PAGE POUR __________ - - ■ 1 ' * - ■ " - - T in s RPRINOFlELD N W S - TIÏURSDAY. APRIL SO, 1925 ~ - ---------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- Lane County Farmers Union News ________________ _______________________________ .....----------------------------------------- O F F IC IA L GOPHER POISONING WORK TO START IN COUNTY Local Reporters Canary ___ ____ J. L Northup •..Central ............ Ray Bower Cloverdale Mrs. L. J. Oetchell I P U B L IC A T IO N LAN« C O U N T Y U N IT r»O. 14 ___________________- FARM REMINDERS > • • • « « CLOVERDALE LOCAL • ■ ____________ O F F IC E R S O F L A N E C O U N T V F A R M E R 'S U N IO N • • . ' DORENA LOCAL NO. 190 The greatest problem of the Ore­ At the regular meeting April 2«. It Cloverdale latest mot In regular se« Ralph L aird. Creswell, P re s id e n t gon iHiultryman Is that of increasing •Ion April 24 w'th a good crowd lu .was decided that on May 12. there W ill W h eeler, Trent, Vice Preel average production of his entire flock attendance. would ha held an open meeting every- Rapnrts were given of dent. says H. K. Cosby, poultry specialist the county m eeting tiv several n t the • Betty Kappauf, Cottage Grove, body Invited (MnARlchM and dough* for the college extension service. Many members who had attended. The • SMfTreac. nuts will tie told hut coffee will ba different methods are used in com­ local volt*! to give an entertainment • N. A. Horn, Cottage Grove, D o o r fren. • 4 puting average production The fair In the near future. The rerelfte of • Keeper II Is also expected to elect a dele est way. acordlng to Cosby. Is the so- which wilt lie me 1 towards the pur • H. C. Jackson, W a lte rv llle , Con gale In the stale convention. Please called "arithmetic mean" method chasing of a piano. Mr Gelchell told • ductor. he there Io do your share. whereby the total notuber of layers I» of an Interview he had with the county • O. L. Clem ent, Chaplain. Mr and Mrs Emit Kirk and child­ • • • • • • recorded the first of each month Hv agricultural agent In regard to the • ren visited Mr an t Mrs, McKIhhln of totaling the 12 mouths amt dividing poisoning of pockat gophers, Cottage Grove Sunday, by 12 the average laying flock for th e After the business meeting four seta NOTES FROM THE Hubert Moaby o f this place went to year It computed Dividing lh» total of (he picture slides from (he Uni COUNTY SECRETARY Roseburg T u e sd a y evening Io Be-’ number of eggs by the average lav vrrslty wore displayed and enjoyed by ' Ralph Hands' wrestling match Ing Hock gives the average number all. All member« at pointed to meet with y Mr Williams came near having a MT. VERNON LOCAL o f eggs per bird for the year. Itemember al onr next meeting 11 *h" Oregon Agricultural t'olir»» fon, serious accident Munday morning on ——— — E. Olson of Eugene la to epnak on ’*’***•"'• t° »frange for thè state con his way to Collage Grove Homelhlng The ladies' Auxiliary met Wednes The more surceesful hog breeders Amerlcanlam. Thls la to bei an o p e n . rentlon. ntirnded Mrs. O li Jones went wrong with the aleering gear • day April 22 for their regular all day of the W illamette valley are moving meeting from Polk county, Ed t'fford. with 'and the car headed for the river, and • sesion. Mrs. t'fford. from Linn county and would have went In only for ««n o CANARY LOCAL 189 (heir sows and spring litters from f ------------------------ • Most of the day was spent quilting Mrs Kappauf from Lane county The plank that was laying on the approach winter quarters to good d ean pasture. APPLE AND PEAR SCAB ■ At noon hot soup and coffee was reports A W. Oliver, asslstani animal MAY DO MUCH DAMACE college committee la composed ol ‘ f the new currln bridge: (he plank Our Sunday school at the hall has * • " * * ,o ,h * >“ “ *• » lso ‘° th*‘ husbandman at the agricultural col- » ________ • Prof Marls. Prof Hystnp and C It want through the windshield and out been closed until further notice, bv who wer* workin* on ‘«»e new hall. lege. They also take advantage of th* “Much damage Is eiu ected from an- Jackman, all of the extension service ig| (he hark of the car Just missing the Supt. E. E. Potter, on account o f ’ Laird called the fact that the cheapest gains made dur- p|„ ^ - ,b Bnd A sheet of Information for delegutes head of one of the children, toil helped , cab scarlet fever In the community. meeting to order at the usual hour an « Ing a pig's life are made while the pig Oregln as a result of recent cold rains *°<1 n,"mb,'r* »Hindi»« the ron v-n tlou . to check the car No one was serl- ‘ several important subjects were dis Is suckling, and