THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY. APRIL 23. 1925 TOWN AND VICINITY In From W sltervlll«— T W. C o rn ar, Down From MoKenxte— A. A. Camp- won lu town from W altervllle Halur- ball of Ilia »< Kensle river valley was In town Friday. dsy- a Spends Week-end Hara — Mlaa From W altervllle— Mary Kay, < real- danl of W allnrvllle »hopped In Hprtug- Lily H ili«wo of Noli spent the week- end bare with bar «later, Mra. Fred flalil Friday. ■Fraao. In Town Friday— I'realon Cobb and Haa Major Operation— Mlaa Maude family wara In town vlaltlng from Watlaae of Jaapar underwent a major Waal Hpringfldd Friday. operation at the Marcy hoapltul Hatur- Qooa to North Dakota—<’ T Kup day morning. bufala« laft bara for ll'am ark, North Goes to Oakland— J 8 McKay went f lakot« Tuoaday morning i to Oakland Frlduy where he visited Baby Boy Born— A baby boy was hla «later, who haa been 111. lie re­ born to Mr and Mr«. I) J. Donahue turned to Mprlngfleid Bunday, of V id . Halurday morning. R. , urn. H(>m< From Mrw Hava Baby Girl— Tom - Allen, . who haa been vbiltlng at vveaw w — -« .7 w . . . Mr. . . a. . and ..... e Franc«« . — ....................... It Hear« of Fall Creek arc the parent, the A. II. kneed home for several of a baby girl born Hunday. >.111 W ith Inftuansa—41. W. Mummer of the I ’lunvmer Tailor shop la III with Influent« days, returned to her home In Cottage Grove Friday. W ill Operate Service Station— Churl«« Foster ha. taken over an .merest In the service atatlon at the Baby Boy Dorn— An eight pound boy Hans, n auto park In «eat Hprlng was born last Thursday evening to d |fWk p„ MM