S P R I N G F I E L D — THF W ESTERN T E R M IN A L OF THE NATRON CUTOFF 0. of O. Library Tnt SPRINGFIELD NEWS O IV O T B D TO I N T IR 8 8 1 O F S P R IN G F IE L D A N O T H E F A H M E R S OP T H E Wll LAMTTTE VALLIV HHUNOKIELD. LANK COUNTY, OREGON, TWENTY SECOND VEAU FREE DELIVERY OF 0« SEPT. ! PROPOSES $0,000 HIGH SCHOOL IM PR O VEM EN T IU /U SD AY, A rt Exhibit Now A t W. O. W. Hall A good nttondun« o of twoowpeopl nchool «.hlldrrp nr« enjoying th o • hu <1 a r t t x h lb |l b e .nM h |(J Mf (htt w People's Paper" L IV E in a NEW SPAPER L iv e t o w n 7, 1925 A aj , m lui huh ting of ITottHMtit hlKb m liool for tb f pur* tilli I oi»e of MUthorlxlt g tho board to pm Parent-Teacher ano Civic Club «i 000 u 'b lltlo n o n to th e pee* < n t Hold School Benefit Dis­ high» < hool building, wua held nt the play; Musical Program Started City Service Ordered h ig h •< bool b u ild in g M onday a fte r According to Telegram From noen, May 4th ut 2 p. ru A m ninny Senator Stanfield; Two De­ 'of t b ntufb nt a of thn Plnuaant Mgh M h o o l nr« now m in in g fro m d ia t r k t a liveries Will be Made. "T h« o I oiitMldo of tho b’«h »chool dhtrlct It j w hull. Thumday und Friday o f th in , Kr«*r d * llv * r y a r r v lr * In S p rin g fie ld wan (h eid .d lo t«f«r action on th«- The exhibition lx for the pur- w ill be nt a rt ml H< pte rn b i r 1. m i 'ir il now addition until a la tar (Into and pom, of railing money for nrbool In * to a t«*b g ra tii re re lv« d by Poet- n *k tb • outtld«* dlitrtcta to Join high plrturoH, and 1 m b* ing aided by nrcnr iiu m t ir P I) llu f iilln fro m B anatoi »chool district No 1 lh«*r« are nl b « n of the Parent T«*a< h«?ra Aaaocla* Itob* rt N S ta n fie ld . « h a lrm a n o f In»* rea d y fiv e d is t r ic t* co n so lid a te d In | j on nnrj C iv ic Club commit! •« on pouf ••rjfl»‘es a ’ d post t n lo ii IU b trlc t No. 1 Kntorprtse, I photographs of famous scenes, nnd riuidn Fr«*« a< rv lc e w ill be s ta rte d on Pleasant lllll. ( oast F o rk , E l ’-nval«- re p ro d u c tio n s of famous paintings r«-com m endation o f the Pontal Inspect, and Trent. An an addition to th«* make up the coll« <*t ton of pictures, or K <’ Clement, who spent two day» 1 ¡gb school b u ild in g , m ore e q u ip m e n t w >t |, b n u m b r about 200 P a in tin g s Im re In D ecem ber go in g over the ter­ and a large library nr«* n«< • **ury. th- Hri(j ^rtisetlc* handwork of all kinds, ritory to lie served. taxpayers of the consolidated districts owned or done by local people will be Two dellverlm a day In b o th th** fe lt a v e ry «m eh h o tte r s< h«»ol w ith dUplayed at a special local exhibit “Radio”, Campfire Girls' message residence u n i bualnows sec-tlofcs w ill m ore e q u ip m e n t und a high««* sta n d a ro Friday under th» auspices of the Civic Carrying pigeon, safe on the be made a lie n th e se rvice s ta rt« could I)«» ob taine d by In cre a sin g th ' club. Tea will be served during the shoulder of Katherine Hayden, af­ T h e re a III ul»n t»r it p a rce l post de­ slxe o f th e d is tric t. ter a flight from Chicago to New afternoon of that day by the ladles i York in which he equalled the time livery In the hustnosM d is t ilc t m the of the club. of the "Twentieth Century,, train. t •< rnlng of each day. STE A LS CAR AND LEAVES On Thursday and Friday evenings! A c c o rd in g to th e rout»* r».*ro:nm« nd W ASHINGTON M ACHINE a musical [rogrutn will be given MRS. DUNLAP SURPRISED ed by th*’ p o stal In sp e cto r th e p s rt o f This evening the high school , tlo* c ity kn ow n s« th e btialnews sec­ WITH FAREWELL PARTY Quick work In notifying uuthorllle« orchestra and girls glee club will ap­ ------------ tio n a III be b o th sides *>f M ali s tre e t Friday evening there will he I in town» up and down the Pacific pear Mrs. Ray D. Dunlap was the honor fro m M ill to Gib s tre e t. Th«- r»***Id* nca highway was responsible for recover vocal solos bv Iow a Carlton and guest at a surprise party given in sec tio n to b<’ served w ill be fro m M ill ing the Oldsmoblle cur belonging 10 Elizabeth Whitney and violin solac- honor of her birthday by Mrs. W. H s tre e t