PAGE SEVEN TH E SPRTN0F1ELD NEW'S THURSDAY, APRIL 28. 1»25 and should be addressed to G. G Hrown, Clerk State Land Board. Sal-' Mti. Oregon, and marked ‘Applka tton and bid to purchaao river-bed lands.” Done at Salem, Oregon, March 20. 1 Load thrown In ___ ____ ............ 50c 1536. 0 . 0 . DROWN. , Load thrown In and piled 75c Clerk of State Lend Board. Load carried up atalra ..... „........ .51.50 . M 26-A>2-9-14 23-30 M 7-14-21-2#. 1 cord aplit up ............. ...-..... 11.50 Quarantted work. Our motto la IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE “Service.” Leave ordara at Nawa Of­ STATE OF ORBOON FOR LANE COUNTY fice. OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIANNTEREST The Cla»aop county court has an­ nounced that In the future all con­ tractor. doing county work most furnish personal bond» and that con­ •a ll whattyeli want ta tell, buy what yau want to buy thro an ’J tractors’ bonds offered by bonding eolumna W rlta or phono TW O companies will not be accepted. Brief Resume of Happening« ol County court», under a law enacted Hou»» pulntli», paporhaiixlng, cal J WANTED—Woman to work In lea at the last session of the legislature, the Week Collected for minlnlng. Kay Koch. Call Springfield , croain anil confectionary stand at most remit penalty, interest and costs M 21 Hendricks’ Bridge Apply before 1I35J. when property owners pay their tax Our Reader«. Haturdny May 2 to A. C. King at principal prior to May 1, 1925. or prior Dr. H Ralph IMpptl. Dentist, Vitu», Stand. A 30 to the date on which certificates of 1st Grande’s first observance of a delinquency could have been fore­ building, Hprlngf bid, Oregon. W. J. I.lchty and J. T. Evans, and Ft,It HALE Carbon pupur In lure” Blonde Baaa Opine« W illis J. Chamberlain,------------plain­ community music week will be May closed. »hoot«, 26x39 Inch««, suitable (or NOTICE O r F1NAJ> HEARING Maurice wanted me to become hl» tiff». 2-5. Notice 1» hereby given that Donald ' making tracings. The Now» Office. Since hla recent discovery of the v» I dancing partner In vaudeville, but I Young. th « administrator with tha Emma Harding», Mary Locke and------1 The Lutheran Brotherhood of Ore- cause of salmon poisoning in dogs. turned It down. I told him It wua too ---------------IZKke, her hustiand. Josiah gon will convene In Silverton May 2, Will annex d, of th« estate o, llotiry i Dr. C. R. Donham, instructor In veter­ Eighth Grade Eaamlnatlone Pierre, deceased, ha« filed hi» fin a l, »huky u business for me. Shaw and ------ -—---- Shaw, hla wife, J and 1. inary medicine at the Oregon Agricul­ aeount and that Saturday, tha 16tlt Notice I» hereby elven I hut the Lydia Grow and Paschal Grow, her I F. A. Elliott, state forester, la at- tural college, has been devoting all day of May. 1925, at thn hour of ton NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING hutbaml. Surah B. Shaw and —— —— i (. d o . k in thn forenoon ..f »aid day. In regular uniform »tat., Eighth Grade The undersigned Administrator of sha>w her husband. Hannah Verrlll tending a series of forest (Ire con- spare time to working out an effective th» County Court llaom at the Court Examination» will be given In School th e e»lali* of William ll. Safley ha- and Joseph Verrlll, her husband. Isaac; ferences In eastern Oregon, treatment for dogs affected by the House tn Eugene. I.ano County, Orn D i s t r i c t s where there are pupil» who filed his final report and account In R Euetman und ---------------Eastman. poisoning. The annual meeting of the Oregon g eon. has •»*•»" « ’ ** • • LhA . “ a " unt *>ave compiled with the condition. Un the County Court of Lane County, b|s wife, B< njarnln F. Eastman and lace for hearing tha the final place (Inal account Bert (Oregon) Jones, who with Oregon, and »aid court has set Satur | ---------------Kastman, h is wife, Polly State Retail Jewelers 'association will other convicts made a sensational es­ and ••lllem en t of su'd , * " " a i* T day?May 2nd a 10 o’clock A. M at the H1)>w her’ Hui-1 be held In Salem May 11 and 12. perwn« bavin« «>|Uon for question« ha» bwrn made, on County Court room. Ku«< n*. for final Tfcncjjjy