S P R I N G F I E L D — THE W E S T E R N O R V O T K O T O IN T E R E S T > OF S P R IN G F IE L D ANO THE T W ENTY-BEl’(IN I) Y EAH M AYO R R E T U R N S FROM BA ND C O N C E R T T O T R IP T O C A L IF O R N IA BE R EA D Y FOR S U M M E R I'lnna for cleaning up the lot at the corner of Becoad and Main «treat« to he u«ed «« a band concert park thl» »umiliar were di«cu»«ed at thè meet­ ing of thè Springfield Chamher of Com- ‘ marce fYlday evening The ehnm-f The phase» of production as well as mar­ FR O M H A R R IS B U R G 6 T O 3 enabling millions throughout the coun- outside of the building will be stuc­ keting. ~~ j try to be In the audience. In the coed ss soob as the aditlon la built, I*aul Kelty, editor and publisher In a fast, well-played game. Spring- Hippodrome itself was one of the .Work on the building started this of ihe Eugene Guard was the «peaker field won 6-3 from the Harrisburg nine «»oat distinguished gathering« ever as- w eek, and the new floor beam» and at the luncheon last Friday. He dis- 0,1 ««*® 6th str ic t diamond Sunday. ■ sembled to honor an American war ■Ills are now being Installed ' • cussed ihe type of new» most news- I fk « gume was to have been played In kero. Admittance will be by Invitation estliusted that It will tak « in -mil or ||fca pr|nt „» well as nows- Harrisburg but the bad coudltlon of only and acceptances were received - no to complete the work paper policies. I their field made |t Inadvisable. ! from gbovernors. cabinet members dip- Entirely new equipment of the most Five errors were made by the Har- loroat« and outstanding figures in the ) mixiern «on will be in .tslled in U»e CLEANUP OF CITY PARKS : rlsburg team, to three by Springfield, i nation's business, professional and building, according to Mr. Gllfrey. P L A N N E D B Y C IV IC C l IIR * ft,l,llng o f both teams was good, military life He will continue to operate the shop __ although Sprlngflell hod an advantage One of the most striking of a series In Eugene also. Plans for Improving the northwest !" b"t,ery Holman, pitcher f o r ' °f tableaux to be presented by «tars corner of 2nd and Main streets mak l!arrl',bur< walked three men. and Me who*> LIVI NEWSPAPER IN A LIVI TOWN were taken up at tne Civic club m eet .¡V”1- «PHngfleld's pitcher. « ' "»«■ orphans and disabled veterans »liowctl Harritburg to get but two More than 100 artists from all branch*« Members of the Frtscllla club with |n< TuvmUy their husbands were sulertslned Hstur- A , o c l art exh'blt will be sponaored “ L V * 0 * * ”’ ° ne 8 p r ln «- Sl“ ge p a rt‘C‘P a le d ln Ub- excelled the day evining evening at ,„e the nomoor houiu of Mrs. Mrs J. J <’ (' by , he of the ,-h.b In connection field « h batting ? ™ ,n ” visitors too. leaux ™ o „ . „ IMrker on bth and C s tre e ts , w ith M rs. w „ h , ha < x h lb „ b„ ,y„n h ,h n ln e h " '* h4'"1« ««>■pcra, e(, bv , h<. lad|eiI earh ! Springfield's lineup was: Merle Cas- 'of Waahlugtln, D. C., which was sup- teel. first base; Gerald Snyder, second Vorted by four other army and navy und refreshment« were »ervt-I late In aftarno«» of the exhibit. , the evening Attending Ihe parly were ,, waa To, e(1 , hg ,By(UUon ' base; “Deke" Mulligan, short-stop; O r-: band«. M r . and Mrs John Toms«th. Mr. and of , he Klir, nlah„ , flu'b of 5 ° " ' ^ " " r'’ ba’ " : ° * n<‘ ' War4lroe aon*a were revlved b* M rs . P au l t u . f o r , i M r and M rs. L K ,n,.,„ wt,b , h ‘ n „ .