PAGE SIX TIIURSHAY. APRIL 23, 192« THURSDAY. APRIL ltf, 1925 H e re a r e T w o A t t r a c t i v e H om e P la n s 15 COMJNG MAY 6TH — * ■ .# » ' The in n M irtm rn l of AL. BAR NES 4 RING CIRCUS ap- |x»r* ra thia issue. The cvtuing of «his organisation is welcome news, as «he AL. G BARNKS CIRCUS is one «hal always presents a clean, wholesome and entertaining pro* gram. This year, according to an­ nouncements, the circus has been greatly enlarged, and in addition to the all new spectacle of Poca­ hontas at the Court of Queen Anne with the enormous cast, selected from (he HX’ employees, other new features are: lot) horses in one big act. The Ees-Ton Tribe of Arabs from the Sahara Desert— their first visit to America. The Canton Troupe of Chinese Circus Artists, The Imperial Midget Fam­ ily from Bavaria. Joe Martin (him­ self). The Giant Gorilla Man. Lo­ tus. the only performing hippo­ potamus in the world, and the Famous Exclusive Al. G. Baines Feature— 40 Dancing Horses and 40 Dancing Girls, and Al. G. Barnes appears in person at each performance. Owing to the enormous siae of the circus this year, the manage­ ment announces that no street [ parade will be given in any city visited, ho ever, in place of the omitted procession, a mammoth Open Air Free Exhibition will take place on the show grounds at 1 0 0 Those who like a lot of air .and sur and 7:00 P. M., immediately pre- cechns the opening of the doors ! shine will immediately take note o to the circus, and the largest travel­ ■this house which has either of two ver: ing m en a .ere in the world, com- convenient floor plans. And with e pr sing ever 4"\) rare animals from all quarters of the earth. slight change a half story may easll; The circus performance starts promptly at 2:00 and 8 00 P. M. , be added. Painted In white this home Ample natking m ice for autos is • with the large pergola over the porch reserved oa the show grounds and takes on an air of individuality not a C tv Ticket OfSee, where num­ b e d reserv’d , ’ia'rs may be ob- t-.n- d at same price charged on CULTURE OF DAHLIA s ' Js, is maintained TOLD BY SPECIALIST u each c l . ' . PAINT UP a n d C le a n u p Save the surface by using good paint. cream . Ivory, silver gray, buff, atone ami French gray. Come in and get our prices on (mints and vanilshes. Come In and get our prides on any Job large or small. Get the benefit of our 20 years experience as practical paint­ ers. lluy your paint al a paint tgore Shop open from 9 to 6 V a s b y B ros. Corner 5th and A -h en found In the sm aller houses. The two floor plans are quite dlf- erent, the big problem being to decide which of the two la most desirable. Both plans arrange for a b u lt in break fast room. One plan arranges for an extra lange sleeping room and torch while the other divides It Into two sleeping rooms. The closet space ar- rnngemeut Is particularly a ell worked out. In trying Io pick out a plan for a h o m e th e average person finds th e chief difficulty In getting a lot of room In a small space. Thia of course Is impossible, but with the many built Ins that are available for the home builder the question of room Is often solved Quackenbush’s ¡« g EUGENE WEDNESDAY 4 Varno-Lac Stains and Varnishes W E B U IL D Store fixtures, shelving, etc. iences for the home. All kinds o* bullt-ln conven­ Consult us for any work you may have. A ND ER SO N Manufacturing Corp. Courtosy — Service — Quality Phone 7 Cor. 0 and Third Sts. Springfield, Oregon Wilfert Sand & Gravel Co. Cement Contractor We have all our own sand and gravel and all our own equipm ent nud can give you a better price Call EUGENE 386 for Estimates Plant on Highway Near Springfield There’s Only One W ay To Start Building a Home— That’s to START Spring will be here soon. Its time to begin axutlve work on the big things you have In mind for the year. I x W ith one easy sweep of the bruah you can stain and varnish woodwork, floors and furniture with Acm e Q uality V a rn o -L a c . T h is famous varnish-stain comes in all de­ sired effects— oak, mahogany, walnut, etc. I t gives inexpens­ ive woods the ive ones. For re n e w in g old chairs, tables, beds, dres­ sers and other pieces of furni­ ture which have become dull and worn, there is nothing q u ite so sa tis fac to ry as Varno-Lac. Com e in and get a color card. Let us show you the wonderful re­ sults you can obtain. There Is no more Im portant m atter than th a t home you have hoped for, wished for and talked about for so long. P ut the hopes, the wishes and the talk Into action this month and realize In the new home the happiest year of your life. There is one very easy way to s ta rt—call at our retail office and tell us you are Interested In home building. ACME QUALITY 5 _ ACTS — 5 OF ORPHEUM & KEITH CIRCUITS christy & M c D onald FRIED LANDER BROS. HAYS & LILLIAN THREE WEBER GIRLS CLIFF DEAN * CO. more expens- VARNO'LAC W r ig h t & S o n The Booth-Kelly Lumber Co. Springfield, So. 7th St., Phone 55 Eugene, 507 W illamette St., Phone 452 > , / Paint We do painting kalsomlulug and decorating In all Its branches. phate. Commercial fertiliser which I out of bloom wivett they should be at analyses about 4 IM i) Is very good. their best. For localities along the I Dry ground sheep guano in sacks ts a sea coast, early planting ia very satis BY R. W. GILL. ,handy fertiliser to use and give» fine factory, but for other localities In the TO BUILD 18 MAMMOTH Of Gill Bros. Seed Company. , resulta. In addition to the use of any Northwest wu reco nini' nd planting Portland, Oregon ENGINES AT SACRAMENTO : of these fertilisers, we recommend May 15 to 30. Planting along the sea The dahlia is an American produr. 