to N in th stre e t east and w .n t Flank Slutrnian. which was Mohn Hon» by Charles Nadvomlk. Pollard, Mrs. Harry W Whitney acul NUMBER 16 ¡P A R T N E R S H IP W ALL MAY MEAN AN O TH ER BU ILD IN G Plan« for a ni w building to «dioin the Steven'a-P rkins building on Main street near F- urth i treet will be made In June by Mr«. Marlon Hamlin W own» Ibe let. it ha« been an ¡nounced. Mr». Hamlin who 1« now teaching school will vlalt the city \h »er school |:i ou and decide as what she v. ill do. The new " iv t r.n-i ei k.ns landing will Het five feet on Mrs. Hamlin’s lot and she has authorized the addition , on the present structure being re- modeled and alao a partnership wall ; for the building she may erect. A | concrete wall will be constructed as the w est wall of the 8tevens-Perklns ! building, enlarging the structure will give the Nadvornik tailor shop ab >ut , four feet more floor space. ______________ _ FEROCIOUS DOG A TTA C K S SALESM AN IN COUNTRY i TWO NEWTEACHERS ELECTED BY — — ■ Janitors Rehired; Directors Ad- vertise for Bids for Construc­ tion of New $25,000 Grade School on Brattain Tract. Two new teachers were electa,! to ^®a t b *n *be Springfield school at the regular school board m eeting Tuesday evening Mia« Fay Spaulding will teach English and music at the high •ch o o l Rhe graduated from Wile lam ette university last year. Ml«g Haz«I Stephens will teach the primary grades She will graduate from the Oregon Normal school at '•l™ uth th«» y«ar The two janitors of the schools, W. Hawke and W H. Gants were re- elected to their positions at the same salary of 390 a month. The plans for the new school bnlld- lng were approved bv the boated It an informal meeting Monday evening with the architect. John Hunzlcker of Eugene. Mr. Hunzlcker will arrange for advertising for the bids ; p (an o f N ew B u ild in o on the go.caiIe^ unlt Byg ,Pm the new grade g(hofJ, bulwln< c#n he add^ on , o or even dupIkated at £ny time that |t „ found necessary to add ------------ While approaching approaching a a farmhouse near Lowell last Thursday afternoon W E Mayes, a Rawlelgh Products salesman, was attacked by a large “nd bitten severely. The dog jumped at Mr. Mayes throat, knocking him down. The man was able to dodge slightly, however, and the dog bit entirely through his cheek, tearing a large gash. The dog would probably n n t n o rth as fo llo w * On F ifth stre e t T h u r» ,lay e ve n in g fro m the c o rn e r o f , ---------------------------- Mr». Henry A. Korf. at the home of have continued the attack, had not t<> II. sire« t ; ea»t o f F ifth stre e t n. rth 6th und 11 stree ts. S PR IN G FIELD H. S. BEATS Mrs Pollard. several children from the honse rush- on a ll sir« • ts to G stre td A l io t> I .Mr. Mhartnan had left Ills car only The affair was al«o |n the nautre of]ed out and hauled him off. p re e l on F o u rth stre e t i n * n o rth In GROVE TEAM BY 12 TO 8 to the building. It will be trae story uhout ten minute», when he r* turned _____ !a farewell party since Mrs. Dunlap Five stitches were required to close k i.k F S tre e t on a ll s tre e ts west o f F o u rth ______ . . . . h*8‘l made with a stucco exterior over to find it gone, and a Nash car, with Springfield** high school nine won a Is eavlng next week for Dcs Moines, the wound inflicted by the dog. which frI me s tre e t. , The outside measurement* Ten t r ie s for the collection of mall the engine still running, left In Its 13-8 victory oved th» Cottage Grove Iowa, to make her home. She wa;- 1« »aid to be a cross between an alre will be 206x70 feet. place. He Immediately phoned police ti^ni Friday afternoon on the Cottage ptea*ntem anJ there will not be any llm itlrg of the m*n <,r,”fe ,h ® c» r ln ,° »°me brush left field; H. Cowart catcher; Pollard Olson.. M ts . W. R. Dawson, Mrs. L. K lumberman. at each end of the hall. Two rear «•■rvlce because of deficient Impove- •'on6 *bp highway and left ft. The right fled; Hughes center field. Me- Mrs. C. Meachem. Mrs. Halsey, entrances open from the ends of the menta. It |s believed. Th® car w#" found about 6:00 F rl-! Pheraon replaced Pollard, and Mar MrB D- w Crltee, Mrs. Lida Mac- _ . _ " G. A. R. HONORS VISITORS hallway. All that a person may do to receive morning guth replaced McPherson. H. Cowart - Oowan. Mrs. N. W. Emery. Mrs. W. AT RECEPTION IN CITY A teachers rest room, with a locker mall delivery Is to erect a regulation Th® Nlu'h <*r !