-th e F n rew Ch»m • r T . ‘ H““ ** **U ,w r S J“ hn or’* ' rtras fro® thr#* York the tla-for-l Mr a n d M r « W i l l i a m iw m . i t K K Cham .Cog. r| th# r 1 to „ , he Rla|to , n(j a .m Mr nd M ra I n eT u < ™ room. May 7. when Geld; McMullen left field, Elmer San- Criterion, playing ensemble, und M r» A S w a rt« M r / o f M r » Barnea' »rofesaor of history at ky. Doug Ollllaple and Tom »harman At a banquet proceeding the Hip- ‘ ’ * ’1 the I nlreralty of Oregon will a pen It <»n tubatltates. podrome exerclces. General Perahing, i 7 m f /'u »n< Helnllon» between the Vnlted State« I A W and If. Holman made up Har- J*m ei A. Drain, Comamnder of the ..i.» mi, _. an . rs. ru rt Nnd Great Britain." ' rlsburg'« battery. Carson and Hard- Ani«rlcan Legion told of the relief Henderson Special g u est, for t h . S e c tio n of a delegate to attend the e .ty were umpires I M rs. H e r b e r t . , alB c„ n» e n t,on 0 , w o m (.n , clnb, S T U D E N T S T O P IC N IC Cox. Mr snd Mrs Klvln May. Ml»» Marshfield June J. 3 and 4 will be held GLENWOOD ELECTS NEW A F T E R B A SEB A LL C A M E Eunice Parker. Mr. Kutherford. and , he next meeting. May 12. DIRECTOR FOR SCHOOL Mr M alter Gossler. ■ initiation stunts by new members -------- - [ A student body picnic will be en- Miss Parker and Mr. Gossler en- Of the club amused the party, and re- w . E. Sumner was elected school Joyed by students at the high school tcrtalned Ihe company with ««veral freahments were aerved by the presl- director for the Glenwood district Friday afternoon at Cottage Grove. songs during the evening Mrs. T o m - d e n t. M rs . Paul Brattatn. . Monday evening, taking the place of A «ruck will be provided for those aeth was high point winner among the i _______________ O. F. Bevere. who resigned his place w'k° have no other means of trans- „ In n e r . Mr» Ijirlmer getting Ihe CARS SMASH ON SECOND recently. porta t Ion. consolation prise. Of the men. Mr A special election to vote in bonds The baseball game with Cottage STREET AFTER NIGHT Bnodgrass made the highest score, and for the new school house will be held Oro’ a wl11 «ake UP Part ot «*«* after- Mr. »learner was low point man. A sedan driven by Ml»s Pauline Mc-J«s soon as the notices have been no<>n'- and a klg feed will be served, The next meeting of the club will be «t the C. A. Hwsrt. home on May 8 1 rher’ on waa «’*«"««"’ Thursday eve- j po«ted a suitable length of time. Since The >*rt> « p e e ls to start home about nlng when It collided with the car of the addition of Klnkald park to Eu 7:S0' Ira Simon of Eugene on south 2nd geno. It Is estimated that the district 8er*ral eTeI1«a bare b«en added to G. A. R. Ladles to H a v s R eception street. Mr*. H. D. McPherson, Mrs cannot be bonded for more thaI1 l «ke »octal program of the high school A reception of the lutdlea of the O. The Oo-Oetter staff will be host to Alvin McPherson and Mrs. Harry »H.000. A. R. will be held Friday afternoon at An informal report of the com m ittee'.'he h “ h "ch° ° ’ fOr ““ ° M fa* h,oned Eaton were with Miss McPherson, the home of the president. Mrs. C. F and Mrs. H. D. McPherson was slightly to work on the school plans was made b*t,let “ lh* hlKh ’ Ch° ° ’ *ym‘ > K gtlm snn in honor of several past de­ It was reported that if the echoob ™ P? y ' "* bruised In the crash. partment officers from Portland. Dal- Miss McPherson w as driving south ,house were built on the preeent school C“8° ° f Su8penalon wlU be pr^ las and galem . sented by the Junior class at the A general Invitation la extended to on 2nd street when she was stopped , grounds, adjoining land might be pur­ high school auditorium this afternoon by the traffic officer, who