THDRSDAY. MAY 7^ 1935 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS FAttK TWO ~TCs' THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS I'ublisbed Every Thursday at While it in not good form to m arry a girl for her money. It is not an act of kindness to compel one to be an old maiti Just because she has money. • Sprtacneid. Lana County, Oragon. by THE W il l a m e t t e ■ . B MAXEY. Editor • • Many a sheep goes out wooly and comes back PRESS F C. WKSTKRFIRI.D M anner sh o rn . ttorad as second claaa m attar February I«. IM S at tba postuTffca, SprlngfieM. Orason E d ito r ia l Trad« Cars R. S. Annett haa traded hla Ford car to J. C. Kuddell In exchange for a F"rd truck, which he will uae Io haul balm wood to the excelsior mill. Mr Ruddell plans to leave tor Call (ornla within a tew daya. C om m ent Boy B re a k s A rm Richard Higgins, a Jasper school M A IL SUBSCRIPTIO N RATE boy broke his arm last Thursday after It la probable that no single agency has dona more to noon while playing bal at the school . 50c Ona Yaar ta Advanca.......,t.J 5 Thraa Mont ha tc make unpopular the radical labor agitator than has the grounds. He was brought Io a local Six M o n tb a ,T6e Single Copy — eatablUhmant of labor banka. Labor banka today «ho* I hysldan tor treatment. TH U R S D A Y . M AY 7. IM S _ _ ' aggregate »tatementa running up towards the 1200.000.000 i mark. Ones to Yakima John Rusuel, who BE A BOOSER What happens when a tabor leader became« a bank sp. nt the winter here with his son "If you live and do business in a town f o r ; director? He ftnda that he haa asaumed a serious res I. ft Monday for Yaklmn. Washington heaven's sake be loyal to it. If this town furnishes ponsibiitty on behalf or his depositor» As a matter ot •whore he w ill visit with two other you with food and shelter, boost it: speak well of necessity he begins to take an Interest In any movement. IKtfMk It, Stand by it, and Stand by the industries it political, labor, agricultural or Industrial which haa an represents. If put to a pinch, an ounce of loyaltv eftect either good or bad on general business conditions T A L L AN D SNR Dr N. W Kmerv is w orth a ton Of clever knocking. If you must I lie soon learns that agitation which tends to discourage j - n n r* • • n s Mate nnd M*»«,* woeg *e vilify, oondent and eternally dis,»arage. pack your Investment and employment is Immediately -reflected l:i tru n k and get out, and when you a r e on th e out- »he assets and securities of depositors and borrowers, a side, knock to your h eart's content. But as long labor bank ts as subject to the conditions as any Other as you are a part of a com m unity, be a real m an; bank. do not condem it. If you do you are loosening He find« that economic laws are more powerful than the th e tendrils that hold you as a pttrt of the c o m -‘ rulings of any group of bankers. He finds that in m unity. anti when the Hrst high wind comes along money trust - is an intangible myth. Above all el»*, he you will be uprooted and blown far aw ay; and rtnds that any movement or agitation which hurts the probably you Will never know- why." bank and business generally Immediately hurls the wo. k • • • ingntan The society editor always puts things kindly., Therefore, in spite of his raat prejudices he is un but to the discerning it m eans a good deal wrhen' eonatcously forced to the conclusion that the interests of she concludes her enthusiastic aocount of the |abor and capita) are Identical and (hat one cannot prosper wedding as follows: For the present they will at the expense of the other.—The Manufacturer. m ake their home with the bride's parents. • a • A SLICE OF OUR O IL W E A L T H W ASTM D BY A L L OF I'S The old concrete m ixer is turning out miles of sidewalk these days. Soon one will be able to go If you want to get in any direction without Walking through mud o r ) 0?0“* extravagance, dust ankle deep. Aha motor ta running • • the feeling of boundless wealth and stand behind your automobile while and let the fumes from the exhaust) 'w aft past your nostrils. It will be the most expensive odor that ever offended your olfactory organ, because • _ The buiWtng of a railroad from Bend to Kla- throufh lhBt exhaug, you and , and . BllUoB and . half m ath Falls wi’J m ake the eastern Oregon country <3[h,,r motorlata , re blowtn|t round four „ n „ n, «till more accessable to Springfield and the WU- Bood