•« ber« belong« to pitched the fifth and sixth Inning«. F Walker. Mrs. LanBbery, Miss Edna room In conjunction will be directly letter box or cut a hole In the front w E «(»hop of Chehalis. Washington, «nd Hastings finished the game. ’ I Swart». Mrs MargaTet Campbell of Honoring Mrs. Ella G. Hines and to the left of the front entrance, and i Thurston. Mrs. R. L. Kirk of Seattle, door. Wright and Son hardware have * n<* claimed by him Monday. This ___ _________ _ Mrs. Lucy C. Beck of Portland, Mrs. on the right will be located the prlnc i- Washington and Mrs. M. 8. Ady, Mrs. secured a number of the regulation rar wn" taken Tuemlay when It wa» ALBANY TAKES LOCALS jjobn McDonald. Mrs M. Miller. Mrs. Saran E Oliver of Salem and Mrs. pals w aiting room and ofilce. In boxes and other dealers may have parked In front of the Bishop MEASURE AT 10-2 SCORE ' B. Seelye. Mrs. J. F. Day. Mrs. M A. RoBa B Slewart of Portland, ladles both of these room», as well as In each them also. , hom<( Although i^'ncovery of the Green, Mrs. Jonh Dunlap, all of Eu- of the 0 A R met Pr,day at a recep- cloak room, there will be built In ■ ¡theft was made In a few minutes, the Springfield's team lost Its first geae and Miss Belle Dunlap, who will tlon at the horae ot Mra- c F - cablnets to accommodate school sup- car was not recovered Immediately CLINE BUYS INTEREST game Sunday to Albany by a score of accompeny Mrs. Dunlap to her home man plle€’ IN S W EEN EY’S LUNCH X ' h«'hl ' b J u ïch*“ ^ 10-3. The game was well-played the In Iowa. | Mrs- H ln*“s was a pioneer depart- No excavation will he required for ° f i I ----- first five Innings, 'the score then ¡... . , . . ________________ , ment president of the order and Mrs. the building which will face west. A Washington, who was eent up for standing 3-3 for Albany A half lnt^roMt In the Ralph flweennv ! h ” . 0 ” "". l* bUlW",K- tured nose and wrist Tuesday evening est In the world. when a truck on which sh a with j While Rev. Wetterhahn says he re- ho movp«’ to tbo hack room, which I m R to aevcral lota near niack catcher: Cox rltfht field; Meat« 1 n B , -» —a Grove center Or° V" B° W'er' D° Wn#d about twenty other people slipped grets leaving Springfield after so b e'rv »«tefeg » »gv blue. The out­ the high school but had loat the In- 1aft field; Banv»T Sani'ev center _. - , Springfield again walloped the Cot- party o ff a ferry on the McKenzie short a stay he feels that the new side of 'he building is also being paint- slrument several years ago and for- _ '! ¿" b " ,,tU,7 lta ’ ® Orpvp ho ’ Ip" FrWay ®v®"lng river near the Jim Seavey hop ranch field offers him larger opportunities ed n cream r o to r *"be »hon e ) o s « d i* ° ‘ " b " ” 1 ,hPnl T hp ° ” ’ p r day hp P in g " M ulllga--’ replaced D rip s n» the The truckload of people' wer» Just for Shrtstlan work. No successor has M o n d a r, and » ' l l not onen th e re s t o f ! f°"n'1 hl" ,,PPrt lmmpd'a‘®'y came pitchers box during the last three at the Cottage Grove alley, this time by a margin of 102 pins. here to look up the property. leaving their work at the ranch, when Jet been chosen, Innings. , • his week until the repair work Is The local players who made up the the driver, after driving onto the With him on his trip here was his finished. team were W esley 8tevens, Leon­ ferry was unable to stop It and the Many Pay Traffic Fines wife, Editor Pnul Robinson and wife, Springfield Girl Marrlet ard Lopley. Clifford Bryan, I. N. Endi­ front wheels slipped off. Several peo­ of tho Vernonia Eagle, and Walter The marriage of Miss Laura Evelyn cott and W. J. Lepley. Infant’s Funeral Here ple were thrown Into the water or Many fines were collected hy local Thoy motored through to -mil of this city to Jack Grover Senvey The Infant non of Mr. and Mrs. Repass. Jumped to the ferry for safety. ¡officers for traffic offenses this week. Ralph Perln, who