'application of blood meal during the coast can be made aa early as April Eighteen powerful locomotives spec­ tion and ordinarily grew wild in Mex­ blooming season. 1. ially designed to haul heavy passenger ico. The flowers of the wild dahlia Spacing depends upon the fertility trains over steep mountain grad-s are were small and single. It was named nt the soil, and as to w hither water being built in the Southern Pacific after a Swedish botanist gjsmed Dahl can he applied artificially or noL Company's own shops at Sacramento. There are seven main classes, all Where water can be applied, plant So it was made known today by 1. H quite distinct In form: Cactus, peony, about t h r e e feet apart and four feet Dyer, general manager of the Com­ decorative, show, pompon, single and between rows, or without water, four pany. ' collarette. The best cut flowers are feet apart and five or six feet between The engines will cost $1.467 720. found In the decorative and pompon rows Dyer also points out that from prelim), types. Making Selection nary plans to completion the loco­ Dahlias do best in a sunny location The best method of making a selec­ motives will be Southern Pacific prod­ and should be planted in well drained ucts a n i that at least «0 per cent of soil containing plenty of humus. Avoid tion Is to visit dahlia show gardens the cost will represent wages “The planting them close to large shruhs and see them In bloom You esn see ■ the habit of growth, freedom of bloom We sttxik a small tilting decision to build these engines In our or trees. snd length and strength o f stems. If Sacramento Shops." sa d Dyer. "Is as Work Soil Thoroughly drum concrete mixer that you cannot see the dahlias In bloom, important tc the Pacific Coast as the When ready for planting, work the is especially suited for then make your list from a responsible establishment of a new industry." soil thoroughly until it is loose and general use and small Jobs. catalogue. Here's something about these free from clods. It Is preferable to use Capacity—3 cubic feet. Can Oftentimes It Is well to leave the Pacific Coa -t Iron horses. Each or ground that has been cultivated the be operated with a I * 1-.- them will w = igh with f “rider, 610 000 previous season, but soddy soli can selection to the dahlia specialist for pounds Th“ Ccllis P. Huntington, be used, povided It Is worked early all reliable growers know that they horse power engine, (’all f'rst of »tu'hern Pacific locomotives, in the spring and the grass Is w -ll can best build their trad» by selling on ns for concrete wheel we'rhs 39.000 pos’nds. One of the first rotted before planting. The soil should varieties which give good satlsfact’on barrow s and cem ent work­ as this will mean repeat orders. It Is "big" eng’res bul’t on the Pacific be worked deep and care should be ers tools. Coast welched, with tender. 57.500 taken rot to prepare the ground too best to buy good varieties even If pounds. The erelre that drew the wet. In case of heavy clay aolls. It Is they do cost more, for In buying dah­ first transcon’lnental train from Sac­ well to mix sand with f h e portion lias, the original cost Is mlnlm;ted bv ramento to fg d en weighed 65.500 where the bulb Is to be planted. In the Increase In bulbs. Most varieties pounds The new engines will be of fact, place the bulb In pure sand and increase from three to five In a season 160 Ninth Ave. East The time to riant will depend upon the 4-g.; mountain tvne which means cover over Soil which will produce that each will have a 4-wh»el truck. 8 a good crop of potatoes Is satisfactory the locality. We are convince« that Eugene, Oregon many failure« are due to planting too driving wheels an! 2 trailers. There ror dahlias. will be two sets of wheels— three pair It Is best to spread fert'llxer over early. If the blooming season ,'s In each get----- under the tender so that the surface of the soli and spade It advanced the heaviest bloom will come Contracting and Building under engine and tender there will be in. If pure barnyard manure Is during hot weather «which, of course. CEO. W. PERKINS 26 wheels. available. It Is recommended, but bet Is not desirable owing to sun scald­ Corner 5th and D Streets ter results can be had by supplement­ ing. Then. too. the plants have a ten Springfield, Oregon ing this with potaah and superphos­ dency to ripen and by fall are nearly ’ Ians and Estimates Furnlshet De. S Ralrh Dinoel, Dentist, Vitus Free. Will Help You Finance building. Sprlnef'eid. Oregon. Your Building. PU nt GREET) POLICE PUPS .... Sired by Double C baim ion. son of an International Cham ­ pion. SV ongheart Strain, splen­ did condition. Get a pup now to train for! watch dog. catti« dog, or pet for the family. Prices exceed­ ingly reasonable considering stock. M. P FLETCHER, Box 288, Eugene. Outalde white, Furniture Hardware Lumber , Lath Shingles