THURBDAY, MAY 7, 1W26 4L Bullltan O u t- Thia Month's edi­ Flahaa at Swiashovna - Dun Crites Bps* ill Burnley fishing unar Hwlaahotua. tion of Ibe 4L bulletin la now out, In From Camp Crook— Mr ami Mr« ahowlng a striking cover depicting a Nick M olrr of Camp Crook wore In forest firs. The cover was put out Tn town abopptn« Haturilay. conduction with American Mortal W altarvllle Saturday—D. C week laat week. Trotter of W altervllle wua In lowu Sack From Arkanaee- Mike l.«ath- Saturday. era returned tp Hprlngfleld Maiurday Move to Wee* Springfield Mr« 8. morning after vlalllng hla mother In K. Cobh, formerly of IjaOrande moved Arkansas. Mr. leather« reported that Oregon compared mors than favorably to Weal Hprlngflxld Monday, with the country covered by hts trip. Drive to Caaeadla— Mr. and Mr«, Mr. Leathers mother, who waa aer lilt-hard Harbor! drove to Caaeadla loualy III for a time la Improved. Sunday. From Har« tor W eew -lnd—Charles W illi« «pent the week end a! hla home here. He la employed at Weatflr, Goes Flaking Sunday— H. J, Co«, of the floolb-Ks-lly sains office .«pent Munday up the McKemle. , Blowout Lina Repaired The boiler blowout line at the Mountain Htatea power plant waa repaired Monday and Tueaday. Spend Sunday up W illam ette— Mr and Mr«. Harry M Stewart and Mr. and Mra. Hldney Ward and faintly «pent Bunday up Ihn Willamette. Visit at Alvadora Mr and Mra. J. C ’ •arber ween dinner guosta Monday at the home of their nephew and niece Mr. and Mr« D. Holcomb at Alvadore Oo to Albany- Mr. and Mra. J. C. I Parker «pent Wedneaday In Albany I on bualnea« Tbe trip was made by | auto. Visit Daughter Hare— Mr and Mr«. H K Mitchell of Cottage Grove visit­ ed their daughter and son In law. M r fcnd Mr» J W Shaw here Sunday. C lerka ot New land«— Mra. I). W I McKinnon aided the aales force of } Newland« Drygoods atore Monday and Tuesday. Do Flaking to Swlsshoma Jack , llent'arer, Halla» Murphy and Fred Knaeherry aprnt Friday near Balas- l ome fishing Naw Telegraph Operator—J. AV. Mh«w. formerly of Albany la the new telegraph operator at the depot, re­ placing J. I . Kelley who la new «ta­ ttooed at Hillsboro. W ill Install N ew Pump— A new! visible gasoline pump will h e Installed ' at the Springfield service station the last of the week. Coas to Portland--K arl Perry, «on of Mr«. Nick Meier of Camp Creek, ami who haa been visiting her from Chico, left Saturday night for Port­ land where he will ap”nd a few days. Son After tltnanw- Andy Stevens, who haa been serlouslv 111 at his home In Marcóla for some time, la recovering nicely. It la reported. He In now at Camp Creek visiting hla aon. Boh Stevens. i PAGE THREW TUE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Moves Her« From W eatflr— Elmer M uth Skipping Done Shipping In Bprlngflald was active thia week, with Flnl«-y and family, residents of Spring- aoveral carloads of materials received field several months ago moved back and shipped by local concerns. A to Hprtngfleld Monday from W-eaM'lr. carload of creosote, and a car of poles Their present home Is at the corner waa received by the Carbollnruoi of 4th and K strata. e wood pTee.