died In Eugene last Gold Hill where they are Interested In of Veneta took place Monday at the W . C. T . U. M eeting Postponed— ................... — W. T. Hoyt paid 310 for speeding, and Thursday wa« hurled Friday afternoon now development on a mine there. office of W ells A W ells attorneys The W. C. T. Ü. meeting has been Congo Missionaries Here c M- R®lder and J. E. Shelton each nt the T^tnrel Hill cem etery The ar­ Justice of the Peace H , J. Walls per­ postponed to the regular meeting day Returning from missionary w trk In P*1'1 *5 for the g8me o"®"*®- G - W Convention et Thureton forming the ceremony. Mrs. Sevev Is Tuesday, May 26. rangements were made by the Walker Belgian Congo. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer IPprkln8 and John Wa" '" 8 each paid chapel. , The Ijin e Connty Sunday School the daughter of Mr. and Mra. J. B. G. Boyer are visiting at tho home of :»2 ,or t a k i n g too near a fire hydrant. Toll of west E. street. The couple convention will ho held this year at Takes Over Radio Shop— Ivan Male Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Mltc.hd! Mlss and W "bur Duncan, C. A. Eldrege. Changing Novelty Stock Thuston church May, 16 and 17. Dele- will spend their honeymoon In Wash­ formerly of the Springfield garage, Hattie Mitchell, da'tgi ter ot Mr. and Andrews and R. M. Barnard, New shelves a round the entire wall« gatea from all parts of the county are ington. has tak'i.t charge of f • Thomas Mrs. Mitchell Is teaching the natives oath contributed »2 for park'ug with- o f the Turner Novelty »hop nre now oxpoctcd. Arrangements are being Hemrnway ’ad c shet in Ftigcne. In the same district on the Congo ou* '’ghts. Frank Lacy paid a like t>elng completed, and' work 1» under mad* to entertain delegates on Safer- To Portray Historical Event formerly operated by A. S. Myers. river. Mr and Mrs. Boyer spoke at amount for cutting corners, wny remodeling the windows. No day. May 16 and a basket dinned will •"Tho Marriage of Jason Lee" will the Christian church In Eugene Sun­ tf-p wbs ever made over these dlspny he enjoyed Sunday, May 17, nlong be presented hy (he high school stu 1- Breaks Nose In Game— Harry Lee, day on their experiences In Africa. q 0 to Albany—Mrs. Wallace Hawke ents on a float In thp Pioneer parade windows, nnd those are now being with -the progrnms. a resident of W est Springfield broke In Eugene Saturday. “Sacagcwea put In. Curtains will be hung nt the and son, Wayne, spent Tuesday In Al- nls nose Sunday while playing base­ Vlsiting at Turner's—W. A, Turner, hany visiting. Mrs. Hawke returned will be the Lincoln school float. About j back of the windows Mr. G. H. T um ­ Surprise for Pastor ball. The ball hit him In the face brother of G. H. Turner, new pro- Tuesday evening and Wayne came 1B0 Lincoln school stlideu :s will 1 or, owner of tho atore nnnnuncoa. causing the fracture. prletor of Turner’s Novelty Aore here ' hack Wednesday, A surprise parly honoring the birth­ march in the pasmlei. which star's at is visiting here from Port Angeles, day of Rpy. J. Carlton Wetterhahn, iv:00. hey will leave he'? et 9 CO. Social at Baptist Church Here From Veneta—Mr. nnd Mrs. W ashington. A 'Post Card Roclnl' will be n «11 nl pastor of the Tlantlst rhurch was held and to t: ■ In line at 6t< and Olive N Jobe of Veneta spent Wednesday Goes Home After Visit—Mrs. L. M. the Baptist church Saturday evening. In thn rhurch basement Wednesday «’reels in Eugene ■' 9:30 'o Springfield. Go to Roseburg—C. F. Woodruff. Keller of Eugene who has been visit- Pictures taken hy Rev. J. Carlton evening. A social evening was en ­ brother of Mrs. Q. H. Turner of this png her daughter, Mrs. D. O. Fisher From Fall Creek—Mr. nnd Mrs. W. Wetterhnhn will bo shown hy means joyed hy members of the ehttreh. who Here From Dexter—Wayne Gu'lcy, city, who has been visiting her here, ¡here for a few days returned to her of a storooptlon machine and refresh­ planned the party, and refreshments D. Olnspv were out of town visitors ^from Fall Creek Wednesday. left Wednesday evening for Roseburg, home Saturday. of Dexter was in town Wednesday. wero servd. m ents will be served.