THURSDAY, MAY 7, 192« TUR 3PWNOF1ELD NEWS ÊAO« FOUR Lane County Farmers Union News O FFIC IA L P U B LIC A TIO N L A N ! CO U N TY U N IT wO. 14 LANE C O M I CÖÖB1 INFORMATION FOR DELEGATES • OFFICERS OF L A N ! CO UN TY • • FARM ER'S UNION • MANY INTERESTED IN COUNTY AGENT PROGRAM Local Rapartare * C a n a ry ............... ....... J. u Northup • • — —— • Intense in tero « 1« om u ty agent | •..('antral __________ Ray Bower • A N N U A L M I S T I N G S T A T E F A R M reservation, but If you should over­ • R a lp h L a ird , C re y w e ll, P re s id e n t, • ¡ w o r k Is even In Ihe report of O, B. look thia precaution and be unable to !.. C loverd ale__ Mrs. L. J. Oetchell • E R S ' U N IO N get a room, report to the eeoretary of • Will Wheeler, Trent, Vlsa-Praal- • Fletcher, count) agent, for April The • Coast Fork Mra. Goo. Kebelbeck • • d en t • report shows that «3 meeting* w ets ] • Creswell _____ Mrs. M. A. Horn • i Corvallis, Oregon. May 19, 10. 11. the Corvallis Chamber of Comtnerra. • Betty Kappauf, Cottage Grove, • held with an attaudauca of 556 anil above the Itenton County Stale benh -------- * ! • Dorons _____ Mrs. Ada Jennlngx • 1915 • that 340 people called at the office for A n s w e r 19 Q uestions P ro po n d edja H e c e ta ................... Mra B. Baker • on 2nd street. He will see that a • see.-Treas. Place of Meeting: • N. A. H o r n , C o tta g e G r o v e , D o o r • advice and help Of thu.«,y proud. will be c o m p l e x regular b u s .n ... a -a lo n . Lane county debt was Increased ot Oregon farmers find It to Ihelr ad­ . . I Jutan Hotel— About 300 rooms w ill, A Joc noon lunrneon eno ■ ao< Elwln McCornark of the Wool diminished under the management ot road foreman. _ n .ou l « h u h dinner In the evening are Served in Growers Association was present and vantage to Interview rannsrs or con­ 17. If so. why was there not some ,b F ^ v .ll.b .^ .t «he Julian , Waldo Hrtl. a block • - < of the “V sul! Ihe experiment station before the preceding county court? be the official haadquarters. j 7 .7 ' 7 7 “ "* °" ''’ " ‘’’ planting. of various berries or v e g « - I . Do the records ot Lane Indicate provision made for their salary In •< » Hui. If your appetite I. not aatl.fled |( w market|n< Prices are as follows for cannery nee. Large . areas that the county debt Is Incraslng or tha budget? the IB and 36 cent meals ran be su p . .. _ . . ablea - . One person In room without hath. rlem .nted by sddltlonal order, r a t - ™ b a ln e a , meeting was r .* ed to pi . nt^ whlck are not tha dlmlniahlng under the management of 18. From what funds do they receive »116—»1 50. tarla atyle. so there I. no limit to what “ " ,h ’ r hour “nd bM' ly p . nor variety deelred by c a n n e d ... the present county court. their pay? neee disposed of a t soon aa possible, i „ Ana. 17 and 18—Bridge foreman Ona person in room with bath. Ana. 1 and J—Steadily decreased for you can < »*< *1 00—*150 paid from bridge fund. At the noon hour SB. 46 and *5 cent W" " * pl— *> •» " » ““«•• .......................................................................... the last tour years. 19 Do you employ two road mas­ Two persons In room without bath, S. la the *15.00« that was placed luncheon, are also served at tha Col " » • " of oor b .v . alread y, . TIME AND PLACE OF • »1.00—»1.50. In the 1914 budget tor a timber cruise ters when there Is not sufficient work e g . Tea Room. In the H om . Econo- “p for N ew . . LOCAL MEETINGS • Two persons In room with bath. In Lane County, still In the county to keep one busy? „ mica H uldina Just reroro the square! * lunch. consisting of sandwiches j • Canary—First Sunday and Third • 8340—$ 3 50 Ans.—No. treasurers? CorvaHla*Holo<—« t least ten room , to the north of the “Y" Hut. R eside. • “*» < » " • • « •" * > b? “ >• * thUurday. Farmers Union Hall. • Ans.—No. a good place to ret the Tea Room la k«**1 order com m ute to all present • Cloverdale—Second and Fourth available. Prices: 4. If not. for what purpose w as It also Interesting because II la a practl- i The next meeting will be held at • Fridays. ( loverdale School House • One person In room without bath. HADLEYVILLE LOCAL used cal laboratory where s tu d e n ts In , Frank Gent'a place Friday evening. • Creswell Fire! ami Third Tuea- *1.15—81.50. e e e e e e e e A n s—To retire warrants. Home concmlca get actual egperlence May IS. As this Is lo be a social , • days, Croswell, M. W. of A Hall. • One person In room with bath 5. Was It lawful to nee this money In preparing and serving meals. You mating Ihe public Is Invited lo attend • Coast Fork—Second and Fourth • *100 The Hadleyvllle local will hold open for any other purpose until the tim­ • Thursdays. Hebron Church House. • 50c extra for additional person In o n e ,»botId go there at least once ber cruise made by Mr. Xease was meeting Thursday night. • Duneho—First Tuesday. Dane be • Loving Cup for Calf There ir e good commercial r. «t room. Mrs. Em m i Powell returned home legally settled? • School House. * Noto:The mkl-fe of the week la the auranls down town and restaurants , . Sundav after spending several days . .. . .. A silver loving cup will be given A n s — T e a. ” Dorena—Second and Fouth Tuan- • on the north and south t, . t .