-rvlng company ..Wniduy Sidewalk Construction Continuas— The Springfield lumber company re­ contractura a n working In ceived a carload of cedar lumber Three Tklc Monday, and two cars of fir Hatnrday. ¡Springfield making sidewalks. A carload of lumber waa shipped by activity la the result of the ordinance the company to Chicago Saturday. A ! making necessary good sidewalks, an- ' forcement of which Is now taking carload of autos waa received by tbe place. Anderson motor company Monday. Drive to Portland- MM. H arry W hitney and daughter Mary Ellxabcth and Mrs. Earl Dillard and daughter Snook la 111 nt her home here with Anna motored to Portland Saturday, Influenaa. , returning Sunday. Thurston Is 111 at bis home. Springfield W om an BI— Mra. W ill Give F lay a t Thu rston —“ Ken­ Visit H e r * —Mr. and Mra. Clinton Walae and daughter Edna May. who have been vlalllng at White Salmon, Washington for several months »top­ ped at the home ot Mrs. L B. Ellin here this week on their way to West Does Flaking— C. F. Egglman «pent Wood. California, where Mr. Wciae w ill be employed at a mill. Friday fishing near Monroe. tucky Belle." a comedy presented at the Bell Theater last week by the Christian Endeavor society will be produced at the Thurston community hall by the same cast May 8. Goes Home From Visit— Mrs Lillian I •" From W altarvllle—T W Carney «hop Being Reflnlahed— The walls Plenle Bunday— Mr and Mr« H. returned to her home In Astoria < •» 1“ town Friday from W altervllle. *»«1 woodwork of Holverson Brothers Brownfield, Mr. and Mr«. Isaac Endl- xrldwy after visiting for two weeks I Imeat market raa being re-calclmlued colt and Mr. and Mrs Frank Sherman wl|h M rf M „ HunUy CUw» From Wendllng— DaVM 8. )and painted thia week. The woodwotr and family spent Sunday up tbe M e -‘ | Pinkerton spent the week-end here and upper walla are white, and the Kan Me. Ill In Thurston— Jim Hastings of | frota Wendling. lower wall gray. Extra - Extra Springfield Get Wise Get Busy ^ ", ' J ‘ ' ALL ABOARD FOR HALL S CISC “ TIMES ARE IMPROVING— THE DOUGHNUT ISN'T AS NEAR THE H OLE AS IT USED TO BE. CANVAS GLOVES ........ 20c, 22c, 25c TRY THIS ONE IO LACE TO THE TOE SPORT MODEL SHOES. Veal Calf tipper. Composition sole, and rubber heel. Take a look at this shoe, whether you buy or not. Built for wear and comfort. Maybe the reason the sailor likes to be well dressed la because he is used to be­ ing around the swells. Felders* 16-inch Spring Heel Logging Shoes ....................... $ 2 0 .0 0 fir 20 [19 IT 2Ï 3*- 39 V la ltk v j Oo on Píenle— M r and Mra. C. K. Swarta and Mian Edna Swarta. Mr. and Mra. C. A SwnrU and dae.ght -ra. Margaret, Halsn ano M ailne. Mr. and Mra. O. B. K assay and Mr and Mr. C. E Wheaton plculced up the Me- Kenite Sunday. Return From Eastern Dragon--Mra. Grace Harbert returned Monday !rom lug her daughter. Mr« II. K. Hohkett, Bnterprlae where she haa been visit- who haa been III for some time. Planer WIM Ooocate N|ghta Be­ ginning Monday night, the planer at the Booth-Kelly mill w ill operate a night «hlft until further order« from the head office are given. Whether thin arrangement will be permanent la not announced. How about that suit case, traveling bag or trunk, we have them. Spring Hats and Caps in the Models and Designs. latest Wlfle: "Oh. Clarenoe, I’m so glad you ve comp back. I heard that some silly man had toppled over the cliffs— and I was afraid it waa you.—Goblin. Men’s and Young Men's all wool worsted suits— Grays, Browns, and Biues, Fancy Patterns $ 3 0 .0 0 A Rare day in June has nothing on a fresh steak.—Denver I’arrakeat. Man's Dress and Semi-Dress Pants. Men’s Corduroy pants made to give you satisfaction. VE R T IC A L H O R IZO N TA L Any amall succulent fruit. p. An edible seed. Associate of Arts (abbr.) j . To force away by violent twist­ A fruit consisting of a kernel en­ ing. closed In a woody shell. 