Hhaw and ________— cape from the state penitentiary at nnbt final account »re nnUfbd to file j^unnlay and Friday, May H anu 16, ¡hearlnir thereon at or before which ^^aw, h u wife. Ifcinlel ffrhaw and i Ijy • Tot® 63 to *• a comm».Tc’J Idle «am« In writing with th» < lara j tta»e any obpectlona will be filed o r ---------------Shaw his wife Hallie M I course wan voted for the Cottage Salem on the morning of March , 28, o , Ihe County fo u r, for I a n County. I »p-; made «haw gn(J O rov. high school at t h . budget meet- «2«- ’ »» returned to the pr.aon from Oregon, on or prior to »a’d dale E I Moor«, Coumy School Super |)bU(, gBf the State of Oregon. In and for , Robberson, Verna It. Robberson. Har of »ale laatted out of the Circuit Court The load limit for motor vehicles on 31500 each. Ijini- County, her fin* report a» Ad- da H. Robberson, Hattie 5t. Orrlson. of the state of Oregon for the County cord October U t h . 1918 and contain mlnlstratrlx of tha »»tat« of Philo Wll- formerly Hattie M. McCroskey. and the Old Oregon Trail in the Blue Buena Vista addition of Oregon City of lain e on the 15th day of April, 1925 In« 160 a c n e more or le»a». together cox, deceased; and that ten o'clock In W E Orrison, her husband, also the recently imposed by the has the honor of producing the first upon a Judgement and decree rendered w ith ik e le n e m e n ta b e r t d lln m in t s and the forenoon of 8»»urdsy. the 15th'unkno«n heir» of any of said defend- Mountains, . . ,__ ___ u . . ---- — ------- - , hl«bway commlaalon. h a. been rogeg of the ,„ a80n ,n c l a c k . » « In »aid court on the 14th day of April, » P D U r t e n « n c e i X . n . n b ’ lonjlng or day of M»v. 1925 at the court room ants who may be deceased, also all 1926, In a «u't wherein Melville <1. In «nv w'ee »npertalnlng thereof In Eugene. Oregon, have been ; other persons or parties unknown, lifted. ¡county. county. Mrs. Eva Williams of Six- Evan* the Plaintiff recovered a judge­ And that the proceed« of »aid sale bv the Court fixed »• the time and cialm'ng any right, title, estate, lien Members of Capitol post. American tec-nth and Division streets has a beau­ m ent against the défendante, Jam**» be applied a» follow»: 'place for hearing objections to »aid or Int’ reet In the real property des- Legion, with headquarters In Salem, tiful climbing Hermosa rose In bloom, I, Clark and Ethel M Clark, hl» wife Ptr»c The expense» of »aid »ale report and for the final settlem ent of ertbed In the complaint herein.— have launched a plan whereby they the blossoms making their appearance and the United State« National Hank defendants. a coata and dlsbur»"-, the estate of «a‘d d»--»ased of Salem. Oregon. tor t*1« *u,n T E n and the P laintiff expect to erect a home for the organ- Easter Sunday. SARAH C M DEE. SUMMONS THOUSAND DOLLARS together with nw nts of this suit Administratrix. To Emma Hardings, Mary Locke, and tzatlon. Oregon farmers to the number of Interest thereon from th>- let day of[ Second: To the payment of the -Locke, her husband, Josiah j The Clatsop county court has award- 10.007 have availed them selves of « 4 ' ’w i r k * o X K any «her. b .! A-l«.23-30-N.y-7-14 Shaw and iLydia Grow and P asch S r’o r o w /h 'r » contract to John Slotte 4 Co. for loans totaling 330,948.850 from federal 345 mruVan7e.’ n< i ' ^ r BwMirinMnwat|to be disposed of as the Court may 41- husband. Sarah B. Shaw and ------------1 the grading of three miles on the Ne- land banks, Joint stock land banka 8UMMONR ih-reon from March l»17 00 In comollanc* with the «aid eiecutloa | COUNTY. Plaintiff, v» L. H. Gray. m“ n. his wife, Benjamin F. Eastman John Day highway is to be finished lished by law, according to the Sears- com . and dlabutwenwnt». which judge | and order > » « •? » ' . . . . . . -.V. it... i s i h d av o f Mnv 1925.1 Defendant . “"d ------------Eastman, h's wife, Polly without delay. The last gap. 21 miles, Roebuck Agricultural foundation. m nt^ was enrolled ati^^diwketed h, ho S . - . > n „fendlin, . Shnw and - — — ---- Shaw, her bus-I has been ordered advertlaed for grad- Crater lake national park will be ( terk'e o ffc » of aaM t our on the | ween , m b T’mothy Sha w and -- ---------- - lng #t May meetlng of the h!gh. ritady for opening on the regular date, 14th day of April. 