- a at the Eugene hospital taking cure i b“»F ,or »“• Corvallis hot-la. It and cafeterias . . . f o r th» high scoring Jersey calf and • days. Dorena Chugoh. w A Is It Dot a fact that leas than * would be a good plan to write five ot aide of the campus where meals may i __ . . another cup for lb* high scoring in- one year ago the members of the of her ststter-tn-law. Hadleyvllle — First and Third six day* Is head of tim e for your he secured at very reasonable prices. The Rosa Brothers and their slater. dividual member of a calf club at the I . Thursdays. Hadleyvllle School present county court declared them­ I Ijine County Jersey Jubilee to be held • llecetn —First Sunday of each selves strongly In favor of continuing Mrs. Carrie Ollllaple. and daughter • • • • b rg and she la getting better now. .ren t Sunday with thetr slater. Mrs. ■ at WTIIakensla May 13 Th* prises • month. Heceta Ib-hool House the timber cruise In Lane county? Biot hr Guy Morton la making s o m e CANARY LOCAL 189 Mayna. He has some •** by * comm'" ** • J a .p e r -S e c o n d and Fourth Wad- • Ana.—Tea. good , Wlloox and Gladys • Secretgstaa will please send In • what came under six per cent lim its The dance at Slltroos Saturday *1lb her flock of fancy WhKe Leg Bishop, both of Rulen'p • Gme and placa af meeting and • sympathy to the sorrowing family. (Ion. evening w a s wen attended and those horns. • changes at data at tfiey may oc- • 10. Is your Interest really with tha The dairymen of this valley, aa present report a good time. • Dr. R. Ralph IMppel. Dentist. Vltns • cur, common taxpayer or with the large Dutton's logging company are get­ elsewhere are building up some excel­ building. SprlngfRId. Oregon JASPER LOCAL timber holder? ting a fine bunch of logs ont of the lent dairy herds by saving thsir beat Ana.—Hava no Interest except flair- heifer calves each spring, and keeping timber ready for rafting. ness to all taxpayers Messers Brown a n t Hotsanple s r e 'a high grade sire. Aa a result of t h i s 1 Don't forget the trogram our local having better success logging wh'te careful selection the dairy herds here j 11. How many touring and other passenger cars does Lane county own will give Wednesday. May 13. The cedar on the beach since tb»v h*»sn « m not suffer by comparison with program will begin at 8 o'clock. Ice using a caterpillar tractor with their those of any locality. s t the present time? croam will be sold and cake served large wheels. Ans —Five. i ■ - -■ —- - - — — 11. How many automobiles, not by the ladles. Ten cents admission Miss Ethel Erhnr» who Is emn’oee-t I s s s s e s s s s owned or hired by the county, does a-111 be charged. as a nurse st Good Samaritan hospital • TRENT LOCAL • W ill Drury, who Is working at of Port1n*d Is spending a week with Lane county supply with gas, oil and 1 W estfir cut his hand quite severely her parents. tiros? 1 — ■■ - last week and was home for a few Ans.—None. Are the two outatandlng featuroH of thia utorea popularity. M r. and rMs Davenport of Portlsnd J Th* Trent local w ill, meet at the 13. How many touring and other days, l i r e h e r e f o r t h e summer and ssv thev high school building Wednesday night 1 Our prices alao afford the thrifty houaewlfe an opportunity passenger care has Lane county Alden McCumber of Jasper, and |constd»r ‘he Isk* hesnHfn» ! May 13. 1* will be necessary to j bought since June 1. 1924? Miss Taylor of Fall Creek were mar- All o* th scarlet fever pat’epts are choose a delegate to the state con- i to nave. Our customere are aatiBfled—they know q u a lity - Ana.—Bought and exchanged four rled the first of this week ¡reported as well except Ellen Srhotlen- yentlon at this mewtlng M. L. Wallac*, our road supervisor price and continue to Rave by buying here. 14 What was the total prloe paid finished grading on the Hills Creek for such cars? Ans.—Two liquor cars paid about road Monday. Feeda, Orain, Flour, Shingles $800 In exchange. Mrs. P A. Wilier bad the mlsfor- i 15 Is It not a fact that touring tune to loose 75 small chickens by cars owned and supplied by Lane kthe brooder catching In fire. T h eir! county are frequently used for pleas- residence narrawly escaped being , ure tripe and other private purposes?. burned. Ans.—Not supposed to be. ; Wise Maude W allace who w as oper- 18 W as It the Intention o f th* ated on for appendicitis was die- DEPARTMENT county court, at the time the 1925 charged from the hospital Saturday Quality and Service Morrison & Clingan Corner 3rd and Main Subscribe For the Farmers Union News New members and other Farmers Union Members who are not subscribers to the Farm Union News are requested to cut this blank and mail it to the Springfield News, Springfield, Oregon. Attractive New Coats Outstanding Style and Value Choose your Spring Coat egre fully! You will wear it oeca- sionally all the Summer as well as continually thin Spring. We are sure that you won’t tire of one of our smart Coats. Wanted Spring Colors Eggs and Poultry THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Tanners Union Subscription) Date......................................... Name ..................................... ............. .................... ........../.JJ... P. O. Address................................................................................... Union Lx)cal ................ From New, freeh, bright colors! Truly shades of the glorious Spring. Made In the latest atyUa of fine njgterigl». Priced at i t .............................192... to ...kA.«------¿...xi........... 1 9 2 ..... Mennher F. E. C. U. of A. For services rendered by tha Farmers Union and * ....... ............ this receipt entitles the holder to subscription to the Springfield News Sher Khan $14.75 662 Oak Street Eugene. Oregon