Instructed chased to make the school grounds nil members of the Eugene order. her to return to town and have the large enough. Another location was for the students and townspeople. Those wishing to attend are asked to tall light on her car repaired. As she suggested, which Is on the northeast ■ The play Is of college life, the cast notify the president. .. .Including Shirley Hemenway. Viola turned around, after having driven conte corner of the Davidson property, a j M oon p > a n k L o ra . • ,w- . ------------------------------ Into a side street. Miss McPherson short distance Celebrates Birthday east, and north of bard Edgar Louk, DeBtta » u ry ee, backed directly In front of the Simon Springfield Junction Celebrating the fig«h birthday of „ . ... . Gertrude Mustoe, Wilbur Peters, ,, 1 car. Mr. 8lmnn declares he did not Robert SM ewill, a family reunion din- .. . „ Charles Thompson and Orace Mann- see the car because there was no tall CAR SMASHED ner waa given at his home Sunday. Ingly. light on It. Both cars were damaged The fender of a Star car owned by Two son». William and Frank Side- considerably. G. J. Dougherty of Marcóla was well of Coburg, with their wives, and Exhibit May 6, 7 and 8 . Mr. Simon lives at 1724 Moss street sm ashed, and the door bent when three daughters Mr«. P. Q. Oreen of Plans are now complete for the art In Eugene. . the car was hit by a Bulck owned by exhibit to me held ln the Woodman Coburg, Mrs. William Lockhart of gli- the White Equipment company of hall May 8. 7 and 8, sponsored by the vorton, Mr». Frank Healy of Mabel, Many Pay Law Penalties Portland' Friday afternoon at 6th and high school. The exhibit will be open with Mr. Oreen and Mr. Lockhart, and A. C. WHlson. proprietor o f the Drop A. a niece, Mr». Harry Harhert and Mr. Inn was fined »20 for selling cigar­ each afternoon of the three days be­ The accident occurred when the tween the hours of 8:30 and 6:00, Ilarbert of Springfield attended the ettes to minors. Many other fines Star was turning around to return dinner. were collcted at ,the city hell this west on A, nnd the Bulck, going north and on the evening of May 7 and 8 be tween 7:30 and 9:30. week. Lewis Morgan», W alter Murry, on 6th struck It. Proceeds from the show will be Many at Convention Lewis Rodman, Warren Digging, John used to buy picture« for the school. Over 80 registered delegates nnd Doe. A. W. Curry, Ted Ashley. Mr. Investment Company Formed 200 visitors, representing 12 Baptist Heckert, R. B. A rn ett William Har- The Pioneer Investm ent company Little Girl’s Funeral Held churches In this district attended the pole, Julius Fulop, W. E. Nealon nnd Funeral services for Edith Spicer, Cmpqua association meeting at the Allen Lana each pnld »2 for parking with a capital stock of »20.000 has filed articles of Incorporation with yenr o, d daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Baptist church here April 23. 23 and on the city street nt night without the secretary of state. The Incorpora-1 Sp| cer of Marcóla were held Sunday 24. Those attending the meeting pro­ lights. Kugene Stowell, David R. tors are E. F. McBee. L. K. Page. Paul ! af ,Prnoon at 2:00 from the Marcola nounced It one of the largest attended, Vaughn and R. H. Morland paid sim i­ Hadley, S. M. McPherson and William church. and moat Interesting meetings the a s­ lar sums for cutting corners, while H. O. Hughes of Springfield. Head The baby d'-ed at the home of her sociation has held. M. Bushnell and C. M. Rulter paid »2 quarter« will be In this city. parents Saturday. Funeral