1925. an.t an * f> M o| QREOON: Ton are herebv renoir-, t*h« w- h is wife Daniel Shaw and ’ duir inaueil to me there-' at the hour of one ov,„< » t n . a rc n eren v July 1. C. G. Thompson, superintend- ‘ »Inti"--------------Shaw, his wife, Sallle M way commission. T d h ' r t l n . and yromni..ndlng tn.- tn : »«Id door at the southweat door of - - the ,1 to anpear and answer complaint Shaw, her hus- Two hundred members of the Bap- ent has announced. Mr. Thompson Shsw and ' r it. s t i.t .. of Oregon tn ¡County Court house In the City of f |e<| ag»ln«t you herein on or before publics- th - name of th» » .1- E««e»». I-ane Cocntv Oregon, offer , r„„, date of first p u b lic- ban<1' W ll,la® Shaw and ------------------ ttBt churches In Lane and Douglas and a crew of men are on their way ord er to s a t is f y »»Kt J l l l l g e i i i e i l l , a . „ a .h In ... « . . . t h ..» ,.f t th h e . Shaw, his w fe. Ephrlam Shaw and countit,8 convened at Springfield for into the lake and with high explosives and ” hla wlfr"*“* lhe ennual ® fcetln« ot lhe Umpqua will clear away the snow from the en- Eastman snd ------------Eastman. Baptist association. trance so that cars can reach the mband. Polly Locke snd -------- A budget of 325,000 for the coming lodge. Ixtche. her husband. Joseph year WEg roted gt thu 3J(1 annuai coa. ( U nless Governor Pierce reinstate« nrletta Fleming a n d - ^ ___ ’ Fh-m- Terence at Astoria of the Lutheran Ben Dorris of Eugene to the state fish her husband, E. E. Shaw and Columbia conference of the Augustana commission a recall movement will be initiated and prosecuted to com­ his wife. Etha « ^ n T ' 1 ^ » . V ^ ™ O W ^ , d - . i V W l « » 0 <» •"< in" i ^ p r i n ^ e l d : (Oregon- N ew . bv ^ ' b b e ^ u 8 Shaw VeTna"R R obb £ £ B<-lle tor* Synod of North America. g. (lh,-r with (.11 the right, of way des- '»nda and premise and every part „r , or of Hon c p Barnard Judge of (|g „ Rr^ ber«<.n. Hattie M Orrlson Coos county must rearrange Its pro- pletion by the sportsmen of Oregon. cr,bed In that certain deM from R A .th-Teof. v o i V I i p TAVM>„ ’h* t h e County Court s of f La»« Lane County. County, a»«'W .’ B, Orr'son h~er"husband "also posed bond election for 3700.000, as a This was the announcement made pub­ ~ . l~ a * F a ls o " ’ * FRANK E TAYLOR. Oreton. made In the t^'e all other person« or parties unknown mistake in the order of election necea- lic In Klamath Falls by R. J. Klrk- W ash b u rn « sn d Mary A w » 'hb,u r"*' .Sheriff of latne Count v. Oregon ; A » r i7 n , 192"fi t o . 7 r . n d H™I P»b C’Q’? ’nr nny r,*h‘' “ U' ’ "en Ca“ be,° re tbe b° “d “ • WOOd ° f ? rtl,n d ’ ’ “ T ' Z h l. wir» to James L Clark, dated A 1« 23 30 M 7-14 O cto b er lo - th 1918 and ff > 4 SW>4. Sac. 33. , Beginning at a point on the North dead following a beating administered Tp 15 8 Rang, 9 West. W M with 1 »« ° f Lot Eleven (11). Patterson ? by her grandmother. Mrs. M. C. Paton. tn the Slualaw National Forest, for the Addition to Eugene. Oregon, fifty (50) , wbom , he had been living on a timber on the N BU 8W14. S-c.. 6. fee. east of the NorthweK corner of! ,h * abput 35 ,T |- 21 » . Range 3 East. W M with- »»Id Lot Eleven (11), thence east farm ln ,h e dlstrtc , In the Cascade National Forest along the north line of Lot Eleven miles south of Tillamook. The purpose of this notice Is to al- ( l l ) Ninety (90) foet, thence South: Because of the projected operations n th « r low all persona claiming the lands Parallel whh the wee. line of Lots Qf , he Shevun-Hixon company ia QUP?d Vhi state to dete-mine ¡selected, or having bona fide objec- Eleven (11) and Twelve (12). 