I THURSDAY, APRIL, --------------- 30, 1D2C ------------------------------------- THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TIME AND PLACE OF LOCAL MEETINGS ■ y Special Community News Correependente Canary— Ftrat Sunday and Third Saturday, Farmers Union Hall Cloyepdale— Second UPPER WILLAMETTE • • • • • * • • • • Thar« will be a eperlel meet'ng of Ihn laxpayure o( the dlelrlrts of M en , « ■ I» , T r a i l l , I'baaanl lllll, ('<>««! Fork anil E nierprle. at ilia Union High ( i I u h i I building at I’leaaent lllll May 4 at 2 o'clock In th« afternoon. to Mill hurl»« the high achool board to lam e nagollubla Interest bearing war ranta to tha amount of $11000 to build an addition to til« preeent high achool building and to Improv« lb« ground«. Thia moating la of tnuch Importance and It la hoped all taxpayer« will be present Mr«. Harman Knudaon ha« b««n e m ­ ployed a« cook nt tha Thompson resort at Vida. Mr. Knudaon and dang Ills, Hilda are ataylng nt the ranch until achool la out and Mr. Knudaon haa dlapoaed of hla «lock. They traded their ranch several month« ago for lot« In Uurtland. The member« of the Christian Bo- daavor of I'leaaant lllll will give K three act play "Mother Mine" at the Woodman hall Haturday evening May 3 at H p m. and Fourth Fridays, i loverdale School House. Creswell— First and Third Tues­ • • • • a day«. Croswell. M. W. of A. Hall. ir«in»» lu s te r him th« mump«. I/uwr- Coast Fork—Second and Fourth •o«« lu s te r who ha« b*«ti working at Thursday«, Hebron Church House. Woatflr waa vaccinated laat week hla Danebo— First Tuesday, Danebo arm became ao «ore he «pent the latter School House. • part of the we«k at Thurston. Dorens—Second and Foutb Tues­ Mr«. Fred Kuaaell motored to Mon­ days, Horena Cburoh. mouth laat Friday and her daughter Hadleyvllle — First and Third Margaret returned with her and spent Thuradaya. Hadleyvllle School, the week-end at home, llecuta—First Sunday of each Mr«. Hi buffer fry u Eugene «pent month, lleceta School House. Haturday afternoon a guest of Mr«. Jasper—Second and Fourth Wed­ John Ed ml«Inn «he w » formerly a nesdays, W. O. W. Hall, Jasper. realdenl of Thuraton. l*orano—Second and Fourth Mr«. Kay (laugh «pent Friday night Wednesday«. I. O. O. F. Hall. with her staler Mr« Bud McPherson McKenzie local, aecond nnd and attended the Chrlatlan Endeavor fourth Wednesday. g p. m. I. O. O. convention at Springfield. F. hall, W allervllle. Mr, and Mrs. Herald McCrady from Mt. Vernon—First and Third Eugene brought their radio out and Wednesday. Brasffeld Store. «pent Wednesday evening with Mr Silk Cr.-ev Meets First and Third and Mra. Arch Hbough Thursday at Cedar School House Mr« Rose Baughman and son Har­ Spencer Creek—Third Friday, old from Eugene «pent Sunday with ' Pine drove School Houae. her brother John Edmlalon. Trent—Second and Fourth Wed- Me. and Mr«. Jam«« Calvert and ’ aoadayo. Pleasant Hilt High And« Calvert and aon Roy. from Junc­ ' School Bldg. tion City Mlaa Elvana Calvert from Vida—Second and Fourth Satur­ Portlund and Robert Davia from day« at Mlnney Hall. Shedd« vlalteil relative« and friend« Secretaries will plenae Bend In In Thurston Sunday afternoon tim e and place of meeting and Grace Jonea attended the Endeavor change« of date as they may oc- convention In Springfield last Satur­ ‘ cur. day. THURSTON NOTES Between the ftrat and aecond art the Bendahadlera of Eugene will put on a feature "Mualcal Hank." At a meeting of the member« of the Chrlatlon church at I’leaaant lllll L. E Parka and I) (I. Linton were elected elder«. The dale of th* I’leaaant lllll Mr and Mr«. Henry Hendakemp who picnic haa been art for Saturday June motored to California and then toured First Aid Inefficiency 30. The picnic thia year la In the several eastern atatea have returned It waa at the scene of an automobile hand* of the Sunday achool and vlalted their aunt Mlaa Heervma accident; An elderly old lady In one of Mr«. Wilcox of Itoaeburg haa been Monday. Mr. John Hendakemp went the first cars to be stopped by the de- vlaltlng her daughter Mr*. Marlon E. to California with them. He became brla of the amashup. leaned from her Hay« at Pteaaant Hilt III there hut he- waa able to return (’'■r as a very much battered up man, The Pteaaant Hill Christian En­ home with them with a hastily arranged bandage deavor won the right to the county Mr and Mr«. I^rula Rlzzl motored around hla ankle, hobled by. banner for the laat ten week« of the “Oh my." she said, "Did you hurt up from Portland Tuesday to spend coming year for having 100 per cent your ankle?" a few day« vlaltlng relative«. atendanre at th« county convention at “No lady," readied the man. “I lost Mr. nnd Mr« Hgrvey Hadley whs Hprlngfhld Sunday afternoon and hav­ both eye«. Thia bandage slipped have spent the iwlnter In Mexico ar­ ing all reporta In The young folk« of down.