TH B BPRINQFÎELD NgW9 THURSDAY, MAY 7. 1926 UPPER WILLAMETTE IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT O F T H B STATIC OF ORBOON FOR LANE COUNTY FARM REMINDERS t * l* F. (I4I«»K P la ln t lt t * , »•- A IIM Summon« Hand Shelling Beat Halurday night. May I. tka Christian L» l>«(an “H**r of C. P, Barnard, opportunity to study the kernel type The u , . . . i U r . ir n T I.» .. Ju<1»e «»’ «»• ' ounly Court of Oregon and prevents broken kernela. of M r and Mrs E R Tinker Sunday , for <.Ounty, dated fuB() Mgy seed iw .......................__ Is run over a grader or fanning M .y 8 and practiced In .he afternoon > « « - » " \ f ('r*<-lln, that .u m m o n .'m l„ to rrfl)0„ im . n „v .r-.lx .d Mrs Kahler and daughter M arr herein be published for a period of , _ . ... Catherine w a r. « . . . from Blue River , ■ « « " ? * - * • • 1» «»>- »«*!»« . t . X . , k . m to field News, « newspaper printed a n d i*0 *>« P °°r ylainM«. and ’ he large mls- over ihe week end ptihllshed In Springfield, I^ n e County. I shapped kernel« sometimes clog the At a meeting of the members of the ° r FRFO f k m i t h planter Uniform ity of kernels la a Christian rhurch Sunday. May 3. C E Attorney for iia ln tlff, r ^ l help In getting uniform planting Jordan and It J English were chosen 44ft-« Miner Bldg.. Eugene. Oregon w l‘ *> ,h* corn (•■ » < *- • deacons. Bale of first publication hereof I s , 1 1 ■ A* a meeting of Ihe Pleasant H ill May 7th. 1(16 Farmers ara urged not to use lime M 7-I4-I1 X»;J *-11-18. rooking club held Iasi week Douglas sulfur «pray or dust sulfur for mildew Kahler resigned at rice president and on gooseberries after the fruit has set yell leader and Vara U nion was In From Fall Craak— L. H Larim er )( )t , , j,, marketed through the chosen to take his place. was in town Wednesday. cannery. The sulfur Injures the can­ ned product. Spray Information can he had of the Oregon Agricultural college experiment station. WTn’te Front Grocery For Your Appetizing Foods Direct from Our Grocery to Your Kitchen paob -A . Call far School W arrant# return of the plan«. NOTK E TO CONTRACTORS School District No. IS. bane county (Jrad* School Building, trprlngfleld. Separate bide w ill be received on Oregon will pay upon presentation at tba cenarsi contract^^jRiaibtng ng yon tracts my office In City Rail, Springfield, . Mealed proposals be received b«ptlng gnd at (he «*fl< • of JoH unsicker. «Oft­ i r r a r n NO. 43» to S30 ln- e*dIffereut coni The bltk en«, Oregon, ««ft Mb > r Bultdlnx. « Internet ceases after May i0 n l« i W i certifias. «*««»•• are tm be _ _ _ _______ until flea p. Mon p m Monday, May 2tth.. 1(26 for all labor and materia« neces­ check for 6 per cent of the total 16th, 1(26. R. W. Smith, Diet. Clark. sary for the erection and completion amount of tbe bid. made payable to or a Grade Key bool Building at Spring- R W Smith. Clerk. School District - -— 11-7-1*. No. IP. field, Oregon, for School District 1«, Tbe owner and architect reserve tbe according to tbe plans and »peel fir ft Caacade Resort will have bar open* tlofis prepared by John Hunklclati, right to reject any and all bids. Chairman of Board, Ing dance Saturday night. May ». Architect. Eugene, Oregon. , Oeo. H. Ditto. Edgar Dugan's orthefttra w ill play, Contractors dealring to submit a 18-7-14. proposal for the above work may ob­ >10« 'P«r number Tboe* «toying tor tain plans and specifications by ap­ the Bunday ball game (between Cot- plying to the Architect and depositing 8P E C IA L PRICE on plate work Dr tage __ _____ Orove and Caaca dr) can hr ftC- a check for *10 which check will be N W. Emery, deuttat. Sutton B I4 f 'oommodeled with rooms or cabins. returned upon tbe safe and prompt MARSHALL’S MUSIC SHOP Now in the STANLEY BLDG. 56 Ninth Ave. W. Use o’ ihe pressure cooker for can­ ning all vegetables In glass except rhubarb and tomatoes ta Inadvisable, u w i B. H . Wiegand, professor of horticultural products a t f t A. C. When boiling water hath or 0«*$ kettle melhods ere n—d. there Is often danger of bacillus botallumc. Only sound, fresh, vegetables property washed before canning are selected Overfilling of Jara often cau«e« under sterilisation. MEHL1N, PEASE, BRADBURY and WEBSTER PIANOS Edison Phonographs and Records You are invited to inspect our new store and high grade pianos at No Extra Cost To You reasonable prices., We are particularly proud of the quality of our Clean, wholesome grocmlus give your food that desired, pianos, the quality that wins the commendation of every musician who delicious taste. We combine Quality and Value with low coat. «•* as, tries them. .. w' t x J l s Come in and see us Begin Now Marshall’s To Enjoy Yourself------ Phone 9 and save. 8 ■ WIIE Frani EraCEOF - 9 Wilfert Sand & Gravel Co. Cement Contractor Made To Match Your Complexion and can give you a better price Call EUGENE 386 for Estimates Plant on Highway Near Springfield 56 Ninth Ave. West Stanley Bldg. Some one of the several tints of Cara Nome Face Powder will blend with your complexion pTefect- ly. And the powder ad­ heres beautifully. These, however, are only two of Cara Nome’s many virtues. The odor of Cara Nome Is entrancing— the box In which It Is packaged, a de­ light to the eye. CARA NOME FACE POWDER S2.OO We have all our own Rand and gravel and all our own equipment rrva FLANERY’S Drug Store 77ke Training for Service A rt E x h ib it pace with America’s telephone needs means keep- ' ing ahead. The work o f prepara­ tion never ends. There must be complex engi­ neering studies, careful financing plans, and thousands o f manufac­ turing o p e r a tio n s before new facilities can be built and made ready for public use. And when they are ready, the workers must also be ready, dulled in the multitude o f tasks incident to the operation and maintenance o f telephone plant and equipment e e pw g K 200 Pictures, Copies of World Masters W. O. W. Hall Nf '* ' ' • J i * 1’ il • 1 ’ ‘ MAY, 7 and 8, THURSDAY and FRIDAY. 2:30 to 6:00 P. M. ' » 'S i ' THURSDAY and FRIDAY, 7:80 to 9:30 P. M. MUSICAL PROGRAM, 8 P. M. THURSDAY aitf FRIDAY ■, Mr • t TkiketB for Entire Exhibit, Children 15c, Adults 25c ÍI The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company Special Local Exhibit by Civic Club All i.roceeds go to | urchase pictures for thè schools In every important center in the country, new members o f the telephone forces are in continuous training, preparing to meet to ­ morrow’s telephone needs. For your telephone system is a living, growing organism. Last year 8 3 6 ,1 6 3 telephones were added to its national service. M il­ lions o f miles o f wire interlace the continent, to interconnect your telephone with nearly 16,000,000 others. Tomorrow there w ill be more telephones, for the nation demands and expects them. BELL SYSTEM Ona Polley - * ' Ono Syaten - Universal