange" The genera, trend of employment “How Is your Father “ asked Kllle absolute freed 1 in of the" houae. Ona "1 b fine shape again, bless his heart, gets damnably lonesome with no la upward, however, as most loggers raceutly laid off are finding wjrk la but I know he Is going to wonder what family or anyone to care.“ 1 patted her but she drew away other Industries Mining, fishing and made Curtiss clear out ” "ElUe, this man has forced hla dis­ shipping are employing mvr,’ men T h e r e you go worrying about him again. Ssllle. It s so unlike you to be torted views on you. You never felt than they did one year ago River drive« In the Inland Empire on this .side of the («nee. It's usually like this before." 533Ü 1 "Well, what If he ha»?" she flashed are finished and summer logging Is that string of suitors you keep Intact who go in for the worrying game back. I'm getting along pretty well. well underway. Pine saw ni’lls ’here Dnsp out of It. It Curtiss Wright W e’re plannlg a wonderful •*m* ia r e busy cutting stock. Condensed at.' reports from the various 4U offices does ne , ike your own attractive self down south." “You mean He'll be there?" I asked follow: , and prefers Anne Coddington who Is "You don't think I'd be all pepped Portland- -Calls for toggyrs nod for positively drab. YOC should get a up over the prospect of rushing around farm ?-»!»» • ru led last w»’»'-» demand permanent frown. j MV "Ellie 1 wish 1 could take Ilfs as it# a bunch of dances and cocktail for men. I-abor turnover In the camps you do. I used to be able to until I fights with a crowd of callow youths?” Is heavy. Ixtgglng along th? Columbia "Who ever It Is. 1 think he’s a cad!" river continues active and nearly all met him. He makes me see how worth I cried taking advantage of you Just camps are operating. The Crossett less we are." 1 sighed. Bill rached for a fresh cigarette, because your Mother and Father are Western Company added on-- side to its camps at Knappa during the week. tapped It on the back of her daintily sway "But. Sallle. oven the qualms of J i n, re Is still a good dem ati' for con- manicured hand, opened her mouth to c z r / T S rL oan. p l a n ♦ conscience aren't as bad as b-ing »traction a n l "oad bitld'ng i.ib-ircre reply and then became «that again. Of I be numerous home plant pre-1 selected plants, properly placed, will those shown here to fore snd will em "What's your philosophy, sport?" I neglected. Delicate attention snd a and there g.'r plenty of men here to perfect lover aren't so dusty after all fill i t sealed recsutly there has bceu a wide dad materially Io the beauty of the body feat tiros that will be of real asked. interest to any on« who is looking •'It'« this way. I think. Sallle." her besides." she added, "there's si wavs | Raymond. Wn. I «•« to an ovrrsup variation of room arraugmeut and the ho®’ The plan Io he shown negl week fosward to the ownership of a new voice took on a more serious tone a distant chance of wedding bells, b , ply of logs on Willapa Harbor, camp plan above s i ll be hart to equal. Per "decide first what It takes to give that eases your Puritanical mind " ’|1S of the Sunset Timber rompnne. at d haps the ouutsndlng feature Is the has marked deviation» from any nt horns. you the mest -happiness In Ufa. If! She sm k s lightly but when she Camp Bert of the Ray r.ond b-r rompactue«« and convenience of tit" and narrow every minute to make >mentioned marriage. I noticed she ^company have been c’ .syd. I.uuiher room arrangement. Both floor plans things square when you're face t o !brightened preceotfWy and there was ‘ production here contlnius to be tor nre bUm wttb tho ld«a that present face with yourscl'. then walk It bv *» eayer light In' her eve«. tailed. There are more m#:i t h a t Jr ha (a y home owners want a deal of light ■ am, sir. Fr.«n the large window* st I all means, my dear, but—" she tapped | R ’ » • ! * * nr Jadse of human nature In this district, the D ent of the house to the spacious I the ssh es from her cigarette, regarded lv ” ’e wanted to get married for some C ontracting and Building It thcughN ’ly and smflfng like Peter*»*«*«» »he suitor of whom she had site of th< window« In the kltch n ! there Is s flood of light that will he j GEO. W. PERKINS Pan. continued her remarks, “on the ¡spoken, did not. Corner 5th nnd D Streets appreciated by the most particular, (To he Continued) 8 ’g saving on standard equipm ent. O ther specialties o'her hand, if you have figured out Springfield. CYogon Tho largo vvtanda will ha« • in ap­ It. nt w ill surprise you uf prices asked. that your roosetenes will stand the Plans and Estim ates Furnished peal to al, who like this sort of com Come in and se», us anti learn about our new percentagu things that give you the «ort o f hap­ Goes to Coburg— Norman Anderson Free. W ill Hslp You Finance fort. Thers Is s rlomlnea* here that allowance, whereby you get real m erchandise free In pro­ piness you want, then—dlsrerard all spent Friday evening at Coburg. Your Building. speaks of hospitality that helps to portion to your cash purchase. It will m ake us friend*. traffic r'raa’« snd sr>g ahead.** make a houae a real home. The of ", don't think I get you. do you set carrying ths windows for the liv­ m ean— “ ing rooms enhance tha arpe*»«tiee of “Just this Salll-*, I take what bit j the honse to a remarkable d -gr-e of huhhly. thrilling Joyonsness each Any home looks better wilh a few day holds forth. I mpst have ex cite-• Electric <& Specialty Co. shrubs and flowers. A few well ment to make roe feel alive You're Lotlited in the Elks Bldg.. Phone I4U3-J dift"""rt v ov'r« alvravs pnrxling vour pretty h eat over problems of right 80 West 7th Ave. Eugene, Ore. an Spring will be here soon. Its tim e to begin active work on the big things you have in mind for the year. T here is no m ore Im portant m atter than th a t home you have hoped for, wished for and talked about for so long. P u t the hopes, the wishes and the talk into action this m onth and realize in the new home the happiest year of your life. There is one very easy way to s ta r t—call a t o u r retail office and tell us you are interested In home building. The Booth-Kelly Lumber Co. Springfield, So. 7th St., Phone 55 Lumber Eugene, 507 Willamette St., Phone 452 Lath Shingles