the sow Is therefore which favor rapid spread of the scab h** h'’"n l,r''*w^'”, »” 1 will he prin'et «Usiy hurt, only Mrs. Williams waa The Siltcoos senool will celebrate its cussed and dispensed with. kept on a fuH. well balanced ration fungi.” savs H It Bars« plant path ln ,h l* l* p*t “"** lh " U nlf» f r a t r h - d up Mr and Mrs Nichole close with a beach picnic on Sunday Mr. and Mrs Laugherty and small while being moved. ^ologist o* the state experiment eta- N®** Further plans that mar de «»d baby and Mrs Williams and three May 10. The boats will leave Siltcoos daughter arrived from California on ------------ lion. "Special precaution must he »elop will be malle.1 local secrelsri*« ,• h"''r"- were In tha car dock at 8:30 a. m. Everybody come Saturday to visit with the later's sis­ and bring a basket of lunch. Honey Is regarded as a wholesome, taken In puilng on the calvx sprsv •h0'“ Ma’r ,h" «*•«• Convention The Inspector who has been lesllng ter. Mrs. R. P Laird and family Mik« Brown and Grover Holsapple delicious, and nutritious food It ,'n commercial orchards to In«nre th Committee - -ova 'o r T II was In Domna The Laugherys live in Oregon but have purchased a caterpillar tractor to should cease to be regarded as a dell solutelv com plete roverln* of the en I An Interesting ss well as In slru c- M on d ay. Most everyone had their had been ‘n California for some time. cacy and become a staple article of tire tallage as the voneg trn’t, wlih live meeting Is being arranged whi?n * Hs expet is Io be back use in logging white cedar on the s Jomes Shaub of Creswell Is spend­ beach. diet. It Is more readily asslm liaieu the sprsv as soon as the petals have WR he well worth ’he lim e of any { •bo#* Thursday again ing a few days at the home of his than sugar In rookery and on the in- dropped " Farmer Union member. t "<»rd was received here by Mr. and The members of Brother Sholleu- daughter, Mr*. Edward Reynolds. ble Attractive recipes for Its use l iquid Hme sulfur at the rale of i U A very fine spirit of hospllalln J H K'rk ,fc*‘ *h''lr berg's and Brother Holsapple'» fami­ lies that have scarlet fever are re­ may be obtained by writing to the gallons to ion niton» of wafer should well as m-operallno Is shown by »he K’, ”r* ••«Irtrom of Marcola had a bro- Oregon Agricultural college, or send be need sreeat na eenatttve-skinned ’ College Committee and nlelt« see krn ,n u ported doing well and out of danger. HADLEYVILLE LOCAL , Neighbor G. G. Erhart is making >, • • • • • • • e • e Ing to the United States department pears which should he snrnved with under way tar a better und ertlen d ln g. C1,,reB<* I-*0«1 who v'slled her sls- or agriculture tar farmer's bulletin some non-caustic sulfur • ’rsv or dust of th« opportunities offered by the , *l>‘ '*r* ®****(l " rig h t of t'ottsgo extensive repairs on the house on the — ______ Inr sulfur when the sir Is still. E xtension Service. Grove last week Is home again old home place preparatory to Its o c- l p ]ay - A „ , M„ ta k , - g t r f n „ No. 6S3. nt the churrh T h . a e r a r P ro g ra m ta r C r .g o a d r . C{(Unty u aakp<| |t> raport . .Mm Hl«rk»y ................................. enpanev by summer tennant., 'Crow. Fr)day n|»« but is Injurious to the chicks tf they Mrs. Morris of W altersville Is 'vpry gick. by telephone, and smudging begins. hospital where she underwent a major morKlna' »pending a few day» with S itter E. > Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hayes and chll eat It. , l ________ The men from Dorena and neighbor- E. Potter. She will be remembered as dren. Mrs. Henderson and daughter Mitas present In sufficient numbers °P<,rat',,n- tag vlrlnltlaa are at work on tha nrw Mrs. Eva Young Is slaying at the Cockerals should be removed from , ap the y|ta„ ty of the Mtss Smith who taught at Canary Opal visited , the Geo. Powell family road Io the Hears cemetery about four about 16 years ago. ^Sunday afternoon. the flock of chicks as soon as the sex , |y ,n< on , h„ rooata PrpTl<,r. John T ailor home at l*athani for a m ile, aasi of Collage Grove Home th, y mt In Eugene Thursday evening ____ ____ about __ _ 2111 00 ... money, In work hav»» last Sunday. time ago. efficiently house the entire flock and lt ( „ ttay be eaally c„ n, rol,ed. a c , wher’ Mr- «»belbrek went to attend doMte<1 #n(J #|w ||t Brother Bester is getting excellent Mrs. Geo. Powell went to Eugene a . a result the vigor of the flock 1» cordln|{ to the O. A. C. experiment »«•»•«««* « « « n g of the laine County ’ mon(>y money. results with his strain of White Leg- Monday to be with her slster lu law often sacrificed If the young male g, n„ on by „.m tln g the ro»t» and «11 ctaOparnllv. warehouse Co. A big birthday dinner was given nt horns; their laying record is hleti and'w ho Is to be operated on. birds are not moved to other quar- w1th ahBep (ltp rBrbollna(im. "v a a .0 Norman Ream »pent Sunday with the home of Mr. and Mrs. Isons Land their product commands a premium Mrs Nancy Sutherland ie vlslttnk ter«. They can either be sold at Ulla crud8 o,t Oronlte. a grade of oil bv hla parents at W altervllle. , iBunday tn honor of Mr. Land’s birth- h n the market. 