8eventy- n t X . i . naay opposition to the n ^ tlena to such application, an oppor five (75) feet, thence west parallel , . u i u c - •= — ______ — tunltv to flic their nrot'ats with the w th the North line of Lot Eleven Iron works will establish a large plant .. .. _» tbe Oregon. California 4 Register and 11 celver of the U n ltel (11) N inety (90) feet, thence North ln Klamath Falls early tills summer. ‘ Eastern railroad, known h butter o tte r a s the as the States Land Office at Roseburg. Ore- parallel with the West line of Lots according to announcement. Strahorn line, to the interstate com­ 'gon. >nv such t-potests or objections Eleven (11) and Twelve (12) S ’venty-i» , - „ j . . must be filed In this office within five feet to the place of beg nning. : w - H- Clark of Portland, state merce commission for the right to thirty days from th- date of fl-st pub- being a part of Lots Eleven (11) and 1 senator from Multnomah county, was extend its line to Lakeview from near ■llcaMon of thia notice, which first Twelve (12). Patterson's Addition, all elected superintendent of the Oregon Klamath Falls, the system head­ | publication 1« April 23. 1925 , in Eugen , Lan? County. Oregon. | empioyment Institution for the adult quarters. -C — s HAMILL A. CANADAY. And that the plaintiff. Willig J. i . . . . Chamberlain, be declared to be the bllnd 1 Portland. He will succeed Register The state board of control has re- A 23-30, M 7-14 owner In fee simple of the following Mrs- R- B- Goodin, who has resign ed ., t<> the c)ty pf Aatorja approxi- , Non-Coal .described real property, , . . . to-wlt: The state highway commission has mately 328.000. representing the first NOTICE Beg nr.,ng at a point on th° North l sollgbt permission from the public NOTICE Is hereby given that th e ,, , line of Lot Eleven (11). Patterson’s ; gervlcg comnli9glon to establish an half taxes for the year 1925 paid by the property owners of the municipal­ State Land Board of the State of Ore-, Addition to Eugene. Oregon. One; pon will receive seal-d b ds at its 'Huqdvrd Forty <140) feet East of the! overhead crossing over the track of ity. Under a luw enacted at the 1923 office In the Capitol Building in Sal- Northwest corner of said Lot Eleven | the Central Pacific railroad ln Klam- session of the legislature state taxee I ( Hi, Oregon, up to 11:00 o'clock A. M..| 111), thence east along said North ath county. The cost of the proposed June 2. 1925 for all the State's Interest line of Lot Eleven. F I y I* (6) feet. improvement was estimated at 338,- paid by property owners of Astoria were to be remitted to the city over 'in the rlver-bnl lands hereinafter d e-1 thence South E ortvnlne degp-es (49 ¡scribed, giving however to the ownei | deg.). East Slxtv-nine (69) feet more 260. a period of seven years. ’—‘t, lor owners of any lands abutting o.- or less, to a point two and two tenths The navy department will detail a Estim ates of the Hood River val­ fronting thereon, the preference right l ,2.2) f(,et North of tho South- representative at once to go to As- to purchase «aid lan la at the highest ¡eaH corner of said Lot Eleven (11). | . , ld make a careful study of the ley fruit crop vary. The bloom has prlc offered, provided such offer Is'th rn ce South Twenty seven and Two I ton a 4Ild 1 r i.,m been more scattered than ln any past made tn good faith and that the board tentbg <27 2) feet more or less to tho situation at the mouth of the Colum- season. In instances growers who had reaervea the right to reject any and ^ ,„ ,|lraqt eorm r of th North one i hla river, so far as It concerns the more than 30.000 boxes of apples last ail bids ihalf of Lot Twelve (12), sab! n 'dltlon national defense. Senator McNary was Suld lands are s'tuated In Lane thence west parallel tn ft«» North o.-sured by Secretary of the Navy Wll- season say they count on 10.000 boxes this year. One east side grower who County Oregon, and 'lerorlhed as | li n e of said Lot Twelve (12). Rlxty hlir follows to-wlt had over 25,000 boxes tn 1924 says he have does not expect over 6000 boxes. Esti­ Bment mates for the 1925 tonuage ranges all r dis- tho way from 800,000 to 1,800,000 were be­ boxes. !corner on west lino C Soctlen :h). T. "r oegin- coming common in that stream. A Rhea Luper, state engineer, has Hi­ 117 S. R. 1 W. of W M. and ru n n in g !n1"« ' t iheiiee along meander line down nn*' tlmt none of the defendants have quantity of this variety of fish were ed in the circutt court of Malheur stream, S 46 deg W. 3.60 chains S. inny rl*hf- «i »■