PAOS BIGHT » V w ¿ tv* "sn k» T IIURHPAY. APRIL 3», 1P2K THE SPRJNOEIKLD NEWS Springfield Methodiet Church (Kbbrrt Memorial) Sunday night. ’’Christ a Hreat Moral Teacher or Divine ItedenmorT” will bo the first of a serloe on (he fundi- m enials of our faith The objective being practical heli hilne»* 1 Io I hue« who are struggling to keep In possess­ ion the Inestimable treaau» of a com matting faith which must make Ils way In a world of knowledge The fireside hour will begin nt 7:70. after which the brief tnemtege of the evening will follow The morning service at t l o'clock .will he taken up with a message In scriptural exposition of helpfulness. The church school will convene at ¡9:45, with Mrs Ida flantj. superintend ent. with large classes of high pupils, as well as all other age« Thy worshipping at "The Church of a fo r dial W elcome"- F I. MOORt. Mini» ter. Uncle Jahn If our folks moved to Para­ dise with nothin’ much to do, thoy’d w iggle, w aggle, fuss an' squirm to start up somethin’ nsw; It seems that satisfaction ha* about forsook our race, — we try to act new-fangled, every time we wash our tace. We’ve got to have •progreesive- ncss" in church as well as state — I know a fool that’s toyin’ to fetch the Bible up to date! Bill Jiggers bought hisself a watch, in town the other day, she must-a been a good one fer the price he had to pay— but Bill kept foolin’ with it — he was sure she needed grease — het mrbu refer flooded,—at last she rests in peace! There’s many a good thing mined by an over- jealous botch, and put clean out of business, same as Billy J ig ­ gers watch. The shortest route to misery, experience proves to me— is to monkey with conditions that’s as good as they can be. First Beptlet Church Slid and C streets llev. J. C Wettrrhahn. pastor Bible school 10:30. Mom ng service 11:00. Hermon topic. "The King’s Business " The Lord's supper will be held at the close of thn service II V I’ U. and Prayer service for adults 0:30. Evening service 7.80. Hertuon topic. ('Some l-Vdka Who U s e In Springfield.“ You will enjoy the fellowship of this rhurv h. Ils members give you a real welcome Instead of letlng a signboard do It. Where Masters Cams From Hniytbe;—"No man can serve two master* “ Kinsley: "Wei! I have no Idea of committing bigamy.“ b l’ K i'IA I. I ’ KK’ K on plate work Or. N W Em ery, dentist. Hutton Bldg Rummage Bals Alpha fill OmsgB will have a clotting and cooked fo,sl sale at the latraway building. Eugene, Saturday. May » A30. YOUTH IN NOT A Matter of Y ears Barnes Circus, Coming May 6 ing It this raasif W I M-lpbl Mgs S A- W Baby Kernel Corn Receiving fresh straw berries dully and all fresh v e g e ta b le ,'i in season. Give us a trial; yours fo r service. 9 • WHITE FRONT GROCERY • 9 •w “THE NEW LOWELL THEATRE WILL BE ONE OF THE FINEST, BEST EQUIPPED, AND MOST ARTISTIC ON THE PACIFIC COAST. A CREDIT TO ANY CITY IN THE WORLD.” Mr. Carl R. Berg (D ecorator and designer o f th ir ty - fo u r theaters in the last five years.) AND IT ’S YOUR THEATER—BUILT FOR YOU, FOR YOUR ENJOY­ MENT, PLEASURE AND HAPPINESS. YOUR DESIRES, YOUR TASTES, YOUR WISHES WILL BE TH E FOUNDATION UPON WHICH ALL ITS POLICIES WILL BE ESTABLISHED, QUARTERS AT ALL TIMES. MAKE IT YOUR HEAD­ A TRIUMPH OF MOTION PICTURE ART WILL BE TH E PREM IER PRESENTATION GRAND OPENING SOON! The opening of the new theater will be some time dur- mg the week of May 4th. Watch the Eugene papers for definate announcement of opening date. The LOWELL will be a Popular Price Theatre ,WAN SON _ IM (^adanw^ansfene,' ooourti jvM» I CHILDREN MATINEES EVENINGS aa |t> M L U M V 10c 20c 30c AND THIS REGULAR SCALE OF PRICES WILL ONLY RAISE ON SUPER-PRODUCTIONS WITH CONTRACT STIPULATIONS OF AD­ VANCE PRICES—AND TH ESE WILL ALWAYS BE SHOWN AT THE LOWEST ADMISSION SCALE POSSIBLE. A Splendid Theater — with a Splendid Policy GLORIOUS GLORIA’S MOST GORGEOUS MASTERPIECE THE RO­ MANCE OF “MADAME DEVIL-MAY-CARE” PRICES! POPULAR ARTISTIC BEAUTY! COURTEOUS SERVICE! MODERN COMFORT! and the Pick of the Pictures T h e Grand Opening of the Lowell T heatre will be one of the Gala Events of Lane C ounty’s H is to ry ---- It will be w orth going miles to see - - A n evening of pleasure and joy supreme