'relatives at Lorane. time or fatened before disposing of tweBn kerosene and gasollnp, may i Mrs. W. A Oarroutte of Cottsge . Fiet- • cher. Persons interested In having ¡» these demonstrations In their commit-! • Blties should communicate with th e ,* county agent. Clover and strychnine • bait will be used. A. W. Moore, of the federal biologi cal survey. Is spending some time In 1 Lane county and will conduct the demonstrations. He has mixed more poison for the gray diggers making a total of 4404 pounds prepared f o r ! this p e st The squirrel era d ia tio n work is ' going forward throughout the county Mr. Fletcher states with good results. Coast Fork M r*. Gao. Kehalbeck .... Mrs. M A. Horn C resvell .. Mrs. Ada Jennings Horen a Heceta ....... __ Mrs. B. Baker ... Mrs. M. Gillespie Hadleyvillel .... Mrs. Grace Jones Jasper Lorane Mrs, C M Foster MeKentle Mrs Lawrence Millcaln Mt. Vernon Mrs V. A. Reynolds Silk Creek Buluh Smith Trent .................... E. B. Tinker Vida _____ Mrs W. E. Post GILL BROS. Special DAHLIA R. W. SMITH T here Are Many Such Bill S h iftless:—"I never pay any at­ tention to knockers ” Keen Friend:—"I know that'a true Bill—Not even oportunlty." Justice of the peace and notary public. Insurance City Hall Springfield, Oregon Subscribe For the Farmers Union News New members and other Fanners Union Members who are not subscribers to the Farm Union News are requested to cut this blank and mail it to the Springfield News, Springfield, Oregon. THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Date......................................... Name ............................................................................................ P. O. A ddress................ .......... s....................................... .......... Union Local .................................................................................... * .............. Member F. E. C. U. ot .192 A. For service« rendered by the Farmers Union and 2....................... . th>’ receipt entitle» th e holder to subscription to the Springfield News ,nurrpom U d Bargain Offers 571 DEPARTMENT STORES Appealing Silk Frocks ■ e ilt Fashion’s Smartest Dresses! These Dresses ap­ peal to your sense of beauty, to your sense of style, and to your sense of value! You know that they are the result of our tremen­ dous buying power for our hundreds of Stores. For Spring and Summer Wear 'Farmers Union Subscription) From ----- These frock» will be appropriate for Spring »«ear and for all the glor­ ious Summer day» which are now so near. In a variety of pretty colors— and at this m ost welcome price I $14 .75 l*»’ Flli»r»4 T h re e Special Cut-Flower Dnhllav $1.28 Send for Í925 calntrig detcrihing vegelnhle sperili. flower seeds, dahlias, gladioli and fertilisers. T o convin ce you o f lh « e o p « r lo r lly o f our linhllna w - h a v * . . I c r t c S (hrc< of ihc choicest k l n l . fro m m r . « . w iin i.n l of o m r y n r le ilu . fo r h s p e c ia l s s r a s lii t f f u r as fo llo w s . r - I T T OK I ’O I t T I . A M I ’ A S la n t g o ld e n y e llo w eonv I In h 11 ti on e re c t slern. r . s u l n r v a lu e , 1 1 0 0 il C r i l . I . A O i l . I , A soft r o 1'« p in k . dccf,rn- llv c U s lilln m i lo n g e re c t s tem s r . s t i l s i vsl .so J A M Iv H K 011.1, A s la .it peony H a lillu w ith ■ » » itu n til «hades n f s u r ts t s m l « o ld . r » | . v al <10 X On« bulb each to ta l value ( l a is l o g p r ic e « ). . . . »2 ,'u All Three Eent I’oitpniil tar 21.25 HllltNIIItNHINIINHNIlin Eight Named Dahlias $1.00 H e r « Is an oth er special c o lle c tio n o f f e r : W e w ill send s ig h t n a m ed In h ll u s w llli it g u a r a n te e d c a t a ­ log v a lu e o f 12.10 or m ore, an d Is li e l 'd w ith t h e ir c o r re c t n a m e s -o u r o w n s ele c tio n p io ip u ld f o r (1 GILL BRO S. SEED CO. ‘ M ontsvills Station. Portland, Oregon I s n c lo te c heck | ). d r a f l I ) or m oney o rd e r ( ) for I fo r w h lc b »«od m a th « c o lle c tlo n e ss In d ic a te li abo v s . I Ma I A ddress nppt g 2