9 The original writer. A mug for beer. jj ’ Royal Marines (abbr.) An adult person of the fem ale^ Groups enlisted in sports. •« ' 14^ A New England State (abbr.) Public Conveyances (plural. 16 A corded material. abbr.) 17 A girl's name. A po'nt of the compass reversed. lg ’ A .wager. Worn out. j 9' To desire something anxiously. Possessed. g l’ The loop In a lasso. Coming together. 33‘ To fasten. Opposes. 2< A Biblical character. Couples. 25 Featured vertebrate animals. Used In the Phllliplnes as w a r^ ’ Another form of arise. weapons. Answer (abbr.) A color. 39 The organ of hearing. Over (contraction). Steamer (abbr.) Front hair cut straight across. 33' No good (Slang). Lines of Union. 3< A kind of boat Crude Tartar. 3fi' An adult. Did wrong. skill. 37’ A native oriental drum, as of India. An Inclination of the head. 3». Small crystals of Ice falling in An Australian bird. irregular flakes. A preposition. A state on the Atlantic Coast. We have had fine weather this spring, and fifteen Chinamen died coming over here in dry goods boxes.—W. Va. Moonshine. Man: Now it the time to gat your Khaki Trousers. grades, also cheaper ones. WEDNESDAY, MAY 13 LUCILLE A MILDRED WISEMAN Offer an ‘‘Intimate Musleale" BOLLINGER A REYNOLDS “A Trip on a Line” THE COTTON PICKERS Presenting a company of 7 all white artista In this sketch of the Southern Negro.___________ ______ JOE WHITEHEAD Musical Comedy S tar JACK A CLAIRE MAHON ► "Variety with a P unch” E. 5 3 .0 0 f°r *3O8t Kate: I’ve just been filing Bill’s old love letters. Kat: Were they as rough as all that. Michigan Gargoyle. Can't Buat'am Overalls— full cut—220 denim. back. Union Made. Hl-back and suspender Fllpp: What a surprise to me, you in a full dress suit! Did you rent it? Flapp: No but every time 1 stooped over I thought I would. Oklahoma Whirlwind. Children a heavy weight blue denim play suits, square neck, bound In red, Price ................................................................................................. $ 1 .0 0 Work Sox, per pair Clear. "Darling,” she said, “will you love me when I grow old and ugly?” "Dearest,” he replied tenderly, “you may grow -'Ider, but never will you grow uglier.' —Black and Blue Jay. HOOD’S CANVAS TOP, RUBBER SOLE, RUBBER HEEL SHOES f r o m ----------------- $ 1 .2 5 to 5 1 .0 0 .„20 and 25 c $ 3 .0 0 My favorite hair tonic is a certain very effective Mange Cure. It gives a more durable finish than varnish, and dresses and polishes in one operation. It also kills dandruff by removing the cause, roots and all.—College Humor. Voice from Next Room: George, are you teaching that parrot to swear? CTeorge: No, Mother, I’m only telling him what not to say. V. M. I. Sniper. Our Spring shipment of Ide dress shirks just arrived. Something very snappy in the latest designs, with or without oollars. Car: Can you sing a solo? Uso: No, I can’t duet.—Bowdouln Bearskin. Suits made to your measure $25. look in. Give us a $ 1 .0 0 Wide Belts for Young Men ‘Going to bed?” "Naw, I’m just undressing to see how’ I look In my.B. V. D’s. Grinnell Walteaser. The latest straw hats. Hot weather Is coming. You had better be prepared. He: “You look like Helen Brown.” She: “Thank you. I look even worse “My friend Jones has a bouncing baby boy.' "How do you know?” “I dropped it.”—California Pelican. Topkis Athletic Union Suits 40. Three prizes to be given for first three solutions $2.50, $1.50 and $1.00 In Merchandise Nothing New- The Editor may scout and search Through all the jokes In store But some ones always sure to say, ‘‘Aw, I’ve heard that before. In white.”—Colgate Banter.