“ rived Tuesday to visit Mrs. Hadley'« the endeavor held a baaket dinner nt the achool ground* after church and mother, Mr» Taylor Needham Maybe He Knew went In a body to the convention In I Mr and Mr« J. It Endicott spent .Sunday at John Edmlalon. Dickie: “Look at Mubel. Her lipa the afternoon. are made to kiss." Allan Wheeler aon of Mr and Mra. Jones: "Yep— »he makes them over Sevan Fond Cars Sold H C Wheeler waa choaen prealdent of the county Chrlatlon Endeavor ao- t Seven cars were sold by the Ander- after each kiss." rlety at the convention held at Spring- 'aon Motor company thia w«ek. J. A. field laat week. And He M eant It The Pteaaant HUI choir and their s Neh»r of Springfield purchased a famlllea will hav« a baaket dinner on truck, while Herman Falk, the Potter "Is my wife forward?" asked the the lawn at the home of Mr and Mr* Manufacturing company and Cheater middle-aged man of the conductor who E 11. Tinker Sunday, May 3 In the Ijkwson, all of Eugene, bought touring entered the club car on the Penney attendance at the county convention at cars. F C. Medley and Orant Beason Limited. tlce. There will be no meeting thia i f Eugene and Steve Henderson of "She -wasn't to me, Sir," politely re­ 'lurcola purchased coupes. week. plied the conductor. PAGE FIVE This Week’s Crossword Puzzle Thia cross-word puzzle, which was arrange. by Ml«« Eva Foea Smith, should give «very gross-word puzzle fan an opportunity to say that he solved a puzzle In 20 minute«—the maxlmim length of time It should take for this one. The definitions, clear and concise, are accurate, ano none of the wprds are difficult. In addition to this, tha puzzle Is a small one. Now, let's see «That you can do erith It. We are warning you that you will not soon find another one ao easy. A color. Over (contraction). Front hair cut straight across, U n ee of Union. Crude Tartar. Did wrong. BMW. An Inclination of the head. An Australian bird. A preposition. A state on the Atlantic Coast. H O RIZO N TA L VERTICAL Any «mall succulent fruit. A n oclate of Art* (abbr.) A fruit conslatlng of a kernel en­ closed In a woody aht-11. A mug for beer. An adult person of the female •ex. abbr.) A point of the compass reversed. Worn out. Pos«eased. CcnUng together. Opposes. Couples. Public Conveyances (plural. Used In the Philllpines as war weapons. i ........... — .......... ..J An edible seed. To force away by violent twist* tag The original writer. Royal Marine* (abbr.) Group« enlisted In sports. A Near England State (abbr.) A corded material. A glrl'a name. A imager. To desire something anxiously. The loop in a lasso. To fasten. 1 A Biblical character. Featured vertebrate animals. Another form of arise. Answer (abbr.) The organ of hearing, irteamer (abbr.) No good (Slang). A kind of boat. An adult. of A native oriental drum. India. Small crystals of Ice falling la Irregular flakes. Clear. Buy Your Spring Suits on the Ten-Pay-Plan Scores of Men are doing it. It’s a jii stinct innovation in clothes sell- ing. A genuine service extended fc* reliable men and young men who find it more convenient to purchase and pay in small amounts weekly. Qash Prices guaranteed Jdoney saving N ot one penny is added to our regular fair prices. You pay the same w hether Cash, Regular charge or the new Ten*Day-P lan. Cash stores U N H F -D An Enormous Selection Society Brand Clothes to choose from. A special large shipment of the finest garments together with our own large stock. Features For Friday and Saturday Only \ 23C 23C Grape F ru it—Nice Juicy F ruits—8 for.......................... Hanimns—Fancy Fruit— 2 lbs........................................ Candy—High Grade Chocolates Paziked in 1 lb. Boxes— 3 ifc Boxes ........................ ......................... .......................... S Peas Very Good Grade—4 C a n s ................................. M atches Economy Brand Strike Anywhere I.00 48C G Bxs... 2 5 c Sandtones, Azure Blues, Piping Rock Flannels. Selection i t m erely a matter o f choice, j Buy and Pay This Way ISO SOCIETY BRAND AND FASHION PARK SUITS All Week Features Corn Meal White or Yellow 9 lb. Bag 49c Sea Shell Macaroni—2 lb............................ ................................................ 2 5 c Crystal Cocoanut Soap— Palmolive Product 6 B a r s ............................ 2 9 c Citrus W ashing Powder—2 pkgs. for...................................................... 5 5 c Skaggs Domestic Five Tie Broom............................................................ 7 9 c Calumet. linking Powder 1 lh....................................................................... 2 9 C Large Fancy P ru n e s—3 lbs.......................................................................... 2 9 c UNITED STORES PHONE 75 NO. 213 Springfield, Oregon 321 MAIN ST. 0 You pav $7.00 when purchased and $2.80 weekly 040 SOCIETY BRAND AND FASHION PARK SUITS You pav $8.00 when purchased and $3.20 weekly $45 SOCIETY BRAND AND FASHION PARK SUITS You pav $9.00 when purchased nnd $3.60 weekly $50 SOCIETY BRAND AND FASHION PARK SUH'S You pay $10.00 when purchased and $4.00 weekly $55 SOCIETY BRAND AND FASHION PARK SUITS You pay $11.00 when purchased nnd $4.40 weeklv $60 SOCIETY BRAND AND FASHION PARK SUITS You pay $12.00 when purchased and 54.80 weekly $30 MEN’S AND YOUNG MEN’S SUITS You pay $6 when purchased and $2.40 weekly Prices are the same whether all cash, regular charge or the Ten-Pay-Plan — We consider our Ten-Pay contract, when signed by responsible men, the same as cash. Green-Kilborn Co. men’s wear A NEW FIRM—W ITH NEW POLICIES 825 W illamette St. Eugene, Oregon