arrange­ Rev. Joshua Khanils a Baptist m is­ nnd »5 for »pepdlng ments were In charge ot the W. F. sionary of Syria will tell of »onto of Moves to Mode Shop Walker chapel. Twin Bablee Born— Twin babies, a his experience» In that country fol­ Mrs. C. W. Plummer, who has oper­ lowing the World War. He is In hoy and a girl, were horn to Mr. and ated a cleaning and pressing establish­ s Return to Portland—Mrs. Maud Me- this country with his two nephews Mrs. Luther StPlnhaner Tuesday morn­ ment on south Bth street for some Cumber and Mrs. Roy Wilson returned who are being educated here. The ing. The hoy weighed 7 pounds, and '¡time will move Into the Mode Mlllln- Wednesday to Portland after visiting fathers of these boys were killed by^the girl fl pounds hTey are reported ■pry shop Friday, where she will aid their sister, Mrs. Alice Ellison, of this the Turks. - to bo In excellent health with the dressmaking nnd tailoring. city tor a few days. I NUMBER 15 “ 6E Hill« Economy Store, Beauty Parlor Auto Cleaning Shop and Real Estate Transferred to New Owners in City. O. H. Turner, formerly of Medford, 1 has purchased the JHIlla Economy store on Main street between I 4th 8treete The store Is under new management, and known hereafter as Turner's i store. JA^- A DRAIN. 3rd and already w ill be store, Mr. Turner was until September operating a store of similar nature ln Coos county. He plans to add new sh elves and counters to fcis store equipment, and odd to his stock a full j line of millinery and art goods. Mr. Hill operates the Hill's stores in i Eugene and Corvallis. M. L. REWEY BUYS OUT A U T O B E A U T Y PA R LO R The Auto Beauty Parlor formerly owned by Ernest Black and M. P. Shearer has been purchased by M. L. Rewey, owner e f the Springfield Bat­ tery and Electrical company. , Mr. R ew ey took possession of the shop Tuesday. He came here only yecently from Clatsakanie. names ehlne along Broadway. PRISCILLA CLUB GIVES Ing It Into a city park where band 7 “'J*“ *’ wh° re,,tv «*1 hl™ In the fifth wa" ■ p'cturlxatlon of the American *w” ° " tb* other L“»'«" Endowment Fund for the ret'ef PARTY FOR HUSBANDS concerts *.n ba given ,hl« .„rom er11"*” * - M r. snd "Th« Paople'i, Paperi* L m°r S R PERSHING ppp S, k , c ™ PE“ K IO GENERAL Wrlten Specially for The New« By Robert Fuller NEW YORK, April 30.—A bronze for Market for John Gilfrev of " “ c*"’r ,rlp Th*y w' nt d,,wn lbr b‘ r d,c'd*d * *" up,,n labl“ b*»rlt1« »1« portrait m ba. r e lie f , _ y Inloml i ->ute to l.o» Angel«-« and came her« Io turn out tom e evening and ... , A . „ , , , , 1 was presented to General John J . 1 Eugene Independent Market back by the coo«t ■ put the place In «hape. u The climate wa* fine and It ha« ■ The attention of the chamber w a « 1 ’’fr,h ln * “• the Keith-Albee Hippo-I he rem,alel.n, of .he Welnh.rd , ,„ y f(jr , , ..... con<)|l,ori corM r. i <,W“ B h‘ ™ “ >« <* Ap'» »U> building for a meat market to bo oper­ or« according to Mr Bushman. He which had formerly been used «« a city a« a testimonial of the esteem In which • ated by John (Jllfrey'. owner of the «ay« that moat of the n the properly was* ________________ l„ , , h„ nnnrk will be called to the attention of especially for the American Legion. th e c o u n c il. T h e roadway I» In poor I ' T 0" ” Bar’t' F* of war don cd. O. S. F h -lc h c r, L a n e co un ty a g rlc u l A n a d lt'o n 34 by 70 f.-et w ill be ' ” ” * 7 ^ , 7 , ’ — “J » h a p . now but could be m ade w ith a during the World war, made the pre­ ad *« «l to Ihe back of the building, ex- *"* »«• «• . w >• i «pia